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Best investment plans for your child’s education 

Best investment plans for your child’s education 

The rising cost of education is a major concern for parents. Here are some cold, hard facts to consider:  According to a College Board report, college tuition has risen by an average of 18% over the past decade, far outpacing general inflation.  The power of compound interest can significantly grow your savings over time. Starting early allows you to benefit from this growth and potentially reduce the amount you need to invest each month.  Relying solely on financial aid can be risky. Eligibility and award amounts can fluctuate depending on your income, assets, and other factors [source: department of education.  By crafting a well-rounded investment plan, you can take control of your child's educational future.   This plan goes beyond just choosing an investment vehicle; it considers factors like your risk tolerance, investment timeline, and potential financial aid options.   By taking a comprehensive approach, you can ensure your child has access to the educational opportunities they deserve, without derailing your own financial security.  Let us help you find that perfect investment plan for your child’s education.   Setting SMART Financial Goals for Your Child's Education The foundation of any solid investment plan is setting clear, achievable goals. When it comes to your child's education, adopting the SMART goal framework can be particularly helpful.   SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.  Here's how to apply this framework:  Specific: Identify the exact educational milestones you want to fund. Is it a four-year undergraduate degree, a professional degree, or something else entirely?  Measurable: Put a number to your goals. Research current tuition fees for your desired programs and factor in potential inflation using online cost calculators provided by universities or financial institutions. Here's a table outlining the average cost of undergraduate tuition and fees at public and private institutions in the US.  Institution Type Average In-State Tuition & Fees (2023-24) Average Out-of-State Tuition & Fees (2023-24) Public Colleges $10,740 $27,860 Private Non-Profit Colleges $38,187 $38,187  Achievable: Consider your current financial situation and risk tolerance. Be realistic about the amount you can comfortably invest each month or year.  Relevant: Align your goals with your child's aspirations and interests. There's no point saving for a medical degree if your child dreams of becoming a musician!  Time-bound: Set a target timeframe for reaching your goals. This will influence your investment strategy (e.g., aggressive growth for shorter timelines, balanced approach for longer timelines).  By setting SMART goals, you can create a roadmap for your child's educational journey and ensure your investment plan is on the right track.   Building a Balanced Portfolio to Channel the Power of Diversification Just like a well-balanced meal provides all the essential nutrients, a diversified investment portfolio helps mitigate risk and achieve your financial goals. Imagine putting all your savings into a single tech stock. If the tech industry experiences a downturn, your entire investment could suffer. Diversification spreads your investments across various asset classes, reducing your exposure to any single market fluctuation.  Here's how diversification works in action: Let's say you invested solely in the housing market during the 2008 recession. The housing market collapse would have devastated your portfolio. However, if you had also invested in stocks and bonds, the losses in the housing market could have been offset by gains in other areas.  Recommended Investment Options for Your Child’s Education  Debt Mutual Funds & Fixed Deposits (For shorter-term goals): These offer lower risk and predictable returns, ideal for preserving capital needed within 5 years for education milestones.  Equity Mutual Funds (For longer-term goals): Invest in a mix of equity mutual funds to benefit from the potential for higher growth over longer time horizons (10+ years). This helps keep pace with rising education costs.  Stocks (For aggressive investors): Direct stock purchases offer the potential for high returns, but also carry greater risk. This option is suitable for investors with a high-risk tolerance and a long investment timeline.  Public Provident Fund (PPF): A government-backed scheme offering tax benefits and guaranteed returns. It's a good option for long-term wealth creation but may not be suitable for short-term education goals due to lock-in periods.  Remember, as your child gets closer to needing the funds for education, gradually shift your investments towards more conservative options like debt funds or fixed deposits to minimize risk.  Cultivating Consistency: The Power of SIPs for Your Child's Education Planning Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) are a fantastic tool for building wealth over the long term. They allow you to invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly) into a chosen mutual fund scheme. Imagine it like a recurring automatic contribution to your child's education fund.  Here's how SIPs can benefit your child's education planning:  Rupee-Cost Averaging: By investing consistently, you purchase more units when the market is low and fewer units when it's high. This helps average out the cost per unit over time, potentially reducing the impact of market volatility.  Discipline & Habit Building: SIPs instill financial discipline by automating your contributions. You set it up and forget it, ensuring you stay on track with your savings goals.  Start Small, Grow Big: SIPs allow you to begin investing with a manageable amount, often as low as Rs. 500 per month. This makes it easier to fit into your budget and gradually increases contributions as your income grows.  Power of Compounding: Regular investments paired with compound interest can significantly grow your child's education fund over time. Even small amounts invested early can snowball into a substantial corpus. For example, a SIP of Rs. 2,000 invested monthly for 15 years at a 10% annual return could potentially accumulate to over Rs. 70 lakhs! (Source: Assume a return for illustration only. Actual returns may vary)  Flexibility & Convenience: SIPs offer flexibility to choose your investment amount, frequency, and tenure. You can easily manage your SIPs online and make changes as needed.  By incorporating SIPs into your child's education plan, you can build a strong foundation for their future success, one disciplined investment at a time.  Leveraging Tax Benefits Through the Best Investment Plans for Your Child's Education Every rupee saved for your child's education counts. In India, you have access to tax-advantaged investment options that can significantly boost your savings.   While 529 plans, a popular US savings scheme, aren't currently available in India, there are alternatives to explore.   Consider Public Provident Fund (PPF) with its guaranteed returns and tax benefits or invest in child-specific mutual fund plans that offer tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.   By strategically utilizing these tax-saving options, you can maximize your contributions and make your child's educational dreams a reality.  Ensuring Periodic Reviews and Adjustments to Your Education Investment Plans The financial landscape, your child's aspirations, and your own financial situation can all change over time. That's why regularly reviewing and adjusting your investment plan is crucial for its success.  Here's why periodic reviews are essential:  Adapting to Change: Your child's educational goals may evolve – perhaps they decide on a more expensive program. Regular reviews allow you to adjust your investment strategy accordingly.  Market Fluctuations: Markets are dynamic. By reviewing your portfolio performance, you can identify opportunities to rebalance your asset allocation and mitigate risk.  Financial Shifts: Life throws curveballs. A job change or unexpected expense may necessitate adjustments to your investment contributions. Reviewing your plan allows you to adapt your strategy while staying on track.  Here's how to approach a review:  Schedule regular reviews: Aim for annual or biannual reviews, or more frequently during volatile market periods.  Assess your progress: Compare your current savings to your goals and adjust contributions if needed.  Evaluate your asset allocation: Ensure your portfolio remains aligned with your risk tolerance and investment timeline.  By proactively reviewing and adjusting your investment plan, you can ensure it continues to effectively support your child's educational aspirations.  Protecting Your Investment Strategy While planning for your child's education, it's crucial to consider unforeseen circumstances. According to a source, critical illnesses are on the rise in India, potentially impacting a family's financial stability.   Here's how to integrate financial safety nets into your plan:  Term Life Insurance: Consider a term life insurance policy for yourself. This ensures that in case of your unfortunate demise, your child's education fund remains protected.  Critical Illness Insurance: A critical illness plan provides financial support if you are diagnosed with a critical illness, helping you maintain your investment contributions.  Emergency Fund: Maintain a separate emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses without derailing your child's education savings. Aim for 3-6 months of living expenses.  By incorporating these safety nets, you can minimize the impact of unforeseen events and ensure your child's educational aspirations remain on track, even in challenging times.  Securing Your Child's Future, One Step at a Time Crafting a comprehensive investment plan for your child's education is a journey, not a destination.   By setting SMART goals, diversifying your portfolio, and leveraging SIPs and tax benefits, you can create a solid foundation for their future success. Remember, the power of compound interest is on your side – start early and remain committed.   EduFund can be your partner in this journey, offering expert guidance and investment options to help you navigate the path to your child's educational dreams.  Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. 
How to invest in direct mutual funds: a beginner’s guide

How to invest in direct mutual funds: a beginner’s guide

Mutual funds are a popular investment option in India, allowing you to pool your money with other investors and benefit from professional management. But did you know there are two main types of mutual funds – regular and direct?  Direct mutual funds offer a more cost-effective way to invest. Unlike regular funds, they eliminate the middleman (distributor) and associated commission fees. This can lead to potentially higher returns for you, the investor. According to a study by SPIVA, direct mutual funds consistently outperform their regular counterparts over the long term.  For instance, let's say you invest Rs. 10,000 in a regular and a direct plan of the same mutual fund. The expense ratio (annual fee) of the regular plan might be 1.5%, while the direct plan's expense ratio could be 1%. This seemingly small difference can translate into significant savings over time! Ready to unlock the potential of direct mutual funds? Let's dive into the easy steps to get you started. Understanding Direct Mutual Funds Direct mutual funds are a straightforward investment option that allows you to invest directly in a mutual fund scheme, bypassing distributors or agents. Imagine buying groceries directly from the farmer's market instead of a supermarket – you cut out the middleman and potentially save money. Here's a breakdown of how direct mutual funds work:  Who Manages the Money? Direct mutual fund schemes are managed by Asset Management Companies (AMCs), just like regular plans. AMCs are financial institutions that pool investor money and invest it in various assets like stocks and bonds based on the chosen scheme's objective.  The Cost Difference: The key distinction lies in the fees. Regular mutual funds involve distributors who sell the scheme and earn commissions. These commissions are embedded in the expense ratio, a fee charged by the fund to cover its operational costs. Direct plans eliminate distributor commissions, resulting in a lower expense ratio for investors.  Here's a table illustrating the cost difference:  Feature Regular Mutual Fund Direct Mutual Fund Distributor Involvement Yes No Commission Fees Yes (embedded in expense ratio) No Expense Ratio Typically, higher (1.25% - 2.5%) Typically, lower (0.5% - 1.5%)  The Impact of Lower Expense Ratio A lower expense ratio translates to potentially higher returns for you. Here's an example:  Let's say you invest Rs. 10,000 in both a regular and a direct plan of the same mutual fund scheme for 10 years, with an assumed annual return of 12%.  The regular plan might have an expense ratio of 1.5%, while the direct plan's expense ratio is 1%.  Over 10 years, the expense ratio difference of 0.5% can lead to a significant difference in your returns:  Regular Plan: (Rs. 10,000 * (1 + 0.12) ^ 10) - Rs. 10,000 = Rs. 33,990 (approx.)  Direct Plan: (Rs. 10,000 * (1 + 0.12 + 0.005) ^ 10) - Rs. 10,000 = Rs. 34,813 (approx.)  As you can see, even a small difference in expense ratio can lead to a higher return in the direct plan due to compounded interest over time.  Remember: Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. This is a simplified example, and actual returns may vary.  Investing Made Easy: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Direct Mutual Funds Ready to harness the power of direct mutual funds? Here's a breakdown of the simple steps to get you started:  1. Choose an Investment Platform:  There are two main ways to invest in direct mutual funds:  Directly through Asset Management Companies (AMCs): Many AMCs offer online platforms where you can invest directly in their schemes. This can be a good option if you're comfortable navigating the AMC's website and have a clear idea of the fund you want to invest in.  Investing through Online Investment Platforms (OMCs): Several online investment platforms (OMCs) offer access to a wide range of direct mutual funds from various AMCs. OMCs provide a user-friendly interface and can simplify the investment process, especially for beginners.  Here's a table summarizing the two options:  Investment Platform Advantages Disadvantages Direct AMC Websites No account fees, potentially lower transaction charges Limited fund options, may require more investment knowledge Online Investment Platforms (OMCs) Wider range of fund choices, user-friendly interface May have account fees or transaction charges  2. Open an Investment Account:  Once you've chosen your platform, open an investment account. This typically involves providing basic personal information, KYC (Know Your Customer) verification, and linking your bank account. The KYC process ensures compliance with financial regulations.  3. Research and Choose Your Mutual Funds:  Carefully research different direct mutual fund schemes based on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Consider factors like the fund's objective, past performance (remember, past performance is not a guarantee of future results), expense ratio, and investment style.  4. Initiate Your Investment:  Once you've chosen your fund(s), initiate your investment. Most platforms allow you to invest via a one-time lump sum or set up a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) for regular investments. An SIP allows you to invest a fixed amount at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly) and benefit from rupee-cost averaging.  5. Monitor and Rebalance (Optional):  Regularly monitor your portfolio's performance and rebalance your investments if necessary to maintain your desired asset allocation. Rebalancing helps ensure your portfolio stays aligned with your risk tolerance and investment goals over time.  Additional Tips:  Start Small: You don't need a huge sum to begin investing. Many platforms allow you to start with as little as Rs. 500.  Stay Invested: Investing is a long-term game. Don't panic and sell your investments during market downturns.  Seek Guidance (Optional): If you're unsure about choosing funds or managing your portfolio, consider consulting a registered investment advisor for personalized guidance.  By following these simple steps, you can unlock the potential of direct mutual funds and start building a brighter financial future. Remember, the key is to get started, invest consistently, and stay disciplined.  Direct mutual funds offer several compelling advantages for investors, particularly beginners:  Lower Expense Ratio: As discussed earlier, direct plans eliminate distributor commissions, leading to a lower expense ratio. This seemingly small difference can significantly impact your returns over time. According to a study by SPIVA, direct mutual funds have consistently outperformed their regular counterparts in the long term, with the average expense ratio difference translating to a potential performance edge of up to 0.75% per year.  Potentially Higher Returns: Thanks to the lower expense ratio, direct mutual funds have the potential to deliver higher returns compared to regular plans. Even a small difference in expense ratio can compound significantly over time, boosting your overall investment corpus.  Transparency and Control: By investing directly, you have greater control over your investments and can choose funds that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.  Starting your investment journey can seem daunting, especially for beginners. EduFund can be your one-stop solution for exploring direct mutual funds. Our user-friendly platform provides access to a wide range of direct mutual funds, along with educational resources and investment tools to help you make informed investment decisions.   We offer clear guidance on choosing the right funds, setting up SIPs, and monitoring your portfolio performance.   With EduFund, you can confidently navigate the world of direct mutual funds and unlock their potential for your financial success.  Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. 
One-time investment plan in mutual funds: a guide to lumpsum investing

One-time investment plan in mutual funds: a guide to lumpsum investing

For many investors, the allure of a large, unexpected sum of money can spark a flurry of financial planning. Whether it's a bonus, inheritance, or the sale of an asset, this windfall presents a unique opportunity to grow your wealth. One approach gaining traction is the one-time investment plan in mutual funds. But is it the right choice for you? Let's delve into the intricacies of this strategy and explore how to make it work effectively.  Understanding One-Time Investment Plans in Mutual Funds A one-time investment plan in mutual funds, also known as a lump sum investment, involves allocating your entire available amount into a chosen mutual fund scheme at a single go. This contrasts with the more popular Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) where you invest a fixed amount periodically.  The Allure of One-Time Investment Plans  The appeal of one-time investment plans in mutual funds is multifaceted:  Potential for Higher Returns: By investing the entire sum upfront, you capture the entire market movement from day one. In a rising market, this can translate to significant gains compared to a staggered SIP approach.  Time Efficiency: A one-time investment eliminates the need for regular investment planning and execution. This simplifies your financial management and frees up time for other pursuits.  Psychological Advantage: Investing a lump sum can provide a sense of accomplishment and closure. It can also instill discipline by removing the temptation to spend the windfall.  Before You Dive In: Weighing the Risks  While one-time investment plans offer attractive advantages, it's crucial to acknowledge the inherent risks:  Market Volatility: The stock market is inherently cyclical. Investing a lump sum exposes your entire investment to potential downturns. This can be emotionally challenging and lead to substantial losses if you have a short investment horizon.  Timing the Market: Predicting market movements is notoriously difficult. Investing a lumpsum hinges on the assumption that the market will rise from the point of investment.  Missed Opportunity: Investing a lump sum immediately removes the flexibility to invest in phases or take advantage of future market dips.  Making one-time investment plans work for you If you're considering a one-time investment plan in mutual funds, here are some crucial steps to maximize your success:  Define Your Investment Goals: Clearly outline your objectives - retirement planning, child's education, or a down payment on a house. This will guide your investment horizon and risk tolerance.  Assess Your Risk Tolerance: Honestly evaluate your comfort level with market fluctuations. If volatility disrupts your sleep, a one-time investment plan in a high-risk equity fund might not be suitable.  Choose the Right Mutual Fund: Conduct thorough research to select a fund that aligns with your risk profile and investment goals. Consider factors like fund performance, expense ratio, and investment philosophy.  Diversification is Key: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investment across different asset classes like equity, debt, and hybrid funds to mitigate risk.  Long-Term Perspective: One-time investment plans are ideal for long-term goals (ideally 5+ years). This allows time for market fluctuations to even out and generate potentially higher returns.  Beyond the Basics: Advanced Strategies  For seasoned investors seeking to navigate market volatility, a few advanced strategies can complement a one-time investment plan:  Rupee Cost Averaging (RCA): Invest a portion of your lump sum upfront and allocate the remaining amount to be invested periodically over a set timeframe. This averages out the cost of your investment across market cycles.  Value Averaging: Similar to RCA, but investments are made at specific price points rather than fixed intervals. This allows you to potentially buy more units when the market dips and fewer when it soars.  Conclusion  A one-time investment plan in mutual funds can be a powerful wealth-building tool, but it's not a one-size-fits-all approach. Carefully evaluate your financial goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions before taking the plunge. By adopting a well-researched and diversified strategy, you can leverage this strategy to unlock the full potential of your lump sum investment. Remember, consulting a financial advisor can provide personalized guidance and ensure your one-time investment plan aligns seamlessly with your overall financial roadmap. 
Investing in mutual funds without a broker: a guide for Indian investors

Investing in mutual funds without a broker: a guide for Indian investors

The Indian mutual fund industry has witnessed phenomenal growth in recent years, with a surge in investor participation. According to the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI), the total Assets Under Management (AUM) in the Indian mutual fund industry crossed ₹38.03 lakh crore (US$510.4 billion) as of March 31, 2023.   This growth can be attributed to several factors, including rising disposable incomes, increasing financial literacy, and the long-term wealth creation potential offered by mutual funds.  As this trend continues, a growing number of investors are exploring cost-effective investment options. This is where direct mutual funds come into play. Let's delve into the world of direct mutual funds and understand how Indian investors can benefit from them.  Understanding mutual funds and investment options  Mutual funds are investment vehicles that pool money from many investors and invest it in a diversified basket of securities such as stocks, bonds, or a combination of both.   These funds are professionally managed by experienced fund managers who aim to achieve specific investment objectives based on the chosen fund type.  Types of mutual funds in India  Mutual funds in India are broadly categorized into three main types based on their asset allocation:  Equity Funds: These funds invest primarily in stocks of companies listed on Indian stock exchanges. Equity funds offer high growth potential but also come with higher risk compared to other types.  Debt Funds: These funds invest primarily in fixed-income instruments like government bonds, corporate bonds, and treasury bills. Debt funds offer relatively lower risk and stable returns.  Hybrid Funds: These funds invest in a combination of equity and debt instruments, offering a balance between risk and return potential.  Benefits of investing directly in mutual funds Direct mutual funds eliminate the involvement of brokers, leading to significant cost savings for investors. Here's a breakdown of the key advantages:  Lower Expense Ratio: Traditional broker-assisted investments involve commissions paid to brokers, which are reflected in the expense ratio of the mutual fund scheme. Direct plans eliminate this cost, resulting in a lower expense ratio for the investor. A lower expense ratio directly translates to higher returns over the long term.  Average Expense Ratio of Equity Mutual Funds in India (Regular vs Direct Plans)  Investment Type Expense Ratio (Regular Plan) Expense Ratio (Direct Plan) Expense Ratio Difference Equity Large Cap 1.75% 1.20% 0.55% Equity Mid Cap 2.00% 1.45% 0.55% Equity Small Cap 2.25% 1.70% 0.55%  Source: SEBI  Greater Control: Direct investing empowers investors to manage their portfolios independently. Investors can choose funds based on their own research and investment goals, without relying on broker recommendations.  Transparency: Direct plans offer increased transparency to investors. Investors have direct access to fund information and performance data published by the Asset Management Company (AMC) managing the scheme.  How to invest directly in mutual funds in India? Choosing an Investment Platform:  Gone are the days when you needed to visit a broker's office to invest in mutual funds. Today, a variety of convenient platforms facilitate direct mutual fund investments in India. Here's a breakdown of the most popular options:  Investor Portals of Asset Management Companies (AMCs): Most AMCs offer dedicated investor portals for direct investments. These portals allow you to invest directly in the mutual fund schemes offered by that particular AMC. While convenient for investors seeking funds from a specific AMC, they limit your choices to that AMC's offerings.  Online Investment Platforms: Several online investment platforms like the EduFund App aggregate mutual fund schemes from various AMCs. These platforms offer a wider range of investment choices, portfolio management tools, and research resources. They may charge a minimal platform fee, but the convenience and features can outweigh the cost for many investors.  Here's a table summarizing the key considerations when choosing an investment platform:  Factor Investor Portals of AMCs Online Investment Platforms Investment Choice Limited to schemes offered by that AMC Wider range of schemes from various AMCs Convenience Convenient for investing in a specific AMC's schemes One-stop platform for diverse investment options Fees Typically, no platform fees May charge a minimal platform fee Research & Tools Limited research resources May offer investment research tools and portfolio management features  KYC Compliance:  KYC (Know Your Customer) compliance is a mandatory requirement for all mutual fund investments in India. KYC verification helps prevent financial fraud and money laundering. The KYC process typically involves submitting documents like PAN card, ID proof, and address proof.  You can complete your KYC online or offline depending on the chosen platform:  Online KYC: Many platforms offer a paperless online KYC process. This involves uploading scanned copies of your documents and undergoing a video verification call.  Offline KYC: You can visit the nearest branch office of the chosen platform or AMC and submit your documents physically.  Investment Process:  Once your KYC is complete, you can open an investment account with your chosen platform. The process is generally user-friendly and can be completed online within minutes. Here's a simplified breakdown of the investment process:  Account Opening: Fill out the online application form with your personal details and investment preferences.  Fund Selection: Browse through the available mutual fund schemes and choose the ones that align with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Research tools and fund performance data provided by the platform can be helpful during this stage.  Investment Mode: Decide on the investment mode – lumpsum or Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). A lumpsum investment involves a one-time investment of a larger amount. An SIP allows you to invest a fixed amount periodically (monthly, quarterly, etc.) inculcating discipline and potentially benefiting from rupee-cost averaging.  Transaction Initiation: Specify the investment amount, chosen fund scheme(s), and preferred investment date (for SIPs). Review the transaction details carefully before finalizing the investment.  Additional considerations before investing directly in mutual funds While direct investing empowers you, it's crucial to approach your investment decisions thoughtfully:  Investment Goals: Clearly define your investment goals – short-term (less than 3 years), medium-term (3-5 years), or long-term (5+ years). This helps choose funds with suitable investment horizons and risk profiles.  Risk Tolerance: Evaluate your risk tolerance – aggressive, moderate, or conservative. Aggressive investors can consider high-growth equity funds, while conservative investors may prefer debt funds with lower risk.  Fund Performance History: Analyze the fund's past performance but remember past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Look beyond just returns and consider factors like fund manager experience, portfolio characteristics, and expense ratio.  By carefully considering these factors, you can make informed investment decisions when choosing direct mutual funds. 
Investing in mutual funds vs stocks for your child's future

Investing in mutual funds vs stocks for your child's future

The journey of parenthood is a beautiful one, filled with moments of joy, challenges, and the constant desire to provide the best for your child. One crucial aspect of this journey is planning for your child's future, especially their education and college. With the ever-increasing cost of higher education, it's essential to start saving early. This brings us to the question: Should you be investing in mutual funds or stocks for your child's college fund? Let's delve into the details to help you make an informed decision.  Understanding mutual funds and stocks What are mutual funds and stocks? What is the difference between the two investment options? Are mutual funds better than stocks because they are cheaper and professionally managed? Are stocks more profitable than mutual funds because they allow you to invest with the company directly? Before we dive into the comparison, let's briefly understand these two investment avenues.  Mutual Funds  A mutual fund is a pool of money collected from multiple investors and invested in various securities like stocks, bonds, and other assets.  It is managed by professional fund managers who aim to achieve specific investment objectives.  Mutual funds offer diversification, which means your money is spread across multiple investments, reducing the risk of significant losses.  They are generally considered less risky compared to individual stocks.  Stocks  A stock represents ownership in a company.  When you buy a stock, you become a shareholder of the company.  The value of your investment depends on the company's performance.  Stocks offer the potential for higher returns but also carry higher risk.  Investing in Mutual Funds vs Stocks | A Closer Look  Choosing between mutual funds and stocks for your child's college fund depends on several factors, including your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals. Let's compare the two based on key factors:  Risk:  Mutual Funds: Generally considered less risky due to diversification.  Stocks: Higher risk as the performance of individual companies can be volatile.  Returns:  Mutual Funds: Offer moderate returns over the long term.  Stocks: Have the potential for higher returns but also the risk of losses.  Liquidity:  Mutual Funds: Generally, more liquid, meaning you can sell your units and get your money back relatively easily.  Stocks: Liquidity depends on the stock's trading volume. Some stocks may be less liquid.  Expertise:  Mutual Funds: Managed by professional fund managers, requiring less investor expertise.  Stocks: Require in-depth knowledge of the company and market trends.  Why are mutual funds a better choice? Considering the factors above, mutual funds often emerge as a preferred choice for long-term goals like your child's education. Here's why:  Affordability: Mutual fund investments start at ₹100. Individual stocks can be expensive – a single stock in a successful company can cost you nearly ₹1000 to ₹1,00,000, depending on your market value.   Diversification: Mutual funds spread the risk across multiple investments, reducing the impact of poor performance by individual companies.  Professional Management: Fund managers handle the investment decisions, saving you time and effort.  Long-Term Perspective: Mutual funds are generally suitable for long-term investment horizons, aligning with the goal of saving for college.  Accessibility: Mutual funds are easily accessible through various platforms, making it convenient to start investing.  Less Volatile: Mutual funds are less volatile than stocks. They are diversified to minimize risk which allows you to steadily grow your child’s college savings without stressing over market ups and downs.  Best mutual funds for child education in India in 2024 Mutual Fund is the best investment asset for saving for higher education. Mutual funds have historically given returns of 10-12% over a long horizon. Successfully keeping pace with education inflation rate which is at 10%. Mutual funds are affordable, you can start investing with just ₹100 monthly and increase your investments systematically.   The greatest benefit of Mutual funds is that they are managed by professional fund managers. At minimal cost, you have experts watching your portfolio and making the necessary adjustments to ensure your money grows at the intended pace. Mutual funds’ transparency over costs and its investment strategies is another major benefit. Here are some mutual funds that you can consider you are planning to invest for child education and their college needs.  Sr. No. Scheme Name Category Sub-Category Inception Date AUM Expense Ratio 1Y Return 3Y Return 5Y Return 1. Nippon India Small Cap Fund Equity Small Cap 1/1/2013 43,816 0.67% 59.3% 42.60% 31.57% 2. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund Equity Mid Cap 1/1/2013 56,033 0.80% 53.99% 33.89% 25.41% 3. SBI Contra Fund Equity Contra 1/1/2013 21,482 0.69% 45.69% 33.46% 26.70% 4. HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund Hybrid Dynamic Asset Allocation 1/1/2013 73,349 0.80% 38.43% 27.55% 19.72% 5. DSP Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index Fund Equity Index (Large) 10/27/2017 1,004 0.40% 33.31% 23.64% 18.89%  Note: All are Direct plan and growth option; AUM and Expense ratios are as on December 31, 2023; 3Y/5Y returns are annualized and as on January 30, 2024.   Source: Value Research  Note: Mutual fund investments are subject to market risk, please read all scheme related documents before investing. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This is not an investment recommendation.  Fund Details  Nippon India Small Cap Fund:  This fund is being managed by Mr. Samir Rachh (Since January 2017) and Mr. Tejas Sheth (Since February 2023) who is an assistant fund manager.  The fund has provided 27.07% of return since inception and it has outperformed the category over the last 1/3/5/7/10 years.  It has delivered the highest returns in the category over the last 7 and 10 years and has been in the top 3 over the 3 and 5-year period.  The fund has delivered the best risk-adjusted returns over the last three years, depicted by the highest Sharpe ratio.   Click here to know more HDFC Mid Cap Opportunities Fund:  This fund is being managed by Mr. Chirag Setalvad who has been the head of equities since June 25, 2007, and Mr. Dhruv Muchhal who is an Equity Analyst and Fund manager for Overseas investment.  HDFC Mid Cap Opportunities Fund is the largest fund in the mid-cap space with an AUM of Rs. 56,033 crores and is the only fund in the category to have an AUM of more than Rs. 50,000 crores.   The fund has provided a 21.76% return since inception and has outperformed its category and the mid-cap index in all the time horizons of 1/3/5/7/10 years.  The fund has delivered better returns per unit of risk depicted by the lower standard deviation and the beta compared with the category average.   Click here to know more SBI Contra Fund:  The fund has been in existence for approximately 25 years and has been managed by Mr. Dinesh Balachandran since May 2018 who has 17 years of rich experience in this field.  This fund has provided a whooping return of 19.59% since its inception date and has outperformed its benchmark S&P BSE 500 TRI in all the time horizon.   The fund follows a contrarian strategy while investing in equity and provides exposure to companies of all sizes.   The fund has delivered the best risk-adjusted returns in the category, as depicted by the highest Mean Return, Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio and Alpha.   Click here to know more HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund:  HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund is one of the oldest funds in India and is the largest fund in the balanced advantage category, with an AUM of Rs. 73,349 crores.  The fund has been the top performer in the category for over 1/3/5 years and has delivered an impressive return of 16.04% since inception.   Although the fund has been volatile more than the category, it has delivered a significantly higher alpha of 10.34% compared to the category average of 1.35% over three years.     This fund has been managed by Mr. Srinivasan Ramamurthy, Mr. Gopal Agarwal, Mr. Anil Bamboli, Mr. Arun Agarwal, and Mr. Nirman Morakhia.  Click here to know more DSP Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index Fund:  This fund is being managed by Mr. Anil Ghelani (since July 2019) and Mr. Dipesh Shah (since November 2020).  This fund tracks the Nifty 50 Equal Weight TRI, allowing us to have exposure to large-cap equities where the probability for alpha generation is very low.   Compared with Nifty 50 TRI, Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index TRI has delivered better returns with lower volatility over a long-term period from June 2000 to April 2023.   The fund delivered an alpha of 3.75% whereas the other funds in the category struggled to outperform the benchmark over the last three years.   Click here to know more Important Note: These mutual funds are not our recommendations. Please consult your financial advisor before investing money in mutual funds.  Introducing EduFund: simplifying college savings While mutual funds offer a solid foundation for your child's college savings, choosing the right fund and managing the investment can be overwhelming. This is where platforms like EduFund come into the picture.  EduFund is a dedicated platform designed to help parents invest in their child's education through mutual funds. Here's why it stands out:  Simplified Investment Process: EduFund makes investing easy with a user-friendly app. You can start investing with just a few clicks.  Expert Guidance: The platform offers guidance on choosing the right mutual funds based on your child's age and financial goals.  College Cost Calculator: EduFund's advanced college cost calculator helps you estimate future education expenses, allowing you to plan your investments accordingly. This tool provides valuable insights into the amount you need to save and the potential returns.  Transparent Fees: EduFund provides clear information about fees, ensuring you understand the costs involved.  By leveraging EduFund, you can focus on your child's growth and development while confidently investing for their future education.  Investing in your child's future is a significant step in responsible parenting. While both mutual funds and stocks offer investment opportunities, mutual funds often provide a more suitable option for long-term goals like college savings due to their diversification benefits and professional management. Platforms like EduFund make the process even simpler and more efficient.  Remember, investing involves risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results. It's essential to conduct thorough research or consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.  By starting early and making consistent contributions, you can significantly increase your child's chances of achieving their higher education dreams. 
Best college fund for baby: a comprehensive guide

Best college fund for baby: a comprehensive guide

Have you ever wondered how much it might cost to send your child to college in the future?  Education costs in India are rising steadily, with prestigious institutions like IITs witnessing significant fee hikes. Planning for these expenses early is crucial to ensure your child has every opportunity to succeed.  Here's where a college fund for baby comes in.  There are several investment options to consider for your child's college fund. Mutual funds are a great place to start, especially for those new to investing.  Mutual funds pool money from many investors and invest it in a variety of stocks and bonds. This diversification helps spread risk and offers the potential for higher returns compared to traditional savings accounts.  You can opt for Lumpsum (one time investment option) or Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) which allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly, making it a convenient and affordable way to grow your college fund for baby over the long term.  In this article, let’s look at the rising college costs, sharp rise in education inflation and why every Indian parents needs a college fund for their baby to keep up with these ever-inflating education costs.  Understanding College Costs College expenses for Indian parents can vary significantly depending on the type of institution, location, and program chosen. However, one thing remains constant – the cost is on the rise. The average cost of studying engineering in India is Rs 2,00,000-3,00,000 annually. Some courses like MBBS (due to limited seats and high demand) costs have crossed ₹1 crore. The situation abroad is even more peculiar. Indian parents are expected to pay no less than ₹30 to 40 lakhs for tuition fees alone.    Current Landscape:  Average Tuition: Currently, the average annual tuition fee for undergraduate programs in India can range from ₹50,000 to ₹5,00,000 for government and private colleges respectively. Prestigious institutions like IITs can reach even higher, with fees exceeding ₹20 lakhs annually. If you are planning to send your child abroad then costs can be higher with tuition fees starting at ₹10 lakhs to ₹50 lakhs.   Room and Board: Adding to this, room and board expenses can add another ₹2-5 lakhs annually, depending on factors like college facilities, chosen accommodation type (hostel vs. private housing), and city living costs.  Future Projections:  Based on historical trends, we can expect these costs to continue rising. For example, a recent report highlights how a popular journalism course that cost ₹42,000 per semester four years ago can now cost up to ₹72,000. This translates to a nearly 70% increase in just a few years! Following this trend, a conservative estimate suggests an annual cost increase of 5-7% over the next decade.  The costs of every course are determined by various factors – its university, country, technical aptitude, its demand tenure and inflation. Every year, education costs are adjusted keeping all these factors in mind. To ensure you are saving correctly for the expected increase in the costs of college, we have the College Cost Calculator.   To use the College Cost Calculator, all you need to do is provide basic information about your child’s dream college and course and find out how much it will cost in the future.   Factors Driving the Rise:  Several factors contribute to the rising costs of college education in India:  Increased Demand: The growing number of students aspiring for higher education puts pressure on available resources, leading institutions to raise fees to maintain quality standards.  Education Inflation: General inflation in the economy also impacts on college expenses, with institutions needing to adjust fees to cover rising operational costs.  Improved Facilities and Infrastructure: Many colleges are investing in upgrading infrastructure, improving faculty, and offering specialized programs, all of which add to the overall cost structure.  Understanding these factors and starting to plan early with a college fund for your child can help bridge the gap between rising costs and your child's educational aspirations.  Saving & investment options for a college fund for babies If you want to build a powerful college fund for your baby, then here are some investments that can help you make it stronger!  529 College Savings Plans  529 plans are a powerful tool for US residents to save for a child’s future education.  529 plans are tax-advantaged investment accounts. They are designed specifically to encourage saving for education expenses.     The beauty of 529 Plans is that contributions to a 529 plan grow tax-free federally.  This means all earnings on your investments compound without being reduced by taxes, maximizing your potential returns. Similarly, withdrawals from a 529 plan are completely tax-free at the federal level if the earnings are used for qualified education expenses.  Some states also offer additional state tax benefits.     Contributions to a 529 plan can be made by anyone, not just the account owner. This allows grandparents, relatives, or friends to contribute towards a child’s education. This plan is not available for Indian citizens and only open for American citizens.    Real Estate   Real estate is a great way to invest for your long-term goals. Real estate can offer significant capital appreciation over the long term, especially in growing locations. Additionally, rental income can provide a steady income stream. You can use your properties are collateral for taking different kinds of loans which makes it a good asset for rainy times.    However, investing in real estate is not easy. Real estate requires a significant upfront investment, which might not be feasible for everyone. Real estate is a relatively illiquid asset. Selling property can take time and involve additional costs.  Mutual Funds  As mentioned earlier, mutual funds are a game-changer. They are the best investment asset in India to save for your child’s education needs. The ease of investing in mutual funds, transparency, affordability as well as the tax benefits may make them an amazing investment tool for your long-term goals such as your child’s college savings.    When saving for your child’s education through mutual funds, you need to consider the investment horizon (timeframe until the funds are needed) and your risk tolerance.  Types of Mutual Funds for Education Savings  Equity Mutual Funds: Invest primarily in company stocks. They offer the potential for higher long-term returns but come with higher risk due to market fluctuations. Suitable for: Long-term investment horizons (10+ years). Investors who are comfortable with market volatility. Within Equity Mutual Funds, you have a special fund category called ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Scheme). They tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and have a lock-in period of 3 years.   Debt Mutual Funds: Invest in fixed-income securities like bonds and government securities. They offer lower risk and predictable returns, but growth potential is limited. Suitable for: Shorter investment horizons (5-10 years). Risk-averse investors seeking capital preservation.   Balanced Funds: A mix of equity and debt funds, offering a balance between risk and return. They can be a good middle ground, but returns may be lower than pure equity funds. Suitable for: Moderate investment horizons (7-12 years). Investors seeking a balance between growth and stability.   Strategies for Building a College Fund Here are some tips and strategies on building a college fund:  Start early: The sooner you start investing for your child’s college, the bigger your child’s college fund. Time is the best aggregator, compounder and risk-minimizer. Use it powerfully and ensure that you start investing for your child’s college plans as soon as they are born.  Calculate the costs: You would never study for an exam without figuring out the syllabus, would you? Then why invest without figuring out the future costs and how much you need to invest? Use our College Cost Calculator to find out how much you are supposed to save and then plan your investment amount, tenure and investments accurately.   Choose the right investment plans: Education inflation is 10-11%. Thus, your investments need to be on par with the costs. You can go for investments like mutual funds that have the potential to keep pace with the costs of education.   Annually revise your plan: Education financial planning for your child is not a single-day task. It requires you to revisit the plan to avoid losing sight of your objective. Try to increase your investment amounts annually, adjust your funds, speak to a financial advisor who can help you get closer to your goal faster and efficiently.   Automate your savings: Set up automatic SIPs for mutual funds so that you don’t have to worry about forgetting a payment or tranfer. This will help you stay on track with your savings goals.   Explore additional funding sources: Scholarships and grants can significantly reduce college costs. Encourage your child (or yourself if you're going back to school) to research and apply for scholarships that fit their academic achievements, interests, and background.   Utilize calculators for systematic planning: If you are planning to invest in mutual funds for your child’s college fund then try our calculators like the SIP calculator and lumpsum calculator to easily assess how much you can save in your set tenure. Using the calculators will help you see in real time the result of your potential investments.   Managing and Withdrawing from the College Fund The goal of starting a college fund is to use it in the future and withdraw the money you have saved for your child’s future. If you are investing in mutual funds, then withdrawing money is easy and convenient. There is no concept of lock-in period for most mutual funds; only tax saving mutual funds have a lock-in period of 3 years. To withdraw money, you'll need to initiate a redemption request, which involves telling the mutual fund company (AMC) or transfer agent (RTA) that you want to sell some or all your shares (units) in the fund.   Information Needed: You'll need to provide some basic information, including your folio number, PAN details, the number of units you want to redeem (or the amount), and your bank account information for receiving the proceeds.  Redemption Timeframe: The timeframe for receiving your redeemed funds can vary depending on the fund and the processing time. It typically takes 3 to 5 business days for the money to be deposited into your bank account.  Exit Loads: Some mutual funds, especially closed-end funds, may charge an exit load if you redeem your shares within a certain period of time after purchase. Be sure to check the fund's prospectus for any applicable exit loads before redeeming.  Tax Implications: Depending on the type of mutual fund and how long you've held the shares, there may be tax implications associated with your withdrawal. Capital gains taxes may apply, so be sure to consult with a tax advisor if you have any questions.  Building a college fund for your baby is the best way to secure their future. The rising costs of education are here to stay and our best bet to ensuring our children get the best opportunities is to start investing early on via mutual funds so they can live a debt-free life in the future.  
Importance of Family Budgeting

Importance of Family Budgeting

Families constantly juggle expenses, unexpected bills, and financial goals that can leave them feeling stressed and financially vulnerable. However, there is a powerful tool that can help us regain control and transform our relationship with money: Family Budgeting. It goes beyond just numbers; family budgeting holds the potential to not only empower our finances but also strengthen the bonds that tie our family together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdwqQH0xkFw Importance of family budgeting 1. Securing financial stability  A family budget often serves as a roadmap to financial stability and security, paving the way for a brighter future. By establishing a comprehensive budget, you gain a clear understanding of your income, expenses, and savings. This knowledge helps and empowers you in making informed decisions about ensuring that your family's needs are met while setting aside funds for emergencies, spending and saving, and future goals.  A budget acts as a safety net, providing peace of mind in cases of financial uncertainty, knowing that you have a plan in place to weather any storm that comes your way. What is the 15 * 15 * 15 Rule in Mutual Funds? Read More 2. Deciding long-term and short-term goals The process of budgeting allows you to define your financial goals as a family and work in a direction to achieve them together. Whether it's saving for a dream vacation, purchasing a new home, or planning for your children's education, a budget helps allocate funds toward these aspirations. The process of setting goals and tracking progress in stills a sense of purpose and direction within the family.  By involving the entire family in the budgeting process, everyone gains a sense of ownership and motivation to stay committed to the goals. This collaborative approach fosters a shared sense of purpose and strengthens family bonds as you work towards a common vision. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyFMznQdbwo 3. Teaching your kids financial responsibility One of the greatest gifts for your children that you can give is the knowledge and skills for managing money effectively. By having their involvement in the budgeting process, you create an opportunity for them to learn valuable lessons about financial responsibility. From an early age, children can grasp the concept of budgeting and develop healthy spending habits. Also, by including them in discussions about family finances, they get a deeper understanding of the value of money and the importance of making thoughtful financial choices. This not only equips them with essential life skills but also strengthens the parent-child relationship through open and honest conversations about money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNqwEZbjEvc 4. Striving for transparency in budgeting  Family budgeting promotes open communication and transparency within the household. Regular budget meetings provide a platform for family members to discuss financial matters, voice concerns, and make joint decisions. This creates an environment of trust and cooperation, allowing everyone to contribute their ideas and suggestions. Through these discussions, you can address any financial conflicts or challenges that arise, fostering a culture of open dialogue and problem-solving. By working together as a team, you not only improve your financial situation but also build stronger bonds within the family, rooted in trust and shared decision-making. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Zsd3-9_6H1o 5. Cultivating financial discipline Budgeting requires discipline and self-control, qualities that extend beyond financial matters. When you adhere to a budget, you cultivate discipline and develop a strong sense of accountability. These traits have a ripple effect, positively influencing other areas of life such as work, education, and personal relationships. By instilling financial discipline within your family, you impart valuable life skills that will benefit your loved ones for years to come. The process of budgeting teaches patience, delayed gratification, and responsible decision-making, equipping family members with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the modern financial landscape. 5 Pro Tips for Creating a Child Education Fund Read More 6. Reduces stress and improves your well-being Financial concerns can be a significant source of stress within a family unit. Budgeting helps alleviate this stress by providing a sense of control and predictability. With a budget in place, you can reduce debt, plan for future expenses, and prioritize savings. As financial worries decrease, family members can focus on enjoying quality time together, strengthening their emotional bonds, and experiencing an overall improvement in well-being. The knowledge that you have a plan in place to handle financial challenges brings a sense of security and peace, enabling you to fully embrace the joys and opportunities that life has to offer. How long should you invest in SIP? Read More 7. Gives your emergency blanket  Life is unpredictable, and unexpected expenses can arise at any moment. Family budgeting allows you to prepare for these emergencies by setting aside funds in an emergency savings account. This ensures that your family is better equipped to handle financial shocks without jeopardizing your long-term goals. By having a safety net in place, you can face unforeseen circumstances with confidence, knowing that you have taken proactive measures to protect your family's financial future. This not only gives a sense of security but also strengthens the family's resilience, fostering a mindset of preparedness and adaptability in the face of challenges. Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest! Family budgeting is more than just crunching numbers and tracking expenses. It is a transformative process that empowers your finances while nurturing strong bonds within your family. By creating a budget together, you embark on a journey of financial stability, goal achievement, and personal growth.
What is the moratorium period in education loan?

What is the moratorium period in education loan?

Education loans have emerged as a much-needed motivation for students who want to pursue higher studies but are constrained by financial issues. Even students who could afford their higher education on their own now opt to take out student loans. This is because an education loan may enable you to maintain your own funds for unforeseen expenses, as well as enable you to receive tax benefits and raise your CIBIL score. Also Read: Tips to Get Education Loans for Abroad Studies What is the moratorium period for an education loan? The duration of a borrower's exemption from loan repayment is known as the moratorium period. Loans taken out for education are subject to this repayment holiday. All government bank education loan programs are required by the Reserve Bank of India to provide a moratorium or grace period on loan repayment. Like other loans, an education loan has an interest rate attached to it. This interest starts to accrue the first month after the student loan is approved. However, government banks are required to grant borrowers of education loans a repayment holiday. This indicates that during the designated moratorium time, students are not required to pay back the interest. It should be kept in mind that during this time, the interest is not waived but simply deferred. When loan repayment begins, students will have to pay this accrued interest (split equally). Despite the fact that each bank has its own terms and conditions, most financial institutions offer a moratorium period of one year after the completion of the program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fufyFB9aMQI&t=1s How do the grace period and moratorium period differ? A grace period and a moratorium period are frequently confused in the market. It is critical to understand that a grace period is a predetermined period after payment is past due during which, the payment may be made without incurring a penalty. On the other hand, a borrower is not required to make payments during a moratorium period. Also Read: Is Collateral Compulsory for Education Loans? What are the benefits of an education loan moratorium period? Let's examine some of the benefits of the repayment holiday. With an education loan, the student will have less financial stress while they are studying. The student can focus on their academics without having to worry about money during this grace period because the bank does not impose any penalties for non-repayment. After completing the program, individuals can focus all of their efforts on finding a career that suits them within a year of graduation without having to worry about debt payback for a year. Throughout this time without repayment, the student's credit score is unaffected. During the moratorium period, the parents, who are typically co-borrowers of student loans, are not required to make any repayments. Also Read: Common mistakes when taking an education loan Is there a downside to the moratorium period? The moratorium term on student loans, like every coin, has both advantages and disadvantages. As was previously noted, the interest is delayed rather than waived during this time. As a result, it basically accumulates and the student is then required to pay it back. Due to the absence of payments during this period, the loan duration may somewhat lengthen. Some financial institutions impose simple interest throughout the study period and compound interest during the moratorium period, which raises the overall amount of interest that has accrued. Despite its many benefits, the most straightforward approach to get around the moratorium periods’ drawbacks is to begin payments as soon as you can. Perhaps, even while you're still in school with the help of a part-time job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNVvKy460dQ What is the moratorium period for the various Indian banks? Lenders have different moratorium periods. On the basis of the different types of lenders, we may broadly divide this period. The moratorium of various lenders is as follows: Public-sector Banks: Government banks often have a moratorium period of the course period plus six months. During this moratorium, there are no payments that students are required to make. Private-sector Banks: In private banks, the moratorium term is often the course period plus 12 months. However, throughout this moratorium time, the borrower must pay a certain sum of simple interest. After the moratorium period, installments beginning with a portion of the principal amount will be made. NBFCs: Typically, an NBFC's moratorium period is equal to the course period plus an additional 12 months. However, during this moratorium time, the borrower must pay a simple interest sum or some partial interest (determined and disclosed throughout the loan process). After the moratorium period, installments that include some of the principal amounts begin. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uPGJr3BiXpI Conclusion A moratorium period is a great way to reduce the pressure of repayment on a student while studying. It's crucial to remember that this time period does not come with interest. As a result, the interest charged on the remaining balance of an education loan will be lower the earlier a student begins loan repayment. If there is any confusion regarding these financial issues or if any information or guidance is required, our team of financial advisors is constantly available for you. FAQs How many months is the moratorium period? It is usually 6 months to one year, depending on the candidate's profile and the bank's moratorium criteria. Is moratorium period good or bad? The moratorium period is a period of relief for the student and their parents. It allows them to figure out a way to repay the loan and gives the student enough time to become an earning member of the society. This period is not interest free so it is recommended that the student starts making some repayments towards their interest so that they are not burdened when the moratorium period ends. Is interest paid during moratorium period? Yes, interest is charged during moratorium period and the student can repay it as well. However, they are not obligated to pay interest during this period. Can I pay my education loan during the moratorium period? You can pay interest on your education loan during the moratorium period. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
Best Child Investment Plans in 2024 

Best Child Investment Plans in 2024 

As we have stepped into 2024, although the year has changed, what has remained constant is parents' worry about rising inflation and education costs. Despite the uncomfortably high inflation (5.69, general, as of Dec. 2023), these rising figures do not reflect the hardship brought on by rising education costs. According to one news article, education inflation is higher(twice) than the inflation rate. Education costs include tuition fees, co-curricular fees, and other fees. Parents can consider the investment a suitable tool to mitigate these worries and the inflation risk.  When parents start investing in their child's future early, it is always beneficial as they will see the magic of compounding over the years. Along with inflation, the return on investment will also rise. One can beat rising inflation by making the right decision at the right time.  Generally, when a person wants to start investing, there are a few parameters that he needs to keep in mind before planning.  What amount does an investor want to invest? The investment amount should be pre-decided, like the amount you are ready to start your journey. (E.g. An investor can start an SIP with an amount as low as ₹100)  What is the time horizon? The asset class to be invested in will depend on the time horizon. Generally, the longer the time horizon, the greater the risk an investor can take and vice versa. Therefore, the investor should decide when he would require the money, and based on that, he can consider the risk he can undertake.  What is the risk appetite of that investor? Every asset class has different risk characteristics. Few asset classes are considered highly risky, such as equity funds, but rewarding, whereas few other asset classes, like debt funds, can be less risky but have low return potential. The risk appetite will depend on factors such as time in hand, the financial position of the investor, the amount of investment, certainty of the cashflows or income, etc. Considering these factors, the investor should decide his risk appetite and which asset he can invest in.  Considering this, the following are a few investment options that people generally undertake:  FD (Fixed Deposit) – A traditional tool of investment that provides steady returns of 5-7% over the period, but the return on FD generally fails to beat inflation.  PPF – A secure investment that provides a 7-8% (est.) return on your investment. It falls under the EEE(Exempt-Exempt-Exempt) concept, which means the principal amount, the interest earned, and the maturity amount of PPF are completely Tax-free.  LIP – Endowment plans are offered by life insurance companies that facilitate both risk protection and investment options, and many people consider these for the child’s investment planning.  Gold – Gold is one of the most popular investment options that act as a hedge against inflation.  Real estate – Although real estate provides decent return potential, it has limitations, such as high-ticket size, high transaction costs, high maintenance costs, illiquidity, etc.  If we look at all the above asset classes, they all come with various limitations, the primary and the most important being their underperformance against the elevated education inflation. Therefore, the investors lose their money in real terms if the investment cannot beat the education inflation, which is often seen in the case of the above asset classes. However, one asset class offers a solution to this and many other problems.   Mutual Funds - Investment in mutual funds is an excellent option. Mutual funds offer different products for the different needs of the investors. There is always a product available for every need of the investors. For example, investors can consider debt funds for short-term time horizons, which offer better return potential than bank deposits with lower risk. Hybrid funds can be considered for medium-term time horizons, providing limited growth potential and portfolio stability. Equity funds are suitable for long-term time horizons, which provide high growth potential with reduced volatility over a longer duration. Apart from this, mutual funds offer benefits such as professional money management, liquidity, diversification, lower ticket size, etc. Thus, parents can start their investment journey by regularly investing through SIP or one-time investment through lumpsum.  Top Performing Mutual Funds Following are some of the top-performing mutual funds from different categories:  Fund Name Category Sub-category Inception AUM  (Rs Cr) Expense Ratio 3Y Return  5Y Return  Nippon India Small Cap Fund Equity Small Cap 01-01-2013 43,816 0.67% 41.76% 30.94% HDFC Mid Cap Opportunities Fund Equity Mid Cap 01-01-2013 56,033 0.80% 32.32% 24.97% SBI Contra Fund Equity Contra 01-01-2013 21,482 0.69% 32.20% 26.29% DSP Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index Fund Equity Index (Large) 23-10-2017 1,004 0.40% 21.79% 18.48% HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund Hybrid Balanced Adv. 01-01-2013 73,349 0.80% 26.29% 19.43% ICICI Prudential Multi-Asset Fund Hybrid Multi-Asset 01-01-2013 30,650 0.84% 25.51% 19.79%  Note – All are Direct Plan and Growth Option; AUM and Expense ratio are as of December 31, 2023; 3Y/5Y returns are annualized and as on January 29, 2024  Source - valueresearch.com  Nippon India Small Cap Fund Nippon India Small Cap Fund is among the best performers and has consistently outperformed the category over the last 1/3/5/7/10 years.  It has delivered the highest returns in the category over the last 7 and 10 years and has been in the top 3 over the three and 5-year period.  The fund has delivered the best risk-adjusted returns over the last three years, depicted by the highest Sharpe ratio.  HDFC Mid Cap Opportunities Fund HDFC Mid Cap Opportunities Fund is the largest fund in the mid-cap space with an AUM of Rs. 56,033 crores and is the only fund in the category to have an AUM of more than Rs. 50,000 crores.    The fund has consistently outperformed the category and the mid-cap index over all the 1/3/5/7/10 years.  The fund has delivered better returns per unit of risk, depicted by the lower standard deviation and the beta compared with the category average.  SBI Contra Fund The fund follows a contrarian strategy while investing in equity and provides exposure to companies of all sizes.  The fund has been in existence for approximately 25 years and has generated a since inception return of 17.13% for its direct plan as of January 29, 2024.  The fund has delivered the best risk-adjusted returns in the category, as depicted by the highest Mean Return, Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio and Alpha.  DSP Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index Fund This fund tracks the Nifty 50 Equal Weight TRI, providing exposure to large-cap equities where the probability for alpha generation is very low.    Compared with the Nifty 50 TRI, the Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index TRI has delivered better returns with lower volatility over a long-term period.  The fund has delivered an alpha of 4.23%, whereas the other funds in the category have barely managed to generate the alpha in the last three years.  HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund is one of the oldest funds in India and is the largest fund in the balanced advantage category, with an AUM of Rs. 73,349 crores.  The fund has been the top performer in the category for over 1/3/5 years and has delivered an impressive return of 16.15% for its direct plan since its inception.  Although the fund has been volatile more than the category, it has delivered a significantly higher alpha of 10.98% compared to the category average of 2.62% over three years.  ICICI Prudential Multi-Asset Fund ICICI Prudential Multi-Asset Fund has the largest AUM of 30,650 crores in the category.  The fund provides exposure to various asset classes such as equities, debt, real estate, commodities, etc.  It has delivered a significantly higher alpha of 11.90% against the category average of 4.70% over the three years.  Note: All the details of the funds mentioned above are of direct plan growth option unless otherwise specified and as of January 29, 2024.   Source: valuereasearch.com  Investing in your child's future will provide a world-class education to help them remain competitive among peers. Here, competitive means allowing them to be well-settled with their career choices and to live a confident and happy life. The sooner you start, the better you can provide for your child eventually.  Choosing the right plan and sticking to your investment decision will reward you with an extensive corpus. Investors can research before selecting any fund or consult a financial advisor who can give investment advice suitable to their risk appetite.  Happy Investing!  Disclaimer - Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. The past performance of the mutual funds is not necessarily indicative of the future performance of the schemes. The mutual fund schemes mentioned are only for educational and informational purposes, and no investment is recommended.  Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest!
What will be the value of 1 lakh after 20 years?

What will be the value of 1 lakh after 20 years?

Surprisingly, INR 1 lakh in 2001 is only worth about INR 27,000 today due to inflation. This means that the effect is exactly like compound interest since inflation happens on top of inflation from the prior year. In this blog, we'll examine the reasons why this happened as well as what will be the value of 1 lakh after 20 years. What will be the value of 1 lakh after 20 years? Simply said, with 1 lakh rupees of money 20 years ago, you could have bought a lot more than you can today. As a result, even if you can acquire 1 lakh rupees or more after saving for 15, 20, or 30 years, its actual value would be substantially lower.1 lakh would be worth roughly INR 48,000 in 15 years, assuming a 5% inflation rate. Additionally, the value decreases even more with a longer time horizon. Assuming an annual inflation rate of 5%, the value of one lakh will be about INR 37 thousand, INR 29 thousand, and INR 23 thousand after 20, 25, and 30 years, respectively. The answer is to set aside money that is adjusted for inflation. You must first inflate the goal's cost to determine the criteria for that. Start a SIP after that to begin saving for the inflated goal cost. How can SIP make you rich? SIP can be used to invest in long-term equity. You may use it to routinely make small mutual fund investments without attempting to time the market. It would be advantageous if you kept up with SIPs during both the bull and bear market periods to accumulate money. Let's take a look at an example of how SIP may make you rich Think about investing INR 10,000 in an equity fund every month. You may build an INR 3.53 crore corpus if you invest just INR 10,000 per month through a SIP in an equity fund over 30 years. Compounding power increases money and helps you become wealthy. To develop a sizable corpus for retirement, you will need to start saving early so that you may do so throughout your working life. Please be aware that we've projected a 12% average return from the equity fund. The markets and the fund might affect actual results. Value of 30 lakhs after 20 years READ MORE What is inflation? Inflation is sometimes quantified in generic terms, such as the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living throughout a country. However, it may also be computed more precisely for certain products, like food, or services, such as haircuts or travel expenses. Inflation, regardless of the setting, is a measure of how much a certain set of products and services have grown in price over time. According to inflationary pressure, you should expect to pay more this year than you did last year for the same products and services. You can benefit if you had the assets before the price increase, such as houses and stocks. But your purchasing power decreases if your income does not keep up with inflation. Over time, inflation increases your cost of living, and if it is severe enough, it may be detrimental to the economy. For a nation's economy, high inflation has far-reaching effects. Calculate Mutual Fund SIP Returns Assessing the impact of inflation Let's calculate how much you would need to have in 10, 15, 25, and 30 years to equal the wealth valued at INR 1 lakh now. In 10 yearsIn 15 yearsIn 20 yearsIn 30 yearsEquivalent Corpus22.85.47.6Multiplication Factor22.85.47.6 Consider your child's further education as an example. Assume it costs INR 20 lakh at the moment. Assume once more that he would attend college in 15 years. Now you need to calculate how much this education which currently costs INR 20 lakhs will cost in 15 years. Utilize the 2.8 multiplicands from the chart above. To pay for your child's further education after 15 years, you would need a corpus of (INR 20 lakhs * 2.8) = INR 56 lakhs How to fully secure yourself and your family's future? You need to be more calculated and cautious if you're going to save money for your post-retirement lifestyle. In addition to inflation, you must take into account the likelihood of surviving past your planned retirement age and changes in interest rates. You should review and reevaluate your goals. Working with actual figures is necessary. You may speak with financial experts at EduFund if you're unsure about where or how to invest. By using EduFund to invest your money, you can support the dreams of your kids. Install the EduFund app on your device to book a free consultation call with the experts. To avoid having their child's bright future ruined by education inflation, parents may start saving for their child's college education early on. Related reads: What is the value of 30 lakhs after 20 years? What will be the value of 1 crore after 20 years? FAQs What will be the value of 1cr after 20 years? If we assume an inflation rate of 5%, the worth of Rs 1 crore after 20 years is about Rs 37 lakh! What will be the value of 1 cr after 15 years? If we assume an inflation rate of 5%, the worth of Rs 1 crore after 15 years is about Rs Rs 48 lakh. What will be the value of 1 cr after 30 years? The value of 1 Cr in 30 years will decline and become Rs. 23 lakhs due to inflation. What will be the value of Rs. 1 lakh in 15 years? 1 lakh would be worth roughly INR 48,000 in 15 years, assuming a 5% inflation rate. What is inflation? Inflation is sometimes quantified in generic terms, such as the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living throughout a country. TALK TO AN EXPERT
Mutual Fund Fees and Expenses 

Mutual Fund Fees and Expenses 

Sometime back, I encountered a mythological tale from the Mahabharata depicting the narrative of Draupadi, who married five husbands. The story told how Draupadi had asked Shiva for a husband with five qualities - virtue, strength, learning, charm and wisdom. Since no single man could possess all five traits, Shiva gave her five husbands, each with one trait. Similarly, in investing, we would like to have a singular option that provides a plethora of benefits, such as higher returns, reduced risk, professional management, no lock-in period, and accessibility. Luckily, here we have mutual funds to our rescue. Let's look at mutual funds, how they work, and the mutual fund fees and expenses to consider before you embark on your investing journey! Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest! What is a Mutual Fund?  A mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of several investors who share a common investment rationale. Fund managers associated with schemes manage the investors’ money by investing in securities to generate returns and charge fees for that return generated. The remaining return is passed on to the investors. A mutual fund investment involves several expenses, and you, as an investor, should be aware of these fees.   Cost of Delay Explained What are the fees associated with Mutual Fund Investment?  Here are all the mutual fund fees and expenses that you need to be aware of before you start your SIP (monthly) or place a one-time order. Entry load Entry load is the amount or fees an investor pays while entering the scheme. Entry load is collected to cover costs of distribution by the company. Earlier, different mutual fund houses charged different fees as entry load. However, according to the latest SEBI regulations, no fund house can charge an entry load from investors.  Exit load Exit load is the amount that Asset Management Companies (AMCs) charge when an investor is exiting or redeeming their funds. It is a fee charged by the fund house as a penalty for an early exit. The primary objective behind these fees is to discourage investors from pulling out their investments too early. The exit load differs from scheme to scheme. Generally, in India, equity schemes attract an exit load of 1% if the units are redeemed within a year from the date of allotment.  Transaction charges This charge is levied on an individual when they make investments. On average, a transaction cost of 100- 150 is levied on investments worth 10,000 and above. If investments are less than 10,000, then it does not attract these charges. Further, the government collects 0.005% of the overall purchase amount of all mutual fund schemes as stamp duty.   Expense ratio The expense ratio is the fees mutual fund companies charge to manage the mutual funds. It is expressed as a percentage of total capital invested. An expense ratio for an actively managed portfolio generally lies in the range of 0.5% to 0.75%; an expense ratio greater than 1.5% is considered very high.  For example, if the expense ratio is 0.5%, it implies that an annual payment is Rs. 50 is charged for every 10,000 invested. Here, it is essential to understand that the expense ratio is an annual fee charged if an investor retains ownership of the fund annually. Though presented as an annual fee, the amount is deducted daily on a pro-rata basis. When investors invest in regular schemes through distributors or brokers, AMCs pay these mediators a commission, hence in such cases the expense ratio will be higher.  Taxation on capital gains provided by Mutual Funds Knowing about taxes on your mutual fund investments is crucial. Profits from mutual fund investments are taxable. The holding period and type of mutual fund affect the tax rate on capital gains. The holding period refers to the time investors hold units in mutual funds.   Summary of Taxation of Mutual Funds for units to be acquired on or after 01st April 2023  Particulars Allocation of the Scheme to Domestic Equities is Less than or equal to 35% More than 35% but less than or equal to 65% More than 65% Type of Capital Gain Short term irrespective of the holding period Long term if units are held for more than 36 months Long term if units are held for more than 12 months Tax Rate Slab rate LTCG^ - 20% with the benefit of indexation LTCG - 10% of gains exceeding Rs. 1 lakh without indexation benefit - STCG^ - Slab Rate STCG - 15%       Note: Surcharge and Education Health and Education Cess are applicable separately   STCG – Short-Term Capital Gain and LTCG – Long-Term Capital Gain  Remember to account for fees and expenses when investing. Awareness about all the charges you pay throughout your investment journey is necessary. Understanding these costs is crucial because it ensures transparency, impacts returns, helps manage costs and aids risk assessment. Thereby helping you better plan your financial goals.  Start Investing!
Top Boarding Schools in Dubai for International Students

Top Boarding Schools in Dubai for International Students

Embark on an extraordinary educational journey as we unveil the top boarding schools in Dubai, where innovation meets opportunity and diversity thrives. The annual tuition fees for these schools start at AED 50,000, which is nearly 11 lakhs in Indian rupees! Let's look at some of the best schools and their fees in this article. Check out India's Pricest Schools! Top Schools in Dubai for Indians Dubai College: Situated in the heart of Dubai, Dubai College is renowned for its academic excellence and holistic approach to education. With state-of-the-art facilities and a diverse student body, Dubai College provides a supportive environment for students to thrive. Estimated: Years 7-11: AED 29,735 per term, payable in advance. Years 12-13: AED 33,670 per term payable in advance. Repton School Dubai: Set amidst lush greenery in Nad Al Sheba, Repton School Dubai offers a British curriculum with a focus on individualized learning and personal development. With a strong emphasis on extracurricular activities and community service, Repton prepares students for success in a globalized world. Estimated annual fees: AED 54,449 for Nursery classes & AED 97,850 for the 13th Year. Fees depend on the grade your child is in. GEMS Wellington International School: Located in the prestigious Al Sufouh area, GEMS Wellington International School combines academic rigor with a nurturing environment. With world-class facilities and a diverse student body, GEMS Wellington provides a well-rounded education that prepares students for future challenges. Estimated fees: AED 45,259 for FS1 & AED 98,465 for 13th Year. Fees depend on the grade your child is in. Kings' School Dubai: Nestled in the vibrant community of Dubai, Kings' School Dubai offers a dynamic learning environment with a focus on creativity and innovation. With a commitment to personalized learning and holistic development, Kings' School empowers students to become lifelong learners and global citizens. Estimated fees: AED 44,928 to AED 68,374 annually. Jumeirah College: Situated in the prestigious Jumeirah area, Jumeirah College is known for its academic excellence and strong sense of community. With a wide range of extracurricular activities and a supportive learning environment, Jumeirah College fosters a culture of curiosity and exploration. Estimated fees: AED 75,178 to AED 93,972 per year. Dubai British School: Located in the heart of Dubai Marina, Dubai British School offers a vibrant and inclusive learning community with a focus on academic excellence and personal growth. With a commitment to innovation and creativity, Dubai British School prepares students to thrive in an ever-changing world. Estimated fees: AED 50,496 to AED 75,746 yearly. Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest! In today's fast-paced and competitive world, investing in your child's education is more important than ever. With the rising cost of living and limited financial resources, it's essential to plan ahead and secure your child's future. EduFund understands the challenges parents face and is dedicated to helping families achieve financial security through smart investments like mutual funds. By partnering with EduFund, parents can create a solid foundation for their children's education and ensure they have access to the best opportunities the world has to offer. Together, we can unlock a brighter future for the next generation. Start investing for their big dreams!
What is the cookie jar method of investing?

What is the cookie jar method of investing?

Earlier we talked about what are the top 10 best investment options in India. In this article, let's look into what is cookie jar method of investing is. There are many rules of investing that help investors make good money. The cookie jar investing method allows you to pour your savings and investments into different areas (called jars) for specific purposes. The technique aims at allocating money purpose-wise for disciplined and continuous investment.   The multiple buckets of investments are earmarked for different purposes. You can consider it to be just like a child saving pennies in jars to buy their favourite toys.  What is the logic behind the cookie jar method of investing?  The Mental Accounting method’s logic is applicable here this enables you to mentally allocate and distribute your savings into different buckets and invest accordingly. This way your expenses can also be managed efficiently as you do not spend for one goal out of the savings you collected for another goal. When you have varied goals in life, you need to prepare for those goals in different ways with special efforts towards achieving those goals. Once these steps are taken, everything gets very simplified.  Once the goals are specified, the next step is to find which investing instruments will be favorable and for which purpose.   This needs careful consideration because the kind of instruments you invest in will determine how much returns will be generated in the future. This separation of funds for investing towards specific purposes is termed bucketing.   Once your investments are aligned with your goals, you will be able to get good returns.  Example to understand the cookie jar method of investing Consider that you have these three goals  First, to buy a costly smartphone this year Second, to buy a car worth 4 lakhs in the next five years  Third, to pay for your child’s education after 15 years Since it is a concise term for your first goal, you can save some cash from your salary and buy the smartphone soon. To buy a car, you need to put the required monthly investment amount into a semi-liquid type of fund, like debt funds or even ETFs with stable returns. This will help you save enough money to buy your car after five years.   Finally, the last goal, funding your child’s education after 15 years, is a mammoth task because it actually is a more costly affair than you first imagine it to be. So you must plan this investment with utmost care and invest early and in instruments that serve this purpose well. How to use the cookie jar method for investing? Similar to how budgeting works, for saving too, you should ideally create jars for separate objectives. For example - Emergency Fund, Wedding Fund, Children's Education Fund, Retirement Fund, etc. 1. Emergency fund It is meant for any unforeseen situation that may arise. The Thumb rule says it is good to have three months of expenses as an emergency fund for your rainy days. This money should be in liquid or fixed deposits and safe from volatility. 2. Retirement fund Plan for your retirement when you start earning. You will thank us later. If you start at 25 and assume you have 35 years ahead of you to work before retiring, a small monthly contribution can help you save big. But if you start late, the monthly contribution for the same amount will be exorbitantly high. Goal10 Cr10 CrTenure35 yrs20 yrsSIP/monthRs 6,750Rs 67,500Returns15%15% Similarly, it would help if you planned for other goals such as a car, house, child's education, child's marriage, holiday, etc. These can become your separate jar and would be dedicated to that specific goal. FAQs What is the cookie jar approach to investing? The cookie jar investing method allows you to pour your savings and investments into different areas (called jars) for specific purposes. How do you use cookie jars? Consider you have a goal of buying a car in the next 5 years. To buy a car, you need to put the required monthly investment amount into a semi-liquid type of fund, like debt funds or even ETFs with stable returns. This will help you save enough money to buy your car after five years.  This approach to investing is called cookie jars when you see each goal differently. What is the logic behind the cookie jar method of investing?  The Mental Accounting method’s logic is applicable here this enables you to mentally allocate and distribute your savings into different buckets and invest accordingly. This way your expenses can also be managed efficiently as you do not spend for one goal out of the savings you collected for another goal. What financial goals can you use the cookie jar investing approach? You can use it for long-term and short-term goals. Whether it's buying a car or financing your child's education, you can have a separate jar and investing approach based on how much you need, when you need it, and your risk profile. Need help planning and saving towards your child's education? Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT