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June 10, 2024

All About Child Education Investment Plans in 2024

What are child education investment plans?

What is the best investment plan for your child’s education? When should you start investing for your children? Let’s explore all the facts in this blog. 

A child education investment plan is a plan to systematically invest for your child’s higher education. The costs of education are skyrocketing. A recent twitter post by a father in Delhi showed how the playschool fees for his son’s one year of schooling was nearly ₹4,30,000!  
Inflation in the education sector is nearly 10-11%. More than the average retail inflation in our country. From school to college fees to living expenses related to education are increasing faster than our average salaries. Thus, the need for a child education investment plan that can help parents tackle this cost is tremendous. A child education investment plan includes a series of investments that you can consider in order to save for your child’s education. 
These investment options and plans can help you easily save for your child’s college and school fees. Without compromising your current savings or limiting your expenses, you can start investing in these plans with a minimal cost and eventually increase your investments as your child grows and your salary maximizes. Let’s look at some child education investment plans and the various investments within its gambit. 

Best Investment Plan for Child Education in India in 2024 

What is the best investment plan for child education? What asset should you choose for your child’s higher education savings? Which asset can help you keep up with the growing education costs in India? The answer is simple and highly convenient – it is Mutual Funds.  

Mutual Fund is the best investment asset for saving for higher education. Mutual funds have historically given returns of 10-12% over a long horizon. Successfully keeping pace with education inflation rate which is at 10%. Mutual funds are affordable, you can start investing with just ₹100 monthly and increase your investments systematically.  

The greatest benefit of Mutual funds is that they are managed by professional fund managers. At minimal cost, you have experts watching your portfolio and making the necessary adjustments to ensure your money grows at the intended pace. Mutual funds’ transparency over costs and its investment strategies is another major benefit. Here are some mutual funds that you can consider you are planning to invest for child education and their college needs. 

Sr. No. Scheme Name Category Sub-Category Inception Date AUM Expense Ratio 1Y Return 3Y Return 5Y Return 
1. Nippon India Small Cap Fund Equity Small Cap 1/1/2013 43,816 0.67% 59.3% 42.60% 31.57% 
2. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund Equity Mid Cap 1/1/2013 56,033 0.80% 53.99% 33.89% 25.41% 
3. SBI Contra Fund Equity Contra 1/1/2013 21,482 0.69% 45.69% 33.46% 26.70% 
4. HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund Hybrid Dynamic Asset Allocation 1/1/2013 73,349 0.80% 38.43% 27.55% 19.72% 
5. DSP Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index Fund Equity Index (Large) 10/27/2017 1,004 0.40% 33.31% 23.64% 18.89% 

Note: All are Direct plan and growth option; AUM and Expense ratios are as on December 31, 2023; 3Y/5Y returns are annualized and as on January 30, 2024.   Source: Value Research 

Note: Mutual fund investments are subject to market risk, please read all scheme related documents before investing. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This is not an investment recommendation. 

Fund Details 

Fund Details

  1. Nippon India Small Cap Fund: 
  • This fund is being managed by Mr. Samir Rachh (Since January 2017) and Mr. Tejas Sheth (Since February 2023) who is an assistant fund manager. 
  • The fund has provided 27.07% of return since inception and it has outperformed the category over the last 1/3/5/7/10 years. 
  • It has delivered the highest returns in the category over the last 7 and 10 years and has been in the top 3 over the 3 and 5-year period. 
  • The fund has delivered the best risk-adjusted returns over the last three years, depicted by the highest Sharpe ratio.  
  1. HDFC Mid Cap Opportunities Fund: 
  • This fund is being managed by Mr. Chirag Setalvad who has been the head of equities since June 25, 2007, and Mr. Dhruv Muchhal who is an Equity Analyst and Fund manager for Overseas investment. 
  • HDFC Mid Cap Opportunities Fund is the largest fund in the mid-cap space with an AUM of Rs. 56,033 crores and is the only fund in the category to have an AUM of more than Rs. 50,000 crores. 
  •  The fund has provided a 21.76% return since inception and has outperformed its category and the mid-cap index in all the time horizons of 1/3/5/7/10 years. 
  • The fund has delivered better returns per unit of risk depicted by the lower standard deviation and the beta compared with the category average.  
  1. SBI Contra Fund: 
  • The fund has been in existence for approximately 25 years and has been managed by Mr. Dinesh Balachandran since May 2018 who has 17 years of rich experience in this field. 
  • This fund has provided a whooping return of 19.59% since its inception date and has outperformed its benchmark S&P BSE 500 TRI in all the time horizon.  
  • The fund follows a contrarian strategy while investing in equity and provides exposure to companies of all sizes.  
  • The fund has delivered the best risk-adjusted returns in the category, as depicted by the highest Mean Return, Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio and Alpha.  
  1. HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund: 
  • HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund is one of the oldest funds in India and is the largest fund in the balanced advantage category, with an AUM of Rs. 73,349 crores. 
  • The fund has been the top performer in the category for over 1/3/5 years and has delivered an impressive return of 16.04% since inception.  
  • Although the fund has been volatile more than the category, it has delivered a significantly higher alpha of 10.34% compared to the category average of 1.35% over three years.    
  • This fund has been managed by Mr. Srinivasan Ramamurthy, Mr. Gopal Agarwal, Mr. Anil Bamboli, Mr. Arun Agarwal, and Mr. Nirman Morakhia. 
  1. DSP Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index Fund: 
  • This fund is being managed by Mr. Anil Ghelani (since July 2019) and Mr. Dipesh Shah (since November 2020). 
  • This fund tracks the Nifty 50 Equal Weight TRI, allowing us to have exposure to large-cap equities where the probability for alpha generation is very low.  
  • Compared with Nifty 50 TRI, Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index TRI has delivered better returns with lower volatility over a long-term period from June 2000 to April 2023.  
  • The fund delivered an alpha of 3.75% whereas the other funds in the category struggled to outperform the benchmark over the last three years.  

Important Note: These mutual funds are not our recommendations. Please consult your financial advisor before investing money in mutual funds. 

Benefits of Child Education Investment Plan 

The cost of education is rising rapidly, making it crucial to plan and invest early for your child’s future. Tuition and fees increased more than 2,200% from 1970 to 2020. Meanwhile, inflation was around 600%. Here are 7 benefits of child education investment plan: 

  • Beat Inflation: Education costs are outpacing inflation. By starting early, you allow your investments to grow and counter the rising costs of universities, colleges, or specialized programs. 
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you have a dedicated fund for your child’s education reduces financial stress and allows you to focus on other aspects of their upbringing. 
  • Power of Compounding: Starting early allows you to leverage the power of compound interest. Even small regular investments can grow significantly over time, thanks to interest earned on interest. 
  • Flexibility: Many child education plans offer flexible payout options. The corpus can be used for various education-related expenses, including tuition fees, accommodation, or study materials. 
  • Discipline & Habit Building: Regular contributions inculcate financial discipline in you and teach your child the value of saving for long-term goals. 
  • Freedom of Choice: A well-funded education plan empowers your child to pursue their desired educational path without limitations due to financial constraints. This could mean attending a dream university, pursuing a specific program abroad, or taking on internships without financial worries. 
  • Secures Your Child’s Future: Investing in your child’s education is an investment in their future. A good education opens doors to better career opportunities, financial stability, and a brighter future. 

Best Investment Options for Child Education  

Best Investment Options for Child Education  

Let’s look at some of the best investment options for child education available to parents in 2024. 

  1. Education Savings Plan  

Education savings plans are investment plans that allow you to save for your child’s education costs. Some plans are incentivized and may offer tax benefits such as Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana in India offers tax exemptions under section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961. Some are extremely affordable with minimal investments starting at ₹100 or 1000. Let’s cover some education savings plan that you can utilize. 
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana 
It is a unique child investment plan for parents of a girl child. This is offered by the Indian government to encourage parents to save and invest in their daughters early on. The main objective of the SSY program is to encourage parents to make substantial financial commitments to a strategy for their daughters’ future education and marriage.  

Parents who have girls under the age of ten can invest in the SSY program. The SSY program investment is locked in for 21 years post-account opening. Investments made in SSY accounts are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961. Each year, a minimum investment of ₹250 must be made, and a maximum investment of ₹1,50,000 may be made. SSY accounts can be opened and utilized at any location of an accredited bank or the India Post Office.  

529 Plans 

529 plans are a powerful tool for US residents to save for a child’s future education.  529 plans are tax-advantaged investment accounts. They are designed specifically to encourage saving for education expenses.   

The beauty of 529 Plans is that contributions to a 529 plan grow tax-free federally.  This means all earnings on your investments compound without being reduced by taxes, maximizing your potential returns. Similarly, withdrawals from a 529 plan are completely tax-free at the federal level if the earnings are used for qualified education expenses.  Some states also offer additional state tax benefits.  

Contributions to a 529 plan can be made by anyone, not just the account owner. This allows grandparents, relatives, or friends to contribute towards a child’s education. This plan is not available for Indian citizens and only open for American citizens.  

Coverdell ESAs 

Coverdell ESAs are another tax-advantaged investment account option in the US for saving towards a child’s education. The contributions are not tax-deductible federally, but earnings within the account grow tax-free if used for qualified education expenses. The annual contribution limit for a Coverdell ESA is capped at $2,000 per beneficiary per year. 

Coverdell ESA funds can be used for a wider range of qualified K-12 expenses like tuition, fees, tutoring, and even some educational materials. You can open a single Coverdell ESA for multiple beneficiaries if they meet the eligibility criteria.  

This investment option is not for Indian citizens.  
Tax benefits and withdrawal rules  
Tax benefits as well as withdrawal rules depend on the type of education savings plans you have chosen.  

  • Some plans offer tax deductions for contributions, reducing your taxable income.  
  • Investment earnings within the plan typically grow tax-free. 
  • In the case of 529 Plans and Coverdell ESA, withdrawals used for education expenses are usually tax-free. Under Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Scheme, the girl child can make an early withdrawal of up to 50% of the balance in the account at the age of 18 years before the maximum maturity tenure of 21 years. However, this amount can only be withdrawn for her higher studies or marriage.  

Important Note: It’s crucial to research the specific plan you’re considering understanding its contribution limits, investment options, tax implications, and withdrawal rules. 

  1. Mutual Funds 

As mentioned earlier, mutual funds are a game-changer. They are the best investment asset in India to save for your child’s education needs. The ease of investing in mutual funds, transparency, affordability as well as the tax benefits may them an amazing investment tool for your long-term goals such as your child’s college savings.  

When saving for your child’s education through mutual funds, you need to consider the investment horizon (timeframe until the funds are needed) and your risk tolerance. Here’s a breakdown of suitable mutual funds and how they differ: 

Types of Mutual Funds for Education Savings: 

  • Equity Mutual Funds: Invest primarily in company stocks. They offer the potential for higher long-term returns but come with higher risk due to market fluctuations. Suitable for: Long-term investment horizons (10+ years). Investors who are comfortable with market volatility. Within Equity Mutual Funds, you have a special fund category called ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Scheme). They tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and have a lock-in period of 3 years. 
  • Debt Mutual Funds: Invest in fixed-income securities like bonds and government securities. They offer lower risk and predictable returns, but growth potential is limited. Suitable for: Shorter investment horizons (5-10 years). Risk-averse investors seeking capital preservation. 
  • Balanced Funds: A mix of equity and debt funds, offering a balance between risk and return. They can be a good middle ground, but returns may be lower than pure equity funds. Suitable for: Moderate investment horizons (7-12 years). Investors seeking a balance between growth and stability. 

Equity vs Debt Mutual Funds: What’s Better? 

Category Equity Mutual Funds Debt Mutual Funds 
Investment Type Company Stocks Fixed Income Securities 
Risk  High Risk Low Risk 
Expected Returns Higher in the long run Lower as compared to Equity 
Management Costs Lower Higher  
Investment Horizon Suitable for long term goals Suitable for long & short-term goals 

Mutual Funds via SIPs (Systematic Investment Plan) 
A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) allows you to invest a fixed amount in a mutual fund at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly, etc.). SIPs allow you to invest in the long run without breaking the bank. SIPs offer several benefits for education savings: 

  • Rupee-Cost Averaging: Invests a fixed amount regardless of the market value, potentially buying more units when the price is low and fewer units when the price is high, averaging out the cost per unit over time. 
  • Discipline and Habit Building: Encourages regular saving and instills financial discipline. 
  • Compounding: Allows returns to be reinvested, leading to faster growth over time. 
  • Flexibility: You can start with a small amount and gradually increase it as your income grows. 
  • Convenience: Automates the investment process, making it easier to stay on track with your savings goals. 

Fixed Deposits and Savings Account 
Fixed deposits and savings accounts are traditional savings options, but how do they stack up for child education savings? Here’s a detailed breakdown: 

Child-Specific Fixed Deposits  

Child-specified fixed deposits offered by some banks; these FDs cater specifically to children. For instance, Punjab National Bank offers the PNB Balika Shiksha Scheme for girls enrolled in government schools. The interest rates for fixed deposits for children are similar to regular FDs. There is a lock in your investment for a fixed term (typically ranging from 1 to 10 years). In case of early withdrawal, penalties may incur. 

The biggest advantage is the returns are guaranteed by the bank, making them a safe investment option. These investments provide a sense of security knowing the principal amount is protected. These fixed deposits are ideal for education needs within 5 years where principal preservation is of utmost importance.  

The drawbacks are that the interest rates on FDs are generally lower than inflation, resulting in potential loss of purchasing power over time. There are other instrument options that offer better returns. The locked-in period for a fixed term limits access to funds before maturity. 

Savings Accounts 

Savings accounts are another investment option for parents to save funds for their children. The interest rates are generally between 3 to 4%, there is no lock-in period, some banks require you to maintain minimal funds for operating the account otherwise there may be a penalty. These savings accounts have no risk involved and your child’s savings are protected till they decide to withdraw them. There is no maximum investment; you can invest based on your needs.  

Savings accounts can be opened on behalf of the minor, that is your child, and the guardian can operate the account on the behalf of the child.  

Interest Rates and Tax Implications 

 Interest Rates: FD interest rates vary depending on the bank, chosen term length, and prevailing market conditions. 

Tax Implications: Interest earned on FDs is generally taxable as per income tax slabs. However, some tax benefits may be available for specific FD schemes. It’s important to consult with a tax advisor about the latest regulations. 

Stocks and Bonds 
Stocks and bonds are fundamental investment tools that can be utilized for your child’s education savings plan. Let’s explore them in detail: 


Investing in stocks on your child’s behalf is also a good option. Stocks can potentially beat inflation and are a great source of investment for long-term goals such as college fees. Individual stocks offer the possibility of significant returns over extended periods (10+ years). Owning shares in well-performing companies can significantly grow your capital. 

Do not that the stock market is inherently volatile. Individual stock prices can fluctuate significantly, leading to potential losses. A single stock option can be expensive or affordable depending on the company. The price can range from ₹10 to ₹1,00,000. Selecting individual stocks requires in-depth research on company financials, industry trends, and market conditions. Understanding the risks involved is crucial. 

Importance of Diversification  

Diversification is the key to a good child education investment plan. Every investment advisor would tell you to never put all your eggs in one basket! Diversification helps in minimizing risk. It allows you to spread your investments across various companies and sectors to avoid being overly reliant on the performance of a single stock.  


 Bonds are issued by governments and corporations when they want to raise money. It is a debt security and a safer investment option than stocks. Bond returns are generally lower than stocks, especially over the long term. Bonds provide predictable income streams, making them suitable for investors seeking stability and capital preservation. 

Insurance Plans 

In India, there are different kinds of insurance plans to protect your child’s future. Insurance plans are a good backup plan that gives you peace of mind.  

Child Education Insurance Policies 

A child education insurance plan is designed for parents to secure their child’s future education. Parents have to pay a certain amount of premium and they will receive a certain maturity benefit for the child’s higher education.  

In case of the unfortunate passing away of the policyholder (parent), the insurance company provides a lump sum payout. This financial cushion ensures the child’s education expenses can still be met. The investment horizon is typically 15-25 years. Upon maturity, the policy pays out a lump sum amount that can be used for the child’s education. Some plans may also offer regular payouts to help manage education expenses throughout the child’s education journey. 

Benefits of Combining Insurance and Investment: 

  • Peace of Mind: Provides financial security for the child’s education even in unforeseen circumstances. 
  • Disciplined Saving: Regular premium payments instill financial discipline and help accumulate funds over time. 
  • Potential Tax Benefits: Premiums paid towards child education plans may be eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act (subject to change). 

Key Features to Look for in a Child Education Insurance Plan 

  • Sum Assured:  This is the guaranteed death benefit paid by the insurer in case of the policyholder’s demise. Choose an amount that would adequately cover future education costs. 
  • Maturity Benefit: Consider the future education costs and choose a plan that offers a sufficient payout to cover them. 
  • Premium Payment Term: Select a premium payment term that aligns with your financial situation. Some plans offer flexible payment options. 
  • Claim Settlement Ratio: Research the insurance company’s claim settlement ratio to understand their track record of honoring claims. 
  • Policy Riders:  Consider adding optional riders like waiver of premium rider, which ensures premium payments are waived if the policyholder becomes disabled. 

 Gold and Real Estate  

Gold and real estate investing are some of the oldest and most beloved ways to invest for your child’s education in India. Let’s see why these are a great addition to the child education investment plan. 

Investing in gold as a hedge against inflation  

Gold is often perceived as a natural hedge against inflation. Its price has shown some tendency to rise alongside inflation. Gold can be relatively easy to buy and sell. Gold is a highly liquid asset; you can even use gold for taking on loans to meet your immediate financial needs. Various investment options exist, including physical gold, gold ETFs, and digital gold. 

Like any investment, gold prices can be volatile in the short term. Consider a long-term investment horizon to benefit from potential price appreciation. 

Real estate investments for long-term gains  

Real estate is a great way to invest for your long-term goals. Real estate can offer significant capital appreciation over the long term, especially in growing locations. Additionally, rental income can provide a steady income stream. You can use your properties are collateral for taking different kinds of loans which makes it a good asset for rainy times.  

However, investing in real estate is not easy. Real estate requires a significant upfront investment, which might not be feasible for everyone. Real estate is a relatively illiquid asset. Selling property can take time and involve additional costs. 

Risks and returns associated with these investments 

Gold and real estate are not typically high-risk investments. Historically, both investments have shown appreciation over the long-term horizon. Both investments do require high capital for your investment to appreciate at the same pace as inflation. They both act as a hedge for inflation. 

Both gold and real estate come with their own set of risks and require research before investing. Consider your financial situation, investment goals, and risk tolerance when deciding if these options are suitable for your child’s education savings plan. 

Need help investing for your child’s education needs? Connect with our experts to get a personalized child education investment plan to secure your child’s future today! 

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All About Child Education Investment Plans in 2024

All About Child Education Investment Plans in 2024

What are child education investment plans? What is the best investment plan for your child’s education? When should you start investing for your children? Let’s explore all the facts in this blog.  A child education investment plan is a plan to systematically invest for your child’s higher education. The costs of education are skyrocketing. A recent twitter post by a father in Delhi showed how the playschool fees for his son’s one year of schooling was nearly ₹4,30,000!   Inflation in the education sector is nearly 10-11%. More than the average retail inflation in our country. From school to college fees to living expenses related to education are increasing faster than our average salaries. Thus, the need for a child education investment plan that can help parents tackle this cost is tremendous. A child education investment plan includes a series of investments that you can consider in order to save for your child’s education.  These investment options and plans can help you easily save for your child’s college and school fees. Without compromising your current savings or limiting your expenses, you can start investing in these plans with a minimal cost and eventually increase your investments as your child grows and your salary maximizes. Let’s look at some child education investment plans and the various investments within its gambit.  Best Investment Plan for Child Education in India in 2024  What is the best investment plan for child education? What asset should you choose for your child’s higher education savings? Which asset can help you keep up with the growing education costs in India? The answer is simple and highly convenient – it is Mutual Funds.   Mutual Fund is the best investment asset for saving for higher education. Mutual funds have historically given returns of 10-12% over a long horizon. Successfully keeping pace with education inflation rate which is at 10%. Mutual funds are affordable, you can start investing with just ₹100 monthly and increase your investments systematically.   The greatest benefit of Mutual funds is that they are managed by professional fund managers. At minimal cost, you have experts watching your portfolio and making the necessary adjustments to ensure your money grows at the intended pace. Mutual funds’ transparency over costs and its investment strategies is another major benefit. Here are some mutual funds that you can consider you are planning to invest for child education and their college needs.  Sr. No. Scheme Name Category Sub-Category Inception Date AUM Expense Ratio 1Y Return 3Y Return 5Y Return 1. Nippon India Small Cap Fund Equity Small Cap 1/1/2013 43,816 0.67% 59.3% 42.60% 31.57% 2. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund Equity Mid Cap 1/1/2013 56,033 0.80% 53.99% 33.89% 25.41% 3. SBI Contra Fund Equity Contra 1/1/2013 21,482 0.69% 45.69% 33.46% 26.70% 4. HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund Hybrid Dynamic Asset Allocation 1/1/2013 73,349 0.80% 38.43% 27.55% 19.72% 5. DSP Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index Fund Equity Index (Large) 10/27/2017 1,004 0.40% 33.31% 23.64% 18.89%  Note: All are Direct plan and growth option; AUM and Expense ratios are as on December 31, 2023; 3Y/5Y returns are annualized and as on January 30, 2024.   Source: Value Research  Note: Mutual fund investments are subject to market risk, please read all scheme related documents before investing. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This is not an investment recommendation.  Fund Details  Fund Details Nippon India Small Cap Fund:  This fund is being managed by Mr. Samir Rachh (Since January 2017) and Mr. Tejas Sheth (Since February 2023) who is an assistant fund manager.  The fund has provided 27.07% of return since inception and it has outperformed the category over the last 1/3/5/7/10 years.  It has delivered the highest returns in the category over the last 7 and 10 years and has been in the top 3 over the 3 and 5-year period.  The fund has delivered the best risk-adjusted returns over the last three years, depicted by the highest Sharpe ratio.   HDFC Mid Cap Opportunities Fund:  This fund is being managed by Mr. Chirag Setalvad who has been the head of equities since June 25, 2007, and Mr. Dhruv Muchhal who is an Equity Analyst and Fund manager for Overseas investment.  HDFC Mid Cap Opportunities Fund is the largest fund in the mid-cap space with an AUM of Rs. 56,033 crores and is the only fund in the category to have an AUM of more than Rs. 50,000 crores.   The fund has provided a 21.76% return since inception and has outperformed its category and the mid-cap index in all the time horizons of 1/3/5/7/10 years.  The fund has delivered better returns per unit of risk depicted by the lower standard deviation and the beta compared with the category average.   SBI Contra Fund:  The fund has been in existence for approximately 25 years and has been managed by Mr. Dinesh Balachandran since May 2018 who has 17 years of rich experience in this field.  This fund has provided a whooping return of 19.59% since its inception date and has outperformed its benchmark S&P BSE 500 TRI in all the time horizon.   The fund follows a contrarian strategy while investing in equity and provides exposure to companies of all sizes.   The fund has delivered the best risk-adjusted returns in the category, as depicted by the highest Mean Return, Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio and Alpha.   HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund:  HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund is one of the oldest funds in India and is the largest fund in the balanced advantage category, with an AUM of Rs. 73,349 crores.  The fund has been the top performer in the category for over 1/3/5 years and has delivered an impressive return of 16.04% since inception.   Although the fund has been volatile more than the category, it has delivered a significantly higher alpha of 10.34% compared to the category average of 1.35% over three years.     This fund has been managed by Mr. Srinivasan Ramamurthy, Mr. Gopal Agarwal, Mr. Anil Bamboli, Mr. Arun Agarwal, and Mr. Nirman Morakhia.  DSP Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index Fund:  This fund is being managed by Mr. Anil Ghelani (since July 2019) and Mr. Dipesh Shah (since November 2020).  This fund tracks the Nifty 50 Equal Weight TRI, allowing us to have exposure to large-cap equities where the probability for alpha generation is very low.   Compared with Nifty 50 TRI, Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index TRI has delivered better returns with lower volatility over a long-term period from June 2000 to April 2023.   The fund delivered an alpha of 3.75% whereas the other funds in the category struggled to outperform the benchmark over the last three years.   Important Note: These mutual funds are not our recommendations. Please consult your financial advisor before investing money in mutual funds.  Benefits of Child Education Investment Plan  The cost of education is rising rapidly, making it crucial to plan and invest early for your child's future. Tuition and fees increased more than 2,200% from 1970 to 2020. Meanwhile, inflation was around 600%. Here are 7 benefits of child education investment plan:  Beat Inflation: Education costs are outpacing inflation. By starting early, you allow your investments to grow and counter the rising costs of universities, colleges, or specialized programs.  Peace of Mind: Knowing you have a dedicated fund for your child's education reduces financial stress and allows you to focus on other aspects of their upbringing.  Power of Compounding: Starting early allows you to leverage the power of compound interest. Even small regular investments can grow significantly over time, thanks to interest earned on interest.  Flexibility: Many child education plans offer flexible payout options. The corpus can be used for various education-related expenses, including tuition fees, accommodation, or study materials.  Discipline & Habit Building: Regular contributions inculcate financial discipline in you and teach your child the value of saving for long-term goals.  Freedom of Choice: A well-funded education plan empowers your child to pursue their desired educational path without limitations due to financial constraints. This could mean attending a dream university, pursuing a specific program abroad, or taking on internships without financial worries.  Secures Your Child's Future: Investing in your child's education is an investment in their future. A good education opens doors to better career opportunities, financial stability, and a brighter future.  Best Investment Options for Child Education   Best Investment Options for Child Education   Let’s look at some of the best investment options for child education available to parents in 2024.  Education Savings Plan   Education savings plans are investment plans that allow you to save for your child’s education costs. Some plans are incentivized and may offer tax benefits such as Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana in India offers tax exemptions under section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961. Some are extremely affordable with minimal investments starting at ₹100 or 1000. Let’s cover some education savings plan that you can utilize.   Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana  It is a unique child investment plan for parents of a girl child. This is offered by the Indian government to encourage parents to save and invest in their daughters early on. The main objective of the SSY program is to encourage parents to make substantial financial commitments to a strategy for their daughters’ future education and marriage.   Parents who have girls under the age of ten can invest in the SSY program. The SSY program investment is locked in for 21 years post-account opening. Investments made in SSY accounts are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961. Each year, a minimum investment of ₹250 must be made, and a maximum investment of ₹1,50,000 may be made. SSY accounts can be opened and utilized at any location of an accredited bank or the India Post Office.   529 Plans  529 plans are a powerful tool for US residents to save for a child's future education.  529 plans are tax-advantaged investment accounts. They are designed specifically to encourage saving for education expenses.    The beauty of 529 Plans is that contributions to a 529 plan grow tax-free federally.  This means all earnings on your investments compound without being reduced by taxes, maximizing your potential returns. Similarly, withdrawals from a 529 plan are completely tax-free at the federal level if the earnings are used for qualified education expenses.  Some states also offer additional state tax benefits.   Contributions to a 529 plan can be made by anyone, not just the account owner. This allows grandparents, relatives, or friends to contribute towards a child's education. This plan is not available for Indian citizens and only open for American citizens.   Coverdell ESAs  Coverdell ESAs are another tax-advantaged investment account option in the US for saving towards a child's education. The contributions are not tax-deductible federally, but earnings within the account grow tax-free if used for qualified education expenses. The annual contribution limit for a Coverdell ESA is capped at $2,000 per beneficiary per year.  Coverdell ESA funds can be used for a wider range of qualified K-12 expenses like tuition, fees, tutoring, and even some educational materials. You can open a single Coverdell ESA for multiple beneficiaries if they meet the eligibility criteria.   This investment option is not for Indian citizens.   Tax benefits and withdrawal rules   Tax benefits as well as withdrawal rules depend on the type of education savings plans you have chosen.   Some plans offer tax deductions for contributions, reducing your taxable income.   Investment earnings within the plan typically grow tax-free.  In the case of 529 Plans and Coverdell ESA, withdrawals used for education expenses are usually tax-free. Under Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Scheme, the girl child can make an early withdrawal of up to 50% of the balance in the account at the age of 18 years before the maximum maturity tenure of 21 years. However, this amount can only be withdrawn for her higher studies or marriage.   Important Note: It's crucial to research the specific plan you're considering understanding its contribution limits, investment options, tax implications, and withdrawal rules.  Mutual Funds  As mentioned earlier, mutual funds are a game-changer. They are the best investment asset in India to save for your child’s education needs. The ease of investing in mutual funds, transparency, affordability as well as the tax benefits may them an amazing investment tool for your long-term goals such as your child’s college savings.   When saving for your child's education through mutual funds, you need to consider the investment horizon (timeframe until the funds are needed) and your risk tolerance. Here's a breakdown of suitable mutual funds and how they differ:  Types of Mutual Funds for Education Savings:  Equity Mutual Funds: Invest primarily in company stocks. They offer the potential for higher long-term returns but come with higher risk due to market fluctuations. Suitable for: Long-term investment horizons (10+ years). Investors who are comfortable with market volatility. Within Equity Mutual Funds, you have a special fund category called ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Scheme). They tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and have a lock-in period of 3 years.  Debt Mutual Funds: Invest in fixed-income securities like bonds and government securities. They offer lower risk and predictable returns, but growth potential is limited. Suitable for: Shorter investment horizons (5-10 years). Risk-averse investors seeking capital preservation.  Balanced Funds: A mix of equity and debt funds, offering a balance between risk and return. They can be a good middle ground, but returns may be lower than pure equity funds. Suitable for: Moderate investment horizons (7-12 years). Investors seeking a balance between growth and stability.  Equity vs Debt Mutual Funds: What’s Better?  Category Equity Mutual Funds Debt Mutual Funds Investment Type Company Stocks Fixed Income Securities Risk  High Risk Low Risk Expected Returns Higher in the long run Lower as compared to Equity Management Costs Lower Higher  Investment Horizon Suitable for long term goals Suitable for long & short-term goals  Mutual Funds via SIPs (Systematic Investment Plan)  A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) allows you to invest a fixed amount in a mutual fund at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly, etc.). SIPs allow you to invest in the long run without breaking the bank. SIPs offer several benefits for education savings:  Rupee-Cost Averaging: Invests a fixed amount regardless of the market value, potentially buying more units when the price is low and fewer units when the price is high, averaging out the cost per unit over time.  Discipline and Habit Building: Encourages regular saving and instills financial discipline.  Compounding: Allows returns to be reinvested, leading to faster growth over time.  Flexibility: You can start with a small amount and gradually increase it as your income grows.  Convenience: Automates the investment process, making it easier to stay on track with your savings goals.  Fixed Deposits and Savings Account  Fixed deposits and savings accounts are traditional savings options, but how do they stack up for child education savings? Here's a detailed breakdown:  Child-Specific Fixed Deposits   Child-specified fixed deposits offered by some banks; these FDs cater specifically to children. For instance, Punjab National Bank offers the PNB Balika Shiksha Scheme for girls enrolled in government schools. The interest rates for fixed deposits for children are similar to regular FDs. There is a lock in your investment for a fixed term (typically ranging from 1 to 10 years). In case of early withdrawal, penalties may incur.  The biggest advantage is the returns are guaranteed by the bank, making them a safe investment option. These investments provide a sense of security knowing the principal amount is protected. These fixed deposits are ideal for education needs within 5 years where principal preservation is of utmost importance.   The drawbacks are that the interest rates on FDs are generally lower than inflation, resulting in potential loss of purchasing power over time. There are other instrument options that offer better returns. The locked-in period for a fixed term limits access to funds before maturity.  Savings Accounts  Savings accounts are another investment option for parents to save funds for their children. The interest rates are generally between 3 to 4%, there is no lock-in period, some banks require you to maintain minimal funds for operating the account otherwise there may be a penalty. These savings accounts have no risk involved and your child’s savings are protected till they decide to withdraw them. There is no maximum investment; you can invest based on your needs.   Savings accounts can be opened on behalf of the minor, that is your child, and the guardian can operate the account on the behalf of the child.   Interest Rates and Tax Implications   Interest Rates: FD interest rates vary depending on the bank, chosen term length, and prevailing market conditions.  Tax Implications: Interest earned on FDs is generally taxable as per income tax slabs. However, some tax benefits may be available for specific FD schemes. It's important to consult with a tax advisor about the latest regulations.  Stocks and Bonds  Stocks and bonds are fundamental investment tools that can be utilized for your child's education savings plan. Let's explore them in detail:  Stocks   Investing in stocks on your child’s behalf is also a good option. Stocks can potentially beat inflation and are a great source of investment for long-term goals such as college fees. Individual stocks offer the possibility of significant returns over extended periods (10+ years). Owning shares in well-performing companies can significantly grow your capital.  Do not that the stock market is inherently volatile. Individual stock prices can fluctuate significantly, leading to potential losses. A single stock option can be expensive or affordable depending on the company. The price can range from ₹10 to ₹1,00,000. Selecting individual stocks requires in-depth research on company financials, industry trends, and market conditions. Understanding the risks involved is crucial.  Importance of Diversification   Diversification is the key to a good child education investment plan. Every investment advisor would tell you to never put all your eggs in one basket! Diversification helps in minimizing risk. It allows you to spread your investments across various companies and sectors to avoid being overly reliant on the performance of a single stock.   Bonds    Bonds are issued by governments and corporations when they want to raise money. It is a debt security and a safer investment option than stocks. Bond returns are generally lower than stocks, especially over the long term. Bonds provide predictable income streams, making them suitable for investors seeking stability and capital preservation.  Insurance Plans  In India, there are different kinds of insurance plans to protect your child’s future. Insurance plans are a good backup plan that gives you peace of mind.   Child Education Insurance Policies  A child education insurance plan is designed for parents to secure their child's future education. Parents have to pay a certain amount of premium and they will receive a certain maturity benefit for the child's higher education.   In case of the unfortunate passing away of the policyholder (parent), the insurance company provides a lump sum payout. This financial cushion ensures the child's education expenses can still be met. The investment horizon is typically 15-25 years. Upon maturity, the policy pays out a lump sum amount that can be used for the child's education. Some plans may also offer regular payouts to help manage education expenses throughout the child's education journey.  Benefits of Combining Insurance and Investment:  Peace of Mind: Provides financial security for the child's education even in unforeseen circumstances.  Disciplined Saving: Regular premium payments instill financial discipline and help accumulate funds over time.  Potential Tax Benefits: Premiums paid towards child education plans may be eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act (subject to change).  Key Features to Look for in a Child Education Insurance Plan  Sum Assured:  This is the guaranteed death benefit paid by the insurer in case of the policyholder's demise. Choose an amount that would adequately cover future education costs.  Maturity Benefit: Consider the future education costs and choose a plan that offers a sufficient payout to cover them.  Premium Payment Term: Select a premium payment term that aligns with your financial situation. Some plans offer flexible payment options.  Claim Settlement Ratio: Research the insurance company's claim settlement ratio to understand their track record of honoring claims.  Policy Riders:  Consider adding optional riders like waiver of premium rider, which ensures premium payments are waived if the policyholder becomes disabled.   Gold and Real Estate   Gold and real estate investing are some of the oldest and most beloved ways to invest for your child’s education in India. Let’s see why these are a great addition to the child education investment plan.  Investing in gold as a hedge against inflation   Gold is often perceived as a natural hedge against inflation. Its price has shown some tendency to rise alongside inflation. Gold can be relatively easy to buy and sell. Gold is a highly liquid asset; you can even use gold for taking on loans to meet your immediate financial needs. Various investment options exist, including physical gold, gold ETFs, and digital gold.  Like any investment, gold prices can be volatile in the short term. Consider a long-term investment horizon to benefit from potential price appreciation.  Real estate investments for long-term gains   Real estate is a great way to invest for your long-term goals. Real estate can offer significant capital appreciation over the long term, especially in growing locations. Additionally, rental income can provide a steady income stream. You can use your properties are collateral for taking different kinds of loans which makes it a good asset for rainy times.   However, investing in real estate is not easy. Real estate requires a significant upfront investment, which might not be feasible for everyone. Real estate is a relatively illiquid asset. Selling property can take time and involve additional costs.  Risks and returns associated with these investments  Gold and real estate are not typically high-risk investments. Historically, both investments have shown appreciation over the long-term horizon. Both investments do require high capital for your investment to appreciate at the same pace as inflation. They both act as a hedge for inflation.  Both gold and real estate come with their own set of risks and require research before investing. Consider your financial situation, investment goals, and risk tolerance when deciding if these options are suitable for your child's education savings plan.  Need help investing for your child’s education needs? Connect with our experts to get a personalized child education investment plan to secure your child’s future today! 
Child Future Plan: Comprehensive Guide to Success

Child Future Plan: Comprehensive Guide to Success

As parents, one of our greatest responsibilities is ensuring a bright and secure future for our children. The foundation of this security lies in thoughtful and strategic planning, particularly when it comes to education and career aspirations. In a world where education costs are skyrocketing, having a robust financial plan is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity.  Financial planning for a child’s future is pivotal in achieving their educational and career goals. By taking proactive steps and investing wisely, parents can provide their children with the resources they need to pursue their dreams without the burden of financial constraints. This blog will explore the best investment plans for your child’s future, highlighting the importance of early and effective planning. We'll delve into the best child future plans, particularly in the context of India, and provide practical advice on how to plan for your child's future to ensure they have every opportunity to succeed.   By the end of this blog, you will have a clearer understanding of the best plans for your child’s future and how to strategically invest in your child's education and career, laying a strong foundation for their success and happiness.  Understanding Child Future Plans Child future plans are strategic financial blueprints designed to ensure that children have the necessary funds to meet their educational and career aspirations. These plans often include a variety of investment options, savings accounts, and insurance policies tailored to accumulate wealth over time, specifically for the child's future needs. In India, some of the best investment plans for child future include child insurance plans, Public Provident Fund (PPF), Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (for girl children), and dedicated child education savings plans offered by various financial institutions.  Key Components of a Comprehensive Child Future Plan A well-rounded child future plan comprises several critical components:  Educational Savings: Establishing a dedicated savings account or investment plan to cover future educational expenses.  Insurance: Ensuring that there is adequate life and health insurance coverage to protect the child and the family's financial stability.  Investment: Choosing the best investment plan for child future in India, which can include mutual funds, fixed deposits, and other high-yield investments tailored to long-term growth.  Regular Contributions: Committing to regular deposits into the chosen savings or investment plan to steadily build the necessary fund.  Review and Adjustments: Periodically reviewing the plan to adjust for changes in financial circumstances, inflation, and the child's evolving aspirations.  How to Start Planning Early for Maximum Benefits? The earlier you start planning for your child's future, the more time you have to accumulate wealth through the power of compounding. Here are steps to get started:  Set Clear Goals: Define the specific educational and career milestones you want to support, such as college tuition, extracurricular activities, or international studies.  Choose the Right Plan: Research and select the best plan for your child’s future that aligns with your financial capacity and the child's needs.  Start Small, Think Big: Begin with manageable contributions and gradually increase them as your income grows.  Seek Professional Advice: Consult a financial advisor to understand the best investment plans for your child’s future and how to optimize your savings.  By initiating a child’s future plan early, you can leverage time to your advantage, ensuring that your child’s dreams are financially supported without undue stress on your current finances.  Importance of Investing in Education Funds Here's why investing in your child’s education funds for their future is important:   Rising Cost of Education Abroad  Investing in education funds has never been more crucial, especially with the rising costs of education abroad. Tuition fees and living expenses in foreign countries have surged dramatically in recent years. For instance, studying at prestigious universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia can cost upwards of $50,000 to $70,000 per year, including tuition, accommodation, and other living expenses. Without proper financial planning, these costs can impose a significant financial burden on families, potentially limiting the educational opportunities available to their children.  Securing Academic Opportunities  Investing in education funds is essential for securing academic opportunities. Access to prestigious institutions and programs is often predicated on the ability to afford their high costs. A global education can significantly enhance career prospects, providing exposure to diverse cultures, advanced technologies, and innovative learning environments. By investing early, parents can ensure that their children have the financial resources needed to attend top-tier universities and pursue specialized programs that align with their career aspirations.  Benefits of Early Investment  One of the primary advantages of early investment is the power of compounding. Compounding allows your investments to grow exponentially over time, as the interest earned on your initial investment generates additional interest. Starting early means even small, regular contributions can grow substantially, providing a significant financial cushion by the time your child is ready for college. Additionally, there are various tax benefits and incentives for education investments, such as deductions on tuition fees and tax-free interest on certain savings schemes, which can further enhance your savings.  Early investment also brings peace of mind and financial security for both parents and children. Knowing that there is a dedicated fund for educational expenses reduces stress and allows families to focus on the child's academic and personal development rather than worrying about financial constraints.  Financial Flexibility and Freedom  Investing in education funds provides financial flexibility and freedom, enabling families to meet unforeseen expenses with ease. Whether it's an unexpected fee hike, additional costs for study materials, or expenses for extracurricular activities, having a robust education fund ensures that these costs are covered without compromising the child's educational experience. This financial preparedness allows children to enjoy a stress-free educational journey, focusing solely on their studies and personal growth.  Long-Term Financial Security  Ultimately, building a robust financial foundation through education funds ensures long-term financial security. It allows parents to support their child's dreams and aspirations without compromising on quality due to financial limitations. By planning and investing strategically, parents can make sure that their children have every opportunity to achieve their full potential, regardless of the economic challenges that may arise in the future.  In conclusion, the best investment plan for your child’s future not only secures educational opportunities but also provides a pathway to a successful and fulfilling career. Early and prudent financial planning is the cornerstone of making your child's dreams a reality, ensuring that they can access the best education and career prospects available.  Fulfilling Your Child's Study Abroad Dreams In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of students opting to study abroad. The allure of a global education, exposure to diverse cultures, and access to world-class institutions are driving more families to consider international education for their children. Studying abroad not only broadens academic horizons but also enhances personal growth and employability in a competitive global market.  However, the financial challenges of international education are substantial. Tuition fees, accommodation, travel expenses, and everyday living costs in foreign countries can add up to an overwhelming amount. Without proper planning and savings, these expenses can become a formidable barrier, preventing many students from realizing their dream of studying abroad.  Education funds play a crucial role in overcoming these financial challenges. By investing in the best for your child’s future plan, parents can accumulate the necessary funds to support their child’s education abroad. These funds provide a structured savings approach, leveraging the power of compounding and offering tax benefits to maximize savings. With a well-prepared financial plan, families can ensure that the dream of studying at prestigious global institutions becomes a reality, providing their child with the best opportunities for academic and career success. Steps to Create an Effective Education Fund Here are some common steps you can follow to create an education fund for your child’s future -  Step 1: Assessing Your Child's Educational Goals and Aspirations  The first step in creating an effective education fund is assessing your child's educational goals and aspirations. Understand their interests, desired career path, and potential educational institutions, whether domestic or international. This insight will help tailor your financial planning to their specific needs and ambitions.  Step 2: Estimating Costs for Domestic and International Education  Next, estimate the costs associated with both domestic and international education. Research tuition fees, accommodation, travel, and living expenses for various institutions. Having a clear understanding of these costs will provide a realistic target for your education fund, ensuring you save enough to cover all potential expenses.  Step 3: Choosing the Right Investment Options for Education Funds  Choosing the right investment options is crucial for building a robust education fund. Consider the best investment plan for child future in India, such as mutual funds, child insurance plans, Public Provident Fund (PPF), and fixed deposits. Each option offers different benefits and risk levels, so it's essential to select a mix that aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals.  Step 4: Tips for Regular Contributions and Fund Management  Regular contributions are key to the success of your education fund. Set up automatic transfers to your investment accounts to ensure consistent saving. Additionally, periodically review and adjust your investments to stay aligned with your financial goals and market conditions. Effective fund management also involves tracking the performance of your investments and making necessary adjustments to optimize growth and returns.  By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive and effective education fund that will support your child's educational dreams and secure their future.  Conclusion  Planning and investing in your child’s education is one of the most important steps you can take to secure their future. By understanding your child’s future plans, investing in education funds, and creating a comprehensive financial strategy, you can ensure that your child has the resources they need to achieve their academic and career aspirations. Early and strategic planning not only mitigates the financial burden but also provides peace of mind and financial security for your family.