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Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program

Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program

The Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program embodies academic excellence and cultural exchange, offering a remarkable opportunity for Indian students to pursue their higher education dreams at the University of Sydney. This prestigious initiative fosters cross-border collaboration, empowering scholars to shape a brighter future through education, research, and global perspectives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwQWKYxxJ8o 1. Empowering Academic Excellence At the heart of the Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program lies a commitment to nurturing academic brilliance. With a plethora of disciplines spanning arts, sciences, engineering, business, and more, scholars are granted the opportunity to pursue their passions while being guided by world-renowned faculty members. The program's stringent selection process ensures that only the most promising and dedicated students are given the chance to join this community of learners. Affordable Australian Universities Read More 2. Enabling Educational Aspirations The program acts as a gateway to fulfilling educational aspirations for Indian students. The financial support offered through scholarships alleviates the burden of tuition fees and living expenses, making it possible for students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds to pursue higher education abroad. This inclusivity not only benefits the individual scholars but also contributes to a more diverse and vibrant learning environment at the University of Sydney. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew2MC3RCo68 3. Cultural Exchange and Global Perspectives Education goes beyond textbooks and classrooms; it's about fostering a holistic worldview. The Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program encourages cultural exchange by bringing together individuals from various backgrounds. Scholars have the chance to engage in meaningful dialogues, share perspectives, and develop a deeper understanding of different cultures. This exposure equips them with the skills to thrive in a globalized world. Get Education Loans To Study In Australia 4. Building Bridges Across Borders The program creates bridges of understanding between India and Australia. As scholars embark on their academic journey, they become de facto ambassadors, strengthening the ties between the two nations. The friendships and networks formed during their time at the University of Sydney have the potential to foster collaboration in various fields, from academia to business and beyond. Fee Structure of Australian Universities Read More 5. Research Opportunities and Innovation The University of Sydney is renowned for its groundbreaking research across disciplines. The Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program provides scholars with access to cutting-edge laboratories, resources, and research opportunities. Engaging with ongoing research projects not only enhances their academic experience but also fuels innovation that can have a positive impact on societies in India and around the world 6. Driving Societal Change Many scholars choose to channel their research and education toward addressing pressing societal challenges. Whether it's sustainable development, healthcare innovation, or social equity, the program empowers students to make a tangible difference in their communities. By leveraging their knowledge and experiences gained in Sydney, scholars return to India equipped with the tools to drive positive change. Bachelors in Australia Read More 7. Mentorship and Support The journey of higher education can be demanding, especially when undertaken in a foreign land. The Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program recognizes this and offers robust mentorship and support systems. From academic advisors to cultural mentors, scholars are guided at every step, ensuring their transition is seamless, and their academic goals are achieved. Start Investing to Study In Australia 8. Fostering Personal Growth Beyond academic achievements, the program places emphasis on personal growth. Scholars develop resilience, adaptability, and intercultural skills that prepare them for the challenges of an ever-evolving world. The experiences gained in Sydney contribute not only to their professional development but also to their holistic well-being.   Finance Your Child Australian Dream Read More 9. Alumni Network and Future Prospects The Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program doesn't end with graduation; it marks the beginning of a lifelong association. The alumni network is a testament to the enduring connections forged during the program. These connections often translate into professional collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and a sense of belonging that extends beyond geographical boundaries. Reasons to Study in Australia Read More 10. Shaping Global Leaders The program's impact goes beyond individual scholars. Graduates of the Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program become global leaders in their respective fields, driving change, fostering innovation, and contributing to the betterment of societies. Their experiences at the University of Sydney equip them with a unique perspective that transcends borders and creates a ripple effect of positive influence. Conclusion The Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program is a beacon of educational excellence, fostering collaboration, cultural exchange, and global perspectives. By providing Indian students with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to excel, the program not only transforms individual lives but also shapes a future marked by understanding, innovation, and positive change on a global scale. Talk To An Expert
How to pay for student accommodation abroad? 

How to pay for student accommodation abroad? 

Did you know that the average rent for students in the UK went up by 4.4% while in Canada and Australia, it went up by 8%? This was revealed by a report given by BONARD. Rent is the second biggest expense in the life of a student. The increase in rent has led to a huge housing crisis across the world. But don’t worry, we will help you tackle this cost like a PRO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3QCgLruQzc How to pay for student accommodation abroad? I. Understanding the Costs of Student Accommodation   When planning to pay for student accommodation, it is crucial to first understand the various costs involved. These costs may include rent, utilities, internet, and other amenities. Researching and estimating these expenses will help you create a realistic budget and avoid any surprises later.   II. Researching Available Funding Options   1. Scholarships and Grants  Explore scholarships and grants specific to student housing. Many educational institutions, private organizations, and government bodies offer financial assistance programs. Research and apply for these opportunities to alleviate some of the financial burdens. Here are five scholarships that have included housing allowances:  Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Scholarships: The Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation offers scholarships for Indian students pursuing various disciplines, including the arts, sciences, social sciences, and business administration. The scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, and a housing allowance.  KC Mahindra Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies Abroad: KC Mahindra Education Trust provides scholarships to Indian students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies abroad. The scholarship includes a living and housing allowance, in addition to tuition and other expenses.  JN Tata Endowment Scholarships: The JN Tata Endowment for the Higher Education of Indians offers scholarships to Indian students for postgraduate studies abroad. The scholarship includes financial assistance for tuition fees, living expenses, and a housing allowance.  Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program: The Aga Khan Foundation provides scholarships for postgraduate studies to students from select developing countries, including India. The scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, and a housing allowance.  Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP): The CSFP is an international scholarship scheme administered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom. Indian students are eligible to apply for various scholarship programs under the CSFP, some of which provide a stipend for living expenses and a housing allowance.  Remember to research and verify the availability and specific details of these scholarships, as well as other scholarship opportunities.  2. Education Loans  Education loans are another way to pay for your student accommodation abroad. Most education loans cover living expenses which can help you keep up with the rising rental costs in your country. Research different loan programs, compare interest rates, and understand the terms and conditions before making a decision. Remember to borrow responsibly and only take on what you can comfortably repay after graduation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyV0rwJu-7c III. Creating a Budget   1. Assessing Income and Expenses  Determine your available income and savings, including any part-time jobs, savings, or contributions from your family. Then, calculate your anticipated expenses, such as rent, utilities, groceries, transportation, and academic-related costs. This assessment will help you determine how much you can allocate towards your accommodation.   2. Prioritizing Essential Expenses  Once you have identified your income and expenses, prioritize essential expenses like rent and utilities. Allocate a specific portion of your budget to cover these necessities, ensuring that you can comfortably meet these obligations.   3. Identifying Potential Cost-Saving Measures  Look for ways to save money on accommodation. Consider options such as sharing an apartment with roommates to split costs, opting for accommodation farther from campus to save on rent, or utilizing public transportation to reduce transportation expenses. IV. Seeking Assistance from University Services   1. Student Housing Offices  Contact your university's student housing office for guidance and resources. They can provide valuable information about affordable accommodation options, scholarships, payment plans, and other financial support available to students.   2. Financial Aid Offices  Reach out to your university's financial aid office for personalized guidance. They can help you navigate the financial aid process, provide information on available grants or loans, and assist in creating a budget tailored to your specific circumstances.   How to manage a fear of Investing Read More V. Exploring Part-Time Employment Opportunities   Consider seeking part-time employment opportunities to supplement your income and cover your accommodation costs. Many universities and surrounding areas offer on-campus or off-campus job opportunities specifically designed for students. Balancing work and studies require careful time management, but it can be a valuable way to gain experience and contribute towards your financial responsibilities.   VI. Setting up a Payment Plan  1. Communicate with Accommodation Providers  If you are struggling to pay your accommodation fees, reach out to your landlord or accommodation provider. Discuss your situation and inquire about the possibility of setting up a payment plan that aligns with your financial capabilities.   2. Exploring Installment Options  Some student accommodation providers offer installment plans that allow you to pay your fees in regular, manageable installments throughout the academic year. Explore these options and determine if they can provide financial flexibility for you.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um1-4lhX8UE VII. Maximizing available resources   1. Housing Assistance Programs  Check if there are any housing assistance programs available in your area. These programs are designed to support students who may be facing financial difficulties in paying for accommodation. Research local government initiatives, nonprofit organizations, or community-based programs that help specifically for students.  2. Campus Resources  Explore resources on your campus that can help alleviate the financial burden of student accommodation. Some universities provide emergency funds, bursaries, or hardship grants to assist students in times of financial need. Additionally, they may offer programs or workshops on financial literacy and budgeting to help you make informed financial decisions.   VIII. Considering Alternative Accommodation Options   1. Off-Campus Housing  If on-campus accommodation is expensive or unavailable, consider renting off-campus. Look for apartments or shared housing options near your university that offer more affordable rates. However, factor in transportation costs and commuting time when considering off-campus housing to ensure it remains a viable and cost-effective option.   2. Homestays or Boarding Houses  Homestays or boarding houses can provide an alternative accommodation option, especially for international students. Living with a host family or in a boarding house can often be more cost-effective compared to other accommodation choices. Additionally, it offers an opportunity for cultural exchange and a supportive living environment.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhe2ezcmKJw IX. Being Proactive in Cost Management   1. Energy-Saving Practices  Adopt energy-saving practices to reduce utility bills. Simple actions like turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and being mindful of water consumption can contribute to significant savings over time.   2. Meal Planning and Cooking  Plan your meals and cook at home to save on food expenses. Preparing your meals not only helps you stick to a budget but also allows you to make healthier choices. Consider meal prepping or joining cooking cooperatives with fellow students to further reduce costs.   3. Second-Hand Purchases  Consider buying second-hand furniture, appliances, and other essentials for your accommodation. Thrift stores, online marketplaces, and university bulletin boards often have affordable options available. This approach can significantly reduce initial setup costs.   X. Regularly Reassessing Your Financial Situation  It's important to regularly reassess your financial situation and adjust your budget as needed. Keep track of your expenses, monitor your income, and evaluate your financial goals throughout the academic year. By staying proactive and adjusting, when necessary, you can maintain financial stability and successfully pay for your student accommodation.  XI. Encourage your parents to invest for you  Education costs and lifestyle costs have seen a sharp increase in the past few years. There are financial products that can help you keep up with them. If you are a student and your college is another 10 years away then introducing your parents to investment opportunities like mutual funds and investing in US dollars can be a good way to pay for your tuition fees as well as student accommodation abroad.   By adopting careful financial planning, exploring resources, and considering alternative options, students can successfully manage the cost of student accommodation, easing their financial burden and focusing on their academic pursuits.  Consult An Expert Advisor
5 ways to financially prepare yourself to send your child abroad 

5 ways to financially prepare yourself to send your child abroad 

Education is the most valuable investment. This is why millions of Indian parents aspire to send their children abroad for foreign education. Countries like the United States and the United Kingdom offer academic excellence and better infrastructure. But with the increase in tuition costs, sending your child abroad is tougher. 5 ways to financially prepare yourself to send your child abroad. 1. Start early with long-term financial goals   The first rule of saving is to start early. Examine your spending habits and eliminate unnecessary costs. Set aside a certain amount of funds on a monthly basis for your child's education. Saving and making investments early in life increases your chances of reducing your ability to procure loans and minimizing the effect on future cash flows.  Early Savings Help in Child's Future Read More 2. Estimate present and future cost  When calculating and budgeting, it is recommended to anticipate rising prices. The more funds you save now, you are in a better position to use them for your future needs. This gloomy outlook will ultimately allow you to improve your probability of establishing a prospective foundation that outweighs actual expenditures.  3. Consider inflation and currency exchange  While planning to send children overseas for higher studies, it is required to consider the country's inflation rate as well as the currency's potential depreciation fluctuations. Investigations and knowledge of historical inflation and depreciation trends will help calculate the additional amount required to manage education overseas. For instance, the falling rupee has directly affected the budgets of hundreds of Indians studying in the USA today and increased their cost of living and parents who wish to send their children in the future.   Why save 10 years in advance for Child's College? Read More 4. Find the best investment opportunities  Investigate medium- and long-term investment possibilities in which you may begin investing as soon as feasible. Determine your risk tolerance and investing capacity, and then invest accordingly. A well-diversified technique with an optimistic approach will allow you to develop a progressive investing strategy.  5. Speak with an investment advisor  Don’t shy away from consulting with an expert, if you are concerned and underequipped with your framework agreement. Investment advisers and foreign education professionals can assist you in analyzing your possibilities and establishing a more comprehensive and attainable approach.  source: pixabay What makes foreign education more expensive?  Without a doubt, the expense of studying overseas is more than the cost of education in India. The amount varies depending on the university, country, course, and length of the program. As a result, it is critical to choose universities that are within your financial means. The currency exchange rate and higher cost of living make foreign education expensive. Let’s look at more factors contributing to this cost!   1. Tuition Fees  Tuition fees are the largest mandatory expense. Depending on the course and location of study, it can vary. Master's degrees are more expensive per year than bachelor's programs.   Courses like Criminal Justice, Philosophy, English, and Mathematics are considered the most affordable subjects in terms of tuition fees. Courses like Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Business & Nursing are considered the most expensive subjects in terms of tuition fees.   Tuition fees may be standardized or depend on the selected course. The report of probable tuition fees across the world's favorite destinations is as follows. 2. Academic Supplies  Another expense to prepare for is Academic resources, which range from textbooks and stationery items to computers and art tools. The report on average educational supplies costs worldwide are as follows: 3. Rent and Utilities Accommodation is usually the second-largest expenditure for overseas students after tuition. Students can rent accommodation in small towns closer to their universities to save on costs. The report on monthly rent cost country-wise is as follows: 4. Shopping and groceries  To cut down on costs, students can buy products that are at maximum discounts. Rather than purchasing big brands, students can buy cheaper brands that are more valuable. Students can plan to cook in batches and freeze the cooked meal for consumption. The report on country-wise monthly grocery costs is as follows: There are various other costs associated with being educated abroad. These costs include visa costs, insurance, and university commuting expenses. To manage all these examples, one must be financially prepared before sending your child for education abroad.   Higher education abroad is an enriching journey with several advantages; it can be affordable if you start saving consistently. These 5 ways can help you financially prepare yourself to send your child abroad and help them achieve their dreams stress-free! FAQs How do I plan for my child’s education abroad?   The first rule of saving is to start early. Examine your spending habits and eliminate unnecessary costs. Set aside a certain amount of funds on a monthly basis for your child’s education.   Saving and making investments early in life increases your chances of reducing your ability to procure loans and minimizing the effect on future cash flows.   Why do you want to send your child abroad?   Studying abroad has many benefits. The quality of education is outstanding in foreign universities. These universities also give students an opportunity to gain practical knowledge while studying. Leading companies are attracted to students graduating from top universities abroad. The experience of studying in a different country offers students a different perspective and boosts confidence.   How much money is required for foreign education?   International education is expensive. Parents need to start saving early to support their child’s education dreams abroad. A few tips to stay prepared for your child’s foreign education include:   Start early with long-term financial goals   Estimate present and future cost   Consider inflation and currency exchange   Find the best investment opportunities   Consult a financial expert   What are the benefits of children studying abroad?   Studying abroad has several benefits. It gives students global exposure and allows them to interact with people from different cultures. It also provides students an opportunity to be involved in research and development, which may be difficult to find in India.   Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan for you  TALK TO AN EXPERT
How much to save for an MBA course to study in the USA?

How much to save for an MBA course to study in the USA?

In the previous article, we discussed can we really do MBA in the UK for under Rs 25 lakhs. In this article, we will talk about how much to save for MBA in the USA for your child. The USA is the number destination for MBA but this course comes at a high price! Most MBA universities charge thousands of dollars in tuition fees and on top of that, there is the cost of living but there are many ways to reduce these costs. From scholarships to fee waivers to exploring savings opportunities, here is how much to save for your child’s MBA in the USA!   What is the cost of applying to study in the USA?  Before you start putting together the list of things your child will need for the overseas trip, here are a few things for you to consider. Prior to applying for admission to any of the universities in the USA, these are the expenses you must allow for:   CategoryAverage Amount (in INR) USA Visa Application0.12 lakhsSEVIS Fee0.27 lakhsTOEFL Exam Fee0.13 lakhsIELTS Exam Fee0.15 lakhsGMAT0.19 lakhsGRE0.16 lakhsAirfare0.45 lakhs to 0.85 lakhs  Add to this the cost of coaching and counseling required to crack the above-mentioned exams with good scores to enable you to get into the university of your choice. Planning for your MBA studies overseas must start at least a year and a half in advance. Check the intake period of the various institutes and ensure the applications and paperwork submission is aligned to the same.  Hidden Cost of Education in the USA Read More MBA fees in the USA  Once you have initiated the necessary exams and eligibility procedures, the search for the university that fits into your budget begins. MBA courses in the USA range from one year full-time to 2-3 years part-time or online programs. The average fee for an MBA course from a reputed university typically costs around USD 60,000 and can go up to USD 100,000 for the Ivy Leagues.   This translates into Rs. 45 lakhs to Rs. 75 lakhs in terms of tuition fees. Further depending on the university, the location, and the individual lifestyle of the student, the annual expenses can range from Rs. 13 lakhs to Rs. 40 lakhs.   As you can see, if you are looking to send your child to the USA to pursue an MBA, you will need to cough up approximately Rs. 1 crore for the entire duration of the stay. This can be backed up by part-time jobs, campus jobs, and of course, scholarships offered by the universities, the US government for international students, and also independent scholarships offered to Indian students.   source: pixabay How to create a financial plan for an MBA in the USA for your child?  In light of the corpus required to do the MBA in the USA, planning your funds well in advance will help your child pursue this dream with ease. Here are a few tips that can help you get started early as you make plans for your child’s MBA studies in the US:  1. Start a college fund as soon as you decide on this goal: ideally having a 10-15 year investment duration is great. If you don’t have this time, start immediately as the corpus you will need is substantial.   2. Depending on the time horizon of your investment, here is how you will need to invest:  Long-term (10 – 15 years duration): High-risk and high-return investment in equities  Mid-term (7 – 10 years duration): Balanced investment portfolio with 65% in high risk, rest in debt instruments   Short term (3 – 7 years duration): Low risk, secure, low returns investment in debt instruments. The key is to keep your capital safe and your investments high. You can develop a more refined approach to investing with the help of professionals who understand your financial situation as well as your financial goals.  3. Follow a disciplined approach to your savings and investments.   4. Take the benefit of compounding growth of investment when you start early and do not dip into the college fund. Protect this fund as the dates for admissions are fixed and falling short of the required amounts will mean you may have to compromise on the institute/course that the child is opting for.   5. Regularly monitor your investments and realign these to ensure the corpus is building up towards your target amount.   6. Keep a watch on the universities that you plan to apply to, and watch the changes in their international student policies and fees.   7. Start your research early for the scholarships available, tracking eligibility and ensuring your child achieves the academic scores needed to apply for these, should the need arise.   Sending your child to the US for higher studies is a serious and long-term project. Start early and stay on top of the funds. This will make the entire experience of overseas travel and study a truly enjoyable one for your child and your family! FAQs How much money is needed to do an MBA in the USA? Pursuing an MBA in the USA is expensive; it is listed as one of the most expensive courses in the world while the USA is considered the most expensive student destination. The average fee for an MBA course from a reputed university typically costs around USD 60,000 and can go up to USD 100,000 for the Ivy Leagues.   This translates into Rs. 45 lakhs to Rs. 75 lakhs in terms of tuition fees. Further depending on the university, the location, and the individual lifestyle of the student, the annual expenses can range from Rs. 13 lakhs to Rs. 40 lakhs. How much does an MBA cost in the USA for Indian students? The average fee for an MBA course from a reputed university typically costs around USD 60,000 and can go up to USD 100,000 for the Ivy Leagues.  This translates into Rs. 45 lakhs to Rs. 75 lakhs in terms of tuition fees. How long is a full-time MBA in the USA? Full-time MBA in the USA is 2 years. The cost of pursuing an MBA in the USA for Indian students is Rs. 45 lakhs to Rs. 75 lakhs in terms of tuition fees. TALK TO AN EXPERT
Benefits of overseas education

Benefits of overseas education

Studying overseas does not just mean moving away from home to go to school elsewhere. It is an experience, overseas education can help broaden your mindset and add value to your life. It is the beginning of a series of changes that you are likely to experience as you move to study abroad. While things may seem uncertain in the beginning, don’t worry, because it only gets easier. In no time, you will find yourself surrounded by diverse people who think differently, speak different languages, and have unique skills. It is the beginning of self-discovery. Over time, you will likely begin to find that your mindset has broadened far beyond what it once was. Suddenly, you are not limited by the beliefs that you grew up with or the thought processes you had before.  This is just the beginning, the proverbial tip of the iceberg. 1. Coming out of your comfort zone Indeed, traveling to a foreign country does not just mean getting out of your country. Instead, it starts with you coming out of your comfort zone. There are plenty of things that go into preparing yourself to study abroad, and these all eventually contribute to you becoming a more well-rounded, capable adult in the long term.  Getting ready to move away, knowing that you will be leaving your friends and family behind for some time, while they cheer you on from afar - this itself can be a challenge. Nothing worth having comes easy. - Theodore Roosevelt Sure, it may seem uncertain and you may have plenty of doubts in your mind, but remember, you are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. The experience will show you new things, expose you to a new way of thinking, and reveal to you beauty that you could never have imagined. At the same time, there are plenty of new responsibilities and things to take care of. All of these things are about to contribute to you becoming a much more comprehensive and mature person in life. 2.  Living in a multicultural society When you move abroad to study, especially in countries like the USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, and New Zealand, you will find students of different backgrounds, cultures, and races from different parts of the world. Meeting individuals from different cultures and interacting with people from different origins is an excellent way to broaden your mindset. You will experience firsthand what makes other cultures great, and learn things from them that you would have never otherwise known about.  New languages, speech patterns, expressions, delicious food, and more are just some of the things you will get to enjoy when you study abroad that will greatly benefit you in developing a broader understanding of the world we live in. 3. Getting used to living Independently At home, it is easy to get used to having things done for you. Once you have moved out, it can be difficult at first to adjust to doing everything by yourself. This means managing your grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, household chores, and more before you even have a chance to sit down to study. Now while this may seem like a bad thing, the opposite is true in the long term.  The level of responsibility and independence you will experience is just what you need to develop the life skills that contribute to a well-rounded life. Finally, you can take control of your life completely, and the feeling it gives you can be exhilarating. 4. Experimenting and trying new things While it may be slightly more challenging to find the same food and kind of people that you are used to, that is not the point of studying overseas. Instead, you’d want to immerse yourself in the new and unfamiliar. This is the single most effective way to experience new things and broaden your horizons. Trying out new kinds of food from diverse cuisines, speaking to people from lesser-known cultures, and getting to know what life is like for them will give you a much deeper perspective on life.  You will find that many of the things we take for granted are in fact blessings that others might not be used to. All of these experiences will help you grow as a person and gain a greater appreciation for life and where you come from. You could soon find yourself in the company of greats who excelled in life after studying abroad. 5. Adapting to change Getting used to a new way of life is a big part of studying abroad. At first, moving to another country can be extremely difficult and intimidating. Students often have second thoughts just before leaving - about whether or not they want to go through with it. This is for good reason.  There is a good chance that it will be a while until you see your family and friends again, do the same things you are used to, and stay in your own house. Instead, you are likely to be looking for shared housing, trying to work out your daily routine, finding the bus route to your university, and much more. Since you are about to experience a whole new lifestyle, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of changes that you will go through within the first few weeks.  Rest assured, you can get through it, just like everyone else eventually does. Once you get used to a new way of life, you can start to enjoy living it the way you want to. Especially in the start, it helps to build a strong group of friends that you can speak to whenever you feel low or unmotivated. Conclusion Studying abroad is one of the most exciting and challenging things young students can do in their lifetimes. Filled with new experiences, challenges, and triumphs, many students come out of the experience unrecognizable from when they first arrived.  Traveling to a new country, trying out new food, and studying under a different education system are just some of the things that you are about to go through. With that said, the best way to help you along your journey is to find a group of like-minded students who are going through the same thing that you are. Helping each other cope and thrive through challenges is a powerful way for you to build a strong support group in your new home away from home. No matter which country you choose to study in, you are sure to jump straight into a new world that would allow you to grow as a person, develop your personality, and broaden your mindset.  Our sincere advice would be to embrace the change, be excited to learn new things, and most of all, enjoy yourself along the way! FAQs What are the advantages and disadvantages of the overseas education system? The biggest advantages and disadvantages of overseas education are that helps you understand a new culture and allows you to enhance your learning. The sheer amount, of course, opportunities can help you build a global career. A huge disadvantage can be the financial aspect of studying abroad and feeling homesick. Why foreign education is better than in India? Foreign education can be better than Indian education in some areas. Especially in terms of STEM, where countries like the USA, UK, Germany, or Canada can offer students a better and more nuanced infrastructure for experimentation and discovery. Foreign education is also a gateway to living abroad for many students; it helps families move to different countries for settlement and permanent residency. What are the benefits of going abroad after the 12th? The greatest benefit of going abroad after the 12th is the chance to be independent and self-sufficient. Studying abroad means managing your own life, experiencing a new culture, and learning important lessons like budgeting, time management, and money management. It helps you grow as a person and take adulting to new heights. TALK TO AN EXPERT
The best colleges in the US for Tech

The best colleges in the US for Tech

USA is known for its technological advancements. Afterall, it is home the top 10 Schools of Technology in the USA! If you are going through indecision regarding choosing the best college for technology in the USA or are confused about your options, this is the blog for you.   1. New Jersey Institute of Technology  The New Jersey Institute of Technology, located in Newark city of New Jersey, is counted among the best colleges in the country. One of the perks of studying at this public university is that it is located in one of the prettiest cities in New Jersey. The other perk is, of course, the high rate of placements that over 90 percent of the students are known to enjoy every year. The degrees are offered in interesting subjects like biometrics, computer science, information technology, and so on.  2. Illinois Institute of Technology  Located in Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology is known for offering degrees like Bachelor, Master, and research to prepare students for exciting jobs of the future. The subjects covered by these courses include artificial intelligence, theory of computation, information and communication technology, cyber security, and so on. 3. Rochester Institute of Technology The Rochester Institute of Technology is located in Rochester city of New York state. It is considered one of the best when it comes to schools of technology in America because it has an impressive employment rate that crosses 70 percent. Innovative and enticing courses are taught here including game design and development, computing exploration, new media interactive development, human-centered computing, software engineering, and so on.  Additional read: What are the best-fit colleges? 4. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, a city in Rensselaer County of New York state, houses one of the best technical colleges in the US - the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Part of the legacy of this institution is also because it is one of the oldest. It offers M.S., B.S., and doctoral degrees in computer science. The renowned department of computer science incorporates interesting subjects like artificial intelligence and machine learning. The campus is also well-known for its technology park that spans over 1250 acres and its on-site business incubator.  5. Stevens Institute of Technology  Stevens Institute of Technology is located in New Jersey, right across the river from New York state. It is most prominently known for a particular program it offers - the cybersecurity education program. Stevens is also famous for ensuring one of the highest placement rates in the country. Students can earn patents or collaborate with investors to work on their projects. The subjects covered are data science, cybersecurity, and computer science. 6. Georgia Technology Institute Another public institution located in Atlanta, Georgia, that ranks among the top 10 colleges in the US for technology is the Georgia Technology Institute. Other than being one of the best schools of technology, it is also one of the highest-rated for research. It offers employable degrees in courses like mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, computer and information sciences, bioengineering, and biomedical engineering, among others.  7. Lehigh University Located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Lehigh University offers B.A. as well as B.S. degrees. Other than the core courses in computer science and business, it offers exciting electives in robotics, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, data mining, mobile app development, and so on, thus prepping students to be the best performers in a corporate setting. 8. Michigan Technological University Michigan Technological University in Houghton city of Michigan state might not be the biggest institution in the US but it is one of the best when it comes to job placements. B.S. and M.S. degrees are offered here alongside research. Some very interesting courses taught here include human-computer interactions, parallel computing, and virtual environments.  9. Stanford University Stanford is unanimously considered one of the best schools on a global scale. No wonder it is one of the most hard-to-get-in institutes of technology. It is not simply the percentage of placements that make it a top institution in the country. The courses offered are also one-of-a-kind. These include biocomputation, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and graphics among others. 10. Massachusetts Institute of Technology  MIT is the best, be it technology or any other discipline. Massachusetts Institute of Technology is considered the most prestigious among the top 10 colleges for technology in the USA and is located in Cambridge city of Massachusetts. The Department of Computer Science offers B.S., M.S., and doctoral degrees in data science, electrical science, and engineering, among others.  FAQs What is the number 1 tech school in the US? The best tech school in the US is Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It has the lowest acceptance rate and reputation of launching world's most talented founders. What college has the best technology program? The colleges with the best technology program in the USA: New Jersey Institute of Technology Illinois Institute of Technology Rochester Institute of Technology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Stevens Institute of Technology Georgia Technology Institute Lehigh University Michigan Technological University Stanford University Massachusetts Institute of Technology What college is #1 in the US? The #1 college in USA is Harvard University. Conclusion It is important to go through the details of the chosen course offered by these premiere institutions way ahead of time. This way you can be well prepared for the application procedure in case you want to opt for an education loan. You will also know if you need to develop certain technical skills that will make you a better candidate. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
Is it worth taking an education loan?

Is it worth taking an education loan?

Introduction The common myth about student loans is that they apply to only students who come from underprivileged family backgrounds. While education loans are crucial for meritorious students from not-so-well-to-do families, they can be a go-to event for families that can afford to pay for their kid’s education. You might wonder, why go for education loans when you have the money? Well, as understated as they are, education loans can help you inculcate some healthy monetary habits. They can help you compartmentalize your finances quite efficiently. Moreover, they come with a range of benefits.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eNtxkgpAbk a) Putting away pressure from other savings  A household runs on a variety of expenses, which is why it is so important to break these down. You can categorize your monthly income into expenditures and savings. When you compartmentalize, you can have some level of clarity on how much you would like to put away as savings. Saving for your child’s education is a brilliant idea but it is not entirely opposed to applying for education loans. This means that savings and loans are not alternative methods of securing your child’s education. In fact, they can go hand in hand in helping you manage your finances most effectively.  For example, covering all of the expenses related to your kid’s education it can take away all the strain on your savings and investments. You will no longer be required to liquidate your fixed deposits and mutual funds before their maturity period.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9P78xefVvQ b) Financial disciplining  Having money put away for your child’s education is a great decision on your part but that should not come in the way of your child learning to be self-dependent. In fact, education loans are a great way to teach your kid to manage their own finances.  It is a great start to the art of setting financial goals and meeting them no matter what. This kind of financial discipline can go a long way in teaching them to be responsible beings as they grow up.  Apply for Education Loans c) Creditworthiness & its rewards  Student loans are a great way to build credit. With the increasing credit score, your child will be qualified for future loans of this nature. It will instill self-belief in them regarding their capacity to be self-sufficient.  With education loans, you get to borrow money at relatively lower interest rates. On top of that, an impressive credit score makes your child more qualified to avail of future credits at low-interest rates.  d) Crucial if you are planning to go abroad  Education loans are particularly useful if the plan is to go out of the country for higher education. Global education takes into account not only tuition fees as an expense but also the cost of living, among other things. You should also consider that the value of the Indian currency has been depreciating for many years against most foreign currencies like the US Dollar. As such, the cost of sending your child abroad becomes exponentially high when weighed against the cost of sending them to a different city in India for higher education.  Thus, in most cases, your savings will not be adequate to support your kid’s education abroad, unless you have been saving for a child's education from an early age. If the candidate is worthy enough of the financial support, student loans are not only easy to avail, of but also within the capability of students to pay off simultaneously as they receive their degrees from reputed institutions abroad. Start Investing in Mutual Funds e) Tax benefits  Last but not least are the tax benefits that come as an added advantage to availing of education loans. Under Section 80E of the Income Tax Act of India, the interests paid on education loans can be claimed as deductible. This means although tax benefits can not be applied to the principal amount of a loan, one can be exempt from paying the interest amount. Once your taxable income has been evaluated, you can avail of this tax benefit on your interest money without any higher caps. Such benefits are usually availed either by the candidate who is pursuing an undergraduate or postgraduate course or by their legal guardian.  FAQs Is it wise to take a student loan? Yes, it is wise to take a student loan if it can help you sponsor your education or your child's education. Depending upon the interest rate, the repayment horizon, and the ROI of your course, you can determine whether or not you can afford the EMIs on your salary. What are the benefits of availing of an education loan? The biggest benefit of availing an education loan is the ability to finance your studies. It helps students across the globe pay for college and build a career for themselves. Other benefits of taking an education loan are affordable interest rates, grace period and repayment flexibility for students, tax benefits, help build credit, and help you save your savings for other financial goals. What are the disadvantages of education loans? There are many disadvantages of education loans - High interest rates and costly EMIs Loan repayment can last up to 15 - 20 years Students have to pledge collateral if the amount is higher Non-payment can lead to heavy penalties and affect your credit score Can induce stress and increase student debt in case of non-payment Conclusion Education loans are definitely a good idea because they can ease up not only your child’s educational path but also their prospective career routes. There are various kinds of education loan schemes available in the market. The things that you must consider while making this choice are low-interest rates, tax benefits, credit limits in the case of global education, and so on. Weigh your options carefully while choosing the best one for you.
Top 5 business schools in the world

Top 5 business schools in the world

The top five business schools in the world according to current rankings are based in the UK, the USA, and France. These universities have the lowest acceptance rate in the world. Choosing the best business school that suits you requires effort. A lot of work goes into setting goals and achieving them, especially if you are considering global education. We have prepared a list with brief overviews of each of these reputed institutions for you to choose from.  1. Harvard Business School, USA Harvard is a brand in itself. Studying at Harvard opens up a ton of possibilities that can create a real impact on your career roadmap. Located in Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard Business School is part of Harvard University, one of the most well-reputed institutions in the world. Harvard Business School is known for its consistent top rankings as one of America’s best colleges and for the range of courses, it offers.  Other than a full-time MBA course of 2 years, it offers doctoral programs related to management courses and other executive programs. Becoming part of this college also means you can get your works peer-reviewed and published by Harvard Business Publishing and Harvard Business Review. Harvard offers the space for students to become part of different clubs and organizations as part of their growth beyond the classroom. This makes Harvard’s campus life one of the best that one can hope for. 2. INSEAD, France INSEAD stands for 'Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires.' It began its journey in the 1950s as a graduate business school that branched out in Abu Dhabi in the Middle East and Singapore in Asia, other than France.  Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels Today, INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, is most well-known as one of the best business schools worldwide. Its famous MBA program has had the highest ranking for years. As a graduate business school, INSEAD offers a full-time MBA program, a master's program in Finance, an executive MBA program, a master's program in Management as well as a Ph.D. program in Management, among other courses. INSEAD follows Harvard in the art of making some of the most successful CEOs in the world. 3. MIT Sloan School of Management, USA  Situated in Cambridge, United States, the Sloan School of Management is part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT is an organization that believes in innovating new forms of practical research in academics. The same kind of ideal is followed by its business school.  Sloan School of Management or simply Sloan offers courses that go hand in hand with Harvard. In fact, Sloan collaborates with Harvard Business School in offering cross-register facilities for various courses. MIT Sloan is known for developing revolutionary and influential ideas and concepts in finance and management. Student life at Sloan School of Manganemt can be particularly rewarding as some of the best minds have been nurtured here on the campus that also produced Nobel Laureates in economics.     4. London Business School, UK London Business School was established back in the 1960s. It is a part of a larger federal institution, the University of London, famous in its own right. LBS is a college that grants postgraduate degrees to students while offering courses like MBA, Masters in Finance and Management, Ph.D. courses, and so on.  LBS has its main campus in Sussex, London, near the famous Regent’s Park. It is undoubtedly one of the premier business schools worldwide. It has been able to live up to its famous motto - “To have a profound impact on the way the world does business." 5. Stanford Graduate School of Business, USA  As the name suggests, Stanford Graduate School of Business is the graduate business school, under the parent institution, Stanford University. The GSB is based in Stanford, California, and is one of the most opted-for business schools in the world.  Every academic admissions session witnesses a cutthroat competition to enroll in the GSB because it takes in only about six percent of applicants from all over the globe. It has a wide and beautiful campus. Other than offering a general management MBA degree course, it offers Ph.D. courses, executive management courses, and an online certificate course called LEAD.  FAQs Which are the top 10 MBA colleges?   Here are the top 10 MBA colleges: Stanford Graduate School of Business, USA   Harvard Business School, USA   Penn (Wharton), USA   HEC Paris, France   MIT (Sloan), USA   London Business School, UK   IE Business School, Spain   INSEAD, France   Columbia Business School, USA   IESE Business School, Spain   What are the 5 best schools in the world?   The list of 5 best schools in the world:   Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA   University of Cambridge, United Kingdom   Stanford University, USA   University of Oxford, United Kingdom   Harvard University, USA   Which is the number 1 college for MBA in the world?   Stanford Graduate School of Business, USA   According to the QS World University Rankings 2022, Stanford Graduate School of Business is the best college in the world for an MBA.   What is the number 1 business school in the world?   Harvard Business School, USA   Located in Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard Business School is part of Harvard University, one of the most well-reputed institutions in the world.   Conclusion Factors like location, faculty, curriculum, peers, rankings, reputation, and your post-MBA career path will come to matter while looking for business schools. The institutions listed above have qualified as top-notch business schools that check all of these boxes. Thus, there is no time to waste. Especially if you want to opt for an education loan to get to your dream college. Start prepping yourself as soon as possible to get enrolled in one of them and have one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Set your academic and financial goals judiciously so that no constraints can come in the way of your dreams. TALK TO OUR EXPERTS!
What is the cost of studying MBA in India?

What is the cost of studying MBA in India?

Do you know the cost of studying MBA in India? Why it is the most popular post-graduate degree in the country? What makes it one of the toughest and most expensive degrees in our country? Let’s find out!  The cost of an MBA program in India is between INR 20,000 and INR 40 lakh for two years of full-time study. MBA programs given by universities and government colleges have affordable tuition, however, those same programs at private institutions are more expensive.  Infrastructure, dormitory accommodations, extracurricular activities, and pedagogy are just a few of the variables that affect MBA college costs in India. For instance, if an MBA college provides a program that requires candidates to spend a semester or other amount of time studying abroad, the course fee for that institute will be high. On the other side, if the government is funding the MBA institute, the costs will be minimal.  Yes, financial aid provided by the state or the federal government to run their academic program is a big factor in the low MBA fees of government institutions and universities.  MBA applicants who intend to enroll in an MBA program for the following academic year must start looking for the best MBA colleges now. MBA tuition costs will play a significant role in guiding your search and conclusion.  It is hard to discuss MBA colleges in India without mentioning the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), one of the country's top MBA institutions.   The cost of an MBA at an IIM can range from INR 11 lakh to INR 23 lakh. There are 20 IIM campuses in India. While IIM Sirmaur's PGP program costs INR 11 lakh, IIM Ahmedabad's MBA program costs INR 23 lakh.  Other than IIMs, top B-Schools' MBA tuition  In addition to the IIMs, top B-Schools include FMS Delhi, XLRI Jamshedpur, MDI Gurgaon, SPJIMR Mumbai, and IIFT Delhi. These institutions provide the best in terms of facilities, professors, instruction, exposure to other countries, and job placements.  The MBA tuition at these business institutions ranges from 11 to 35 lakh rupees. FMS-Delhi is the lone exception, with an annual cost of INR 20, 960. Look at the MBA tuition costs for some of the best business schools outside of IIMs in India.  FMS-Delhi - INR 20,960  XLRI Jamshedpur-Xavier School of Management - INR 23.60 lakh  MDI-Gurgaon - INR 19.80 lakh  Symbiosis Institute of Business Management-Pune - INR 17.06 lakh  NMIMS Mumbai-School of Business Management - INR 19.76 lakh etc. MBA tuition less INR 10 lakh  Most of the MBA schools in this price range are IIT management study programs. In addition to being more affordable than those offered by private B-Schools, these institutions' MBA programs are also highly placed in the MHRD-NIRF yearly ranking and provide great placement possibilities. Look at these schools offering MBAs for less than INR 10 lakh:  IIT Delhi - Department of Management Studies - INR 8.80 lakh  IIT Bombay - Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management -INR 8.32 lakh  IIT Kharagpur-Vinod Gupta School of Management - INR 6.19 lakh, etc.   MBA tuition less INR 5 lakh  Popular institutions like Symbiosis International University (Deemed), and Prin. L N Welingkar, Christ University, Chandigarh University, and Amity University are among the MBA colleges in this price range. These universities provide a variety of MBA programs for reasonable tuition costs. Look at these schools offering MBAs for less than INR 5 lakh:  Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research-Mumbai - INR 3.00 lakh  Christ University, Bangalore - INR 3.10 lakh  International School of Management and Research-ISMR - INR 3.00 lakh etc.   MBA tuition of fewer than Rs. 1 lakh  The majority of MBA programs in state or central university departments with fees under INR 1 lakh are management studies departments. These institutions are accepted by the University Grants Commission despite their affordable tuition (UGC). Look at a few of the well-known MBA schools with costs under INR 1 lakh.  Jamia Millia Islamia-JMI - INR 33,170  Amity University - INR 54,000  Institute of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University - INR 98,888, etc.   Want to explore the future cost of studying MBA around the world? Check out the college cost calculator and find out the real costs of studying!  Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
How much does it cost to study law in the USA?

How much does it cost to study law in the USA?

Planning to study law in the USA? But don’t know about the cost of doing it there. Don’t worry we have you covered! Law is amongst the most pursued courses in the USA and is extremely competitive in nature.  Thurgood Marshall, Gloria Allred, Barack Obama, Mahatma Gandhi, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg each of well-known attorneys made different decisions, but they were all driven by a passion for the rule of law and carrying out what was right. Those who choose to go to law school may well have diverse reasons for doing so, but they all seem to have the drive and morals it takes to become successful lawyers.  If you're thinking about going to law school, you probably already know how expensive it is. But it's a path that offers a lot of chances outside of the courtroom. Because of this, you should think about all the expenses related to attending law school before making a decision so that you are ready and knowledgeable. Requirements for law school  A four-year bachelor's degree is typically required for law school programs. Although there is no set major, many students choose to study topics like English, politics, history, philosophy, or economics. The American Bar Association (ABA) recommends that students prepare for legal education by enrolling in "a broad range of challenging courses from demanding professors."  Pre-law advising is another service provided by some undergraduate programs, and it can give you a better picture of what a legal career might entail. The advisor will also support your admission to law school and assist you in selecting the right undergraduate courses. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT), which assesses reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, and logical reasoning, must be taken in order to apply.  You will start a three-year program to earn a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree after being admitted (although some schools offer a four-year part-time program). Students take torts, contracts, constitutional law, civil process, property, and a legal writing course during their first year of law school. While second and third-year courses vary by institution, they often call for writing credits, electives in experiential learning, courses on professional responsibility, and more. These allow you the chance to investigate specialized fields and learn what you are most interested in, such as tax, labor, or corporate law. For a wide range of topics, Cornell Law School advises second-year students to take courses in administrative law, corporate organizations, evidence, and federal income taxation. Students will enroll in elective courses, such as seminars and problem courses, in their chosen specialty during their third year of law school.  Students must pass a license "bar" exam for the state in which they desire to practice law in order to become practicing attorneys. Most states require that applicants complete an ABA-accredited law school, pass one or more written bar tests, and be determined by an admissions body to have the character to represent and advise others, according to the BLS. Lawyers must continue their studies at least annually even after being admitted to the bar.  Tuition for Public and Private Law Schools This is a summary of the usual expenses by that kind of organization:  AVERAGE PRIVATE SCHOOL TUITION & FEE: $51,268 (INR 41585388.91)  AVERAGE FEES FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS  Resident (In-State) (In-State)  Tuition & Fees: $29,074(INR 2404729.44)   Non-Resident (Out-of-State) (Out-of-State)  $42,143 (INR 34,85,674.92) Education Costs  According to U.S. News, the overall average yearly cost of an out-of-state public law school is $42,143(INR 34,85,674), while the cost of a private school is significantly higher at $51,268 (INR 41,58,538)  The cheapest option would be to pay an average of $29,074(INR 24,04,729) per year to attend a public, in-state law school. Even in-state public education, which is the least expensive choice, costs $87,222(INR 72,14,188.31) for three years.  How much does law school costs? A law student should budget anywhere from $87,222 (INR 72,14,188.31) for an in-state public school to $153,804 for a private school over three years. These figures can be debilitating, particularly if one transfers directly from undergrad to law school. However, the BLS reports that as of 2020, the median annual compensation for lawyers is $126,930 (INR 10498462), with the top 10 percent earning more than $208,000 (INR 17,203815). There are numerous ways to finance a legal degree. Your mind and wallet can rest easier knowing that there are specialized loans, grants, scholarships, and cheap programs available. Knowing how much law school will cost you is simply the first step on a long career path. Use the appropriate resources and accessible research to make informed decisions and position yourself for the future you deserve.  Wondering how to calculate the future cost of studying in the USA? Chat with our expert advisors. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT FAQ How much does it cost to study law in the USA for international students?  It's also available as a remote learning program through some US universities. To apply for an LLM in the USA, international students must hold a 3-year bachelor's degree in law. The typical tuition for American universities that provide a master's degree in law ranges from 12,000 USD (INR 99,2527.80) to 70,000 USD (INR 57,89,745.50). Is law school expensive in the US?  On average, law academy education costs$84,558(INR 69,93,847.14) at public universities for in-state scholars, and $147,936 (INR 12,235882.72) for scholars that attend private universities. Keep in mind that those costs are only for education; living charges like rent, food, and transportation can fluently add at least $20,000(INR 16,54,213.00) per time to your total cost.  How many years does it take to study law in America?  3 years 
Will college costs continue to rise?

Will college costs continue to rise?

The previous 20 years have seen a primarily rising trend in college expenditures. The cost of living, food, transportation, books, and other school-related expenditures can run into thousands of dollars in addition to the escalating cost of tuition. In this blog, we will talk about college fees and will college costs continue to rise. Why have college prices risen so dramatically over time? Even if they have temporarily steadied, college costs remain out of reach for many students. In 2020, more than half of bachelor's degree graduates from public or private four-year institutions graduated with debt, with an average debt burden of $28,400 (INR 23.2 lakhs), according to the College Board. How did costs increase so significantly? There are several hypotheses, many of which lack consensus among scholars. For instance, it is hotly contested that rising college administration roles and the availability of federal student loans are both important causes. But data doesn’t conclusively show that these factors cause prices to rise significantly. Here are several trends that have probably pushed college tuition prices up over time. Colleges provide more student support services In addition to educating students, colleges now provide a variety of other functions for them. This includes assistance with finding housing, food, transportation, child care, and other necessities, as well as mental health support, which is even increasingly more important as college students deal with the epidemic. In order to guarantee that students graduate on time or achieve their transfer goals, academic advice is also crucial. To staff and operate these services, it is necessary to hire non-faculty people, which results in a rise in college costs. Changes in state and local funding Public institutions require financing from governments and communities in addition to tuition revenues in order to operate. Health and municipal government funding for colleges vary according to the state of the economy and tax receipts. Public institutions are more likely to increase tuition when they get less state and local financing. However, state and municipal financing for institutions is increasing. As of 2020, average public higher education funding increased for eight years in a row, according to the SHEEO report, and 18 states have brought funding up to pre-2008 levels. For today's students, it is fantastic news. However, when we take a closer look at the past, we can see how state and municipal disinvestment in funding for higher education has impacted total college expenditures.  The overall increase in costs for service industries like education Higher education and other services haven't profited from the wider economy's productivity advances, which limit the cost of manufacturing things from rising too quickly. Because of this, institutions now have to charge students extra for the education they provide. Additionally, hiring highly educated academics and administrators now costs more than it used to. Colleges are likely to make investments in the newest technology on campus as well as in other advances that benefit students, such as career counseling, which drives up expenses. The effect of rising Tuition on students and graduates Compared to earlier generations, young people are more affected by student debt. Debt from graduate students makes a disproportionately large contribution. A master's degree is now held by around 13% of the population, which is roughly the same percentage as bachelor's degree holders in 1960. This tendency is attributed by experts to the rising rivalry among job applicants. This financial load has a number of unsettling repercussions that affect the economy of the country as well as the debtors. More than half of home purchasers under the age of 36 claimed that their inability to purchase a home was a result of student loan debt, according to the National Association of Realtors. Today's graduates are also less likely to launch their own enterprises since they avoid taking financial risks due to debt. The pandemic's effect on rising college costs Forbes' sources claim that there is a connection between the coronavirus and college fees. Due to COVID-19, universities lost hundreds of millions of dollars in income. College athletics, campus meals, and housing all saw sudden drops in revenue. According to the University of Wisconsin in Madison, the loss will be $100 million. A $250 million loss is predicted by the University of Arizona. Since the epidemic began, Syracuse University has already lost $35 million. In addition, the University of Michigan pegs losses at anywhere from $400 million and a staggering $1 billion. Due to the enormous income losses that colleges and universities are suffering, analysts predict that tuition increases might accelerate. How should you approach rising college costs? Seeing unending tuition rise and feeling unable to stop it is disheartening. But if you're a knowledgeable buyer, you can make wise decisions to save overspending. You may decide to transfer to a university to finish your degree after two years at a reasonably priced community college or an in-state public college. You can also search for many financial aids which will help you reduce overall college costs. Nothing is more crucial in today's market than obtaining a college education. However, the expense of attending college has been rocketing upward. The best course of action is to prepare in advance. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN ADVISOR
Best bachelor's degrees abroad for your kids

Best bachelor's degrees abroad for your kids

Are you worried about your children’s higher education? Read this article to find the best bachelor’s degree for your kid.  You might know a lot of good options but don’t know which one to opt for. Bachelor in Business and Management  A bachelor's degree in business and management is the best choice if you see an entrepreneur or businessperson when you look in the mirror.  There are up to 11,000 study possibilities in the broad area of business and management. It makes sense that this is one of the most sought-after Bachelor's disciplines given the wide range of options available.  Business administration, marketing, finance, and accounting are some of the most popular areas of study within this field, and after earning your degree, you can find work as a manager, market researcher, accountant, tax consultant, and financial inspector, among other positions. Bachelor in Electrical Engineering  It is not surprising that we include two specialties in engineering on our list given that engineering is a complicated profession that encompasses everything related to invention, design, construction, maintenance, and research.   Your ability to work with just about any system that uses electrical energy, including gadgets and digital devices, will be enhanced by studies in electrical engineering. And let's face it, who wouldn't want a degree that essentially exhorts them to never try looking up from their phones again?  It is possible to work as an aerospace engineer, broadcast engineer, network engineer, and of course as an electrical and electronics engineer in the telecommunications, media, aerospace, and broadcasting industries by pursuing higher studies in electrical engineering. Bachelor in Civil Engineering and Construction  Given that cities have developed into crowded population centers, civil engineering and construction are more important than ever. With this type of Bachelor's degree, you might work as a sustainable counselor, design engineer, or even as a consulting and contracting civil engineer. Bachelor in Computer Science and IT  Considering that practically every sector uses or is touched by digital technologies, we assume you are not shocked to see computer science and IT on our list. While IT focuses on developing networks & databases and maintaining computer systems, computer science is more concerned with programming & software.  Once you graduate from college, you should consider careers as a data analyst, IT consultant, technical support specialist, systems developer, or game developer. Bachelors in Medicine  Doctors always are going to be needed. And when we started this, I don't believe we completely blew anyone's mind. With our 6,000 programs, we can demonstrate that medicine will always be in style.  A Bachelor's in Medicine takes your dedication for at minimum 5–6 years, but it is worth it in the long run. Along with private hospitals and clinics, the government will provide you with employment opportunities. You should be aware that, in addition to human medicine, physiotherapy and nutrition & dietetics are two fields that are becoming more and more enticing.  The rising obesity prevalence in the population and the escalating posture issues among office workers are directly related to the rising demand for nutritionists and physiotherapists.  Kids, don't forget to exercise. Just refrain Bachelors in Architecture  Another discipline that takes time and commitment but pays off when you finish and enter the employment market is architecture.   Developers of real estate and local governments are always in need of architects, interior designers, and urban planners. And the study selection (which includes over 60,000 Bachelor's programs) reflects this.  Bachelors in Design  A subject with over 2,500 specialized programs, including Graphic Design and Interior Design, goes by the umbrella title of "design." A designer degree is certain to fulfill you, regardless of the program you select. Jobs in design are imaginative and well-paid. The majority of students choose to study design in nations like Spain, Denmark, and Italy.  Bachelor in International Relations  We may say if there is one field of social sciences that is rising in popularity, it is international relations, which offers more than 1,200 Bachelor's programs.  This is due to the fact that the field combines elements of political science, economics, and diplomacy. You can work as a public research officer, public affairs consultant, diplomat, or public relations specialist with knowledge and experience in these fields. Australia, the United States, and Switzerland are the best countries to pursue a bachelor's degree.  Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
Living expenses in Canada for Indian students

Living expenses in Canada for Indian students

Living expenses in Canada for Indian students are very high and aspiring applicants need to be aware of them before traveling abroad for the desired study course. Canada is the preferred study hub because of its growing economy, cultural diversity, access to seamless medical care, and unlimited job opportunities.  The country is known for its excellent education system, distinctive curriculum, numerous study courses, and reputed colleges and universities. A promising future encourages Indian students to travel to Canada for higher studies but what about the living expenses?  There has been a lot of speculation about the living cost in Canada hence let us find the answers to the queries related to the cost of essential expenses. Living expenses in Canada for Indian students The average living expenses in Canada for Indian students vary between 15,000 CAD (nearly INR 8.9 lakhs) – 20,000 CAD (nearly INR 11.9 lakhs) every year based on individual lifestyles and different cities across the country.  The essential living expenses that an Indian student has to incur include- 1. Accommodation (average monthly cost) The most popular options for accommodation are dormitories which house many students and townhouses which house three to six students. Both on-campus accommodations have several facilities like hot water, internet, and heat. Other popular choices are shared apartments and unfurnished rental apartments. The average monthly living cost of the accommodations is-  Dormitories 350 CAD – 600 CAD (nearly INR 20,958 INR 35,928)Townhouses 250 CAD – 650 CAD (nearly INR 14,970 - INR 38,922)Shared Apartments 400 CAD – 800 CAD (nearly INR 23,942 – INR 47,904)Unfurnished Rental Apartments300 CAD – 500 CAD (nearly INR 17,964 – INR 29,940) Master's vs. PGDM in Canada? Read More 2. Food (average monthly cost) It is easy to get an estimate of food expenses by going through the rates of some of the most common food items. Water (1.5 liters)1.84 CAD (nearly INR 110)Rice (1kg)3.74 CAD (nearly INR 224)Apple (1 kg) 4.24 CAD (nearly INR 254)Cheese (1kg)12.99 CAD (nearly INR 778 )Milk (1 Liter)2.46 CAD (nearly INR 147)Eggs (12)3.63 CAD (nearly INR 217) How to finance a child's master's in Canada? Read More 3. Transportation (average monthly costs) Students use public transport in Canada as it is quite safe and easy to navigate. You can get student discounts by showing your student ID card. The average monthly costs of using some of the common modes of transportation are –  Bus 100 CAD – 150 CAD (nearly INR 5,988 – INR 8,982)Subway65 CAD – 99 CAD (nearly INR 3,892 – INR 5,928)Taxis per km40 CAD -50 CAD (nearly INR 2,395 – INR 2,994) Canada University Fee Structure Read More 4. Health Insurance (average annual premium) Every international student must have a health insurance policy in Canada. The coverage depends upon the province where one lives. Some popular medical insurance plans with their costs are BC MSP Program74 CAD/month (nearly INR 4431)iMED 225 CAD for 3 months (nearly INR 13,473) 5. Miscellaneous (average monthly cost) It is important to factor in personal expenses like clothing, laundry, toiletries, etc. which are part of everyday spending and depend upon an individual’s lifestyle.  Other important expenses include Electricity (average monthly costs) – 50 CAD (nearly INR 2,994) Phone bill - (average monthly costs) – 40 CAD – 100 CAD (nearly INR 2,395 – INR 5,988) Internet (average monthly costs) – 30 CAD – 50 CAD (nearly INR 1,796 – INR 2,994) Tenant’s Insurance (average monthly costs) – 15 CAD – 30 CAD (nearly INR 898 - INR 1,796) Cost of living in some of the cities of Canada The cost of living for Indian students depends upon their lifestyle and the city they live in. Some of the popular and most costly destinations for students and the average cost of living in that city are mentioned below- City The average cost of living every yearToronto37,000 CAD (nearly INR 22 lakhs)Montreal 25,000 CAD (nearly INR 14.9 lakhs)Ottawa20,000 CAD (nearly INR 11.9 lakhs)Calgary26,904 CAD (nearly INR 16.1 lakhs)Vancouver38,484 CAD (nearly INR 23.08 lakhs) 10 Tips to save money in Canada 1. Try to save money Save money whenever you can. If you find alternatives to doing something on your own then instead of spending it, save the money.   2. Apply for scholarships Every college has scholarships. Canadian universities offer amazing scholarships to potential students, so take advantage of them.     3. Keep a budget To save money as a student, you need to keep a budget for everything. When there’s no budget maintenance, people tend to spend more. Have a fixed budget for the month and don’t spend more than it.  4. Cook your meals University campuses are filled with food stalls and fast food joints and when you are hungry, you buy them, and then your bank balance drops.  So cook for yourself.    5. Claim student bank discounts and offers All bank in Canada has offers for students. Take advantage of them. Save every penny.   6. Buy second-hand stuff if you can You might need something but you don’t need to buy everything new. You can buy them in any second-hand marketplace and you can find anything there.  So instead of buying everything new or on amazon search it in these marketplaces.  7. Don’t use credit cards Credit users tend to spend more as they think they have enough money but you spend more than they need.  So cut them off.  8. Start doing a side hustle  Start earning!   Start doing a hustle so that you can earn more. Then you don’t have to worry much about your expenses. There are too many ways to earn more.   9. Use a bicycle If you need to travel daily and it’s a short distance then buy a bicycle instead of using public transport and spending more money.  10. Lower your party days Party is okay, everyone loves to party but don’t do too much of it too. Set a monthly budget for it.   FAQs How can I earn money in Canada? Students can work up to 20 hours per week off-campus in Canada. You can take up some internships or part-time jobs or start a side hustle. International students on a student permit are legally allowed to work and earn a living in Canada to help with finances.   What is the average living cost in Canada? The average living expenses in Canada for Indian students vary between 15,000 CAD (nearly INR 8.9 lakhs) – 20,000 CAD (nearly INR 11.9 lakhs) every year based on individual lifestyles and different cities across the country.  Is living in Canada expensive? Canada is considered one of the most expensive countries to live in. The most expensive city in the country is Toronto. How much money do you need to live in Canada comfortably? As a student, you need roughly 15,000 CAD (nearly INR 8.9 lakhs) – 20,000 CAD (nearly INR 11.9 lakhs) every year. What problem an International student can face? Problems like cultural shock, new language, new people, accommodation, money management, etc. There are many student accommodation scams and foreigner scams that you need to be aware of so that you do not end up losing your hard-earned money. Conclusion Canada is no doubt an expensive country and it is challenging to manage the education and living costs simultaneously. A well-structured financial plan can be a blessing in disguise but you need an expert who can formulate such an organized plan for you.  Knowing about the living expenses in Canada for Indian students is important especially when they are preparing for overseas education. The college cost calculator on the Edufund app takes into account the future living costs so that the students can be aware of the average total cost of studying abroad and plan accordingly. 