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What is the moratorium period in education loan?

What is the moratorium period in education loan?

Education loans have emerged as a much-needed motivation for students who want to pursue higher studies but are constrained by financial issues. Even students who could afford their higher education on their own now opt to take out student loans. This is because an education loan may enable you to maintain your own funds for unforeseen expenses, as well as enable you to receive tax benefits and raise your CIBIL score. Also Read: Tips to Get Education Loans for Abroad Studies What is the moratorium period for an education loan? The duration of a borrower's exemption from loan repayment is known as the moratorium period. Loans taken out for education are subject to this repayment holiday. All government bank education loan programs are required by the Reserve Bank of India to provide a moratorium or grace period on loan repayment. Like other loans, an education loan has an interest rate attached to it. This interest starts to accrue the first month after the student loan is approved. However, government banks are required to grant borrowers of education loans a repayment holiday. This indicates that during the designated moratorium time, students are not required to pay back the interest. It should be kept in mind that during this time, the interest is not waived but simply deferred. When loan repayment begins, students will have to pay this accrued interest (split equally). Despite the fact that each bank has its own terms and conditions, most financial institutions offer a moratorium period of one year after the completion of the program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fufyFB9aMQI&t=1s How do the grace period and moratorium period differ? A grace period and a moratorium period are frequently confused in the market. It is critical to understand that a grace period is a predetermined period after payment is past due during which, the payment may be made without incurring a penalty. On the other hand, a borrower is not required to make payments during a moratorium period. Also Read: Is Collateral Compulsory for Education Loans? What are the benefits of an education loan moratorium period? Let's examine some of the benefits of the repayment holiday. With an education loan, the student will have less financial stress while they are studying. The student can focus on their academics without having to worry about money during this grace period because the bank does not impose any penalties for non-repayment. After completing the program, individuals can focus all of their efforts on finding a career that suits them within a year of graduation without having to worry about debt payback for a year. Throughout this time without repayment, the student's credit score is unaffected. During the moratorium period, the parents, who are typically co-borrowers of student loans, are not required to make any repayments. Also Read: Common mistakes when taking an education loan Is there a downside to the moratorium period? The moratorium term on student loans, like every coin, has both advantages and disadvantages. As was previously noted, the interest is delayed rather than waived during this time. As a result, it basically accumulates and the student is then required to pay it back. Due to the absence of payments during this period, the loan duration may somewhat lengthen. Some financial institutions impose simple interest throughout the study period and compound interest during the moratorium period, which raises the overall amount of interest that has accrued. Despite its many benefits, the most straightforward approach to get around the moratorium periods’ drawbacks is to begin payments as soon as you can. Perhaps, even while you're still in school with the help of a part-time job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNVvKy460dQ What is the moratorium period for the various Indian banks? Lenders have different moratorium periods. On the basis of the different types of lenders, we may broadly divide this period. The moratorium of various lenders is as follows: Public-sector Banks: Government banks often have a moratorium period of the course period plus six months. During this moratorium, there are no payments that students are required to make. Private-sector Banks: In private banks, the moratorium term is often the course period plus 12 months. However, throughout this moratorium time, the borrower must pay a certain sum of simple interest. After the moratorium period, installments beginning with a portion of the principal amount will be made. NBFCs: Typically, an NBFC's moratorium period is equal to the course period plus an additional 12 months. However, during this moratorium time, the borrower must pay a simple interest sum or some partial interest (determined and disclosed throughout the loan process). After the moratorium period, installments that include some of the principal amounts begin. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uPGJr3BiXpI Conclusion A moratorium period is a great way to reduce the pressure of repayment on a student while studying. It's crucial to remember that this time period does not come with interest. As a result, the interest charged on the remaining balance of an education loan will be lower the earlier a student begins loan repayment. If there is any confusion regarding these financial issues or if any information or guidance is required, our team of financial advisors is constantly available for you. FAQs How many months is the moratorium period? It is usually 6 months to one year, depending on the candidate's profile and the bank's moratorium criteria. Is moratorium period good or bad? The moratorium period is a period of relief for the student and their parents. It allows them to figure out a way to repay the loan and gives the student enough time to become an earning member of the society. This period is not interest free so it is recommended that the student starts making some repayments towards their interest so that they are not burdened when the moratorium period ends. Is interest paid during moratorium period? Yes, interest is charged during moratorium period and the student can repay it as well. However, they are not obligated to pay interest during this period. Can I pay my education loan during the moratorium period? You can pay interest on your education loan during the moratorium period. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
Most Expensive Schools in Ranchi with Fees!

Most Expensive Schools in Ranchi with Fees!

Ranchi, the capital city of Jharkhand, is not just a hub of natural beauty but also a center for quality education. Among its numerous educational institutions, some stand out not just for their academic excellence but also for the hefty price tag that accompanies them. In this article, we delve into the most expensive schools in Ranchi, offering a glimpse into the educational institutions that set the bar for luxurious learning. Create an Investment Goal for your child's education at Rs. 1000! 1. Bishop Westcott Boys' School: Nestled in the heart of Ranchi, Bishop Westcott Boys' School is a name synonymous with quality education and a heritage that dates back to colonial times. This prestigious institution boasts modern facilities and a commitment to academic excellence. The average bi-monthly fees here range from INR 6,000 to 9,000, making it one of the reputed educational institutions in Ranchi. 2. Delhi Public School, Ranchi: A part of the renowned DPS Society, Delhi Public School in Ranchi is known for its holistic approach to education. With state-of-the-art infrastructure and a focus on nurturing well-rounded individuals, the monthly fees at this institution hover around INR 5,000 for lower classes to 7,000 for senior classes. 3. ODM Sapphire Global School: ODM Sapphire Global School is a premium institution in Ranchi, offering a global curriculum and a commitment to providing a well-rounded education. Parents investing in their child's education here can expect to pay an average annual fee ranging from INR 1,20,000 to 2,50,000. 4. Sarala Birla Public School Known for its rich educational legacy and commitment to moral and academic values, Sarala Birla Public School, Mahilong stands among the elite schools in Ranchi. The average session fees at this institution range from INR 5,100 to 5,500 for classes 1 to 12. The admission fees range between 37,000 to 50,000 based on the grade the child is entering. 5. Oxford Public School: Oxford Public School, with its emphasis on academic rigour and holistic development, is another noteworthy institution in Ranchi. Parents seeking enrollment for their children should be prepared for an average annual fee ranging from INR 20,000 to 50,000. 4 reasons to invest in your child's education! Investing Strategically for Your Child's Education: A Prudent Move As parents aim to provide the best possible education for their children, the financial commitment involved in these prestigious schools can be substantial. Beyond the immediate expenses, strategic financial planning becomes crucial to ensure a seamless journey through the academic years. One of the most effective ways to secure your child's educational future is through mutual funds. Why Mutual Funds for Education? Diversification: Mutual funds spread investments across various asset classes, reducing risk. Professional Management: Fund managers with expertise make investment decisions on behalf of investors. Flexibility: Investors can choose funds based on their risk appetite and financial goals. Affordability: Starting with as little as Rs. 1000 makes mutual funds accessible for all. Most Expensive Schools in Noida How to Get Started? Define Your Goals: Clearly articulate the educational goals you are saving for. Use the College Cost Calculator by EduFund to know the future cost of education across the world. Risk Assessment: Understand your risk tolerance and choose funds accordingly. Consult a Financial Advisor: Seek professional advice to tailor your investment strategy. Start Early: The earlier you start, the more time your investments have to grow. In conclusion, while the cost of education at prestigious schools in Ranchi may be significant, strategic financial planning can make this journey more manageable. Mutual funds present an excellent avenue for parents to build a substantial corpus for their child's education. The key is to start early, stay disciplined, and leverage the power of compounding to make those educational dreams a reality. With mutual funds, the path to securing your child's educational future becomes not just a financial choice but a smart and achievable one.
Investment strategies in a volatile market

Investment strategies in a volatile market

Markets are never stable. Investors know that the market is cyclical, where it booms and corrects periodically. But what to do during extreme ups or extreme downs? Taking the wrong choice can cause a significant loss or completely erase all the wealth that you have previously created in your portfolio. This article will help you with some of the best investment strategies in a volatile market. Continue reading to know more What are the basic things you can do to deal with market volatility? Some precautions you as an investor can take to reduce the impact of overall market volatility on your portfolio. How? Do a periodical review of your portfolio. This helps you know the performance of the investments that you have chosen. It indicates the efficiency and effectiveness of your portfolio. It helps you analyze whether or not your investments align with your goals and objectives. Have a rebalanced portfolio. Periodically rebalancing your portfolio will help you minimize the overall portfolio volatility. A rebalanced portfolio will efficiently capture the up-market and the down-market movements. It is capable of efficiently controlling losses during major market corrections. Have a well-diversified portfolio. When starting your investment journey, you should ensure you have a well-diversified portfolio that helps reduce portfolio volatility. The assets will compensate for each other's performance in a diversified portfolio. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYlrsx9_yog&t=1s What are the best investment strategies in a volatile market? 1. Index fund An Index Fund invests in the company stocks of a benchmark index in the same proportion as the index. The fund does not intend to outperform the benchmark and move along the benchmark it is invested in. There is no active investment strategy or change in the fund’s portfolio. Therefore, the volatility is much lesser compared to other equity funds. The ideal investment horizon is 5-7 years and is best for investors with a low-risk appetite and who are okay with steady, stable returns. 2. Balanced fund Balanced funds are hybrid funds that provide investors with long-term capital appreciation with exposure to both equity and debt. There are options like aggressive hybrid and dynamic asset allocation funds (DAAF). A DAAF follows an intelligent asset allocation strategy within the fund. The debt-equity ratio is periodically balanced and changed based on market conditions and requirements. If the market is corrected and undervalued, the fund automatically increases the equity component and reduces the debt component with the growth forecast in mind. Whereas, if the market is overvalued already, the fund will reduce the equity exposure and increase the debt component to avoid the fund from facing heavy market corrections leading to a loss. 3. Debt funds The safest bet against market volatility is debt funds. You have options like corporate, municipal, short-term, etc. They are highly liquid and generate returns that beat inflation. This investment option is best for investors with a small investment horizon or in their retirement phase who depend on their savings and have a minimal risk appetite. 4. Staying invested long-term Volatility and market fluctuations are more evident in short-term horizons. Investing for an extended period and not paying attention to the short-term market movements helps your wealth creation objective. At the same time, you should have a strong strategy and a well-diversified portfolio. Again, do not blindly follow the buy-and-hold strategy. Please research before investing in any instrument and plan to hold it for an extended period. The bottom line is that a portfolio should have a mix of different investment instruments. There is a saying that "you never put all your eggs in one basket". This means that by investing all your money in one place, your entire portfolio is directly correlated to the movement of that instrument, in short, concentration risk. Different instruments give you benefits and varying returns from all the assets. Never sell your investments during extreme market volatility, even if your portfolio has significant losses unless you need liquid money. Instead, use this as an opportunity to invest more and acquire units of the instrument at discounted rates. This will help you average out your losses and generate good levels of return on your portfolio. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
Learn to invest in Zoom from India

Learn to invest in Zoom from India

Zoom Video Communications needs no introduction, especially now that the COVID-19 epidemic has arrived. People began working from their houses when the lockdown was imposed. Most of it happened over a Zoom video conference, whether a corporate meeting or your child's online education. This company's product effectively brought people from all over the world together. Eric Yuan founded Zoom Video Communications as a software start-up in 2011. Eric is the current CEO, and the company is based in California, United States. It is known for providing services like video calling and online chat services via cloud-based peer-to-peer software. As of 2021, the total number of employees is 4422. Salesforce took almost one and a half decades after going public to reach a market capitalization of $100 billion, but Zoom Video Communications took just 14 months. Zoom recently paid $14.7 billion for Five9, a NASDAQ-listed software company specializing in cloud contact centers. Zoom is one of the North American region's top 25 highest-value technology companies.   Additional read: How to invest in Netflix from India? Zoom is one of the few stocks that should be included in every investor's portfolio. Let's first look at some basic stuff before we proceed. Latest market close $109.18 52-week range 108.43 - 406.21 Dividend yield  NA Earnings per share  $4.49 Beta - Market Capitalization $ 24.902 billion Average Volume (3m) 4,317,874 PE ratio  24.24  There are three ways in which you can invest in Zoom from India.   1. The direct way   You can trade in Zoom from India by registering on a US brokerage account using technological platforms that provide this service or through a foreign brokerage with a direct presence in India. To start with this, you only need your PAN card and proof of address.   Zoom's share price was the US $108.6 on March 03, 2022, which is over eight thousand rupees. However, the premium price of Zoom shares should not stop you from investing in them because some platforms allow you to participate in fractional shares. With just $1, you can buy a part of a Google stock and own a piece of the corporation.   2. The ETF way   One way to invest in Zoom stocks from India is through an exchange-traded fund (ETF). ETFs are a grouping of stocks and bonds traded as a single fund. They're comparable to mutual funds in that they're invested in a pool of money. ETFs, on the other hand, are exchanged on the stock exchange and offer a simple and inexpensive way to gain access to a category of market or a group of companies. Buying an ETF via a platform is one way to invest in ETFs.   For example, you can invest in the ProShares Ultra QQQ (QLD) and ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK), which contains Zoom as one of its holdings.   Another option for investing in Zoom stocks from India is to purchase ETFs that invest in US markets. You don't need to create a US brokerage account to invest in these ETFs. However, tracking errors in these ETFs may influence your returns.   3. The Mutual fund way   In this case, you will be investing in funds of funds, a domestic mutual fund that invests in a mutual fund available in the United States. Since the investment would be made in Indian rupees, there is no investment restriction. Zoom is included in several mutual funds, such as the Edelweiss' US Technology Fund of Fund but only to a minimal level. Furthermore, this strategy may prove to be more costly. An annual expense ratio will be required of you. The expense ratio of these funds is typically greater, as it includes an additional expenditure levied by the core global schemes they invest in, in addition to the usual India fund administration fee. A note of caution here is to remember to evaluate your risk profile before purchasing any investment. Directly investing in equities like Zoom would be a greater risk strategy for your portfolio. Investing by convenience, i.e., via ETFs As Metaverse is still in its infancy, it's challenging to grasp the Metaverse's and enterprises' business models. As a beginner, you can invest in the Metaverse through ETFs such as the Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF, which gives you exposure to companies that develop Metaverse infrastructure (like Nvidia), gaming engines that create virtual worlds (like Roblox), and leaders in content, commerce, and social media for the Metaverse (like Tencent). Nvidia Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Meta Platforms Inc., Roblox Corporation, Tencent Holdings Limited, and Unity Software Inc. are among the fund's top holdings. The Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF had 45 holdings and seven nations in its portfolio. The median market capitalization of these 45 holdings is $68 billion. Put another way, the typical company held by this ETF will be successful and well-established. While these equities will have metaverse connections, there's a fair probability they'll also have very profitable core operations that will support metaverse research and development. If you opt to invest in ETFs, you may rest easy.  It's crucial to realize that Metaverse investments aren't for everyone. Furthermore, having a significant concentration of assets in stocks of Metaverse-related companies can be dangerous. When investing in the Metaverse, one must consider risk tolerance and the value it will add to the portfolio!   FAQs How to invest in Zoom from India? Yes, you can invest in Zoom from India on the EduFund. Download the App, set up your US account for free without any commission or opening charges. You also get first year free on account maintenance. Once its set up, you can invest in all the top US stocks on your own! What are the different ways to invest in Zoom? There are several ways to start investing in Zoom. You can directly invest in the company by buying its stocks through an app, you can invest in the company indirectly by investing in mutual funds or ETFs that will buy the stock as a part of their portfolio. What is the share price for Zoom? The share price for Zoom is $59.98!
How to invest in facebook (meta) from India?

How to invest in facebook (meta) from India?

Planning to invest in Facebook (meta) from India! Look no further! Find out why and how in this blog! Facebook is a for-profit American firm established in Menlo Park, California, providing online social media and social networking services. Mark Zuckerberg and fellow Harvard College classmates and roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes created the Facebook website on February 4, 2004. The word Facebook stems from the Facebook directories frequently distributed to university students in the United States. Facebook raised $16 billion from the market when it became a publicly traded business in 2012. As a result, Facebook now has a market valuation more significant than some of the most prominent American corporations, like Amazon, Disney, and McDonald's. Facebook's stock price increased almost tenfold in less than ten years, providing early investors with over 1000 percent returns. You've arrived at the right site, whether you want to invest in Facebook shares or learn how to invest in Meta shares from India.   Meta is one of the world's most powerful tech companies. It owns and operates the most widely used and successful social media and messaging platforms worldwide, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Meta is one of the top US companies to invest in, with a market valuation of roughly $ 590.21 billion. Investing in US companies like Meta has a variety of advantages. It provides geographical diversity to your portfolio   The depreciation of the rupee vis-a-vis the dollar is also a prime reason.   The share has provided stable handsome returns in history. The share has returned around 60% in the last five years, which is more than anything on the plate!   Facebook is one of the few stocks that should be in every investor's portfolio. Let's first look at some basic stuff before we proceed.  Latest market close $200.06 52-week range 190.22 - 384.33 Dividend yield  NA Earnings per share  $13.79 Beta 1.4 Market Capitalization $ 544.55 billion Average Volume (3m) 32,148,676 PE ratio  14.51  There are three ways in which you can invest in Facebook from India   1. The direct way   You can trade in Facebook from India by registering on a US brokerage account using technological platforms that provide this service or through a foreign brokerage with a direct presence in India. To start with this, you only need your PAN card and proof of address.   Facebook's share price was US $200.06 on March 03, 2022, which is over fifteen thousand rupees. However, the premium price of Facebook shares should not stop you from investing in them because some platforms allow you to participate in fractional shares. Starting as small as $1, you can buy a part of a Google stock and own a piece of the corporation.   Additional read: How to invest in Google from India 2. The ETF way   One way to invest in Facebook stocks from India is through an exchange-traded fund (ETF). ETFs are a grouping of stocks and bonds traded as a single fund. They're comparable to mutual funds because they invest in a pool of money. ETFs, on the other hand, are exchanged on the stock exchange and offer a simple and inexpensive way to gain access to a category of market or a group of companies. Buying an ETF via a platform is one way to invest in ETFs. You can invest in the Russell 1000 Growth ETF or the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF, which contains Facebook as one of its top holdings.   Another option for investing in Facebook stocks from India is to purchase ETFs that invest in US indices such as the S&P 500. Facebook is a holding of the Motilal Oswal S&P 500 Index Fund. You don't need to create a US brokerage account to invest in these ETFs. However, tracking errors in these ETFs may influence your returns.   Additional read: How to invest in Coca-Cola from India 3. The Mutual fund way   In this case, you will be investing in Funds of Funds, a domestic mutual fund that invests in a mutual fund available in the United States. Since investment is in Indian rupees, there is no investment restriction. Facebook is included in several mutual funds, such as the Nippon India US Equity Opportunities Fund, ICICI Prudential US Blue-chip Fund, DSP US Flexible Equity, etc. but only to a minimal level. Furthermore, this strategy may prove to be more costly. For instance, an annual expense ratio can be charged. The expense ratio of these funds is typically more significant, as it includes an additional expenditure levied by the core global schemes they invest in, in addition to the usual India fund administration fee. Why invest in Meta shares from India?  Meta (formerly known as Facebook) is a historically beneficial share to know. It is one of the best companies and tech giants in the world. It owns massive social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. They have a market value of $ 590.21 billion. Here are some benefits of investing in Meta shares from India   Diversification: It gives you a chance to invest in the US and the world’s top tech companies from India. It gives you international exposure and a chance to gain returns in a foreign currency.   US Market Exposure: By investing in Meta, you not only have exposure to the world economy but to the US economy. As a Meta shareholder, you can be a beneficiary of US market gains.   US Dollar: Gaining returns in dollars is the greatest reason to invest in Meta shares from India. You can take advantage of the rupee depreciation and make the most of your US returns. Thus, investing in Meta means gaining interest in dollars and making the most of the appreciating US dollar.   Performance: Facebook shares have seen tremendous growth. For instance, if you invested Rs 10,000 in Facebook stock 10 years ago, your investment would have turned Rs 10,00,000 by October 2020!   Advantages of investing in Meta Higher Returns: Investing in Meta stocks means the potential of gaining higher returns.    Direct ownership: By buying meta shares directly and not through an ETF or Mutual Fund, you gain absolute control. You can sell and buy the stocks whenever you want and make the most of your earnings directly. You are also eligible for dividends as a direct investor.   US dollar investment: Another advantage of investing in Meta is the chance to get returns in dollars from India. You can benefit from dollar appreciation and increase your purchasing power in India with the gained returns.   Disadvantages of Investing in Meta Market Risks: Met shares are subject to market changes just like any other stocks. Though they are extremely beneficial, there are also many losses associated with the company. Timing your investment and changes is extremely important. You can balance your risk with a good investment advisor.   FAQs Is Facebook still a good investment? Yes, Facebook (Meta) is a relatively good investment and stock to own. Historic performance and market value are admirable. The company has a lower P/E ratio which means you are paying less for a dollar of earnings. Facebook's P/E ratio is lower than that of the S&P 500 and the technology sector, Is it smart to invest in Facebook? Facebook is a great company and the biggest tech company in the world with a market share of $ 590.21 billion. Can you buy stock on Facebook? Yes, it is possible to buy shares of Facebook from India. You can find a SEBI-registered online broker, create an account, and get started! Click here to start investing - https://edufund.in/us-stocks Who is the major investor on Facebook? Mark Zuckerberg is a major investor in Facebook. How can I invest in Facebook from India? Yes, you can invest in Facebook from India on the EduFund. Download the App, set up your US account for free without any commission or opening charges. You also get first year free on account maintenance. Once its set up, you can invest in all the top US stocks on your own!
5 top investments for risk-averse investors

5 top investments for risk-averse investors

All investments are associated with risks. Yet, the risk is not uniform, and it's essential to be aware of the different levels of risks linked with all types of investment instruments. This is why the first thing to consider before investing is how much of a risk appetite has – how much risk one is willing to take. Want to know the best investment options for risk-averse investors but still generate good returns? Continue reading this article to know more! What is risk averse? Risk-averse refers to an investor who chooses to preserve the capital over and above its potential to generate returns that are higher than the average. Risk can refer to many factors – volatility, currency, market, credit rating, etc. Risk-averse can also refer to a conservative investor. Low risk symbolizes stability in investments. A low-risk investment generates guaranteed reasonable returns, if not outstanding, above benchmark returns. But chances are near zero that the principal investment amount will be lost. Whereas a high-risk investment option may gain or lose money over time. Risk-averse investors are unwilling to accept market volatility. They prefer their investments to be highly liquid - readily available to be withdrawn. Such investors usually include old investors or retired individuals who depend on their savings for their daily expenses. Start Investing in Mutual Funds Is FD a good option for risk-averse investors? One should constantly adjust their returns against the current inflation rate. The current Fixed Deposit interest rates are 5-7% p.a. on average. But the current inflation rates are around 6-8% p.a. Give these figures a thought. The price you pay for your everyday goods and services is rising at 6-8%, whereas your FD investments are growing at only 5-7%. FDs do not increase the value of your money over time. In fact, you actually lose money or its purchasing power over time. Do you think FDs are the safest investment option? Banks defaulting on payments is rare but definitely possible. The Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) guarantees Rs. 5 lakhs per person per bank if the bank defaults. Let's not forget the liquidity part of this instrument. Fixed deposits can have a lock-in ranging from 3-5 years. Banks penalize the investors for withdrawing money before the lock-in is over. This penalty is in the form of a reduction of interest rate by a certain percentage. Download App and Start Saving for Child Education What are the best investment options for risk-averse investors? The market is filled with many investment options for investors with varying risk appetites. Let's look at some of the best investment options for risk-averse investors: 1. Short-term bond fund The best alternative for investors who do not want exposure to FDs or volatile instruments. Short-term bond funds – bond funds with low maturity and a high potential to offer better returns. Debt Funds with longer maturity are subjected to interest rate risk. But short-term bonds have a lower interest rate risk as their maturity period is much lower. 2. Municipal and Corporate Bonds State and local governments and companies usually raise money by issuing bonds to the public. Bonds offer lower risk than stocks. When a company is winding up, the bondholders are given first preference in the payment and settlement order. 3. Other debt funds Other debt funds include banking and PSU Funds, ultra-short duration funds, Dynamic Bonds, etc. You could always invest a lump sum in these debt-based mutual funds and opt for a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP). This would ensure that along with the returns being generated on your investments, you would also get a monthly income from these investments. This investment option is one of the best options for older people who want a monthly income. 4. Liquid funds Invest in top-rated liquid funds to avoid loss of capital with a higher degree of safety for your primary investment. Also, when the market moves up, your investment performs better and generates higher returns in line with the market. 5. Dividend growth stocks Stocks are not as safe as cash, savings, or other debt-based instruments. But they are safer than options and futures. Dividend-paying stocks are considered safer than high-growth ones as they minimize volatility, if not eliminate it. You don't depend on the value of the stock as you get a dividend as a regular income on your investment. Apart from debt-based investments, you could also apply a staggered investment approach in equity-based mutual funds for a long-time horizon. A periodically rebalanced portfolio helps you minimize your portfolio volatility and ensures efficient capture of up-market and down-market movements even with equity exposure.  Take the help of an Investment Advisor who will guide you through goal-based planning and help you choose the investments that are most suitable to your goals and objectives and your risk appetite. FAQsWhat type of investments do risk-averse investors prefer?  Risk-averse investors typically prefer conservative investments with lower volatility and more predictable returns. These may include government bonds, high-quality corporate bonds, certificates of deposit (CDs), and stable dividend-paying stocks. These options aim to preserve capital while providing modest growth, aligning with the risk tolerance of such investors.   What are 3 high-risk investments?  Three high-risk investments include investing in individual stocks of volatile and speculative companies, trading in cryptocurrencies known for their price volatility, and investing in startups or early-stage ventures that have higher failure rates. These investments offer the potential for significant returns but also carry a substantial risk of loss.   Which investment is the riskiest for investors?  Investing in highly speculative and unproven assets like cryptocurrencies, especially in lesser-known or new coins, can be among the riskiest options for investors. The volatile nature of these assets can lead to substantial financial losses due to sudden price fluctuations and lack of regulation.   Which investment has the highest return without risk?  No investment offers guaranteed high returns without any risk. Investments with potentially higher returns often come with varying degrees of risk. While some low-risk options like government bonds or savings accounts provide stability, they usually offer lower returns. Diversification and a clear understanding of risk are important for any investment strategy.  TALK TO AN EXPERT
Know which degrees have highest ROI abroad

Know which degrees have highest ROI abroad

Studying in a foreign country is a dream for an Indian as it opens new doors to career opportunities and growth. The general notion amongst Indian parents is that they will not be able to afford the huge fees and related expenses of studying abroad.  Price and affordability are important factors that every parent has to take into consideration before sending his child on a specific career path. Are you aware that there are at least 5 degrees that offer better ROI abroad than in India? Moreover, the opportunity of being a part of the global education system and getting a degree that is internationally recognized is unparallel. 5 Degrees that offer better ROI abroad than in India Students with academic excellence can get grants and scholarships in foreign universities. The reduced fee structure makes it easier for them to travel abroad for further studies Here are 5 degrees that are cheaper to pursue abroad than in India with great employment opportunities are: 1. Engineering Engineering is one of the highest-paying jobs in the world, with a demand factor for engineers far outweighing the supply quotient. If you are looking for one of the best among the 5 degrees that are cheaper to pursue abroad than in India, then engineering is a sure bet.  Related fields in engineering include Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Biomedical Engineering Petroleum Engineering Environmental Engineering Computer Engineering The average salary of an engineer varies between $80,000 - $90,000, with a mechanical engineer earning around $83,590, a civil engineer at $82,220, a biomedical engineer at $86,220, and a petroleum engineer an estimated salary of $88,700. Many foreign universities offer scholarships that can reduce the overall cost of studying and offer  high-paying internships to add to your overall resume. After graduation, engineers can easily find high-paying jobs in countries like the UK, USA, Norway, Germany, Australia, and Canada. Additional read: What is the cost of education in India? 2. Actuarial science Students who are interested in actuarial science can expect a hefty pay package post-study. It is one of the unique study courses in the STEM fields with very high demand in countries like the USA, UK, New Zealand, and Australia.  Students who study actuarial science can work as Actuarial Analysts Assurance Managers Internal Auditors Health Actuaries Audit Managers Financial Auditors The occupational areas of actuarial science include professional technical and scientific services and finance and insurance. You can understand the high demand for actuarial scientists in developed countries by its estimated salary median of $97,070. 3. Pharmaceutical Science Pharmaceutical science and healthcare are important study courses that provide numerous growth opportunities in your career path. The estimated average annual salary of a pharma scientist is between $80,000 - $100,000.  People who have chosen this field develop new drugs, evaluate medication use, prepare medications, and educate patients about the different medications Students who are studying pharmaceutical science can work as Pharmaceutical Scientists Medical Publisher Research Assistant Quality Control Assistant Drug Safety Associate Microbiologist Pharmacy Technician Pharmaceutical science is an in-demand degree course as students can easily get good jobs in biotech and drug manufacturing companies, government agencies, academic institutions, and hospitals. 4. Computer Science / Cyber Security Students who want to study computer science or cyber security have a bright future as these are high-profile jobs with great demand in both developing and developed countries like the USA, UK, Israel, and Germany. Students pursuing this degree course can work as  Security Administrator Cyber Security Analysts Security Architect Security Consultant Information Security Analyst Firewall Administrator The average annual salary of a pass-out with these degrees is an estimated $90,120. They work towards safeguarding the computer systems and network of a company and shielding them from any sort of cyber-attacks and data breaches. Source: pixels 5. Finance Last but not least among the 5 degrees that are cheaper to pursue abroad than in India is the finance course study. Students who pursue this course have better job opportunities in countries like Japan, the USA, the UK, Australia, and Ireland The average annual salary of $89,160 acts as a powerful magnet to lure students toward this course. After completing their studies, they can work as Financial Advisor Personal Banker Wealth Strategist Portfolio Manager Financial Planner Lending Analyst The occupational areas of students pursuing a career in finance are financial investment firms, loan groups, and banks. It is a fact that most students face indecision about pursuing higher studies in India or abroad just because of the high-cost structure.  The ROI offered by these programs makes them a great investment. These courses are universally claimed and are in demand because of their international demand. Countries like the US, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, UK offer incentives like scholarships, grants, work permits, and job placements to encourage students to take up these courses and enter their workforce.  FAQs What degree gives the highest return? Degrees in fields like computer science, engineering, finance, medicine, and business administration often yield high returns due to strong demand and earning potential. However, the highest return depends on individual skills, market trends, and personal interests. Researching job prospects and considering long-term career satisfaction is essential when choosing a degree. What degrees have a positive ROI? Degrees in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), healthcare (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy), economics, and business administration generally offer a positive Return on Investment (ROI) due to high earning potential and job demand. However, individual success also depends on factors like location, job market, and personal dedication. What courses have the best ROI? Courses with the best Return on Investment (ROI) often include computer science, engineering (especially software engineering), data science, finance, nursing, and certain medical specialties. These fields offer high earning potential and strong job growth, making them attractive options for individuals seeking a favorable return on their educational investment. Which degree is best to study abroad? Degrees in fields such as international business, engineering, computer science, natural sciences, and arts and humanities can be excellent choices for studying abroad. These degrees offer opportunities for cultural immersion, global networking, and exposure to different academic perspectives, enhancing the overall educational experience while preparing for an international career. TALK TO OUR EXPERTS!
Is it time to pause investing in small caps?

Is it time to pause investing in small caps?

Small-cap funds are flooded with funds. Investors are heavily pumping money into small-cap equities in the hope of high returns. Investors have put in more than Rs. 33,040 crores in small-cap funds from April-2022 till June-23. Net inflows in mutual funds It can be inferred from the data released by AMFI that the investors are taking aggressive bets by flocking into high-risk funds such as small-cap, mid-cap, and thematic funds. The reason behind such a huge increase in small-cap investments is the returns given by small companies in the recent past. Nifty 250 TRI Rolling Returns The average returns delivered by small-cap funds in the last 1 year is 30.92% compared to the average return of 20.96% of the large-cap funds. Clearly, the returns delivered by small caps are way higher than the large caps. But, what about the risk? Aren’t the small cap equities too risky compared to the large caps? Let us see what the data says.  Volatility in price As can be inferred from the above graphs, the returns delivered by small caps are well above the large caps and contrary to the general perception, the volatility in the prices is not significantly higher than the large caps. After looking at this, now the question arises whether investors should continue to invest in the small-cap funds, or should they hit a pause on investing in the small-caps and book some profits. Let us try to find out.  Valuations: The first parameter the investors look at is the valuation. Are the small-cap companies overvalued? Let us look at the P/E ratio.  Nifty small cap 250 PE Although P/E alone cannot be used to conclude whether the companies are overvalued or not, it can be used to get a quick idea about the relative valuations of the companies. And as can be seen in the above chart, the current state of P/E does not suggest that small-cap companies are extremely overvalued.  Small Cap Premium: In a paper titled “The Relationship Between Return and Market Value of Common Stocks,” Rolf W. Banz concluded that the common stocks of smaller firms outperformed the common stocks of larger firms on a risk-adjusted basis. Many have argued that the inference drawn in the said paper does not hold good in today’s world. However, this has always been the case for developing economies like India where smaller companies have outperformed the large caps by a significant margin.  India’s Growth Story: India is a developing nation, and we are growing at the fastest rate. Small-cap companies are expected to benefit disproportionately higher than large-cap companies from such high growth. The primary reason behind this is the smaller base of the small companies which translates into higher growth in relative numbers. And secondly, it becomes difficult for large companies to grow faster due to their large size.   Volatility: As seen earlier, the volatility of small-cap companies reduces significantly over a longer period. Hence, small-cap companies are not as volatile in the long run as we generally perceive.  Conclusion  Small-cap equities offer tremendous growth potential over the long term, especially in a growing economy like India. However, it is possible that investors might not see extremely high returns in the short term. But stopping investments based on this rationale implies nothing but trying to time the market and doing so may prove to be harmful if the markets do not correct. Hence it is advisable to continue to invest for the long term keeping in mind the said factors
Is an SIP 100% Safe: Facts & Insights

Is an SIP 100% Safe: Facts & Insights

Investing in the financial markets can be a daunting task, especially for those seeking stability and security in their investment choices. One popular investment option that often garners attention is the Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). SIPs allow investors to invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals in various avenues such as mutual funds, trading accounts, or retirement accounts.  While SIPs offer numerous advantages, it is crucial to delve into their safety aspect to gain a comprehensive understanding. In this article, we will explore the safety of SIPs, analyzing the potential risks and benefits they entail. This will enable you to make well-informed investment decisions with a thorough understanding of the factors at play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEA3dKj7q5U Understanding SIPs and Dollar-Cost Averaging SIPs are a form of passive investment strategy that utilizes the concept of dollar-cost averaging (DCA). DCA is a technique where investors make periodic equal transfers of funds, ensuring they accumulate assets over time. By investing a fixed amount regularly, regardless of market conditions, investors benefit from averaging the purchase cost of units, thereby reducing the impact of market volatility. This approach is particularly advantageous for long-term investments as it allows investors to ride out short-term market fluctuations and make consistent investments without being influenced by market timing. Invest in Mutual Funds Market Risks and Returns While SIPs provide a disciplined approach to investing, it is important to recognize that they are not immune to market risks. Mutual funds, which are commonly associated with SIPs, are subject to market conditions, and their value can fluctuate. Therefore, the returns on SIP investments are not guaranteed. The value of mutual funds can go up or down depending on the market conditions, and investors may lose money if they redeem their units at a lower price than the purchase price. It is crucial for investors to be aware of the inherent risks associated with the market and approach SIPs with a long-term investment horizon to potentially mitigate the impact of short-term market fluctuations. Calculate SIP Returns Long-Term Perspective and Compounding Benefits SIPs are best suited for individuals with a long-term investment horizon. The power of compounding works in favor of those who stay invested for an extended period. Compounding refers to the ability of an investment to generate earnings on both the principal amount and accumulated returns. By staying invested for at least 5-7 years, investors can harness the full potential of compounding, allowing their investments to grow significantly over time. This long-term perspective helps investors overcome short-term market volatility and allows them to reap the benefits of gradual wealth accumulation through the compounding effect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIRf2Dm1wB8 Wealth Accumulation and Reconsidering Investment Plans As investors accumulate wealth through their SIPs, it becomes essential to periodically assess their investment plans. Reaching certain milestones or nearing retirement may prompt a reevaluation of investment strategies. While SIPs offer a passive approach, some investors might consider transitioning to actively managed investments at a certain point. Active management involves a more hands-on approach by investment professionals who aim to generate higher returns by actively adjusting investment allocations based on market conditions and opportunities. This transition can provide investors with the potential to further grow their wealth and achieve their financial goals. Conclusion SIPs serve as an excellent investment option for those seeking a disciplined approach to wealth accumulation. However, it is crucial to understand that SIPs are not entirely risk-free. The potential market risks and fluctuating returns make it essential for investors to adopt a long-term perspective and remain invested for extended periods to reap the benefits of compounding.  Monitoring the wealth accumulated through SIPs and periodically reevaluating investment plans can help investors make informed decisions to maximize their returns. By combining a comprehensive understanding of SIPs with diligent research and risk management, investors can navigate the financial markets more confidently and potentially achieve their financial goals. Remember, investing always carries inherent risks, and consulting with a financial advisor or professional is advised before making any investment decisions. Talk To An Expert
Decoding SIP Investment: A Beginner's Guide

Decoding SIP Investment: A Beginner's Guide

In the previous article, we discussed foreign investment. In this article, we will discuss SIP investments. SIP, also known as a Systematic Investment Plan, is a facility offered by mutual funds to investors to invest in a fund properly. With a SIP facility, investors can invest a fixed amount of money in pre-defined intervals.   Note that the fixed amount of money can be as low as INR 500. The SIP route to investment is necessary as it helps you to invest in a time-bound manner. There is no need to worry about market dynamics when you are investing via SIPs. What is SIP investment?  Currently, Indian Mutual Funds have currently about 5.5 crore SIP accounts through which investors invest in various schemes. A SIP is one of the two ways in which you can invest in a mutual fund scheme. The other way to invest in mutual funds is through a lump sum amount. In a SIP, you essentially invest a fixed amount of your money on a specific date.   Note that every mutual fund comes with its own minimum investment amount that you have to strictly adhere to. To achieve financial success in our lives, we typically tend to work harder. And it is only by working hard that we can achieve our objectives in life. But with a SIP, your success is always in progress.   SIP allows you to invest in mutual funds monthly, quarterly, and step-by-step. It is essential to note here that SIP averages out your cost of investing. Moreover, with SIPs, you can benefit from the power of compounding. What makes SIPs stand out is their ability. SIP plans for child's education Read More Top 10 mutual funds for SIP to Invest in 2023 Here are the top ten mutual funds for SIP to invest in 2023:  Name of the Fund Asset Class Category DSP Tax Saver Fund Direct Plan Growth Option Equity India Fund: ELSS DSP Flexi Cap Fund Direct Plan-Growth Equity India Fund: Flexi Cap Quant Active Fund Growth Option Direct Plan Equity Multi-cap Axis Midcap Fund Direct Plan-Growth Equity Mid-cap Navi Nifty 50 Index Fund Direct-Growth Equity Index Fund - Nifty Navi Nifty Next 50 Index Fund Direct-Growth Equity Index Fund - Nifty Next 50 Axis Small Cap Fund Direct-Growth Equity Small Cap ICICI Prudential Technology Fund - Direct Plan-Growth Equity Thematic - Technology ICICI Prudential Balanced Advantage Fund Direct Plan-Growth Hybrid Dynamic Asset Allocation Tata Hybrid Equity Fund - Direct Plan-Growth Hybrid Aggressive Hybrid     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEA3dKj7q5U How to invest in SIP?  Investing in a SIP has become pretty simple. As an investor, you can invest in SIPs right from the comfort of your home. Here are the necessary steps to follow while investing in a SIP.   1. Keep all the Necessary Documents Ready   You have to ensure that all the essential documents are ready before starting to invest. Since it is a long procedure, you can keep all the important documents handy like PAN card, ID proof, and address proof. Also, ensure that your bank account and PAN details are correct.   2. Get your KYC Done   Comply with KYC norms before investing in any financial product. For KYC registration, you can also apply online.   3. Register for a SIP   To start investing in a SIP, you need to register with financial advisors or institutions. After registering, you can choose from a large number of funds.   4. Select the Right SIP Plan for Good Returns   Selecting the right SIP plan is one of the most crucial aspects. If you fail to choose the right plan, it will be tough to get a good return on your overall investment. Before investing in a SIP, consider the below-mentioned parameters.   Risks associated with the SIP   The number of units involved in a SIP investment   The type of investor you are   Select the Amount: Select the amount you want to invest in the scheme How can you invest in SIP using EduFund?  Saving for your child’s education is easy when you have a financial partner to help you. From calculating the cost of education in different countries for different courses to saving via SIPs in 4000+ mutual funds from top AMCs like TATA, Navi, and DSP; you start at just Rs. 100!   Here is how simple it is to save with EduFund  Using the College Cost Calculator, find out how much you need to save for your child’s education   Once you know much you need, start saving via SIP or Lumpsum. You can get the monthly amount based on your budget and explore the customized funds that can help you get closer to your goal  After selecting the funds, allow the SIP mandate from your bank account or make a lump sum order. That's it! You are ready to fund your child’s dream education in no time!  SIP is a great way to reach long-term and short-term goals. You can start a SIP for saving up for your child’s college to his/her laptop by deciding how much you need to invest every month and when you need the funds for your set goal. Make the most of the financial instruments and start saving!   FAQs What does an SIP means? Systematic Investment Plans or SIPs is a popular way of investing in investment tools like Mutual Funds, ETFs and stocks. SIPs build financial discipline, help one build wealth for the future and a steady corpus for emergencies. You can start small and invest monthly in mutual funds. Is SIP better than FD? SIPs offer higher interest rates than FDs. Both are great investments to build future wealth. Which SIP is best for 1000 per month? Here are some good mutual funds to consider: DSP Tax Saver Fund Direct Plan Growth Option Equity India Fund: ELSSDSP Flexi Cap Fund Direct Plan-Growth Equity India Fund: Flexi CapQuant Active Fund Growth Option Direct Plan Equity Multi-capAxis Midcap Fund Direct Plan-Growth Equity Mid-capNavi Nifty 50 Index Fund Direct-Growth Talk To An Expert
Smart Investments for Kids of 1-5 Years: A Parent's Guide

Smart Investments for Kids of 1-5 Years: A Parent's Guide

Parenthood is a beautiful journey full of smiles, joy, and love. Every child is a prince or princess for the parent. Like in any fairy tale, every parent wants their child to live the life of the prince or princess. In real life, royal life means sending your child to the best school, graduating from top-quality universities, going abroad, and settling anywhere in the world. And to achieve this, parents are ready to do anything. But come to reality. Inflation in education is among the highest. Another major obstacle is rupee depreciation if you want the child to go abroad for education. So how can a parent do all this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdwqQH0xkFw Well, every parent can fulfill all the dreams of the child. How?  The answer lies in investing.  Let us see how parents can save and invest for their children between the ages of 1-5.  Money grows with time. The earlier you start, the more advantage you have. A slight delay in investing can result in a considerable difference over the long term. Hence, it is advisable to start saving as soon as possible. "Start early and invest properly" is the appropriate approach every parent needs to follow to make their child's dreams a reality.  But how to invest for the kids in the age bracket 1-5?  Investing depends on the risk appetite of the investor. How much risk you can take will determine how you should invest. And the risk appetite depends on the time you have in your hand. The time when you require the money will determine your risk-taking ability.  Generally, it is considered that the more time you have in your hand, you can take a higher risk and vice versa. When investing for the long term, you can take the risk aggressively. As the time in hand reduces, your risk-taking ability reduces, and you need to reallocate your money to safer avenues.  This can be better understood with the help of the following example. Suppose your child is 1-2 years old. Let us first list down what expenses you will have to incur. It will be fees for kindergarten, school fees, graduation, post-graduation, electronics such as a tablet or a laptop, living expenses, and the list continues. Investment Options Under 10 Lakhs Read More You need to identify the expenses that will be incurred in less than one year, three years, 3- 5 years, and after that. After identifying the expenses, you can decide how much risk you can take.  For the expenditure to be incurred in less than a year, liquid funds can be considered. A gilt fund or corporate bond fund can be a good choice for expenses to be incurred after one year but within three years. One can consider even a conservative fund. Aggressive funds, balanced advantage funds, or multi-asset funds can be suitable in the case of 3-5 years. And for expenditures beyond five years, equity funds will be the best option. Small-cap funds, mid-cap funds, flexi-cap funds, focused funds, etc., generate good returns over the long term. However, as you come closer to your goals, you need to move the funds from high-risk to less-risky ones.  It should be noted that the allocation should be based on the risk-taking capacity of the individual investor. The above are general rules of thumb. One can choose to invest based on his or her risk appetite. E.g., an aggressive investor might consider investing in a balanced advantage fund for expenditure to be incurred within three years.  Generally, investing for kids between the age group of 1-5 gives the luxury of having an ample amount of time in hand. As said earlier, the sooner you start, the less you need to save, and it becomes easy to reach your goal. E.g., if you want Rs.10,00,000 after five years, you need to start a SIP of Rs.11,290 only assuming an expected rate of return of 15%. However, you need to save Rs.15,330 per month to reach the same goal if you delay your investments by one year. So, start investing as soon as possible. Talk To An Expert
Empower Grandkids: 7 Financial Tips for Their Bright Future

Empower Grandkids: 7 Financial Tips for Their Bright Future

As a grandparent, you have a unique opportunity to shape your grandchildren's lives, including their financial well-being. By offering guidance and support, you can empower them to make wise financial decisions and build a secure future. In this blog post, we will explore practical tips to help your grandchildren financially.  Whether it's teaching them about money management, fostering good saving habits, or providing educational resources, these tips will equip your grandchildren with the tools they need to thrive. Secure Their Future: 7 Ways to Support Grandchildren Financially 1. Start early  Teaching the basics of money management and financial education is a lifelong journey, and the earlier it begins, the better. Introduce your grandchildren to basic concepts like budgeting, saving, and spending wisely.  Help them understand the value of money and the importance of setting goals. Encourage open discussions about finances and make it a point to answer their questions patiently. By instilling these fundamental principles early on, you lay a solid foundation for their financial future. Start Saving with EduFund 2. Encourage saving habits  Saving is a crucial habit that can benefit your grandchildren throughout their lives. Encourage them to save by setting up a savings account or piggy bank specifically designated for their goals. Teach them the concept of delayed gratification, where they save for something they desire rather than giving in to impulsive spending.  Consider matching their savings contributions or offering small incentives to motivate them. By nurturing their saving habits, you teach them the value of patience, discipline, and long-term planning. Reasons to Start Saving Early Read More 3. Introduce the power of compound interest Teaching your grandchildren about compound interest is a valuable lesson that can greatly impact their financial future. Explain how their money can grow exponentially over time by earning interest on both the initial amount and the accumulated interest.  Illustrate this concept through examples or interactive activities to make it more relatable and engaging. Encourage them to start saving early to take full advantage of the power of compound interest. Start SIP with EduFund 4. Support financial education  In today's digital age, there are numerous resources available to enhance financial literacy. Encourage your grandchildren to explore online courses, podcasts, books, or videos that cover various financial topics. Consider gifting them educational books on personal finance or subscribing to a financial magazine or newsletter that can provide valuable insights. Additionally, you can help them navigate through complex financial terms and concepts, ensuring they have a solid understanding of financial matters. SIP Plans for Child Education 5. Teach responsible credit card usage  Credit cards are a useful financial tool, but if used irresponsibly, they may also result in debt. Talk to your grandkids about the benefits and drawbacks of credit cards, emphasizing the necessity of making prompt, complete payments in order to avoid incurring interest fees.  Teach them to utilize credit cards for convenience instead of reckless spending. Inform them of the possible repercussions of taking on debt and the long-term effects it may have on their financial stability. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdwqQH0xkFw 6. Start a fund for their college Introduce the idea of investing to your grandkids, as well as the possibility of building long-term wealth. You can start a small fund for their college to encourage them. Teach them about investing choices, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Starting an education fund for them will help them a lot in the future. They can use those funds to sponsor their entire college education. This is a great financial relief because often students end up taking big loans that they have to pay off for years after their college ends.  Set Short Term and Long Term Goals 7. Teach the value of budgeting  Making efficient use of a budget is a crucial skill that your grandkids may develop. Show students how to make a budget by keeping track of their earnings, costs, and savings. Explain the difference between needs and wants, highlighting the need of giving priority to necessary costs and making thoughtful financial decisions.  Introduce them to applications or tools for budgeting that can make the process easier and promote ongoing budget evaluations. Early budgeting practices provide your descendants with the capacity to make wise financial decisions and avoid needless debt. College Student Guide To Budgeting Read More 8. Write them into your will If you're a grandparent, you undoubtedly want what's best for your grandkids. You want them to be happy, healthy, and equipped with all they need to thrive in life as they grow up. Additionally, if you're a typical grandmother, you want to be prepared to assist them when necessary. But here's the thing: there are certain things we don't know about, like how to give them money or how we can help financially, when it comes to aiding your grandchildren financially. How then can you ensure that your grandchildren receive the necessary financial support? You should include them in your will as one of your actions. They will receive all they are due when you pass away and your inheritance is distributed in accordance with your desires, regardless of the mischief they got themselves into in the interim. You may have a big effect on your grandchildren's financial situation by using the advice in this article. Building a solid financial foundation requires taking several important actions, including starting young, teaching money management skills, encouraging saving behaviors, and supporting financial education.  Your descendants will have the skills and attitude necessary to successfully manage the complexity of personal finance and ensure a wealthy future if you inculcate these principles and information in them. Keep in mind that your advice and encouragement might have a long-lasting impact on their life. Talk To An Expert
Smart Investments for Kids of 5- 10 Years: A Parent’s Guide

Smart Investments for Kids of 5- 10 Years: A Parent’s Guide

Your child’s expenses do not remain constant all the time. As the child gets older, the expenses start to increase. Expenses like school fees, tuition fees, living expenses, and expenses incurred on other necessities of education such as stationery, electronic gadgets, etc. All these increases as your child grows older.    Parents need to follow the right investing approach to keep pace with potential costs. If not appropriately invested, you may end up having insufficient funds when required, and the stakes can be huge since it is the question of your child's future. Hence, in this article, we will explore what would be the correct approach to investing and how the investments should be made by parents having kids between the age group of 5-10 years.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdwqQH0xkFw What should be the correct approach to investing, and how to invest?  If you are a parent having a kid between the ages of 5-10 years, you need to be very serious about your investments because you are going to witness a sharp increase in the education expenditure of your child.   The reason is that in the next 4-6 years, your child will complete his secondary education and then be required to take admitted to college. College fees are not the only significant expenditure that you will incur. It is only the tip of the iceberg. Apart from the college fees, you may have to pay the class fees, especially if your child is willing to pursue courses such as engineering from IIT or an MBBS or an MBA from IIM.   Since the courses mentioned generally require the entrance exams to be cleared, the preparation starts much earlier, and you may incur significant outflow from your savings. And remind you; education inflation is among the highest of all the categories. Therefore, you should start investing as soon as possible.   Smart Investment for Kids 1 to 5 years Read More How to do that?  Step 1: First, identify the expenses that you will be required to incur and bifurcate them based on when they will be incurred, such as expenses to be incurred within a year, within 1-3 years, after three years, etc.  Step 2: Once you bifurcate the expenses into these categories, you need to quantify the expenditure. Since the expenses will always be increasing due to inflation, you need to find out how much you will be required to pay; otherwise, you might end up having insufficient funds due to investing less than the required amount. To estimate the education expenditure, you can use the help of our cost calculator.  Step 3: After estimating the amount and timing of expenditure, you need to estimate how much you need to invest to reach the goal. You can do so by using the SIP calculator.   Step 4: Once you find out how much you are required to invest every month, the next step is to determine where to invest. Generally, the longer the duration, the higher the risk-taking ability, and vice versa. A longer duration gives you a chance of recovery if something goes wrong. This is not the case in case of expenditure to be incurred within one year. Hence the risk tolerance decreases as the time horizon reduces.  For long-term time horizons such as 3 to 5 years or even more, investors can consider investing in small cap, mid cap, flexi cap, or focused funds. These funds provide good potential for capital appreciation over the long term. And the volatility also reduces over the long term. For investments with a time horizon of 1-3 years, hybrid funds such as conservative or balanced advantage funds can be suitable since they provide the advantage of both portfolio stability and limited growth potential. Also, an aggressive investor can consider investing in a multi-asset fund that provides diversification across various asset classes such as equities, debt, gold, etc. At the same time, a risk-averse person can consider the debt funds such as gilt-edge funds or dynamic bond funds for the said time horizon. And lastly, debt funds such as liquid funds should be considered for expenditure to be incurred within a year.  Please note the allocation to various types of mutual fund schemes depends on the individual's risk appetite. You need to determine how much risk you can take, and accordingly, you need to select funds for investing.  Step 5: The last step is rebalancing. You just cannot start investing and leave it as it is. It would help if you rebalanced your portfolio from time to time. As you come closer to your goal, you need to reallocate your investments to lesser risky funds since you cannot take high risks as you come closer to your goal.  So, this is the step-by-step guide for investing in your child. Hope you found this article useful. Thanks for reading!  Talk To An Expert