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Overseas education loans for Indian students

Overseas education loans for Indian students

The allure of a world-class education abroad can be dimmed by the financial burden it presents. International student tuition fees have steadily increased over the past decade, with a survey by IDP Connect highlighting a 10% annual growth.   This, coupled with rising living expenses in popular study destinations, can make studying abroad seem out of reach for many Indian students.  Fortunately, overseas education loans bridge the financial gap, allowing students to pursue their academic goals without undue strain. Nearly 52% of Indian students studying abroad rely on education loans. These loans offer competitive interest rates and flexible repayment options and often come with tax benefits.  However, navigating the world of overseas education loans can be complex. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions.  Understanding the need for an overseas education loan The allure of a world-class education abroad can be dimmed by the harsh reality of rising costs. According to a survey by IDP Connect, a global leader in international education services, tuition fees for international students have steadily increased over the past decade.   This trend, coupled with the ever-increasing cost of living in popular study destinations, can quickly put international education out of reach for many students who rely solely on personal and family savings.  Here's a closer look at the factors that might necessitate an overseas education loan:  Rising Costs: A 2023 report by The Global Scholars highlights that tuition fees in popular destinations like the US and UK can reach astronomical heights, ranging from approximately USD 23,800 to USD 47,600 per year. These costs, on top of living expenses, can quickly deplete personal and family savings.  Savings Limitations: While saving for the future is crucial, personal and family savings often fall short of covering the entirety of an international education. This is especially true for students from developing countries, where average incomes might be significantly lower than the cost of studying abroad.  Advantages of Education Loans: Education loans bridge the financial gap, allowing students to pursue their educational aspirations without undue financial burden. They offer competitive interest rates, flexible repayment options, and often come with tax benefits that can ease the financial strain.  Taking out an education loan can be a strategic decision. By carefully managing your finances during your studies and after graduation, you can leverage the acquired skills and knowledge to secure a well-paying job, ensuring a smooth loan repayment process.  Eligibility criteria for overseas education loan  Before diving into the application process, it's essential to understand the eligibility criteria for securing an overseas education loan. These criteria vary slightly between lenders, but some general requirements hold true across the board.  Academic Performance: Banks and lenders typically look for students with a strong academic record. This demonstrates your commitment to your studies and increases the likelihood of securing a well-paying job after graduation, which will help you repay the loan smoothly.  Admission to a Recognized Institution: You'll need to provide proof of admission to a reputable university or educational institution recognized by the lender. This could include an official acceptance letter or enrollment confirmation.  Credit Score and Financial Background: While a credit history may not be a mandatory requirement for all lenders, a good credit score can significantly improve your chances of loan approval and potentially secure a more favorable interest rate. If you don't have a credit history yet, building a strong financial background through responsible savings habits can benefit your application.  Co-applicant Requirements: In most cases, an overseas education loan will require a co-applicant, typically a parent or guardian with a stable source of income. The co-applicant's income and creditworthiness will be considered alongside yours, strengthening your application and providing additional security for the lender.  Age Limit and Other Specific Criteria: Lenders typically set a minimum age limit, often 18 years old, for loan applicants. They may also have specific eligibility criteria related to the chosen course of study, the destination country, or the loan amount.  It's crucial to thoroughly research and compare the eligibility requirements of different lenders before applying. Many banks and lenders provide detailed information on their websites or through loan counselors. By understanding these criteria, you can ensure a smoother application process and increase your chances of securing the financial support you need to pursue your international education goals.  Types of overseas education loans Understanding the different types of overseas education loans available is crucial for making an informed decision. Each option comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice for you will depend on your individual circumstances.  Here's a breakdown of the most common types of overseas education loans:  Secured Loans vs. Unsecured Loans  Secured Loans: These loans require you to pledge collateral, such as property or investments, as security against the loan amount. This can lower the interest rate and make it easier to qualify for a larger loan amount. However, it also comes with the risk of losing your collateral if you default on the loan.  Unsecured Loans: These loans are issued without requiring any collateral. They are typically easier to obtain but come with higher interest rates and may have lower loan limits compared to secured loans.  Government-backed Loans vs. Private Loans  Government-backed Loans: These loans are offered by government agencies or through government-sponsored schemes. They often come with lower interest rates, flexible repayment options, and attractive benefits like interest subsidies. However, eligibility requirements for government-backed loans can be stricter, and the application process might be more complex.  Private Loans: Private loans are offered by banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). They may have a faster application process and offer more flexible terms, but the interest rates tend to be higher compared to government-backed loans.  Loans from Banks vs. NBFCs  Bank Loans: Banks are traditional lenders known for their established reputation and secure loan processes. They offer competitive interest rates and a variety of loan options. However, the loan approval process at banks can be more stringent, and they may require stricter eligibility criteria.  NBFC Loans: NBFCs offer more flexibility in their loan terms and may be more lenient towards students with limited credit history. However, the interest rates charged by NBFCs can be higher compared to banks.  Alternative Funding Options  It's important to consider scholarships and grants as alternative funding options for overseas education. Scholarships are financial awards based on academic merit, financial need, or other criteria. Grants are usually need-based and often do not require repayment. Exploring scholarship and grant opportunities can significantly reduce your reliance on loans and ease the financial burden of studying abroad.  By carefully considering the different types of loans and alternative funding options available, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your financial situation and educational goals.  Application process for an overseas education loan  Now that you understand the eligibility criteria and various loan options, let's delve into the application process for an overseas education loan.  Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this crucial stage:  Research and Compare Loan Options: Start by thoroughly researching different lenders, including banks, NBFCs, and government scholarship programs. Compare interest rates, loan amounts, repayment terms, and any associated fees.  Gather Required Documents: Once you've chosen a lender, compile the required documents. This typically includes:  Completed loan application form  Admission letter from your chosen university  Academic transcripts and mark sheets  Proof of identity (Passport, Aadhaar card etc.)  Co-applicant's documents (income proof, tax returns, etc.)  Financial statements (bank statements, property documents if applicable)  Prepare a Strong Statement of Purpose (SOP): Some lenders might require an SOP outlining your educational goals, chosen course of study, and future career aspirations. A well-written SOP can strengthen your application and demonstrate your commitment to your studies.  Submit Your Application: Carefully review all documents before submitting your completed application form and supporting documents to the chosen lender. This can be done online or in person at a branch office.  Loan Processing and Approval: The loan processing time varies depending on the lender and the complexity of your application. Be prepared to wait anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for a decision. During this time, the lender may contact you for any additional information or clarification. It's crucial to respond promptly to avoid delays in the approval process.  Loan Disbursement: Once your loan is approved, the lender will disburse the funds directly to your university or educational institution in most cases.  Applying for an education loan is an important financial decision. Carefully review and understand the loan terms and conditions before signing any agreements. Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification from the lender if anything is unclear.  By following these steps and staying organized with your documents, you can increase your chances of securing a smooth and successful application process for your overseas education loan.  Key features to consider while applying for an overseas education loan Having a clear understanding of the key features of an overseas education loan is crucial before you embark on the application process. Here's a breakdown of some important factors to consider:  Loan Amount Limits: The maximum loan amount offered by lenders can vary significantly. Public sector banks in India, for instance, can offer education loans up to ₹1 crore (approximately USD 121,500 based on exchange rates as of July 18, 2024). However, the actual loan amount you'll qualify for depends on your academic credentials, chosen university, course of study, and co-applicant's financial profile.  Moratorium Period: The moratorium period refers to the grace period after completing your studies before loan repayment begins. This allows you time to find a job and establish yourself financially. The standard moratorium period in India is typically one year after course completion, with some lenders offering an additional six months.  Collateral Requirements and Acceptable Collateral Types:  Secured Loans: As mentioned earlier, secured loans require collateral to be pledged against the loan amount. This can be property (land, house), fixed deposits, or investments in government bonds. The type of acceptable collateral may vary depending on the lender's policies.  Unsecured Loans: Unsecured loans eliminate the need for collateral but typically come with higher interest rates and lower loan limits compared to secured loans.  Processing Fees and Other Associated Costs: Most lenders charge a processing fee for handling your loan application. This fee can range from 1% to 2% of the sanctioned loan amount. It's important to factor in these additional costs when comparing loan options. Other potential associated costs might include prepayment penalties, late payment charges, and insurance premiums (optional).  By carefully considering these key features, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your financial needs and goals. Remember to thoroughly research and compare loan options offered by different lenders to find the one that provides the most favorable terms and conditions for your specific situation.  Tips for choosing the right loan Choosing the right loan for your overseas education is crucial for a smooth and financially secure study abroad experience. Here are some valuable tips to guide you through this process:  Compare Loan Options Extensively: Don't settle for the first loan offer you come across. According to a study by Max Life Insurance, nearly 52% of Indian students studying abroad rely on education loans. This highlights the prevalence of education loans and the importance of comparing options from various lenders, including banks, NBFCs, and government scholarship programs. Utilize online resources and loan comparison tools to streamline this process.  Read the Fine Print: This may sound tedious, but understanding the loan terms and conditions is vital before signing any agreements. Pay close attention to the following:  Interest Rate: This is the cost you'll pay to borrow the money. Interest rates can vary significantly between lenders, so securing a competitive rate can significantly reduce your overall loan repayment burden.  Loan Amount and Repayment Tenure: Ensure the loan amount sufficiently covers your tuition fees and living expenses. The repayment tenure should give you ample time to establish yourself financially after graduation.  Processing Fees and Other Charges: Be aware of any processing fees, prepayment penalties, late payment charges, and other associated costs that may impact your overall loan repayment amount.  Seek Expert Advice: Consider consulting with a financial advisor or education consultant specializing in overseas education loans. These professionals can provide valuable guidance on lender options, loan features, and strategies for managing your student loan debt effectively.  Utilize Online Loan Comparison Tools and Calculators: Many banks, NBFCs, and financial websites offer online loan comparison tools and calculators. These tools allow you to compare interest rates, loan amounts, and repayment terms from different lenders side-by-side. Additionally, loan calculators can help you estimate your monthly payments and future loan liability, ensuring you choose a loan that aligns with your budget.  Seek Expert Advice: Consider consulting with a financial advisor or education consultant specializing in overseas education loans. These professionals can provide valuable guidance on lender options, loan features, and strategies for managing your student loan debt effectively.  Utilize Online Loan Comparison Tools and Calculators: Many banks, NBFCs, and financial websites offer online loan comparison tools and calculators. These tools allow you to compare interest rates, loan amounts, and repayment terms from different lenders side-by-side. Additionally, loan calculators can help you estimate your monthly payments and future loan liability, ensuring you choose a loan that aligns with your budget.  By following these tips and conducting thorough research, you can make an informed decision and secure the most suitable overseas education loan that meets your financial needs and sets you on the path to a successful academic journey abroad. Invest in your future: choosing the right loan for your study abroad dreams Studying abroad is an enriching experience that can propel your career and broaden your horizons. While finances can be a concern, EduFund is here to bridge the gap and make your educational aspirations a reality.  EduFund is your one-stop platform for securing the most competitive overseas education loans. We offer:  Unbeatable Loan Options: Compare loan offers with interest rates starting at 9.85% from a network of 15+ trusted lenders (public and private sector banks, NBFCs) across India and abroad. We even accept applications without a confirmed admission letter!  Secured and Unsecured Loans: We cater to diverse financial needs with unsecured loans up to ₹1 Crore and 100% financing for secured loans. Plus, select lenders like MPower and Prodigy eliminate the need for a co-signer.  Global Education Support: Pursue your academic goals anywhere! We service students aiming to study in the US, UK, Germany, Canada, and many more international destinations.  Hassle-Free Process: Save time and money with our streamlined online application process (no bank visits needed!), significant savings on processing fees (up to ₹80,000!), and no margin money required.  Exceptional Support: Our dedicated team of loan advisors will guide you through every step, from application to disbursement, ensuring personalized support for your unique needs. Additionally, benefit from tax advantages on interest paid and explore scholarship opportunities worth $10,000!  Don't let finances hold you back from achieving your academic goals. Let EduFund be your trusted partner on your journey to educational excellence abroad. Visit EduFund today and take the first step towards a brighter future! 
Questions to ask before studying abroad

Questions to ask before studying abroad

Studying abroad is an exciting and life-changing opportunity that offers numerous academic, cultural, and personal growth benefits. However, before embarking on this journey, it's crucial to ask the right questions to ensure you make informed decisions. From understanding the financial implications to knowing the cultural adjustments you might face, asking pertinent questions can help you prepare effectively and maximize your experience. In this guide, we will explore the essential questions to ask before studying abroad, helping you navigate the process with confidence and clarity. Study abroad academic questions  What are the entry requirements for my chosen program?  Entry requirements typically include academic qualifications, standardized test scores, language proficiency tests (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS), and sometimes relevant work experience or portfolios.  How is the curriculum structured and what subjects will I study?  The curriculum is usually detailed on the university’s website or in the program brochure. It outlines core subjects, elective options, and any specializations available.  What is the teaching style and assessment method?  Teaching styles can vary but often include lectures, seminars, and practical sessions. Assessments may involve exams, coursework, presentations, and projects.  Are there opportunities for internships or practical experience?  Many programs offer internships, co-ops, or practical placements as part of the curriculum to gain real-world experience.  Study abroad financial questions  What is the total cost of studying abroad, including tuition, accommodation, and living expenses?  Total costs vary by country and institution. Calculate tuition fees, housing, food, transportation, insurance, and personal expenses.  Are there scholarships, grants, or financial aid options available?  Most universities offer scholarships and financial aid. Research specific scholarships for international students and check eligibility criteria.  What are the options for part-time work or internships to support myself financially?  Many countries allow international students to work part-time. Check visa regulations for work permissions and explore on-campus job opportunities.  How do the cost of living and exchange rates impact my budget?  The cost of living can significantly impact your budget. Research the cost of living in your destination and consider exchange rates when budgeting.  Study abroad Visa and immigration questions  What type of student visa do I need, and what are the application requirements?  Student visa requirements vary by country. Typically, you need an acceptance letter from your university, proof of funds, a valid passport, and health insurance.  How long does the visa application process take?  The visa application process can take several weeks to a few months. Apply well in advance to avoid delays.  Are there restrictions on working while studying with my visa?  Many student visas allow part-time work (e.g., 20 hours per week). Check the specific regulations of your host country.  What are the post-graduation work visa options?  Some countries offer post-study work visas that allow you to stay and work for a certain period after graduation. Research the options and eligibility criteria.  Study abroad accommodation questions What types of accommodation are available (e.g., dormitories, apartments, host families)?  Options include university dorms, private apartments, shared housing, or living with a host family. Each has different costs and benefits.  How far is the accommodation from the university, and what is the cost?  Consider the proximity to campus and associated costs. On-campus housing is often more convenient but can be more expensive.  Are there resources to help find and secure housing?  Universities often provide resources and support to help international students find accommodation, including housing offices and online portals.  What amenities and support services are provided in student accommodation?  Amenities may include internet, laundry facilities, communal kitchens, and study areas. Support services can include maintenance and residential advisors.  Study abroad cultural and social questions What are the cultural norms and expectations in the host country?  Research cultural norms to understand social behaviors, etiquette, and local customs. This helps in adapting and integrating smoothly.  What is the local language, and do I need to learn it before arriving?  Knowing the local language can enhance your experience. Many programs offer language courses or require a basic proficiency level.  Are there student organizations or clubs to help me integrate and make friends?  Universities have various student organizations and clubs. Joining these can help you meet people, make friends, and integrate into the community.  What are the social activities and events for international students?  Look for welcome events, orientation programs, and social activities organized by the university or international student office.  Study abroad health and safety questions What are the health insurance requirements, and what does the insurance cover?  Health insurance is often mandatory. Ensure your insurance covers medical expenses, emergencies, and repatriation.  How accessible are healthcare facilities and services?  Research the availability and quality of healthcare services. Universities often have on-campus health centers.  What safety measures are in place on campus and in the city?  Check campus security measures, emergency services, and local safety statistics. Universities usually provide safety guidelines and resources.  Are there any travel advisories or health warnings for the host country?  Check government travel advisories and health warnings for up-to-date information on your destination.  Study abroad career and future prospects questions How is the degree recognized in my home country and internationally?  Ensure the degree is recognized by professional bodies and employers in your home country and other countries where you might work.  What are the employment rates for graduates of my chosen program?  Research the employment rates and career paths of graduates. Universities often publish this information in their prospectuses.  Are there career services or job placement assistance available for international students?  Most universities offer career services, including job fairs, resume workshops, and interview preparation.  What are the alumni success stories and career paths?  Look for testimonials and case studies of alumni to understand the career trajectories and opportunities post-graduation.  Study abroad practical Questions What is the climate like, and how should I prepare for it?  Research the climate and pack appropriate clothing. Consider the seasonal variations and weather conditions.  What are the transportation options and costs in the host country?  Investigate public transportation options, costs, and availability. Check if student discounts are offered.  What essential items should I bring, and what can I buy locally?  Pack essentials and personal items, but remember you can purchase many things locally. Check if there are restrictions on certain items.  How do I set up a bank account and mobile phone service upon arrival?  Most universities provide guidance on setting up a bank account and mobile service. Research the process and required documents.  Study abroad personal reflection questions Why do I want to study abroad, and what are my goals?  Reflect on your motivations, such as gaining international experience, enhancing career prospects, or personal growth.  How do I handle being away from family and friends for an extended period?  Consider your emotional readiness and how you will stay connected with loved ones while abroad.  Am I prepared to adapt to a new culture and lifestyle?  Assess your flexibility and openness to new experiences. Being adaptable is crucial for a successful experience.  How will studying abroad benefit my personal and professional growth?  Identify the potential benefits, such as developing independence, gaining a global perspective, and building a professional network. 
Masters in India vs Abroad

Masters in India vs Abroad

Deciding to pursue a master’s degree is a significant step towards advancing your career and enhancing your expertise.   This decision involves considering various factors, including the quality of education, potential career opportunities, and personal growth. One of the critical choices you'll face is whether to study in India or abroad.   Both options offer unique advantages and challenges. Studying in India may provide familiarity and cost-effectiveness, while studying abroad can offer exposure to global networks and diverse perspectives.   Evaluating these options is crucial to making an informed decision that aligns with your career goals and personal circumstances. Factors such as tuition costs, living expenses, cultural experiences, and future job prospects must be weighed carefully to ensure the best educational investment.   This blog will explore these aspects in detail, providing data and insights to help you choose the right path for your master’s degree.  Overview of Master's Programs in India Master’s programs in India typically span two years, divided into four semesters. These programs are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and specialized skills in a specific field. The structure includes a mix of coursework, research projects, and internships, with a strong emphasis on theoretical understanding and practical application.   In fields like engineering and technology, the programs might include laboratory work and industry collaboration.   Popular Fields of Study and Top Universities India offers a diverse range of master’s programs across various disciplines. Some of the most popular fields include:  Engineering and Technology: Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and National Institutes of Technology (NITs) are top choices.  Management: Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and Xavier School of Management (XLRI) are renowned for MBA programs.  Science: Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) lead in research-oriented science programs.  Humanities and Social Sciences: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and University of Delhi are prominent institutions.  Medicine: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Christian Medical College (CMC) are top medical schools.   These institutions are known for their rigorous academic standards, esteemed faculty, and robust research facilities. For instance, IITs are globally recognized for their engineering programs, with IIT Bombay and IIT Delhi ranking among the top engineering schools in the world.  Admission Process and Entrance Exams  The admission process for master’s programs in India is competitive and often requires clearing entrance exams. Key entrance exams include:   GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering): For admission to M.Tech and Ph.D. programs in engineering and technology across IITs, NITs, and other top engineering institutes.  CAT (Common Admission Test): For MBA programs at IIMs and other premier management institutes.  JEE Advanced (Joint Entrance Examination Advanced): While primarily for undergraduate admissions, some integrated master’s programs consider JEE Advanced scores.  NEET-PG (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Post-Graduation): For postgraduate medical courses.   For example, GATE scores are crucial for securing a spot in IITs' M. Tech programs, with a typical acceptance rate of around 15%. CAT scores, on the other hand, are a gateway to IIMs, with acceptance rates as low as 1-2% for the most prestigious campuses.  In addition to entrance exams, some universities also consider academic performance, work experience, and personal interviews as part of the selection process. This comprehensive approach ensures that candidates are not only academically proficient but also possess the potential for leadership and innovation in their respective fields.  By understanding the structure, popular fields, top universities, and the admission process, prospective students can better navigate their options for pursuing a master's degree in India. This foundational knowledge is essential for making an informed decision about higher education.   Overview of Master's Programs Abroad Master’s programs abroad vary in structure and duration based on the country and the institution. Generally, these programs are designed to provide advanced knowledge and research opportunities in specific fields.  USA: Typically, master’s programs are 1-2 years long. They often include coursework, research projects, and internships. Renowned institutions include MIT, Stanford, and Harvard.  UK: Programs usually last 1 year. They are intensive and focus on both coursework and research. Leading universities include the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and Imperial College London.  Canada: Most master’s programs span 1-2 years, incorporating coursework and research. Notable universities are the University of Toronto, McGill University, and University of British Columbia.  Australia: Programs are generally 1-2 years long, with a strong emphasis on practical experience and research. Top universities include the University of Melbourne, Australian National University, and University of Sydney.  Germany: Typically, 2 years in duration, with a focus on research and innovation. Leading institutions include Technical University of Munich, University of Heidelberg, and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.  Popular Fields of Study and Renowned Universities Abroad, master’s programs cover a wide range of fields, with some of the most popular being:  Engineering and Technology: MIT, Stanford, and ETH Zurich.  Business and Management: Harvard Business School, INSEAD, and London Business School.  Computer Science: Carnegie Mellon University, University of California, Berkeley, and University of Cambridge.  Medicine: Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins University, and University of Oxford.  Humanities and Social Sciences: University of Cambridge, University of Chicago, and Yale University.  Admission Process and Standardized Tests The admission process for master’s programs abroad is competitive and typically involves:  Standardized Tests   GRE (Graduate Record Examination): Commonly required for various programs, especially in the USA.  TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System): Required for non-native English speakers to demonstrate English proficiency.  Application Materials  Academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and a resume/CV.  For example, to get into top programs in the USA, a strong GRE score (typically above 320) and high TOEFL/IELTS scores are essential. Additionally, the UK often requires high academic standards and relevant work experience for business-related programs.  Why Pursuing a Master’s Abroad is Beneficial  Studying abroad offers numerous benefits, including exposure to diverse cultures, access to cutting-edge research facilities, and global networking opportunities. Graduates from international universities often find better job prospects and higher salaries due to the global recognition of their degrees.  If you aim to boost your career with a global perspective, explore our comprehensive guide on how to secure admission to top universities abroad and start your journey towards an international master's degree today!  Quality of Education Studying abroad generally offers a more dynamic curriculum, higher faculty qualifications, and superior access to technology and resources, enhancing the overall educational experience.  Aspect India Abroad Curriculum and Teaching Methodologies Traditional, theory-based, with a growing focus on practical applications and industry tie-ups. Innovative, research-driven, and often includes practical and hands-on experiences. Faculty Qualifications and Research Opportunities Faculty with strong academic backgrounds, but limited research funding and global exposure. Highly qualified faculty with extensive research funding and international experience. Access to Advanced Technology and Resources Access is improving but still limited in many institutions; disparities between top and average colleges. State-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, extensive libraries and online resources.  Cost of Education & Preparation Tuition Fees and Other Academic Expenses in India  In India, tuition fees for master’s programs vary widely based on the institution and program. Public universities are relatively affordable, with annual fees ranging from INR 20,000 to INR 2,00,000. Private institutions and specialized programs can cost significantly more, often between INR 3,00,000 and INR 10,00,000 per year. Additional expenses include books, supplies, and sometimes, laboratory fees.  Tuition Fees and Living Expenses Abroad  Abroad, tuition fees are generally higher. For example, in the USA, annual tuition for master’s programs can range from $20,000 to $50,000. In the UK and Australia, fees typically fall between £10,000-£30,000 and AUD 20,000-40,000 respectively. Living expenses, including accommodation, food, and transportation, can add another $10,000 to $20,000 per year, depending on the country and lifestyle.  Availability of Scholarships, Grants, and Financial Aid  Both India and foreign institutions offer scholarships and financial aid to students based on merit and need. In India, schemes like the National Scholarship Portal provide various grants. Abroad, universities, government programs, and private organizations offer scholarships and assistantships, significantly reducing the financial burden for eligible students.  Financial Planning for Education  Planning for education expenses is crucial. Parents can invest in education-specific savings schemes like Education Savings Accounts or 529 Plans, which offer tax benefits. Students can explore education loans with favorable interest rates and flexible repayment options.  EduFund offers comprehensive investment and loan solutions tailored to educational needs. With our expertise, you can secure the best funding options, ensuring a smooth financial journey for your higher education. Contact us today to explore how we can assist you in making your educational dreams a reality.  Career Opportunities and Industry Connections Job Market and Employment Prospects in India Post-Master’s  In India, the job market for master’s graduates is competitive, with strong demand in fields like IT, engineering, management, and finance. Graduates from top-tier institutions often secure well-paying positions in leading companies. However, the overall market can be challenging due to the large number of graduates and fewer high-quality job opportunities.  Job Market and Employment Prospects Abroad Post-Master’s  Abroad, the job market for master’s graduates is generally more robust and diverse. Countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and Germany have strong economies with high demand for skilled professionals in technology, healthcare, business, and engineering. Graduates often find better-paying jobs with greater opportunities for career advancement and professional development.  Industry Connections and Networking Opportunities  Industry connections and networking are critical for career growth. In India, while there are opportunities for networking through internships and industry partnerships, they can be limited compared to global standards. In contrast, studying abroad offers extensive networking opportunities through collaborations with leading companies, alumni networks, and international conferences. These connections can be invaluable for securing internships, job placements, and future career advancements.  Pursuing a master’s degree abroad provides not only a superior education but also enhances career prospects through global industry connections and a stronger job market. To maximize these opportunities, consider investing in your education with EduFund’s tailored investment and education loan solutions. Secure your future today! 
Best Student Loans In India

Best Student Loans In India

Did you know?  The education loan market in India has seen significant growth over the past decade. As of 2024, the market is valued at approximately INR 1.2 lakh crore (USD 16 billion). The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for education loans in India has been around 12% over the last five years.  Interesting, right? But, why?  In India, education isn't just a pathway to personal growth—it's a ticket to success and a better future. With prestigious institutions and competitive programs, the demand for quality education is sky-high. However, this excellence comes at a price. Higher education costs have been steadily rising at 10% or more, making it challenging for many families to afford without financial assistance. That's where student loans come into play, bridging the gap between your dreams and reality.  This blog aims to guide you in selecting the best student loan options available in India. Whether you're aiming for an engineering degree, a medical seat, or an international MBA, This page will provide you with insights and tips to ensure you make an informed choice. Let's dive in and find the perfect loan to fuel your educational journey!  What is a student loan?  A student loan is financial aid specifically for education expenses. It covers tuition, books, and living costs. In India, banks and financial institutions offer these loans. The interest rates for student loans in India range from 8% to 15%. As of 2023, over 3.5 lakh students avail student loans annually.  The loan amount depends on the course and institution. For studies in India, the maximum loan amount is ₹10-15 lakhs. For international studies, it can go up to ₹80 lakhs or more.  Repayment usually starts after the course completion. There is a moratorium period, typically 6 months to a year. During this period, repayment is not required. Student loans can be secured or unsecured. Secured loans need collateral, while unsecured loans do not.  Student loans are a crucial tool to make higher education accessible. They ensure that financial constraints don't hinder your educational goals.  Types of student loans available in India  Secured vs. Unsecured Loans  Secured loans require collateral, such as property or fixed deposits. They usually offer lower interest rates and higher loan amounts. Unsecured loans don't need collateral but may have higher interest rates and lower loan limits. Both types have their advantages, and the choice depends on your financial situation and risk tolerance.  Feature Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Collateral Required Not required Interest Rates Lower (6%-12%) Higher (10%-15%) Eligibility Criteria Stricter due to collateral requirement More lenient Approval Time Longer due to collateral verification Quicker Secured vs. Unsecured Loans  Government vs. Private Loans  Government loans are offered by public sector banks and come with subsidized interest rates. They often have favorable terms, especially for economically weaker sections. Private loans are provided by private banks and financial institutions. They offer more flexibility but may have higher interest rates. The choice between the two depends on your eligibility and specific needs.  Feature Government Loans Private Loans Provider Public sector banks and government schemes Private banks and financial institutions Interest Rates Lower and subsidized Higher, varies by lender Flexibility Less flexible, strict criteria More flexible, varied criteria Subsidies/Benefits Often available for economically weaker sections Sometimes offered Processing Time Generally, longer Usually faster Government vs. Private Loans  Key student loan features  Loan Amount and Coverage  Student loans in India can range from ₹1 lakh to ₹1 Cr or above, depending on the course and institution. Coverage may include tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, books, travel cost, and supplies.  Tuition Fees: The primary component of student loans is tuition fees, which can be up to 100% of the total course cost. This ensures you can focus on your studies without financial worry.  Accommodation and Living Expenses: Loans also cover accommodation costs, whether on-campus or off-campus. Living expenses like food, travel, and daily necessities are included, often up to ₹1-2 lakhs per year.  Books and Supplies: Books, study materials, and essential supplies are covered under student loans. This can amount to ₹50,000 to ₹1 lakh per year, depending on the course requirements.  .  Interest rates Interest rates for student loans in India range from 8% to 15%. The rate depends on the lender, loan type, and borrower’s credit profile Fixed vs. Variable Rates  Fixed rates remain constant throughout the loan tenure, providing predictability in repayments. Variable rates fluctuate with market conditions, which can be beneficial or risky depending on economic factors.  FeatureFixed Interest Rate Variable Interest RateInterest Rate StabilityInterest rate remains constant throughout the loan termInterest rate fluctuates based on an underlying benchmark or indexLoan PaymentsPredictable and consistentVary based on interest rate changesFlexibilityLess flexible if borrower wants to change terms or exit the loan earlyMore flexible, but with greater risk of rate changesInitial RateGenerally higher than variable ratesOften lower than fixed rates, especially for introductory periodsRiskLower risk due to predictable paymentsHigher risk due to potential rate changesLoan TermsAvailable for various terms, from 6 months to 10 yearsTypically available for shorter terms, such as 5/1 or 7/1 ARMsForecastingEasier to forecast cash flow due to predictable paymentsMore challenging to forecast cash flow due to changing ratesAttractive FeaturesPredictable payments, flexibility in loan termsAttractive introductory rates, lower initial ratesDisadvantagesHistorically more expensive over the life of the loanGreater risk of rate changes, potentially higher total cost Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized Interest  Subsidized loans have the government paying the interest during the study period. Unsubsidized loans require the borrower to pay all the interest, even during the study period.  FeatureSubsidized LoansUnsubsidized LoansInterest PaymentGovernment pays interest while borrower is in school, during the 6-month grace period, and during deferment periodsBorrower is responsible for paying interest from the time the loan is disbursedEligibilityAvailable to undergraduate students who demonstrate financial needAvailable to both undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of financial needInterest RateFixed rate of 4.99% for undergraduate students, disbursed between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023Fixed rate of 4.99% for undergraduate students, disbursed between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023; 6.54% for graduate studentsRiskLower risk due to government-paid interestHigher risk due to borrower responsibility for interest paymentsForecastingEasier to forecast cash flow due to predictable interest paymentsMore challenging to forecast cash flow due to changing interest ratesFlexibilityLess flexible if borrower wants to change terms or exit the loan earlyMore flexible, but with greater risk of rate changes Repayment Terms and Options  Repayment typically starts after the course completion, with a moratorium period of 6-12 months. Options include standard EMIs, step-up EMIs, or flexible repayment schedules based on the borrower’s income.  Grace Period  Grace period The grace period is a post-study duration during which repayment is not required, usually 6-12 months. This allows graduates time to secure a job before starting repayments.  Loan Tenure  Loan tenure can vary from 5 to 15 years, depending on the loan amount and repayment capacity. Longer tenures reduce EMI amounts but increase total interest paid.  EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) Options EMI options include standard fixed EMIs, where the amount remains constant. Some lenders offer step-up EMIs, which start low and increase over time, matching the borrower’s growing income.  Eligibility criteria for student loans in India Eligibility criteria for student loans in India typically include factors such as admission to recognized courses, Indian citizenship, and specific age limits. Financial institutions assess applicants based on academic performance, course accreditation, and co-applicant guarantees. Basic eligibility requirements for students Students must be Indian citizens to qualify for student loans in India. Additionally, they should have a strong academic record and a clear career plan.  Age Limits:  Most lenders require students to be between 18 and 35 years old. This range ensures the borrower is mature enough to manage the loan and its repayment.  Academic Qualifications:  Applicants must have completed their higher secondary education (12th grade). They should also have a consistent academic record with no gaps in their education.  Admission to Recognized Institutions: Students must have secured admission to recognized institutions in India or abroad. This includes universities, colleges, and professional courses approved by the relevant authorities.  Co-applicant Requirements:  A co-applicant, usually a parent or guardian, is mandatory for most student loans. The co-applicant shares responsibility for loan repayment, adding an additional layer of security for the lender.  Role of Parents/Guardians:   Parents or guardians often act as co-applicants, providing financial backing. Their involvement is crucial, especially for securing higher loan amounts or better terms.  Financial Stability and Credit History of Co-applicant:  The co-applicant’s financial stability and credit history significantly impact loan approval. A good credit score (typically 700 or above) and stable income increase the chances of loan approval and better interest rates.  Comparing the best banks for student loans in India  Here’s a comparison of student loans offered by some of the top banks in India.  Bank/Institution Interest Rate* Loan Amount Repayment Tenure Processing Fee Collateral Requirement Moratorium Period State Bank of India (SBI) 7.50% - 10.75% Up to ₹1.5 crore Up to 15 years Up to ₹10,000 Required for loans above ₹7.5 lakh Course duration + 1 year HDFC Bank 9.55% - 13.25% Up to ₹40 lakh (can be higher for premier institutes) Up to 15 years Up to 1% of loan amount Required for loans above ₹7.5 lakh Course duration + 1 year ICICI Bank 10.25% - 11.75% Up to ₹1 crore Up to 10 years Up to 1% of loan amount Required for loans above ₹7.5 lakh Course duration + 6 months Axis Bank 10.50% - 13.00% Up to ₹75 lakh Up to 15 years Up to 1.5% of loan amount Required for loans above ₹4 lakh Course duration + 1 year Punjab National Bank (PNB) 8.75% - 10.50% Up to ₹1 crore Up to 15 years Up to 1% of loan amount Required for loans above ₹7.5 lakh Course duration + 1 year Bank of Baroda 7.85% - 10.25% Up to ₹1 crore Up to 15 years Nil for loans up to ₹4 lakh, otherwise up to 1% Required for loans above ₹7.5 lakh Course duration + 1 year Canara Bank 8.75% - 10.50% Up to ₹40 lakh (can be higher for premier institutes) Up to 15 years Up to 1% of loan amount Required for loans above ₹7.5 lakh Course duration + 1 year Avanse Financial Services 11.75% - 16.00% Up to ₹1 crore Up to 12 years Up to 1% of loan amount Required based on loan amount and institute Course duration + 6 months Credila (HDFC Credila Financial Services) 11.85% - 13.75% Up to ₹1 crore Up to 10 years Up to 1.5% of loan amount Required based on loan amount and institute Course duration + 1 year InCred Education Loan 11.75% - 14.00% Up to ₹1 crore Up to 15 years Up to 1% of loan amount Required based on loan amount and institute Course duration + 6 months  *The interest rates are subject to change and may vary based on the profile of the borrower, co-applicant, and the institution/course of study.  How to apply for an education loan in India  Here are simple steps you can use to apply for a student loan -  Research and Compare Loan Options: Evaluate various banks and loan schemes for the best interest rates and terms.  Documents Required for Student Loan: Gather necessary documents like admission proof, income proof, identity, and address verification.  Fill Out the Loan Application Form: Complete the application form accurately with all required details.  Submit the Application and Documents to the Bank/ loan provider: Provide the filled form and documents to the chosen bank.  Loan Processing and Approval: The bank reviews the application and verifies the documents.  Disbursement of the Loan Amount: Upon approval, the bank disburses the loan amount directly to the institution or as per agreed terms.  How to apply for an education loan in India  Choosing the right student loan can greatly impact your financial well-being. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:  Compare Interest Rates and Total Cost: Look beyond just the interest rate; consider the total cost of the loan over its tenure.  Check for Hidden Charges and Fees: Be aware of any processing fees, prepayment penalties, or other hidden charges that may affect the overall cost.  Understand Repayment Terms and Flexibility: Ensure you understand the repayment schedule, EMI amount, and any flexibility in repayment options.  Consider the Reputation and Customer Service of the Lender: Choose a lender with a good reputation for customer service and transparent policies.  Evaluate Additional Benefits: Look for loans that offer additional benefits like interest subsidies for certain categories of students or moratorium periods post-course completion for job search or further studies. These benefits can significantly reduce your financial burden in the long run.  Benefits of choosing EduFund for your student loan  Although we’ve talked about how you can choose the best student loan in India, let us give you a shortcut to that – EduFund!  Book a FREE consultation Here’s what we can offer you!  Loan Features What EduFund Offers Competitive Interest Rates EduFund offers competitive interest rates starting from 5.5%. No Processing Fees No processing fees, ensuring you save on upfront costs. Flexible Repayment Options Customizable repayment plans based on your financial situation. Quick and Easy Application Process Streamlined application process for faster loan approval. Pre-Approved Loan Offers Pre-approved loan offers based on your eligibility. Expert Loan Advisors Access to expert loan advisors for guidance and support. Online Account Management Convenient online account management for loan tracking. Additional Benefits Additional benefits like interest subsidies and tax benefits.  Choosing the right student loan is pivotal for a successful academic journey. With careful research, comparison, and consideration of factors like interest rates, repayment terms, and lender benefits, you can make an informed decision.  
Top Affordable Universities in Ireland

Top Affordable Universities in Ireland

Dreaming of studying abroad in the land of rolling hills, charming villages, and rich history? Ireland might be the perfect destination for you, and it doesn't have to break the bank! While Ireland boasts world-class universities, the good news is several affordable options offer excellent education without a hefty price tag. Why Ireland? Ireland is a fantastic choice for international students for several reasons: Thriving Education System: Irish universities are known for their rigorous academics and strong research focus. Many rank highly in global rankings. English Speaking Country: No need to worry about a language barrier! Studying in Ireland allows you to hone your English language skills while pursuing your degree. Welcoming Culture: The Irish are renowned for their warmth and hospitality. You'll feel right at home in this friendly and vibrant country. Centralized Location: Ireland's location in Europe makes it a perfect base for exploring the continent during breaks. Affordability: Public vs. Private Generally, public universities in Ireland are more affordable for international students compared to private institutions. Public universities receive government funding, keeping tuition fees lower. Here's a breakdown: Public Universities: Average tuition fees range from €9,850 to €25,000 per year. Private Colleges: Fees can vary significantly but often start higher than public universities. Top Affordable Universities in Ireland Now, let's delve into some of the top universities in Ireland that are easy on the wallet: Dublin City University (DCU): Located in Dublin, DCU offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including business, engineering, and humanities. They are known for their focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. National College of Ireland (NCI): Situated in Dublin, NCI is a state-aided college with a reputation for affordable fees and high-quality education. They offer programs in business, computing, and healthcare, among others. Maynooth University: Located outside Dublin, Maynooth University is known for its beautiful campus and strong academic programs in arts, humanities, and science. They consistently rank among the most affordable universities in Ireland. Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin): Formed by the merger of two institutes of technology, TU Dublin offers a unique blend of academic and vocational programs. Their focus on practical skills makes them a great choice for career-oriented students. Griffith College: While a private institution, Griffith College offers competitive tuition fees compared to other private colleges. With campuses in Dublin, Cork, and Limerick, they provide a diverse range of programs in business, law, and hospitality. Beyond Tuition: Cost of Living Remember, tuition fees are just one part of the equation. Here are some additional factors to consider when budgeting for studying in Ireland: Accommodation: On-campus housing is often the most affordable option. Explore shared apartments or homestays for more budget-friendly alternatives. Food: Self-catering is a cost-effective way to manage your food expenses. Explore local markets and grocery stores for affordable options. Transportation: Public transportation in Ireland is efficient and relatively affordable. Student travel cards offer discounts. Tips for Saving Money Here are some ways to make your study abroad experience in Ireland more affordable: Scholarships and Grants: Research scholarships and grants offered by the Irish government, universities, and external organizations. Part-time Jobs: International students can legally work part-time to supplement their income. Check visa restrictions for work permit requirements. Student Discounts: Many businesses and attractions offer student discounts. Take advantage of these deals to save money. Also Read: How to finance your foreign education? Conclusion Studying in Ireland doesn't have to be a financial burden. With its range of affordable universities, a focus on value for money, and a relatively low cost of living, Ireland offers an excellent opportunity to gain a top-notch education without breaking the bank. So, start planning your Emerald Isle adventure – an enriching and affordable educational experience awaits!
Decoding the Sanction Letter for an Education Loan

Decoding the Sanction Letter for an Education Loan

The wait is over! You've persevered through the application process, and your dedication has paid off. You're holding the key to unlocking your educational dreams - the education loan sanction letter. This official document from your lender confirms their approval for your loan, and it's a significant milestone on your academic journey. But what exactly does this letter entail, and what are the next steps? This blog will guide you through understanding your education loan sanction letter and navigating the path towards utilizing it effectively. What is a Sanction Letter? The education loan sanction letter is a formal agreement outlining the critical details of your loan. Here's a breakdown of the key information you'll find: Loan Amount: This is the total sum approved by the lender to finance your education. Interest Rate: This determines the cost of borrowing the loan, expressed as a percentage of the principal amount. It's crucial to understand if it's a fixed or floating rate. Loan Tenure: This refers to the total period you have to repay the loan, typically ranging from 5 to 10 years after a moratorium period (explained later). Margin/Down Payment: Some lenders may require a certain percentage of the total cost to be paid upfront by you or your co-applicant. Repayment Schedule: This specifies the amount and frequency of your loan installments. It could be monthly, quarterly, or as per the lender's terms. Guarantor Details (if applicable): If required, the letter will mention the guarantor's name who acts as a financial backup in case of repayment defaults. Disbursement Process: This outlines the steps and conditions for receiving the loan amount. It might be directly deposited into the institution's account or credited to your account. Terms and Conditions: This section details the entire agreement, including prepayment charges, late payment penalties, and other crucial aspects. Read this thoroughly and understand all the implications. Also Read: Is collateral important for an education loan? Beyond the Basics: Important Considerations Review and Acceptance: Carefully review the sanction letter to ensure all details, like the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure, match your application and expectations. If there are any discrepancies, contact your lender for clarification before accepting the terms. Documentation Completion: You might need to submit additional documents, such as college fee receipts or visa confirmation, to fulfill the disbursement conditions. Ensure you have these documents in order to avoid delays. Compare and Explore: While the sanction letter signifies approval, it might not be the final word. It's wise to compare offers from other lenders and see if you can secure a better interest rate or more favorable terms. Financial Planning: The loan amount might not cover all your expenses. Factor in living costs, books, and other miscellaneous fees. Create a realistic budget to manage your finances effectively during your studies. Utilizing Your Education Loan Wisely An education loan is an investment in your future. Here's how to make the most of it: Spend Wisely: Disbursed funds should be strictly used for educational purposes - tuition fees, accommodation, books, and other essential study-related costs. Avoid unnecessary or extravagant spending. Scholarship and Grants: Explore scholarship opportunities and grants that can ease your financial burden. Reducing your loan amount translates to lower repayment pressure in the long run. Part-time Work (if allowed): Depending on your study schedule and visa regulations, consider taking on part-time work to manage your living expenses and potentially reduce your loan dependence. Looking Ahead: Repayment Strategies Understand the Repayment Process: Familiarize yourself with the repayment schedule and ensure timely payments to avoid late fees and maintain a good credit score. Start Early: While a moratorium period (a grace period before repayment starts) exists, consider making small, interest-only payments during this time to reduce the overall loan burden. Post-Graduation Planning: Develop a solid post-graduation plan to secure a well-paying job that allows you to comfortably manage your loan repayments. Conclusion The education loan sanction letter is a stepping stone towards achieving your academic goals. By understanding its contents, planning your finances meticulously, and utilizing the funds responsibly, you can turn this loan into an investment that propels you towards a successful future. Remember, knowledge is power, so don't hesitate to seek clarification from your lender or a financial advisor if you have any doubts. With careful planning and hard work, you can transform this loan into a springboard for a bright future.
Difference Between Nursery and Kindergarten in India

Difference Between Nursery and Kindergarten in India

If you are a new parent, you have probably heard the words Nursey and Kindergarten. In fact, admissions for nursery are so competitive in India, especially Delhi that most parents start planning it before their child is even born. Let's understand the difference between nursery and kindergarten in India. Why it's vital for your early development, and when should your child start going to school? Early childhood education plays a crucial role in laying the foundation for a child's future development and academic success. In India, nursery and kindergarten are two common terms used to describe the early stages of schooling for young children. While they may seem similar, there are significant differences between the two that parents should be aware of when considering their child's educational journey. Nursery School: The First Step in Early Education Nursery school, also known as pre-primary or preschool, typically caters to children between the ages of 2 to 4 years old. It serves as the introductory stage of formal education, focusing on fostering social, emotional, and cognitive development through play-based activities and structured learning experiences. Nursery schools provide a nurturing environment where children can explore, interact with peers, and develop essential skills such as language, communication, and fine motor skills. Curriculum and Activities in Nursery School The curriculum in nursery school is designed to be age-appropriate and developmentally relevant, focusing on foundational concepts such as colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. Activities may include storytelling, art and craft, music and movement, sensory play, and outdoor play, aimed at stimulating curiosity, creativity, and imagination in young learners. The emphasis is on providing a holistic learning experience that promotes overall growth and development in a safe and supportive environment. Kindergarten: Building Upon the Foundations Kindergarten, often referred to as KG or Lower Kindergarten (LKG), is the next stage in early education and typically caters to children between the ages of 4 to 6 years old. It builds upon the foundational skills developed in nursery school and introduces more structured learning experiences focused on academic readiness and preparation for formal schooling. The kindergarten curriculum emphasizes language development, numeracy skills, social studies, and basic science concepts, laying the groundwork for future academic success. Curriculum and Activities in Kindergarten The curriculum in kindergarten is more structured and curriculum-driven compared to nursery school, with a greater emphasis on academic skills and readiness for primary education. Activities may include language and literacy development, mathematical concepts, science experiments, social studies projects, and hands-on learning experiences. Kindergarten teachers use a variety of teaching strategies, including group activities, individualized instruction, and learning centers, to cater to the diverse needs and learning styles of young learners. Key Differences Between Nursery and Kindergarten Age Group: Nursery school typically caters to children aged 2 to 4 years old, while kindergarten serves children aged 4 to 6 years old. Focus: Nursery school focuses on fostering social, emotional, and cognitive development through play-based activities, while kindergarten emphasizes academic readiness and preparation for formal schooling. Curriculum: Nursery school curriculum is more exploratory and play-based, whereas kindergarten curriculum is more structured and curriculum-driven, focusing on academic skills and concepts. Activities: Nursery school activities are centered around exploration, creativity, and social interaction, while kindergarten activities include more academic-focused learning experiences and skill development. Conclusion In conclusion, understanding the differences between nursery and kindergarten is essential for parents seeking the best early education options for their children in India. While nursery school provides a nurturing environment for social and emotional development through play-based activities, kindergarten builds upon these foundations and prepares children for formal schooling with a more structured and academic-focused curriculum. By recognizing these distinctions, parents can make informed decisions about their children's early education journey, setting them on a path to success in school and beyond. Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest!
Cost of Studying in IIMs: Calculating IIM Study Expenses!

Cost of Studying in IIMs: Calculating IIM Study Expenses!

Before enrolling at an IIM, students need to know about the cost of studying in IIMs beforehand to take appropriate steps to arrange the college fees. As education inflation has reached its peak, the cost of educational expenses is also on the higher side. What are IIMs? The Indian Institutes of Management, commonly referred to as IIM, is a public business school owned by the central government of India. The IIMs offer several study courses like MBA Executive, doctoral, postgraduate, and undergraduate, as well as business administration-related additional courses.  The flagship program of IIM is the MBA or Master of Business Administration program, which is offered as a one-year global MBA program or a two-year Postgraduate Program in Management (PGP).  Create Education Goal to Study in IIM Average Cost of Studying in IIMs There are several IIMs in India, the prominent three being IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, and IIM Calcutta also referred to as IIM-A, IIM-B, and IIM-C, respectively. The MBA fee structure of all the IIMs varies between INR 16 Lakh and INR 27 Lakh.  The IIM MBA fees for the top three institutes are the highest and range between INR 24 Lakhs and INR 27 Lakhs, and for newly opened institutes, the fee varies between INR 16 Lakhs to INR 19 Lakhs.  There is a distinct difference between the fee structure of older and newly built IIMs because the new IIMs are financially backed by the government, unlike the older ones, which bear the maintenance and other expenses by themselves. Components of MBA Fees: IIM Fee Structure The IIM fee structure includes Tuition fees Traveling expenses Boarding fees Personal expenses Library fees Cost of Eating in the Mess  Internet expenses Cost of books and course materials Computer/laptop cost Study tours Alum activity Miscellaneous expenses Students can pay the total fees at one go or opt for a semester-wise payment schedule, whichever they find comfortable. Cost of studying in Top 10 IIMs IIM CampusTotal Tuition FeesIIM AhmedabadINR 24.61 lakhIIM BangaloreINR 24.50 lakhIIM CalcuttaINR 25.00 lakhIIM LucknowINR 20.70 lakhIIM KozhikodeINR 20.50 lakhIIM RaipurINR 16.10 lakh (excluding boarding fees)IIM UdaipurINR 19.00 lakhIIM RohtakINR 17.60 lakhVisakhapatnamINR 17.58 lakhIIM TrichyINR 19.5 lakh An overview of the top 3 IIMs  1. IIM Ahmedabad  IIM Ahmedabad is the country's most popular and most expensive IIM, offering Business & Management Studies. The institute offers several facilities like a hostel, library, cafeteria, labs, gym, music room, wi-fi campus, auditorium, medical facilities, sports complex, and a/c classroom.  The total tuition fee structure for the different courses is. CourseTotal Tuition FeesDurationMBA/PGDM (3 courses – 50 seats)INR 12 lakh - INR 24.61 lakhFor 16 months – 2 yearsExecutive MBA/PGDM (1 course – 140 seats)INR 31.5 Lakh 1 yearMMS (1 course)INR 20 lakh2 yearsCertificate (2 courses – 60 seats)INR 1.57 lakh4 – 6 months 2. IIM Bangalore Established in 1973 with NIRF ranking two and a 100-acre campus area, the IIM fee structure covers fees for personal accident insurance and medical insurance besides the regular fee structure offered by almost all the IIMs. Statistics of Bangalore placement 2022 show that 137 companies visited the campus and made 662 offers. The median and average package offered was INR 31.20 lakh per annum and INR 33.82 lakh per annum, respectively. CourseTotal Tuition FeesDurationMBA/PGDM (4 courses – 635 seats)INR 12.5 - INR 24.5 lakh1 year – 2 yearsCertificate (79 courses)INR 65 k – INR 17.75 lakh2 days – 15 monthsExecutive MBA/PGDM (1 course – 75 seats)INR 23 lakh1-year 3. IIM Calcutta IIM Calcutta ranked 3rd under the NIRF rankings and was the first to be established under IIM legacy. According to the available statistics for 2022, the placement percentage of the institute last year was 100%, as 190+ companies visited the campus, and 631 offers were made to the students.  CourseTotal Tuition FeesDurationMBA/PGDM (3 courses)INR 23.2 lakh – INR 25 lakh2 yearsExecutive MBA/PGDM (2 courses)INR 13.5 lakh to 31 lakh1 yearCertificate (35 courses)INR 2.5 lakh – 12.89 lakh6 months – 1 year Balance the Books by Comparing the Cost of IIMs! An elite collection of management schools in India known as the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are renowned for their demanding academic curricula and superior management education. In India, there are 20 IIMs, each with special qualities and advantages. Here are the IIMs available in India: IIMLocationAnnual Fee for PGP (Latest Available)IIM AhmedabadAhmedabad, GujaratApproximately INR 30 lakhsIIM BangaloreBangalore, KarnatakaApproximately INR 24 lakhsIIM CalcuttaKolkata, West BengalApproximately INR 31 lakhsIIM LucknowLucknow, Uttar PradeshApproximately INR 19 lakhsIIM KozhikodeKozhikode, KeralaApproximately INR 19.5 lakhsIIM IndoreIndore, Madhya PradeshApproximately INR 20 lakhsIIM ShillongShillong, MeghalayaApproximately INR 14.3 lakhsIIM RohtakRohtak, HaryanaApproximately INR 16.9 lakhsIIM RanchiRanchi, JharkhandApproximately INR 16.3 lakhsIIM TrichyTiruchirappalli, Tamil NaduApproximately INR 19.5 lakhsIIM KashipurKashipur, UttarakhandApproximately INR 17.3 lakhsIIM UdaipurUdaipur, RajasthanApproximately INR 20.4 lakhsIIM RaipurRaipur, ChhattisgarhApproximately INR 16.5 lakhsIIM NagpurNagpur, MaharashtraApproximately INR 18 lakhsIIM VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshApproximately INR 18.2 lakhsIIM Bodh GayaBodh Gaya, BiharApproximately INR 15.5 lakhsIIM AmritsarAmritsar, PunjabApproximately INR 17 lakhsIIM SirmaurSirmaur, Himachal PradeshApproximately INR 11.75 lakhsIIM SambalpurSambalpur, OdishaApproximately INR 13 lakhsIIM JammuJammu, Jammu and KashmirApproximately INR 17 lakhs Let’s have a look at the Top 10 IIMs with their Annual Fee. Remember, IIMs often provide scholarships and financial assistance to eligible students based on various criteria, so prospective applicants are encouraged to check the most up-to-date fee structures and financial aid options on the respective IIMs' official websites. Fees for Indians and foreign Nationals at IIMs 1. IIM Ahmedabad One of India's top business schools is IIM Ahmedabad. The PGP (Post Graduate Programme) and PGP-FABM (Post Graduate Programme in Food and Agribusiness Management) are only two of the postgraduate programs it provides. The annual cost of the PGP program is around INR 30 lakhs for Indian citizens and USD 85,000 for foreign students. 2. IIM Bangalore Another esteemed IIM, IIM Bangalore is renowned for its demanding academic programs. The PGP, PGPEM (Post Graduate Programme in Enterprise Management), and PGPPM (Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management) are all programs offered by the institute. The annual cost of the PGP program is around INR 24 lakhs for Indian citizens and USD 85,000 for foreign students. 3. IIM Kolkata One of the original IIMs, IIM Calcutta is well known for its management programmes. It provides a variety of management courses, including the PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management). For Indian citizens and overseas students, the average yearly cost of the PGDM program is roughly INR 31 lakhs and USD 92,500, respectively. 4. IIM Lucknow The academic offerings and research initiatives of IIM Lucknow are renowned for their variety. It offers courses including PGP, WMP (Working Managers Programme), and IPMX (International Programme in Management for Executives). The yearly cost of the PGP program is around INR 19.25 lakhs (for Indian citizens) and USD 63,500 (for students from other countries). 5. Kozhikode IIM The unique programs and instructional strategies used at IIM Kozhikode are well-known. It provides the PGP, EPGP (Executive Post Graduate Programme), and PGP-BL (Post Graduate Programme in Business Leadership). The yearly cost of the PGP program is around INR 19.50 lakhs (for Indian citizens) and USD 60,000 (for students from other countries). https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SRkKqX7IQF4 6. IIM Raipur One of the most recent IIMs, IIM Raipur, is rapidly rising to prominence. It offers the Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM) and PGP. For Indian nationals, the PGP program's annual cost is around INR 16.5 lakhs. 7. IIM Udaipur The picturesque campus and management programs of IIM Udaipur are well-known. The PGP and PGPX (Post Graduate Programme for Executives) are available there. For Indian nationals, the PGP program's annual cost is around INR 20.4 lakhs. 8. IIM Rohtak The IIM Rohtak is renowned for its dedication to top-notch management education. It offers the Post Graduate Programme (PGP), Integrated Programme in Management (IPM), and Executive Post Graduate Programme (EPGPX). For Indian nationals, the PGP program's annual cost is around INR 16.90 lakhs. 9. IIM Visakhapatnam IIM Visakhapatnam, one of the most recent IIMs, is expanding quickly. The PGP and FPM (Fellow Programme in Management) are available. For Indian nationals, the PGP program's annual cost is around INR 18.20 lakhs. 10. Tiruchirappalli's IIM Trichy The management programs and emphasis on research at IIM Trichy are well-known. Both the PGP and FPM are offered. For Indian nationals, the PGP program's annual cost is around INR 19.50 lakhs. Join our robust WhatsApp Community to get updates on Ed-loans! FAQs Which is the cheapest IIM? The cheapest IIM is IIM Sirmaur with its PGP course charging 11 lakhs per annum. Why IIM fee is high? IIM fees are high because their private bodies fund their institute primarily through tuition fees. They off highly popular because of their brilliant ROIs and advance programmes. The institutes offer quality education for MBA courses that are extremely sought after. It is one of the hardest universities to get admission to due to the rigorous admission process and intense competition. What are IIMs? The Indian Institutes of Management, commonly referred to as IIM, is a public business school owned by the central government of India. The IIMs offer several study courses like MBA Executive, doctoral, postgraduate, and undergraduate, as well as business administration-related additional courses
Different Types of Schools in India

Different Types of Schools in India

India, a melting pot of cultures and traditions, boasts a diverse educational landscape that caters to the varied needs and preferences of its populace. From ancient gurukuls to modern international schools, the nation's educational journey is a fascinating tapestry that reflects its rich heritage. Let's delve into the kaleidoscope of different types of schools in India, each contributing uniquely to the nation's educational ethos. Scholarships for your child's future! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5uKaYCAbco&t=2s Gurukuls: Since ancient India, Gurukuls were the cradle of education. Led by revered gurus, these residential schools nurtured holistic development, emphasizing values, ethics, and skills alongside academic prowess. Today, a handful of gurukuls preserve this ancient tradition, blending it with contemporary pedagogy. Best Schools in Rajkot Government Schools: Spread across every nook and corner of the country, government schools play a pivotal role in providing accessible and affordable education. Despite challenges, they remain the backbone of India's mass education system, aiming to bridge socio-economic gaps and empower the masses. Private Schools: In the quest for quality education, private schools have emerged as beacons of excellence. Varied in curriculum, philosophy, and teaching methodologies, these institutions cater to a diverse range of students. From traditional ICSE and CBSE schools to those offering international curricula like IB, the private sector provides a spectrum of educational choices. International Schools: With the world becoming a global village, international schools have gained prominence. These institutions follow international curricula, fostering a global perspective and preparing students for global challenges. The emphasis is on experiential learning, multicultural exposure, and advanced teaching methodologies. They offer boards like IB that help students transition to foreign universities efficiently. Take a break from reading and watch this! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wQbhsWtOPpU Boarding Schools: India has a long-standing tradition of boarding schools that provide a complete immersive experience. Nestled in scenic locations, these schools focus not only on academic excellence but also on character-building, discipline, and extracurricular activities. They create an environment where students learn life skills while pursuing academic goals. Montessori Schools: For early childhood education, Montessori schools provide a unique approach. Inspired by Maria Montessori's philosophy, these schools focus on self-directed learning, hands-on activities, and collaborative play. The emphasis is on nurturing curiosity, creativity, and independence in the formative years. Specialized Schools: Recognizing the diverse talents and needs of students, specialized schools have gained popularity. These include schools for the arts, sports academies, STEM-focused institutions, and those catering to specific learning challenges. They tailor education to individual strengths, fostering a conducive environment for specialized skill development. Why every child needs an Education Fund? India's educational landscape is a vibrant mosaic, with each type of school contributing uniquely to the nation's growth. From preserving ancient traditions to embracing global learning trends, these schools collectively shape the minds of the future. As India strides confidently into the 21st century, its diverse schools continue to play a pivotal role in sculpting a well-rounded, enlightened generation ready to face the challenges of the world. Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest!
Why do international students pay more tuition?

Why do international students pay more tuition?

Ever wondered why international students pay more tuition than domestic students in a foreign country? In countries like UK and Canada, the tuition cost for international students is double the amount charged to domestic students.   Let’s take the example of Kings College London, UK. The current tuition fee for 2023-24 to study BA English for international students is £23,160 per year while for domestic students, it is £9,250 per year. In Indian rupees, the yearly cost would be nearly Rs. 21 lakhs for international students while for domestic students, it is Rs. 8. 34 lakhs!   This is not just the story of Kings College London, UK. Many more universities charge international students more than their domestic counterparts. Let’s explore why! Reasons why international students pay more   There are multiple reasons why international students pay more tuition fees than domestic students.  Lack of government funding or government caps like its present for the UK and European students in the United Kingdom.    International tuition fees are a major source of income for the government and foreign universities.   Education inflation refers to the rising cost of education on a yearly basis. Inflation affects the cost of education directly and has led to an increase in annual tuition fees not just at top universities in foreign countries but in government universities in India as well.   Universities are employers and a hub for research. This means that they need revenue to facilitate their yearly expenses like research, paying salaries, and maintaining the infrastructure. The revenue for these costs comes largely from tuition fees which is why international students end up paying more Are higher tuition fees problematic for international students?  Higher tuition fees can be an obstacle for many international students. International students struggle with annual fees as well as the rising costs of accommodation, travel, and daily expenses in foreign countries. Most international students depend on their parents to finance their education which means that they not only have to pay more in tuition fees but their purchasing power is less because their parents are earning in local currencies.   For instance, the fall of the rupee against the dollar has financially affected Indian students studying in the US currently. The price of living expenses has gone up due to rising inflation. How can you manage to manage higher tuition fees?  The cost of education is readily increasing and the only way to cope with it is to start saving and investing. If you are a parent and want to send your child abroad then investing in mutual funds via SIP and exploring US stocks is a great saving strategy. The benefits of both investing strategies are limitless:   A SIP in mutual funds allows you to save and invest gradually. You can start with Rs. 2000 every month or more depending upon your goal target and gradually increase the invested amount to combat the rising inflationary prices.   Investing in US dollars gives you an edge because you not only get better returns but you will be able to secure your purchasing power if your child decides to study abroad. Gaining returns in dollars and spending in dollars is better than earning in rupees and spending in dollars! Thus, investing in US stocks and funds gives you an upper hand and helps you plan a solid future for your child.   There are many more options that can help you fund your tuition fees. You can opt for an education loan, and explore scholarships and grants that can partially or fully fund your education expenses. Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest! Knowing the cost of tuition fees and the consequent living expenses and calculating it can truly help you plan this education journey better; it will allow you to make strategic decisions and create an education corpus fit to study anywhere in the world.  
Top International Schools in Bangalore

Top International Schools in Bangalore

Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, is home to some of the most prestigious schools in the country. These institutions offer world-class facilities and education, attracting students from all over the world. With a plethora of options available, choosing the right school can be a daunting task.   In this article, we will take a closer look at the best international schools in Bangalore, providing valuable insights to parents who are looking to give their children the best education possible. Create Goal for Child Education Top 13 best schools in Bangalore 1. Indus International School: With an annual fee of around Rs. 9.5 lakh, Indus International School is one of the most expensive schools in Bangalore. The school follows an international curriculum and offers state-of-the-art facilities.  Established in 2003, Indus International School is a distinguished educational institution, holding accreditation from both the IB and CIE boards. It is dedicated to providing a comprehensive education that equips students to confront life's myriad challenges. Located in the Sarjapura district of Bangalore, the school boasts a sprawling 40-acre campus featuring cutting-edge facilities and top-notch amenities for its students. As one of the pioneering and highly regarded educational institutions, this international school in Bangalore has also expanded its presence to Hyderabad, Pune, and Chennai, extending its legacy of excellence.  Address: Billapura Cross, Sarjapura Board: IB Website https://bangalore.indusschool.com/ 2. Candor International School: Candor International School is another top-tier institution in Bangalore, offering an international curriculum and modern facilities. The annual fee for the school is around Rs. 8.5 lakh. This top international school in Bangalore stands as a contemporary global educational institution that has emerged in recent times. Established in 2011, the school provides the IGCSE curriculum for middle school students and offers the IB diploma program for high school students. While the school awaits authorization for the IB PYP (Primary Years Programme) for primary-level students (ages three to 12), it boasts a sprawling 25-acre campus, equipped with top-notch infrastructure and facilities, fostering comprehensive student development. Address: Koppa-harapanhalli Road, Hullahalli.   Board: IB and IGCSE    Website https://candorschool.edu.in/ 3. Mallya Aditi International School: Mallya Aditi International School is a well-known institution that offers an International Baccalaureate (IB) program. This international school in Bangalore has an annual fee of around Rs. 8.5 lakh.  Named in honour of the Bangalore-based tycoon Vijay Mallya, the Mallya Aditi school provides education following the ICSE curriculum from first to twelfth grade. Nevertheless, students in the higher grades (Ninth to Twelfth) have the option to select either the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) IGCSE program or India's ICSE board. The institution boasts a diverse student body hailing from various corners of the globe, fostering an enriching atmosphere of multiculturalism within its classrooms. Address: Behind NIPCCD building, Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore 560 106 Board: IGCSE board or the ICSE Website: http://www.aditi.edu.in/ Expensive Schools in Ahmedabad Read More 4. Stonehill International School: Stonehill International School is a popular choice for parents seeking an international education for their children. The school offers a variety of programs and has an annual fee of around Rs. 7.5 lakh. Established in the year 2005, this top international school in Bangalore is a coeducational institution that provides the International Baccalaureate (IB) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curricula, catering to students from pre-primary through Class XII. Nestled on a sprawling 34-acre campus in close proximity to the airport, the school enjoys a tranquil environment, shielded from the hustle and bustle and pollution of the city. Notably, the school offers both daycare and boarding options, making it a diverse and cosmopolitan choice, drawing students from various countries. Address: Tarahunise Post, Jala Hobli Board: IB Website https://www.stonehill.in/ 5. Canadian International School: As the name suggests, the Canadian International School offers a Canadian curriculum and follows a global approach to education. This is one of the best international schools in Bangalore and stands out as a beacon of environmental responsibility, as it operates entirely on solar energy. This remarkable initiative serves as a valuable lesson for its young students. Founded in 1996 with a humble beginning of only 15 students, the school has rapidly gained recognition in the city. It is renowned for its comprehensive educational approach, which fosters the growth of leadership qualities in its students. Additionally, the school holds full accreditation from both the CIE and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and offers IGCSE certification. To maintain an intimate and focused learning environment, class sizes are deliberately kept small, with a maximum of 24 students per class. The annual fee for the school is around Rs. 7.5 lakh.  Address: No 4 & 20, Manchenahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560064 Board: IGCSE Website: www.canadianinternationalschool.com 6. Inventure Academy: Inventure Academy is a relatively new school in Bangalore but has quickly gained a reputation for excellence. Inventure Academy, established in 2005 by the non-profit organization India Learning Foundation, holds a prominent position among India's top 20-day best international schools in Bangalore. The school initially adopts the ICSE curriculum up to grade eight, but beyond that point, students are granted the flexibility to choose between the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) format or the continuation of the ICSE curriculum. Additionally, students have the option to pursue IGCSE examinations and Level A/AS qualifications. The school has an annual fee of around Rs. 7.5 lakh.  Address: Whitefield – Sarjapur Road, Chikkavaderapura, Near Dommasandra Circle, Bangalore – 562 125 Website: www.inventureacademy.com 7. Greenwood High International School: Greenwood High International School offers both Indian and international curricula and is known for its strong academic programs. The annual fee for this international school in Bangalore is around Rs. 7 lakhs. Greenwood High School adheres to a diverse set of educational programs, including the IB, ICSE, IGCSE, and ISC curricula. Nestled within a vast 22-acre campus situated in Bangalore's Sarjapur area, the school boasts modern facilities that facilitate a comprehensive education for students. From grades IX to XII, students can pursue IB diploma certification and IGCSE exams, aligned with the Cambridge International Examinations board. Additionally, the school incorporates chess into its international curriculum, alongside theatre, fine arts, and performing arts programs. Address: No.8-14, Chikkawadayarapura, Near Heggondahalli, Gunjur Post, Varthur Sarjapur Road, Bangalore-560087 Board: IB, ICSE, IGCSE, and ISC Website: www.greenwoodhigh.edu.in 8. The International School Bangalore (TISB): The International School Bangalore (TISB) is one of the most prestigious schools in Bangalore, offering an international curriculum and world-class facilities. The annual fee for the school is around Rs. 6.5 lakh. This top international school in Bangalore is genuinely a global institution and boasts a diverse student body hailing from various corners of the globe. Undoubtedly, the school's infrastructure and amenities are of the highest international standards, a fact underscored by its accreditation from both the CIE and IGCSE boards. In the early years and middle school levels, the institution adopts the National Curriculum of England, fostering a learning environment that encourages young minds to inquire and discover the world. As students progress to classes IX and X, the school adopts the IGCSE curriculum, while for classes XI and XII, there is the option to pursue the challenging IB Diploma Programme. Address: NAFL Valley, Whitefield – Sarjapur Road, Near Dommasandra Circle, Bangalore – 562 125 Board: CIE and IGCSE Website: tisb.org 9. Trio World Academy: Trio World Academy offers both the IB and Cambridge curricula and has an annual fee of around Rs. 6.5 lakh. The school is known for its excellent sports facilities and programs. Trio World Academy, founded in 2007 near Bangalore's airport in the Sahakara Nagar vicinity, provides a comprehensive educational experience. This top international school in Bangalore offers the IB Primary Years Program for younger students, the CIE curriculum for middle school years, and the IGCSE and IB diploma programs for senior students. Beyond emphasizing academic achievement, the institution fosters excellence in various creative disciplines, including music, dance, art, and design. Address: 3/5 Kodigehalli Main Road, Sahakar Nagar Bangalore- 560092 Board: IB, CIE, IGCSE  Website: www.trioworldacademy.com 10. Delhi Public School Bangalore North: Delhi Public School Bangalore North is a popular choice among parents seeking a strong academic program for their children. This is a prestigious school located in Bangalore, India. Known for its commitment to academic excellence and holistic development, It offers a comprehensive and well-rounded education to its students. The annual fee for this international school in Bangalore is around Rs. 6 lakhs.  Address: Survey No 35/1A Off Bellary Road Jalla Hobli Bagalur, Post, Sathnur Village, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562149 Board: CBSE Website: https://north.dpsbangalore.edu.in/ 11. The Bangalore International School: The Bangalore International School (TBS) is a co-educational school that offers the IB curriculum. The school is located in Hennur, and it is known for its excellent academic record, experienced faculty, and wide range of extracurricular activities. Founded in 1969, the Bangalore International School holds the distinction of being one of the city's most venerable international educational institutions. This establishment came into being thanks to the vision of Eloise Bennet, an American visionary, who aspired to establish a school that adhered to North American pedagogical techniques. In the present day, this top international school in Bangalore serves a diverse community of students, including expatriate youngsters and residents seeking top-tier education and a global outlook. The institution not only imparts valuable life skills and knowledge but also nurtures an environment that celebrates cultural diversity. The school's curriculum is anchored in the International Baccalaureate (IB) and Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) programs while embracing the Round Square educational approach. Address: Geddalahalli, Hennur Bagalur Road. Board: IGCSE, CAIE, and IB  Website: https://bangaloreinternationalschool.org/ 12. Ryan Global School: Ryan Global School is a co-educational school that offers the CBSE curriculum. This best international school in Bangalore has two campuses in Bangalore, one in Yelahanka and the other in Bannerghatta, and it is known for its innovative teaching methods, excellent infrastructure, and wide range of sports and cultural activities.  Address: Behind Hindustan Lever Ltd, near AECS Layout, M.H.Colony, Kundalahalli, Brookefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 56003 Board: ICSE Website: https://www.ryangroup.org/ 13. Oakridge International School: Oakridge International School is a co-educational day-cum-boarding school that offers the IB curriculum. The school has two campuses in Bangalore, one in Sarjapur and the other in Vidyaranyapura, and it is known for its excellent academic record, world-class facilities, and wide range of extracurricular activities.  Address: Varthur Road, Circle, Dommasandra. Board: CBSE and IGCSE Website https://www.oakridge.in/bengaluru Expensive Schools in Delhi Read More While these schools are undoubtedly some of the most expensive in Bangalore, they also offer unparalleled education and facilities to their students. From a wide range of extracurricular activities to experienced and dedicated faculty, these schools strive to provide a holistic learning experience to their students.   Start Investing in Mutual Funds However, it's important to note that expensive schools do not necessarily guarantee the best education for every child, and parents should consider a variety of factors before deciding. Nonetheless, for those who can afford it, these schools offer an excellent opportunity to give their children a world-class education.  Expensive Schools in Hyderabad Read More Conclusion  Bangalore is home to some of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the country, offering a range of curricula, state-of-the-art facilities, and a wide range of extracurricular activities. While choosing a school can be a challenging task, parents can rest assured that these schools provide an unparalleled education to their students.  However, it's important to remember that the most expensive schools may not always be the best fit for every child, and parents should carefully consider their child's needs and interests before making a decision. Nonetheless, for those who can afford it, these schools offer an excellent opportunity to give their children a world-class education and prepare them for success in the future.  Empowering Dreams with EduFund: Your Partner in Education Bangalore is home to some of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the country, offering a range of curricula, state-of-the-art facilities, and a wide range of extracurricular activities. While choosing an international school in Bangalore can be a challenging task, parents can rest assured that these schools provide an unparalleled education to their students.  EduFund offers a streamlined solution for planning and financing your child's educational voyage. Whether it's prudent savings or strategic borrowing,  EduFund empowers parents to secure their child's future with unwavering confidence. As a trusted partner in the pursuit of knowledge and aspirations, EduFund is committed to helping families forge a brighter, more prosperous future. Together, we can ensure that no dreams remain unfulfilled due to financial constraints and that every child embarks on a successful educational journey. Parents should carefully consider their child’s needs and interests before making a decision. For those who can afford it, these best international schools in Bangalore offer an excellent opportunity to give their children a world-class education and prepare them for success in the future. Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest!
Guide to calculating education costs for parents

Guide to calculating education costs for parents

Parents want the best for their children, especially a good education. The rising inflation rate makes it difficult for parents to determine the amount they need to save for their child’s education. Understanding the actual education costs with the help of a college cost calculator is important so that parents can become aware of the potential expenses. It surely becomes easy to plan, start early investments, and build a future education corpus. Here’s a guide to calculating education costs for parents! This blog will help parents to get an estimate of future expenses and plan accordingly.  What is an education cost calculator? An education cost calculator is a tool that helps the user to know about future education expenses effectively. It is easy to use and gives the best estimates so that parents can make necessary changes in their plans to suit their requirements.  The education calculator considers future value, inflation, number of years a person has to save and then calculates the amount. The objective of using an education calculator is to make the process easy and smooth. Once the calculator gives out the estimated amount, parents can take the help of financial experts to create a roadmap for achieving financial goals.  What will be the Cost of Education after 20 years? Read More Steps to Calculate Education Costs  Education inflation is at an all-time high, and it has led to a rapid rise in education costs. Parents need to factor in several metrics to get the nearest estimate of potential costs.  1. Calculate the current cost Determine the cost of education based on current market value. Suppose you want to send your child to the UK, then calculate the current amount you need to send your child abroad.  If you want to send your child to a reputed college in your home country, then calculate the total cost needed for that degree course in terms of the current fee structure and associated costs. It is now easy to visit the sites of reputed universities and learn about their fee structure and associated costs to get a general idea of the amount required for studying a specific course.  Parents can take the help of education counselors like the ones at Edufund to calculate the current amount needed for higher studies.  2. Determine the number of years Parents wanting to know about the education costs down the line need to determine how many years they have to save to create an education fund.  Is your child still young, or will they be ready in a few years to join the high school? Suppose the child is now 6 years old and they will need the money for higher education when they are 17 years old. The parents then have a maximum of 17 – 6 = 11 years in hand.  How many years approximately a parent has is important as the number of years affects the amount you can build. If a parent has a smaller number of years, then he needs to save a higher amount which might prove difficult for a middle-class family.  3. Consider the rate of inflation The amount you have calculated based on the current scenario will not be feasible down the line. Suppose your child enters college after ten years then the amount needed at that time will not be the same. You can consider the overall inflation rate or use available breakdowns.  It is vital to factor in the inflation rate to determine the costs that will go up in the future for correct estimates.  Factors responsible for Education Inflation in India? Read More 4. Consider the expected investment return Be realistic while determining the expected investment returns. Remember, when you have a clearer picture, it becomes easy to take the necessary steps that will take you closer to your desired goals.   5. Consider the education calculator Parents should consider an education calculator to give them the nearest evaluation of the amount parents should save to meet future education costs. The use of an education calculator will ultimately prove beneficial in making effective plans for the future. Once the parents have all the necessary information, then simply key in the details as per the instructions. The education calculator is an important guide to calculating education costs for parents as it will provide the probable future education cost and the monthly savings that need to be undertaken to build that amount.  Edufund’s college cost calculator is a comprehensive education calculator that can calculate the potential education expenses and give the nearest amount needed to meet your child’s education costs. It will also provide the parents with an estimate of the monthly savings that need to be undertaken to achieve goals. Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest! Conclusion The guide to calculating education costs for parents gives easy access to the required know-how and helps in making informed decisions. An education calculator like the one at Edufund helps to meet the educational needs of a child successfully. It is a blessing in disguise because besides providing estimates and extensive information, it helps to save the cost estimates and alter them to suit individual needs.
How to raise a child and how much money do you need?

How to raise a child and how much money do you need?

Although nothing compares to the delight of having a child, raising a child, and giving him or her, it comes at a high cost. Parenting involves a significant financial commitment and emotional and physical investment. Raising a child in India is challenging and expensive. If you are wondering how much money does it take to raise a child in India? List of major expenses for child education plans 1. School expenses  Children's schooling and extracurricular activities take up a huge chunk of a parent’s annual income. Over 65% of parents spend at least half of their annual income on schooling. Every parent wants the best education for their child, even if it means that they occasionally struggle to make ends meet owing to escalating school costs.   A private school charges between 50,000 to 2 lakh rupees annually. In the 12 years between Classes I to XII, there would be an outlay of between 11 to 43 lakh rupees, assuming a 10% annual inflation rate for schooling. This fee is in addition to any tuition or extracurricular activities the child will enroll in.  2. College expenses  College expenses are a big part of how much money it takes to raise a child in India. Indian parents are most concerned about rising college costs, which constitute a major expense. The average cost of an engineering degree ranges from ₹12 to ₹15 lacs today; it will cost about ₹42 lacs to ₹50 lacs in around 15 years. In the same vein, it is reasonable to predict that in 15 years, a medical degree will cost more than one crore if it costs ₹30 to ₹40 lacs today. Although parents may choose to use student loans to pay for more expensive studies, the interest rate still remains high even after-tax exemptions. Top best child investment plans in India Read More 3. Miscellaneous expenses Miscellaneous expenses are important to consider when estimating exactly how much money it takes to raise a child in India. Up to the age of 18 are food, housing, and child care, but these are not the only costs to take into account. It can be expensive to purchase other basics like clothing, education, and healthcare. When calculating the costs of having and raising a kid, all of these categories should be taken into account as well.   According to a 2011 report by the Economic Times, the average cost of raising a child in India was ₹ 2.1 lacs. Healthcare costs are also increasing quite swiftly. The price of healthcare has increased steadily since that time by more than twice its previous level. Therefore, the typical health care expenses for raising a child will be between ₹ 4 to ₹ 5 lacs.  Food and other related costs, such as eating out, can range from ₹ 5000 to ₹ 6000 per person on average. Therefore, this could result in an additional ₹70,000 in expenses each year. As food prices rise, this will rise as well, therefore over the next 20 years, food may cost you ₹15 to ₹20 lacs.  Although this is changeable depending on your needs, an ordinary middle-class household that goes to the movies once a week and sometimes to a play or a weekend getaway should expect to pay roughly ₹ 4000 per person. A domestic holiday can run you roughly ₹ 30,000 per person, so your average annual entertainment price is between ₹70,000 to ₹ 80,000. All of these costs are based on current prices and do not account for inflation, so you will need to adjust your budget to account for inflation as you raise your child annually. When it comes to how much money does it take to raise a child in India? Then it can cost you from ₹65 to ₹80 lacs to raise a kid in India today. Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest! FAQ How much does a parent spend on a child in India?  Tier 1 city households may spend up to ₹43,000 on their children, but Tier 2 families spend nearly 23% less, Tier 3 families spend more than 22% less, and Tier 4 city parents spend roughly 32% less than Tier 1 city families. So, on an annual basis, Indian parents spend ₹32,000 on their children's education.  How much do you need to have a baby in India?  Given that infants are vulnerable to infections in their first few years of life, children need intensive medical care. Therefore, keeping that in mind, according to the reports of Aditya Birla Capital, the average cost of raising an infant would range from 5 to 6 lacks rupees which would include all the expenses from monthly pediatrician visits to accessories for a child.