Best way to invest $1000 for a Child

There are numerous options available for adults if they are looking for the best way to invest $1000 for a child. Every parent wishes to give a comfortable, secure, and stable life to his child, and what better way than investing on his behalf from an early age? 

Investments are what drive your savings because of the compounding factor. $1000 is a good amount for investment hence you can take the help of endless opportunities to create a sizable nest egg from it.

Identify your financial goals and how much time you have in hand before investing. As a rule, when the timeline is short the risk involved is also less and so are the returns. Conversely, longer timelines mean higher risk and greater growth. 

Investing $1000 early will help the small amount to grow into a significant corpus. Assuming that the expected average long-term return is 10% then the $1000 will result in a nearly $490,370 portfolio by the time a child will need the money in his retirement age.

Take the help of the investment calculator at the Edufund App to know how much amount you can expect for your child with a $1000 investment.

Best opportunities to invest $1000 for a child

Custodial account

A custodial account can be opened by an adult on behalf of a child at an investment firm or a bank. The child is the beneficiary of the account which is handled by the legal adult who opens and operates the account until the child achieves maturity and comes of legal age. 

The funds that grow through the custodial account can be used for any purpose by the child when he becomes the legal holder. 

You can open a custodial account with Edufund App, an investment platform to secure your child’s financial future with a sum of $1000. Funds can then be invested in a diversified portfolio of assets to achieve the best returns.

Different types of assets for a $1000 investment through a custodial account.

1. ETFs and index funds

Index funds structured as ETFs and mutual funds help to invest in several companies at once. Index funds with low fees are the best options when the investment is through the custodial account. 

For investors who are fond of taking risks to gain higher returns one of the best investment options available with $1000 is the direct equity fund.

Growth stocks often yield very high profits than average equity but they have to be invested for a longer period hence choose growth equity funds for your child.

2. Individual stocks

If you are not interested in the overall stock market invest $1000 in individual stock that has shown consistent returns over the years.

3. Savings bonds

Saving bonds are traditional monetary gifts considered safe investments for a child. The volatility of the stock market does not have any impact on it so people looking for safe and secure investments find the savings bond lucrative options.

Purchase savings bonds from private companies, utilities, and municipalities.

Other investment opportunities

1. Bank fixed deposits

Fixed Deposits can be a good investment opportunity for a child if you are looking for a low-risk safe and secured one-time option. Most banks offer special FD schemes for children without the option of premature withdrawal.

2. Insurance policies

Choose children-specific insurance policies with life cover and death benefits. The adult who is the policyholder has to pay a sum, for instance, $1000 once and at maturity the total amount which has been compounded over the years is returned as a lump sum. 

3. One-time child investment plans

Invest $1000 in one-time child investment plans as early as possible so that you can get back a lump sum amount after a pre-decided period. One-time child investment plans are considered beneficial as they are safe and secured investments. 

There are several options open for you that will offer better returns along with death benefits. If you are unable to decide on a specific investment plan then take the help of Edufund App and its partner banks to purchase a child investment plan that will give the best possible returns. 


A newborn child has several years before the need to access the funds will arise so it is prudent for parents to think about the best way to invest $1000 for a child and secure his future to some extent. 

Take the help of the EduFund App and create a financial plan where as parents you can make investments for the child in your name.

Just sign up for an account, select a portfolio from several options like US funds, mutual stocks, gold, ETFs, etc. and start your investment with $1000.

Mutual fund CTA