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EduFund Blogs

Demystifying Returns In Mutual Funds

Demystifying Returns In Mutual Funds

Why do we invest in mutual funds? The fairly obvious answer would be to earn returns on our investment and to have enough corpus for our future goals. We need tangible numbers on our screens that give us a good night’s sleep that we have invested in the right fund. However, there are multiple measures for the returns earned by the mutual fund, and we see multiple percentage numbers flashing on our screens. These measures are explained with examples in the following paragraphs - 1. Absolute Returns This represents the growth of your investment in absolute terms without considering the time period. For example, if you had invested Rs 10,000 in a mutual fund and it grows to Rs 15,000, the gain earned would be Rs 5000. Absolute returns would be Rs 5000/Rs 10,000 = 50%. Even if your investments grew to Rs 15,000 in 10 years the absolute returns would still be 50%. 2. Annualised Returns (also known as CAGR) This measures the increment in the value of your investment on a yearly basis. The effect of compounding is included in this return (Compounding in simple terms is earning returns on the profits earned from your investment). For example, if the initial investment is Rs 10,000 and the value of the investment after 5 years is Rs 15000, then the annualized returns would be 8.4% and if the time period was 3 years, the returns would be 14.5%. This measure takes the time period into consideration and gives a measure of y-o-y returns on your investment in the fund. 3. Annual Returns This is computed by considering the return earned by the scheme from January 1st (first day of business) to December 31st (Last business working day). If the NAV of a fund was Rs 100 on January 1st and the NAV on December 31st was 120, the gain would be Rs 20 and the annual return would be 20%. This is the most simplistic measure which is used for communication with the investor. Market conditions play a significant role in the returns earned by mutual funds. Hence, it is advisable to compare annual returns across time periods with respect to the category average or the benchmark as declared by the fund. 4. Point-to-Point Returns This measures the annualized returns between two points in a given time period. For example, if you would want to look at the performance of a fund in the pre-Covid years i.e., 2017-2019, one would consider the point-to-point return to compute the same. The NAVs at the start and end dates are required to compute these returns. 5. Total Returns Initial ValuesNAV Initial50Initial Investment10000Units Purchased = Investment/NAV200After 1 yearNAV 52Value of investment = Units * NAV10400Capital Gains400Assuming a Dividend is declared by the fund in this 1 yearDividend Declared/ unit2Dividend earned (Units * Dividend/Unit)400Total Returns800Total Return % (Total Return/Initial Investment)8% Total return includes the returns earned from capital gains and dividends and is expressed as a percentage of the initial amount invested. Consider that you had invested Rs 10,000 into a fund whose NAV was Rs 50. Total Returns % = Capital Gains + Dividend earned / Initial Investment Here, the total return earned would be 8%. 6. Trailing Returns It is the annualized return of the period that ends on the date of calculation (or today or the latest NAV). Trailing returns of 1, 3, 5 or 10 years (etc) can be calculated. For example, a 1-year trailing return from today (27th Feb 2020) would be calculated by taking the latest NAV and the NAV of the fund 1 year ago. This measure is used by most of the mutual funds and pages which analyze the past performance of the funds.  Initial NAV (27th Feb 2018)40Final NAV (27th Feb 2021)70Years3Returns 20.5% For example, if the NAV of a fund today is Rs 70 and the NAV of the fund 3 years ago was Rs 40, the trailing 3-year return would be 20.5%. Returns = [Final NAV / Initial NAV] (1/Years) - 1 As an investor, this measure aids in screening the fund's performance and analyzing the consistency of the fund manager in providing the returns to their pool of investors. However, one should note that these returns could offer a biased perspective as they are based on relative market conditions – current vs past conditions. Hence, an investor should consider 3,5, and 10 years to understand the consistency in earnings and the fund's ability to sail over market tides. In bull markets, where there is high optimism in the market, the trailing returns are high, as the Final NAV would be soaring high, whereas, in bear markets, these returns would be on the low. 7. Rolling Returns These are annualized returns (CAGR) but are computed using overlapping periods. They give the measure of the growth of an n-year return over a period of m years.  For example, if you would like to invest in an equity mutual fund for 5 years, you would look at the data in 5-year blocks and compute the 5-year return over a 10-year period (say). As shown in the table below, we have considered a period from 2005-2020 to calculate the 5-year rolling returns (n=5, m=20). Aligning with our objective, to calculate the return of 2010, we consider the NAV that was 5 years ago which is 2005. The exercise is performed for all the years to obtain the range of returns that the fund has given to the investors. One can also calculate the Rolling Return Average, by calculating the average of all the returns computed in the previous step = 7.4% (in this example). Yearly DataNAV5years agoNAVReturns (CAGR)01-01-201010001-01-2005785.1%01-01-201110301-01-2006805.2%01-01-201211001-01-2007874.8%01-01-201312001-01-2008905.9%01-01-201415001-01-2009959.6%01-01-201516101-01-201010010.0%01-01-201617201-01-201110310.8%01-01-201719001-01-201211011.6%01-01-201819801-01-201312010.5%01-01-201921001-01-20141507.0%01-01-202020001-01-20151614.4%01-01-202120801-01-20161723.9% These can be calculated on a daily/weekly/monthly basis till the latest NAV for a fixed period of time. It gives a more accurate picture of the fund’s performance in various market conditions, eliminating the bias that could be associated with calculating the return at a fixed point in time.  8. SIP Returns All the above measures are suitable for lumpsum investing where one considers the returns between two points. However, in the case of SIPs, there is a systematic flow of amounts into the fund at different points in time. This return can be calculated using the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), which is a financial metric used to compute the return of a series of cash inflows and outflows. Conclusion: The measures for calculating returns have been highlighted above which are to be used in conjunction with the objective to obtain the accurate measurement of the performance. You could get started with your investment journey by analyzing funds on the EduFund app or this website
Is investing better than trading? Find out what suits you!

Is investing better than trading? Find out what suits you!

Do you want to get into the stock market? Maybe because you saw your friend make quite a bit of money betting on some trendy things like Ethereum or GameStop. Or maybe you think mutual funds could help you raise funds for your child’s education plans. Different financial goals require different strategies and approaches. If you are new to the stock market, it is important for you to know the basics, like the difference between investing and trading. Everything looks too complicated as a rookie investor and we get it. Let us try and simplify some things for you. What is investing? An investment is when you allocate money somewhere with the intention of compounding it in the future. Investment is a tool of wealth generation. Basically, when you invest money into something, like stocks and bonds, mutual funds, or real estate, you do it with the idea of making a profit in the long term. This profit usually comes from the value or price of your asset increasing over time. If you have invested money into a stock, for example, you get a profit when the price of the stock increases over time.  Investment is an excellent, mostly passive way of wealth generation. For the long term, especially when you have goals for child investment like education plans, sending your child to study abroad, etc. What is trading? Trading in the stock market is exactly what it sounds like, you trade stocks. When you trade in stocks, you buy stocks like any other goods or commodities and sell them for a profit. Traders deal in stock with the intention of short-term profit generation. They don’t hold their assets for a long time, unlike investors who can stay invested in the same asset for years. Traders can sell their stock within months, weeks, days, or even minutes. As such traders have to have a really good understanding of the pulse of the market and where a stock will go in the short-term future.  Image by Anna Nekhrashevic on Pexels Trading takes a little more active effort than investing because you need to be on top of the situation in the market at all times and buy and sell at the right time. As such trading is ideal for making fast money in the short term. 1. Difference in timelines Trading depends on changes in the market that happen over the course of a short period. This means that they cannot plan for the long term. A stock that is predicted to shoot up within the coming month, likely will not continue to shoot up over the next few years. Rather it is more likely to fall or plateau. A trader tries to predict the optimal timeline to buy and then sell the stock within this period of time. But they cannot stay invested in the stock for the long term as it would cause losses.  This means that the timeline of holding a stock for a trader is much shorter. Trading depends on buying low and selling high in the short term. In contrast, investors tend to buy and hold. Investment relies on the price of the asset slowly and stably appreciating over time. Trendy and unpredictable stocks or other assets do not make good investments. One cannot guarantee the value of these stocks over a long-term period. This is why investors usually choose relatively stable and reliable securities or invest in mutual funds and ETFs that are managed by professionals.  Investment requires having patience and confidence in your stock and holding it for a long time. Investors don’t let short-term changes in the market bother them and focus on increasing value over the long term.  2. Difference in risk Putting money in the stock markets always carries risk. You are at the mercy of myriad different and unpredictable factors that may affect the price of your investments.  Trading typically carries more risk than investment. When you want to generate wealth or make a profit over a relatively short timescale, you need to take more risks. This means investing in stocks that may behave unpredictably. Making quick, short-term financial decisions on limited information is intrinsic to trading. This is another factor that makes trading riskier. Investment also carries risk, however, this risk is typically lower than with trading. When you are an investor, it is important for you to lower risk. You can do this by diversifying your portfolio to include both higher-risk, more lucrative securities as well as safe, low-risk investments. This is called balancing your portfolio.  Another way of becoming an investor, especially when you don't have a lot of capital or expertise is to invest with an AMC (Asset Management Company). AMCs lets you invest in mutual funds and ETFs which are structured, diversified, and professionally managed basket securities. These funds let you have a balanced, secure portfolio which is ideal for investments.  3. Difference in goals Investors and traders tend to have different goals. Since traders are looking to make money fast rather than over the course of years, their goals tend to be more short-term. Additionally, trading is risky. To ensure high-profit margins in a relatively short time, traders must invest in unpredictable stocks. This does not mean that traders don’t have long-term goals. However, they usually don’t plan to achieve their long-term goals through trading alone. Sometimes you have high-stakes goals. You cannot leave your child’s education plans or study abroad dreams to the mercy of unpredictable stocks on the market. For a goal like this, a long-term, reliable strategy for wealth generation is required. For goals like these, you need to be an investor. Conclusion While trading and investing both involve buying and selling securities on the stock market, they carry entirely different risks and involve different approaches and strategies. Keep in mind that there is no reason for you to choose. You can dabble in trading while also keeping safe investments on hand. It all depends on your financial goals and long-term future plans. In this day and age, with rising inflation, a little extra cash never hurts. But at the same time, be careful while taking risks on the stock market, especially if you are a parent. Secure your and your children’s future and education plans through solid investments. Keep the risks in mind when you are trading and try to start slow instead of taking big risks with large amounts of money.  A good financial advisor can be a good investment. You should also put in the effort to try and understand the basics of investment and financial planning. Educating yourself is always a good investment. Expertise and knowledge are investments you will never lose. FAQs Will I earn more money through investing or trading? As an investor, based on your risk appetite, you can take advantage of 15-20% yearly returns. But, as a trader, if you have great experience and analytical skills, you can earn those same returns in just a week. But, it must be remembered that 'higher the returns, greater the risk'. Which is riskier - trading or investing? Although both options come with their own risk, trading can be considered significantly riskier than investing. How can I become an investor? There are many ways for you to become an investor. The easiest way is to download the Edufund app, register yourself, and complete your KYC verification. The next step would be exploring various investment options at the top AMCs and then start investing! TALK TO AN EXPERT
A simplified guide to Index funds

A simplified guide to Index funds

It is becoming increasingly obvious these days that investment is the best way for most people to achieve their financial goals. Costs of education are rising and the advantages of going to study abroad are becoming more and more obvious. For many people, these rising costs of education have necessitated a changed approach to finances. A good investment strategy and portfolio are clearly the way to go. However, many beginner investors do not know enough about investments and how or where to invest.  In this guide, we cover index funds: what they are, how they work, who should invest in them, and things to consider. If you have been thinking about investing in mutual funds or ETFs, read on to know more.  What is an Index fund? Index funds are a type of passively managed, equity funds. As the name suggests, these funds have a portfolio that is made to imitate a financial index, like BSE Sensex, NSE Nifty, etc. Both ETFs and mutual funds can be index funds. Returns from an index fund, typically mirror the growth of the index that they are tracking. How does an Index fund work? An index fund works by tracking a financial index. A financial index is a measure of the stock market or a subset of the stock market. An index fund consists of the same stocks that comprise a certain index, in the same proportions. So if, for example, a particular index fund is tracking Nifty, its portfolio will have the same 50 stocks that comprise Nifty. Then, the performance of the fund will depend on the performance of Nifty.  Unlike an actively managed fund, index funds do not have a team of analysts and experts constantly researching the market and creating strategies. The fund manager only ensures that the fund tracks its respective index as closely as possible. Things to consider when investing in Index funds 1. Risks and Returns Index funds are passively managed and track a financial index. This means that they are less volatile than other equity funds that are actively managed and hence, less risky. This is because actively managed funds strive to beat their benchmark but index funds track particular financial indices and try to remain as close to the benchmark as possible. This means the returns of an index fund usually replicate the performance of the index. This makes these funds reliable and lucrative during a market rally but less so during a slump.  One thing to keep in mind, however, is the tracking error. Most index funds do not replicate their respective indices exactly. There is a small deviation which is called a tracking error. You should always choose a fund with a low tracking error to reduce risk.  2. Investment timeline and goals Since index funds are considered lower-risk funds, they are suitable for investors looking to make long-term, passive, investments. These can be investments made for the future education plans of a very young child or retirement plans. With long-term investment windows, any short-term fluctuations can be balanced out or averaged. But if your goals are less long-term, for example, education plans for an older child, you should consider investing in a more actively managed fund. A good financial advisory service can help you make these decisions. 3. Investment costs and fees Index funds are passively managed. Since these funds track indices and don’t require active management, they incur lesser fees. An actively managed fund has to pay for analysts and experts to do research and create investment strategies. A passively managed fund does not have to do that. They have lower operating and management fees, transaction charges, etc. This means that these funds have a lower expense ratio ( the percentage of your total investment that you have to pay to the fund as management fees and other charges). 4. Taxation Index funds are subject to dividends distribution tax (DDT) and capital gains tax. DDT is deducted at source when the fund pays its dividends to stakeholders. DDT is generally applied at a rate of 10%. Capital gains tax is the tax levied on the capital gains made when you redeem units of your index fund. The amount of tax depends on your holding period. If you held the units for less than a year, then you will have to pay short-term capital gains tax (STCG) which is 15%. Capital gains from a holding period of above one year are considered long-term capital gains (LTCG) and are taxed at 10%. LTCG under Rs.1 Lakh is not taxable. Who should invest in an Index fund? Index funds are ideal for investors who want to invest in the equities market but do not want to take a lot of risks. If you are open to a long-term investment with relatively low but fairly predictable results, index funds can be a good option for you.  Keep in mind that index funds will follow the index and not give you any market-beating returns. If you are looking to make investments for your child’s education plans, you may want to stick to index funds for the stability they offer. However, a much better option would be a diversified investment portfolio with index funds as one of the components.  Education plans are rather high-stakes goals and so it is understandable to want to go safe. However, education, especially if you plan to study abroad, is also expensive. Actively managed equity funds tend to have generally higher returns. Keeping both in your portfolio can help you get the best of both worlds, general stability as well as good returns. Conclusion Index funds are a good and reliable way of passive investment for people who do not have the time to constantly monitor and manage their portfolios. They are especially useful when the markets are doing well and financial indices are on a general rise. However, recession and economic instability can cause a slump and bring down the value of index funds. To offset such eventualities, it is important to diversify your portfolio.  Financial planning, after all, requires active effort and involvement. The securities and assets you invest in should be properly aligned with your financial goals. If you lack the know-how or expertise to figure these out yourself, you can always consult a financial planner or other such services. For specific goals like education plans, you can hire specialized financial planning experts like EduFund. A good investor understands his investments and takes risks in accordance with his goals and his capacity. Therefore, putting in the time to figure out what kind of investor you are and what kinds of investments are best for you, is always a worthwhile endeavor. FAQs What are some best index funds? Some of the best index funds include IDFC Nifty 50 Index Direct Plan-Growth, Nippon India Index Fund S&P BSE Sensex Plan Direct-Growth, UTI Nifty 50 Index Fund, etc. Is it good to invest in index funds? Index funds provide you with low-cost investment methods. They can bring you better gains than fund managers do. Do index funds pay dividends? Since regulations require it, Index funds do pay dividends in most cases. TALK TO AN EXPERT
Investing vs Saving for Education: Which is Better?

Investing vs Saving for Education: Which is Better?

As a parent, no doubt you want the best for your kids. Global education can open doors and create opportunities for your child like nothing else can. However, the expenses involved in going to study abroad can be intimidating and discouraging for many people. Education loans are always an option, but debt is a big long-term liability and is not exactly an exciting prospect, is it? So, how can you raise funds for your child’s education without having to resort to education loans and other forms of debt? Well, that requires a bit of foresight and planning.  Saving is always an option but is it the best option? After all, you can save what you have but you cannot use your savings to generate more wealth. And with rising inflation, investing may be the better option in the long run. How is investing different from saving? Saving money is not a very complicated concept. We all save money, either for future purchases, emergencies, or other causes. Saving money typically involves putting aside money from your income in a safe place, like a bank account or a locker. Savings can accrue a small amount of interest, especially when you are using a bank account. However, in general, your savings do not compound or generate profit through interest or appreciation in any significant way. Investing money involves buying and holding an asset for a period of time with the intention of generating profits from it. When you invest money in the stock market, in bonds, or in real estate or jewelry, you do it with the intention of eventually selling the asset after a period of time and gaining profit. This profit is gained from the value of your assets changing and appreciating over a period of time due to inflation and/or other factors. 1. Investment generates wealth This is an important distinction between savings and investment. Investment is a tool for wealth generation. You are not simply setting aside money when you invest, instead, you are using it in a very specific way to generate more money. While you can earn a small amount of interest on a savings account, this is still minimal compared to the profits that can be gained through strategic investment. Savings is an instrument of wealth preservation. By keeping your money idle and parked in a bank account, you ensure that it remains safe. It is not exposed to the market or its constant fluctuations, it stays as it is. This makes savings a low-risk option as compared to investment. However, remember, the lower the risk the lower the returns. You don’t make any gains or profits from a savings account. When you have long-term goals like a child education plan to work towards, simply saving is not enough. You need to look for ways to actively generate wealth to counter the ever-rising costs of global education.  2. Investment helps you beat inflation With inflation, the value of money decreases. Think about it this way, a commodity worth Rs. 500 in 1980 would have been considered fairly expensive. Today, we can easily spend that amount of money in a single day and not even think twice about it. This is because, with inflation, the value of Rs. 500 has decreased.  So, even if you save a fairly significant sum of money, it may end up becoming insignificant over time as inflation eats its value. Investment helps you beat these odds. When you invest in some asset, its value keeps appreciating over time with inflation. Therefore, the money that you have invested in the asset appreciates with it. Instead of eating away at the value of your money, inflation helps you generate more wealth. 3. Investment helps you realize your goals Because investment is an instrument of wealth generation and because it helps you beat inflation, it is also a better way of realizing your financial goals. Saving does not play out well in the long term for expensive goals. These goals require you to accrue money that may be in excess of what you can reasonably or realistically save. Investing that money is a more reliable way of achieving your goal amount. Keeping your money idle makes it liable to depreciation due to inflation. Investing helps you generate wealth. This is why, when you have long-term goals on the horizon, it is better to invest. Such investment obviously requires a strategy. Markets always carry risk and your investments can succeed or they may fail and leave you at a loss. To counter that, one must always try to invest intelligently and strategically to balance out the risk. Mutual funds and ETFs which are professionally managed investment funds are a good way of doing this for beginner investors. Then why save at all? If investing is better in all these ways, then why save at all? Isn’t it better to simply invest all of your extra money? Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. All investment carries risk. Markets can be volatile and unpredictable. The price of your assets may go up in the long term, or they may fall and leave you at a loss. Savings, on the other hand, ensure that your money doesn’t go anywhere. Keeping your money idle is not always a bad thing. By doing so you ensure that no matter what happens, you have some money kept secure for rainy days. Savings can provide you with a much-needed cushion in case your investments fail or fall prey to a market slump. Savings are also a good way to collect money for short-term financial goals. When it comes to short-term or less expensive goals, inflation is less likely to be a factor. For example, if you are planning on buying a new refrigerator next year, inflation is likely not going to make big problems for you when it comes to costs or the value of your saved money.   Savings are a good way of ensuring you have a safety cushion or emergency fund. It is also good for short-term financial goals. It is always wise to have at least some savings on hand. Conclusion Savings and investments are both important ways of preparing yourself for the future. While investment is riskier, it is the best way of ensuring long-term capital gains and wealth generation. Saving for a rainy day is a wise and responsible thing to do. However, to beat rising inflation and ensure the best education possible for your child, investment is the smart way to go. Investing your money through a service like EduFund can help you fulfill your child’s study abroad dreams. You don't always have to work hard. Work smart. FAQs Will my bank FDs help me beat education inflation? Regular bank FDs usually provide up to 7 or 7.5% returns. Education inflation, on the other hand, increases at the rate of 10% every year. This means that FDs do increase your money but do not increase the value of your money; hence, they fail to beat education inflation. Is it more important to save or invest? Savings are Important, of course. However, savings don't necessarily increase the value of your money with time due to inflation. You need a plan that gives your returns higher than inflation. And that solution is an investment. Which is easier: Saving or investing? To a beginner, investing may seem like a complicated domain to enter, but with some basic research and through easy-to-access tools like the EduFund app, investment can be as easy as having a savings bank account. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
Top 5 investment myths busted

Top 5 investment myths busted

Investing is the best way to secure your future goals and achieve your dreams. Be it for child education plans, retirement goals, or other goals, investing can help you generate wealth and avoid accruing debt while chasing them.  Traditionally, middle-class Indians have tended to play safe when it comes to their wealth. Investment seems like a needlessly risky game for many. However, it is time to bust some myths and mitigate your worries.  Once these common myths are busted, the investment will not seem as foreign and dangerous anymore. Read on as we separate fake news from fact! 1. Investing is the same as trading Trading is when you buy assets in the stock market and sell them after a short term to generate a quick profit. Traders are looking to make short-term gains by predicting the future behavior of certain stocks. Their profits depend on market unpredictability. Investors are not banking on unpredictability. Investors look for relatively stable stocks and bonds or basket securities in which to invest for the long term. When you invest money you do so with the expectation that the price of the asset will rise, slowly but reliably, over the course of a long time - usually years.  Thus, investment is nowhere as risky as stock trading. In fact, it is a fairly secure and reliable way of passive wealth generation. Investors favor diversified, well-managed portfolios and often look to mutual funds and ETFs because they are structured, balanced, and professionally managed. Short-term market fluctuations do not generally affect your long-term investments. Minor setbacks tend to average out over time.  Investment is a good and responsible method of financial planning for your children’s education plans, homeownership goals, etc. With a strategic investment scheme in place, you can send your child to study abroad and give them the best global opportunities. 2. You need a lot of money to start investing This is another completely unfounded myth that discourages a lot of middle-class Indians from investing in stock market assets. Investment is certainly not just a rich man’s game. It can be an incredible way of compounding wealth for all kinds of people.  There is a misunderstanding that you have to invest a huge amount of money all at once to get good returns. This is not true. You can invest slowly and at your own pace. Many mutual funds in fact offer SIP (Systematic Investment Plans). These plans enable you to make small monthly investments starting as low as Rs. 500 or even Rs. 100.  Ultimately the amount of money you invest and how you invest it will depend on your financial goals and capacity. For example, if you are investing for the sake of your child’s education plans and your child is still young, you can start with a relatively modest SIP. Because of the long-term nature of the investment, your money will still grow splendidly. This is an especially harmful myth because it discourages the exact people who can benefit the most from strategic, long-term investments. 3. Past performance of a stock is a guarantee of future returns Stock markets are volatile and the performance of any particular stock is dependent on a lot of different factors. If a stock is performing well today and has performed well for even the last 10-15 years, it is no guarantee that it will still be good 10 years from now. Times change and so does the market. A company may be doing well today but future events can cause it to unexpectedly shut down.  This is why you should avoid investing based on past trends alone. Most casual investors actually do not have a lot of expertise in choosing or selecting stocks. This is why it is advisable to invest in basket securities like mutual funds and ETFs when you are just starting out. These funds are professionally managed and have a team of experts who select appropriate stocks and figure out the right opportunities to buy and sell.  If you have more specific goals you can consult with financial advisory services that specialize in goal-based financial planning. A service like EduFund can be extremely useful for you for education planning and child investment schemes. 4. I am too young to start investing There is no such thing as being too young to start investing. Investment is planning for the future and you can never be too young for that.  You may think that investment is not an ideal option for you when it's still early in your career and your salary is fairly low. However, as we have noted already, you can start a SIP for as low as Rs.500 or even Rs.100 a month. Even for a fresh graduate, this is not a huge amount. In addition, it can help you cultivate the good financial habit of regular investment.  You may also think that you still have a lot of time and don’t need to think of long-term financial goals just yet. However, that is a short-sighted attitude to have. The earlier you start investing the better your returns will be. If you have a young child and you want them to study abroad, it is better to start investing now rather than later. 5. FDs are the best investment for middle-class families FDs or Fixed Deposits have been the traditional investment instrument of choice for the Indian middle class. The reason for this popularity is that FDs are extremely low-risk. You deposit your money with a bank for a fixed amount of time and on maturity, you receive your original principal, plus interest. There is little to no risk of losing your deposits. FDs typically have higher rates of interest as compared to regular savings accounts. Even with interest rates that are higher than typical savings accounts, the returns on FDs pale in comparison to investment options in stocks, bonds, funds, etc. This does not mean FDs are completely useless. They can be a good, low-risk investment for less expensive financial goals. However, for something like study abroad education plans, you should strongly consider investing in mutual funds or ETFs. FAQs What is the 5% rule in investing? The 5% rule in investing states that any broker is not allowed to charge more than 5% as commission. What are the 4 common investment mistakes? Not conducting your own research before investingFollowing hearsay or influencer finance adviceNot knowing the taxes and expenses involved like expense ratio or exit loadFailing to diversify your investments What are some common investment myths? Here are some common investment myths: You need a lot of money to start investingInvesting is only for financial advisors or the richFDs are the best investment for middle-class familiesPast performance of a stock is a guarantee of future returns What are the rules of investing? Here are the rules of investing to keep in mind: Start saving todayDiversify your portfolioMinimize feesProtect against lossRebalance regularly Conclusion In this time of increasing costs, you cannot always depend on savings and FDs. Good investment decisions and a reliable and balanced portfolio are key to achieving your goals. Investment generates wealth and prevents your money from losing value due to inflation. Thus investment is also a way to protect yourself and your assets from inflation.  Don’t let myths and fake news hold you back. Do your research, educate yourself and invest to fulfill your dreams. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
BOI AXA Mutual Fund

BOI AXA Mutual Fund

BOI AXA Investment Managers Private Limited is a joint venture between Bank of India and AXA Investment Managers, a part of AXA Group, one of the world’s largest players in the Financial Protection industry. Bank of India was founded on 7th September 1906 by a group of eminent businessmen from Mumbai. The Bank was under private ownership and control till July 1969 before being nationalized along with 13 other leading banks in India. Bank of India has over 5,000 branches across India. Presently Bank of India has an overseas presence in 22 countries spread over 5 continents with 60 offices, including 5 Subsidiaries, 5 Representative Offices, and 1 Joint Venture. AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) is one of the world's leading asset managers, backed by the strength of the AXA Group with assets under management (AUM) of EUR 830 billion as of 30/09/2020. AXA IM employs over 2,389 employees that operate across 20 countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East (as of 30/09/2020).  On May 7, 2012, the Bank of India (BOI) acquired a 51% stake in the then Bharti AXA Investment Managers Private Limited (BAIM) and Bharti AXA Trustee Services Private Limited (BATS). Consequent to this change in JV Partnership, BOI became a Co-Sponsor along with the existing Sponsor, AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM), and the Fund was renamed as BOI AXA Mutual Fund, and BAIM was renamed as BOI AXA Investment Managers Private Limited, and BATS was renamed as BOI AXA Trustee Services Private Limited.  The partnership brings together the Bank of India’s massive network and experience in the Indian market and AXA’s global expertise in financial management. At AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM), they define their purpose as being to act for human progress by investing in what matters, which is central to every action they take as a business. As responsible investors, businesses and employers, seek to actively invest for the long term so that their clients, their people, and their communities can move forward. The combination of responsible, active, and long-term defines their investment philosophy, but also how they run their business, what underpins their clients’ partnerships with them, and what drives their people. The fund house claims that its ambition is to be the world’s leading responsible investor. After seeing the signs that the global economy is starting to move to a more sustainable and equitable model over the next decade, they want to take an active role in powering that transition. As committed, active investors are led by their conviction. With fundamental research at the core of their process, their global team seeks out and develops one of the most efficient and robust sources of performance across equities, fixed income, multi-asset, and alternative strategies. With conviction, they advance and best serve the interests of their clients. Their heritage within AXA Group, a recognized innovator, has hard-wired their business for continual improvement. They recognize that their most demanding and challenging clientele helps them to achieve excellence. Their relationship with their parent company also means protection and stability are part of their heritage. With the investment landscape becoming increasingly challenging, they believe that fresh thinking is needed to manage it. They say that technology is rapidly advancing, and people are living longer than ever before, shifting global demographics significantly. Their team aims to generate absolute returns through a diversified set of investment strategies that are grounded in behavioral finance – offering clients a differentiated proposition with a low correlation to traditional assets.  BOI remains one of the foremost financial institutions across the world, too. It has a decent presence across the pre-eminent financial capitals of the world, including Berlin, Paris, Tokyo, and London.  BOI AXA has an AUM of INR 2349.96 Cr (31 December 2020), an increase of INR279.80 Cr from September 2020. They offer 16 funds under different categories. Important information about BOI AXA Mutual Fund Name of the AMCBOI AXA Investment Managers Private LimitedIncorporation Date31 March 2008SponsorsBank Of India and AXA Investment Managers, Asia Holdings Private Limited.TrusteeBOI AXA Trustee Services Private Limited.Trustees' NameMr. Ashok K Pathak- Associate Director Mr. A K Bhargava- Independent Director Mr. Himanshu Joshi- Independent Director  MD/CEOMr. Sandeep DasguptaCIOMr. Alok SinghCompliance OfficerMr. Harish KumarRegistrar and Transfer agentKFIN Technologies Private Limited Shop No 21, Osia Mall, First Floor, Near KTC Bus Stand SGDPA Market Complex, Margao-403601 Phone: 0832-2731823, Email:  mfsmargoa@Kfintech.com.Toll-free Number (Toll-Free) 1800 - 266 - 2676 / 1800 - 103 - 2263Email Addressservice@boiaxa-im.comRegistered AddressBOI AXA Investment Managers Private Limited, B/204, Tower 1, Peninsula Corporate Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013. Website:www.boiaxamf.com Ten top-performing BOI AXA Mutual Fund Schemes BOI AXA Tax Advantage Fund (Category- Equity: ELSS) BOI AXA Manufacturing and Infrastructure Fund (Category – Equity: Sectoral) BOI AXA Ultra Short Duration Fund (Category - Debt: Ultrashort Bond) BOI AXA Liquid Fund (Category - Debt: Liquid) BOI AXA Small Cap Fund (Category - Equity: Small Cap) BOI AXA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund (Category - Equity: Large and Mid Cap) BOI AXA Mid & Small Cap Equity & Debt Fund (Category - Hybrid: Aggressive) BOI AXA Conservative Hybrid Fund (Category – Hybrid: Conservative) BOI AXA Equity Debt Rebalancer Fund (Category – Debt: Dynamic Asset Allocation) BOI AXA Short-Term Income Fund (Category - Debt: Short Term) 1. BOI AXA Tax Advantage Fund (Category- Equity: ELSS) This fund is suitable for investors who are looking to invest money for at least 3 years and looking for additional benefits of income tax saving apart from higher returns expectations. The scheme seeks to generate long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities across all market capitalizations. This scheme is suitable for long-term capital growth. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500  Minimum Additional Investment INR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Entry LoadNil Exit Load1% for redemption within 365 daysIf redeemed after 1 year (365 days) from the date of allotment: NILReturn Since Inception13.1% ( Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: February 25, 2009) 18.54% ( Direct-Growth) (Date of Inception: February 25, 2009)NAVINR 79.13 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 88 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct Growth)AUMINR 417 Cr (As on March 31, 2021) 2. BOI AXA Manufacturing and Infrastructure Fund (Category – Equity: Sectoral)  This is an open-ended equity sectoral scheme investing solely in companies belonging to manufacturing and infrastructure-related sectors. This is suitable for the more experienced equity investor who wants to take specific exposure to these specific sectors. Investors who have advanced knowledge of macro trends and prefer to bet for higher returns compared to other Equity funds often choose this fund. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500  Minimum Additional Investment INR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Entry LoadNil Exit LoadFor redemption/switch out up to 10% of the initial units allotted -within 1 year from the date of allotment: “NIL”Return Since Inception7.3% ( Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: March 5, 2010) 13.24% ( Direct-Growth) (Date of Inception: March 5, 2010)NAVINR 21.76 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 24.05 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct-Growth)AUMINR 46 Cr (As on March 31, 2021) 3. BOI AXA Ultra Short Duration Fund This scheme seeks to deliver reasonable market-related returns with lower risk and higher liquidity through a portfolio of debt and money market instruments. Investors who want to invest for the very short term and are looking for an alternative to bank accounts/deposits find this scheme suitable for them. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5000  Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 5000Entry LoadNil Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception8.2% ( Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: July 16, 2008) 8.09% ( Direct-Growth) (Date of Inception: July 16, 2008)NAVINR 2526.5327 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 2575.26 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct-Growth)AUMINR 294  Cr (As on March 31, 2021) 4. BOI AXA Liquid Fund (Category - Debt: Liquid) The scheme seeks to deliver reasonable market-related returns with lower risk and higher liquidity through a portfolio of debt and money market instruments. Investors who want to invest for the very short term and are looking for an alternative to bank accounts/deposits find this scheme suitable for them. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 1000  Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1000Entry LoadNil Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception7.3% ( Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: July 16, 2008) NAVINR 2353.5975 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 2372.0066 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct-Growth)AUMINR 235   Cr (As on March 31, 2021) 5. BOI AXA Small Cap Fund (Category - Equity: Small Cap): The investment objective of the scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equity-related securities of small-cap companies. This scheme is suitable for investors who are looking to invest money for at least 3-4 years and looking for very high returns Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5000  Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 5000Entry LoadNil Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception33% ( Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: December 19, 2018) 34.9% ( Direct-Growth) (Date of Inception: December 19, 2018)NAVINR 18.71 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 19.54 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct-Growth)AUMINR 119   Cr (As on March 31, 2021) 6. BOI AXA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund (Category - Equity: Large and Mid Cap) The scheme seeks to generate income and long-term capital appreciation by investing through a diversified portfolio of predominantly large-cap and mid-cap equity and equity-related securities including equity derivatives. Investors who are looking to invest money for at least 3-4 years and looking for high returns often find this scheme suitable for them. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5000  Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1000Entry LoadNil Exit LoadFor redemption/switch out up to 10% of the initial units allotted -within 1 year from the date of allotment: “NIL”Return Since Inception12.47% (Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: October 21, 2008)  NAVINR 43.5 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 47.8 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct Growth)AUMINR 181.18   Cr (As on March 31, 2021) 7. BOI AXA Mid & Small Cap Equity & Debt Fund (Category - Hybrid: Aggressive) The scheme's objective is to provide capital appreciation and income distribution to investors from a portfolio constituting mid and small-cap equity and equity-related securities as well as fixed-income securities. This is suitable for investors who want to invest for 5 years or more. The returns may be slightly lower than those of pure equity funds and they do not fall sharply when the market changes. This makes the scheme suitable for conservative equity investors or first-time equity investors who are not used to sharp ups and downs. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5000  Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1000Entry LoadNil Exit LoadFor redemption/switch out up to 10% of the initial units allotted -within 1 year from the date of allotment: “NIL”Return Since Inception12.53% (Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: July 20, 2016) 13-51% ( Direct-Growth) (Date of Inception: July 20, 2016)NAVINR 17.54 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 18.28 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct Growth)AUMINR 303 Cr (As on March 31, 2021) 8. BOI AXA Conservative Hybrid Fund (Category – Hybrid: Conservative) The scheme seeks to generate regular income through investments in fixed-income securities and also to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing a portion in equity and equity-related instruments. Conservative hybrid funds invest nearly a quarter of your money in equity shares and the rest in bonds. These funds are suitable for those who are not comfortable with too much volatility in the value of their investments and are content with moderate returns which are slightly higher than returns from fixed-income options. This scheme is suitable for those looking for a regular income from their asset accumulation. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 10000  Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1000Entry LoadNil Exit LoadFor redemption/switch out of upto 10% of the initial units allotted within 1 year from the date of allotment: NilReturn Since Inception6.46% (Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: March 18, 2009) 6.71% ( Direct-Growth) (Date of Inception: March 18, 2009)NAVINR 21.3439 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 22.2377 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct-Growth)AUMINR 59 Cr (As on March 31, 2021) 9. BOI AXA Equity Debt Rebalancer Fund (Category – Debt: Dynamic Asset Allocation) The scheme aims at generating long-term returns with lower volatility by following a disciplined allocation between equity and debt securities. The equity allocation will be determined based on the month-end P/E ratio of the Nifty 50 Index. This type of fund invests your money in equity shares and bonds though their proportions are not fixed. These funds tend to fall less than pure equity funds when the stock markets decline because of their debt allocation. This makes them suitable for conservative equity investors. But do not choose this fund if you are not in a position to invest for at least 5 years. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5000  Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1000Entry LoadNil Exit LoadFor redemption/switch out of upto 10% of the initial units allotted within 1 year from the date of allotment: NilReturn Since Inception6.44%% (Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: March 14, 2014) 7.02% ( Direct-Growth) (Date of Inception: March 14, 2014)NAVINR 15.5881 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 16.2051 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct-Growth)AUMINR 71 Cr (As on March 31, 2021) 10. BOI AXA Short-Term Income Fund (Category - Debt: Short Term) The scheme seeks to generate income and capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of debt and money market securities. This fund is suitable for investors who want to invest for 1-3 years and are looking for an alternative to bank deposits.  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5000  Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1000Entry LoadNil Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception4.48%  (Regular-Growth) (Date of Inception: December 18, 2008) 4.67% ( Direct-Growth) (Date of Inception: December 18, 2008)NAVINR 17.1766 (April 23, 2021) (Regular Growth) INR 18.3323 (April 23, 2021)  (Direct-Growth)AUMINR 26 Cr (As on March 31, 2021) How can you invest in BOI AXA Mutual Fund Via EduFund? Step 1 - Download the EduFund App from Google Play Store or Apple App Store and create an online account. Step 2 - Select a Scheme - Browse a wide range of BOI AXA Mutual Fund schemes and choose the right scheme suiting your financial goals. You may invest in a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) or a lump sum. The inbuilt recommendation engine suggests the best scheme for your financial objectives. Step 3 - View and Track Your Transaction(s) - The amount you have invested will reflect in your EduFund account within four working days. You can track the BOI AXA Mutual Fund NAV, account balance, statement, and other information in the app. Alternatively, you can purchase, redeem, or switch BOI AXA Mutual Fund units. Step 4 - Speak with a Mutual Fund Counsellor - You can connect with a mutual fund consultant to share your goals and get personalized advice.  EduFund uses top-class authentication and encryption technologies to ensure bank-like secured transactions and safeguard your investments.   Fund managers at BOI AXA Mutual Fund  It is the fund managers who play a prominent role in driving value and generating growth. The following are the four best-performing fund managers in BOI AXA Mutual Fund whose funds have consistently performed the best returns.  1. Mr. Alok Singh - Chief Investment Officer Mr. Singh is a CFA and PGDBA from ICFAI Business School. Before joining BOI AXA AMC, he worked with BNP Paribas Asset Management and Axis Bank. He has an AUM of INR 745Cr and handles 28 schemes. 2. Mr. Ajay Khandelwal - Fund Manager - Equity Mr. Khandelwal is an MBA & Bachelor of Engineering. Before joining BOI AXA Mutual Fund, he worked with B&K Securities & Infosys. He has an AUM of INR585 Cr and handles 16 schemes. 3. Mr. Akash Manghani - Fund Manager - Equity Mr. Manghani has a Bachelor's in Engineering. Before joining BOI AXA Mutual Fund, he worked with Pioneer Investcorp Ltd., Girik Capital, and Amdocs Ltd. His AUM is INR 495Cr and handles 2 schemes.  4. Mr. Amit Modani - Fund Manager - Fixed income Mr. Modani is a Chartered Accountant. Before joining BOI AXA Mutual Fund, he worked with Quantum Asset Management Company Private Limited and Pramerica Asset Managers Pvt. Ltd. His AUM is INR805Cr and handles 18 schemes. Why should you invest in BOI AXA Mutual Fund?  The BOI AXA Mutual Fund is one of India's largest mutual fund houses. Although smaller in Assets under Management or AUM, BOI AXA Mutual Fund has grown from strength to strength over the past few years.    The BOI AXA Mutual Fund is known for its wide range of packages and superior returns. Their investment capabilities are designed to offer the greatest flexibility to their clients for both core and specialist asset classes.  In Equity, they have more than four decades of active investment experience, underpinned by fundamental research and a long-term approach, designed to capture future trends. Backed by fully integrated risk controls, they offer a broad suite of solutions designed to meet a wide range of client outcomes. With more than four decades of active equity investment experience, their experts employ a bottom-up investment approach to help clients successfully navigate the changing investment landscape and capture the growth drivers of tomorrow.  Equity funds are sometimes also called stock funds. The primary objective of these funds is to facilitate capital appreciation by investing a major portion of the funds in stocks, while a smaller portion may be in bonds, notes, and other debt-related securities. An Equity fund can be an open-ended or a closed-ended fund that allows the investor to invest a small amount of money in a diversified portfolio. Experienced fund managers often do this to minimize the risk associated with investing in equity markets.  BOI AXA Mutual Fund offers BOI AXA Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund, BOI AXA Tax Advantage Fund, BOI AXA Manufacturing & Infrastructure Fund, BOI AXA Small Cap Fund, and BOI AXA Flexi Cap Fund in the Equity category.  Hybrid Funds of BOI AXA Mutual Funds seek to balance the risk and high capital appreciation of equity investments with the lower risk and more consistent returns provided by debt investments. Under the Hybrid category, they offer BOI AXA Conservative Hybrid Fund, BOI AXA Equity Debt Balancer Fund, BOI AXA Mid & Small Cap Equity & Debt Fund, and BOI AXA Arbitrage Fund.   Debt funds are usually preferred by risk-averse individuals who seek to generate returns at rates that are higher than those offered by investment options such as fixed deposits. BOI AXA mutual funds offer BOI AXA Liquid Fund, BOI AXA Ultra Short Duration Fund, BOI AXA Short Term Income Fund, BOI AXA Credit Risk Fund and BOI AXA Overnight Fund in the debt category.  To identify investment opportunities, their quantitative investing pioneers use technology and modeling to deliver fundamental strategies underpinned by environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles.  Through bottom-up credit analysis and top-down macroeconomic research, their specialists aim to deliver outcome-oriented solutions for their clients via a suite of products that span the fixed-income spectrum.   Their well-established team targets stable, predictable income arising from a diversified risk exposure that complements traditional allocations. They draw on their size and experience to source opportunities across the alternative credit spectrum, adapted to the specific needs of their clients.  Their diverse team of investment professionals and researchers share a common goal – to responsibly design the best combination of asset classes and investment management techniques according to clients’ needs. They combine in-depth, in-country knowledge with longstanding experience, strong convictions, and a thorough understanding of capital structures.  100 % of core managers have access to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scores and research, which enable them to integrate their ESG fundamentals and apply these non-financial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities. Investing and redeeming BOI AXA Mutual Fund is a very easy and hassle-free task. The portfolio maintained by the BOI AXA Mutual Funds is always maintained by averaging the risk and the return, and investors can expect a good rate of return while featuring a balanced risk. An investor can also choose Systematic Investment Planning by which he can save some part of his monthly income in mutual funds, and in the long term, can make more money for his future goals.  BOI AXA Mutual Funds believes in complete transparency and publishes regular reports regarding the status of its various investments, and an investor can view this portfolio at any time. Select EduFund for investing in BOI AXA Mutual Fund  EduFund makes the process of investing in BOI AXA Mutual Fund convenient. EduFund's experienced consultants give you customized solutions for all your financial goals. You can start investing from a lowly INR 5,000 and grow your capital comfortably. With EduFund, you get the following benefits: Customized Research-Based Financial Plan - EduFund's scientific fund tracker screens over 1 lakh data points and 400 financial scenarios to recommend you the best mutual funds.  Customer-Friendly Counsellors Help You Create a Financial Plan - EduFund's counselors are trained to handle all kinds of queries from customers. They spend as much time with you as you need and resolve all your issues to help you create a robust financial plan. Invest Less, Earn More - Not only the best Indian mutual funds, but EduFund also offers you the facility to invest in US Dollar ETFs and international mutual funds. Use Free Tools - EduFund offers various free tools for its customers, including College Savings Calculator, SIP calculator, etc.  No Technical Expertise Required - You do not need to be a finance expert to understand which mutual fund is the best for you. EduFund does it for you. Value-Added Benefits - You may get value-added benefits like no commission, free advisory, and nil-hidden charges. Secure Transactions - EduFund is RIA-registered and uses top-class 128-SSL security to enable safe transactions. Special Support for Children's Education - EduFund has a dedicated team of experts who help you fulfill your children's educational goals.  FAQ What is the full form of BOI AXA?   BOI AXA Investment Managers Private Limited is a joint venture between Bank of India and AXA Investment Managers, a part of AXA Group, one of the world’s largest players in the Financial Protection industry.   Who is the registrar of BOI AXA mutual fund?   KFIN Technologies Private Limited Shop No 21, Osia Mall, First Floor, Near KTC Bus Stand SGDPA Market Complex, Margao-403601 Phone: 0832-2731823, Email: mfsmargoa@Kfintech.com.   What is the BOI AXA tax advantage fund?   This fund is suitable for investors who are looking to invest money for at least 3 years and looking for additional benefits of income tax saving apart from higher returns expectations.   Can I withdraw from ELSS after 1 year?   Equity Linked Savings Schemes, also known as ELSS, are mutual fund investment plans that enable income tax reduction. They are also referred to be tax-saving funds for this reason. They all have mandatory lock-in periods, although theirs is the shortest at only three years.
Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund: NAV, Performance & Latest MF Schemes

Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund: NAV, Performance & Latest MF Schemes

Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund is among the top 10 Asset Management Companies (AMC) in India in terms of Assets under Management (AuM) size. The fund house's Average Assets Under Management in the December 2020 quarter was INR 21,622,792.11.  The asset manager of Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund (KMMF) is Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Limited (KMAMC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited. The Kotak Mahindra Group was established in 1985 and has a legacy of over thirty years in the financial sector. The group received a banking license in 2003 and earned the distinction of becoming the first-ever non-banking financial company to get a banking license. The Kotak Mahindra Group's consolidated net worth exceeds US$ 5 billion. It provides services in commercial banking, mutual funds, stockbroking, investment banking, and life insurance. Besides hundreds of branches, the group also has an International Business Unit in Gujarat's GIFT City and several international offices in Singapore, Mauritius, Dubai, London, New York, and Abu Dhabi.  Kotak Mahindra AMC launched its operations in December 1998 and presently has over 74 lakh active investors investing in various mutual fund schemes. It has more than 85 branches in more than 82 Indian cities targeting all categories of investors. According to industry estimates, almost 95% of DSP mutual fund schemes provide benchmark-beating returns in their category. Kotak Mahindra AMC is the first AMC in India to launch a gilt scheme that invests solely in government securities.  Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund offers mutual fund schemes in the following categories: Equity - 13 nos. Debt - 12 nos. Hybrid - 5 nos. Tax Saver - 1 no. Liquid and Overnight Scheme - 1 no. Fund of Funds - 3 nos. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) - 6 nos. Index Funds - 1 no. Important information about Kotak Mahindra mutual fund Mutual Fund NameKotak Mahindra Mutual FundEstablished On23rd June 1998Date of Incorporation5th August 1994SponsorKotak Mahindra Bank LimitedTrusteeKotak Mahindra Trustee Co. Ltd.Directors, Trustee CompanyMr Amit Krishnakant Desai Mr Sharadkumar Bhatia Mr Chandrashekhar Sathe Mr Uday PhadkeDirectors, Asset Management CompanyMr Uday S. Kotak Mr Nilesh Shah Mr Chengalath Jayaram Mr Gaurang Shah Mr Nalin Shah Mr Sanjiv Malhotra Ms Anjali Bansal Mr Krishnakumar NatarajanChairmanMr. Uday KotakGroup President & Managing Director, KMAMCMr. Nilesh ShahChief Operations OfficerMr. R. KrishnanCompliance Officer & Company SecretaryMs. Jolly BhattChief Investment Officer ( Debt) & Head ProductsMs. Lakshmi IyerSr. Vice President & Fund Manager - EquityMr. Harish KrishnanInvestor Service OfficerMs. Sushma MataRegistrarComputer Age Management Services Ltd. Address: 7th Floor, Tower II, Rayala Towers, 158, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600002 Phone: 1800-3010-6767 / 1800-419-7676 Fax: 044-30407101 Email: enq_h@camsonline.com Website: www.camsonline.comAuditorsGrant Thornton India LLP 9th Floor, Classic Pentagon, Near Bisleri,Western Express Highway,Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 099CustodiansDeutsche Bank AG Deutsche Bank House,Hazarimal Somani Marg, FortMumbai 400 001 Standard Chartered Bank 23/25, M. G. RoadAMC AddressKotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Ltd Address: 27 BKC, C-27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400051Phone Number022-61152100 / 1800-22-2626Fax022-66384455Emailmutual@kotak.comWebsitehttp://www.kotakmutual.com Ten top-performing Kotak Mahindra mutual fund schemes  Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund schemes have consistently generated gravity-defying returns across all timeframes. Most of its schemes have beaten the benchmark in their category. The following are the top 10 Kotak Mutual Fund schemes that give the best returns. 1. Kotak Small Cap Fund (Category - Equity: Small Cap) This open-ended fund invests in high-quality small-sized companies that have tremendous growth potential.  The fund has a NAV of 117.4490 (Regular Growth) (as of 19th April 2021), and is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Small Cap' category. The fund was launched on 24th February 2005 and has given trailing returns of 105% in one year (as of 19th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY Smallcap 100 TRI as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 365 daysReturn Since Inception (24th February 2005):INR 3,423 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Assets2.20% (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.20% (as on 31st March, 2021) 2. Kotak Pioneer Fund (Category - Equity: Thematic) This open-ended fund invests in overseas mutual funds and Indian companies with innovative business ideas and growth potential. The fund has a NAV of 15.2040 (Regular Growth) (as of 19th April 2021), and is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Thematic' category. The fund was launched on 31st October 2019 and has given trailing returns of 81.32% in one year (as of 19th April 2021). The fund considers the Kotak India Pioneering Innovations Index (85), and MSCI ACWI Information Technology TRI (15) as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 365 daysReturn Since Inception (31st October 2019):2.36% (as of 31st March 2021)Assets2.36% (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense RatioINR 914 Crore (as of 31st March 2021) 3. Kotak Emerging Equity Fund (Category - Equity: Mid Cap) This open-ended fund invests in high-quality mid-sized companies with good fundamentals.  This open-ended fund has a NAV of 56.4960 (Regular Growth) (as of 19th April 2021), and is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Mid Cap' category. The fund was launched on 30th March 2007 and has given trailing returns of 74.61% in one year (as of 19th April, 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY Midcap 100 TRI as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 365 daysReturn Since Inception (30th March 2007):13.10% (as of 19th April 2021)AssetsINR 10,938 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio1.85% (as of 31st March 2021) 4. Kotak NV 20 ETF (Category - Equity: Large Cap) This open-ended fund invests in top-class companies in the large-cap segment. The fund has a NAV of 78.8651 (IDCW) (as of 19th April 2021), and is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Large Cap' category. The fund was launched on 2nd December 2015 and has given trailing returns of 62.42% in one year (as of 19th April, 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 50 Value 20 TRI as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP Investment-Minimum Withdrawal-Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception (2nd December 2015):16.56% (as of 19th April 2021)AssetsINR 19 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.14% (as of 31st March 2021) 5. Kotak Infrastructure and Economic Reform Fund - Standard Plan (Category - Equity: Sectoral - Infrastructure) This open-ended fund invests in companies that can benefit from the infrastructural reform. The fund has a NAV of 23.9400 (Regular Growth) (as of 19th April 2021), and is one of the best-performing funds in the 'Equity: Sectoral - Infrastructure' category. The fund was launched on 25th February 2008 and has given trailing returns of 60.38% in one year (as of 19th April, 2021). The fund considers the India Infrastructure TRI as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 365 daysReturn Since Inception (25th February 2008):2.50% (as of 31st March 2021)Assets2.50% (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense RatioINR 341 Crore (as of 31st March 2021) 6. Kotak India EQ Contra Fund (Category - Equity: Value Oriented) This open-ended contrarian fund invests in companies with high growth potential but not much participation in the sectoral rally. The fund has a NAV of 67.7280  (Regular Growth) (as of 19th April 2021) and is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Value Oriented' category. The fund was launched on 27th July 2005 and has given trailing returns of 57.83% in one year (as of 19th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 100 TRI as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 365 daysReturn Since Inception (27th July 2005):2.35% (as of 31st March 2021)Assets2.35% (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense RatioINR 943 Crore (as of 31st March 2021) 7. Kotak Bluechip Fund (Category - Equity: Large Cap) This open-ended contrarian fund invests in large-cap companies with high growth potential. The fund has a NAV of 305.8890 (Regular Growth) (as of 19th April 2021), and is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Large Cap' category. The fund was launched on 29th December 1998 and has given trailing returns of 54.73% in one year (as of 19th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 50 TRI as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 100Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 365 daysReturn Since Inception (29th December 1998):INR 2,357 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)AssetsINR 2,357 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2.33% (as of 31st March 2021) 8. Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund (Category - Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid) This open-ended hybrid fund invests up to 80% of your money in equity stocks and the rest in bonds and high-quality debt instruments.  The fund has a NAV of 19.7240 (Regular Growth) (as on 19th April, 2021), and is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid' category. The fund was launched on 25th November 1999 and has given trailing returns of 53.47% in one year (as on 19th April, 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 65:35 as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 365 daysReturn Since Inception (25th November 1999):14.27% (as on 19th April, 2021)AssetsINR 1,380 Crore (as on 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.23% (as on 31st March, 2021) 9. Kotak Global Emerging Market Fund (Category - Equity: International) This open-ended hybrid fund invests in foreign companies' shares. The fund has a NAV of 23.7030 (Regular Growth) (as of 19th April 2021), and is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: International' category. The fund was launched on 26th September 2007 and has given trailing returns of 55.47% in one year (as of 19th April 2021). The fund considers the MSCI Emerging Markets as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 365 daysReturn Since Inception (26th September 2007):INR 128 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Assets6.57% (as of 19th April 2021)Expense RatioINR 128 Crore (as of 31st March 2021) 10. Kotak Focused Equity Fund (Category - Equity: Flexi Cap) This open-ended fund invests in quality companies across sectors that have the potential for healthy growth. The fund has a NAV of 13.1670 (Regular Growth) (as of 19th April 2021), and is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Flexi Cap' category. The fund was launched on 16th July 2019 and has given trailing returns of 51.59% in one year (as of 19th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 200 TRI as its benchmark.   Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 365 daysReturn Since Inception (16th July 2019:2.19% (as on 31st March 2021)AssetsINR 1,865 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2.19% (as of 31st March 2021) How can you invest in the Kotak Mahindra mutual fund via EduFund? EduFund makes investing in Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund easy. Its secure interface, with top-class authentication and encryption technology, ensures bank-like safe transactions and account management. You can quickly invest in a Kotak Mahindra mutual fund scheme by following the below-mentioned steps. Step 1: Download the EduFund app on Google Play Store or Apple App Store and create an account. Step 2:  Choose a scheme and select 'Systematic Investment Plan' (SIP) or 'Invest a Lump Sum.' SIP starts from INR 500 every month, and the lump sum begins from INR 5,000.  Step 3: EduFund provides you with the option to invest, redeem units, close the account, and switch your investment from one fund to another. You can get all information at your fingertips. Step 4: You may talk to a counselor to figure out the best scheme for your financial goals. EduFund's counselors assess your requirements and scan multiple data points to recommend the best Kotak Mahindra mutual fund scheme(s) for you.  Seven best-performing fund managers at Kotak Mahindra Mutual fund 1. Mr. Abhishek Bisen Mr. Abhishek Bisen, Senior Vice President, of Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company (KMAMC), joined the company in 2006. His educational qualifications include B.A. (Management) and MBA (Finance). Before joining KMAMC, he worked with the Securities Trading Corporation Of India Ltd. He looks after eight (8) schemes of KMAMC, including Kotak Debt Hybrid, Kotak Equity Hybrid, Kotak Gold ETF, Kotak Balanced Advantage Fund, and Kotak Equity Savings.  2. Mr. Deepak Agrawal Mr. Deepak Agrawal, Senior Vice President, Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company (KMAMC), started his career with Kotak AMC in December 2002. He was initiated into research and dealing, and in November 2006, he entered into fund management. Mr. Agrawal's educational qualifications include M.Com, CA, and C.S. He manages all Fixed Maturity Plans and twelve (12) funds of KMAMC, including Kotak Dynamic Bond Fund, Kotak Floating Rate Fund, Kotak Banking, and PSU Debt Fund, Kotak Money Market Fund, and Kotak Liquid Fund.  3. Mr. Harsha Upadhyaya Mr. Harsha Upadhyaya, Chief Investment Officer - Equity, Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company (KMAMC), has over twenty years of fund management and equity research experience. His educational qualifications include a B.E. (Mechanical) from the National Institute of Technology, Suratkal, PGDM Finance (IIM, Lucknow), and CFA (CFA Institute, USA). Before joining KMAMC, he worked for several financial organizations like UTI Asset Management, DSP BlackRock, SG Asia Securities, and the Reliance Group. Mr. Upadhyaya looks after four (4) funds of KMAMC, including Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund, Kotak Tax Saver Fund, Kotak Standard Multicap Fund, and Kotak ESG Opportunities Fund.  4. Mr. Harish Krishnan Mr. Harish Krishnan, Sr. Vice President & Fund Manager - Equity, Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company (KMAMC), has over a decade of fund management and equity research experience. Before joining Kotak Mutual Fund, he managed Kotak's offshore funds in Dubai and Singapore. He also worked with Infosys Technologies Ltd. His educational qualifications include B.Tech ECE (GEC, Trichur), PGDM (IIM, Kozhikode), and CFA (CFA Institute, USA). Mr. Krishnan manages seven (7) funds of KMAMC, including Kotak Pioneer Fund, Kotak Bluechip Fund, Kotak Focused Equity Fund, Kotak India Growth Fund Series 5, and Kotak Infrastructure & Economic Reform Fund.  5. Mr Pankaj Tibrewal Mr. Pankaj Tibrewal, Sr. Vice President & Fund Manager (Equity), Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company (KMAMC), holds the distinction of being featured in the Outlook Business list of top-10 fund managers in India for four consecutive years between 2016 and 2019. His educational qualifications include B.Com (St. Xavier's College, Kolkata) and a Master's in Finance (Manchester University, U.K.). Mr. Tibrewal has over 17 years of experience in managing several equity and debt schemes. Before joining KMAMC, he served as Principal Mutual Fund. He looks after three (3) funds at KMAMC, including Kotak Small Cap Fund, Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund, and Kotak Emerging Equity Fund.  6. Ms Shibani Sircar Kurian  Ms. Shibani Sircar Kurian, Fund Manager - Equity, Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company (KMAMC), has more than twenty (20) years of experience in equity markets. She presides over equity research at KMAMC. Her primary responsibility is to track the banking, financial services, and Information Technology sectors. Before joining KMAMC, she worked with UTI Mutual Fund and Dawnay Day A.V. Financial Services. Her educational qualifications include B.Sc. Economics Hons. (St. Xavier's College, Kolkata) and PGDM Finance (T.A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal). Ms. Kurian manages three (3) mutual fund schemes in KMAMC, including Kotak India EQ Contra Fund, Kotak Focused Equity Fund, and Kotak India Growth Fund Series 7.  7. Mr Devender Singhal Mr Devender Singhal, Fund Manager - Equity, joined Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company in July 2007. He has fourteen (14) years of experience in fund management and equity research in several financial institutions like Kotak Securities Ltd., Religare, Karvy, P N Vijay Financial Services Pvt Ltd, and Dundee Mutual Fund. His educational qualifications include B.Sc. Maths (Delhi University) and PGDM Finance (FORE School of Management, New Delhi). He manages eight (8) funds at KMAMC, including Kotak Debt Hybrid Fund, Kotak India Growth Fund Series-4, Kotak NV20 ETF, Kotak Banking ETF, and Kotak PSU Bank ETF.  Why should you invest in Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund? Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund offers various schemes across asset classes. The fund house is present in 80 cities, where it has over 84 branches. Several of its schemes have provided benchmark-beating returns since inception and across all timeframes. The AMC also provides many educational resources for new and experienced mutual fund investors on its website. Hence, you should invest in Kotak Mahindra mutual fund to get decent returns on your investment. Select EduFund for investing in Kotak Mahindra mutual fund EduFund eliminates the need to browse all Kotak Mahindra mutual fund schemes, as it scans one lakh data points and 400 financial scenarios to help you pick the best scheme for you. EduFund enables you to set a financial goal, such as children's higher education, and its free calculator helps you calculate the cost. Once you have determined the cost, you can check which Kotak Mahindra mutual fund scheme(s) can help grow your capital. You may also speak to a counselor for free, who will happily guide you in finding the best scheme.      EduFund's educational resources and free tools are meant to make Kotak Mahindra mutual fund investments simpler for you. And, EduFund's 128-SSL security parameter guarantees 100% safe transactions and secure portfolio management.  FAQs Which is the best Kotak Mahindra fund? Top-rated Kotak Mahindra mutual funds: Kotak Small Cap Fund (Category – Equity: Small Cap) Kotak Pioneer Fund (Category – Equity: Thematic) Kotak Emerging Equity Fund (Category – Equity: Mid Cap) Kotak NV 20 ETF (Category – Equity: Large Cap) Kotak Infrastructure and Economic Reform Fund – Standard Plan (Category – Equity: Sectoral – Infrastructure) Is Kotak mutual fund safe? Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund offers various schemes across asset classes. The fund house is present in 80 cities, where it has over 84 branches. Several of its schemes have provided benchmark-beating returns since inception and across all timeframes. The AMC also provides many educational resources for new and experienced mutual fund investors on its website. Hence, you can consider investing in Kotak Mahindra mutual fund to get decent returns on your investment. Please talk to a financial expert before investing in this fund. Can I withdraw the mutual fund anytime? You can withdraw your mutual fund investment anytime unless it’s Equity Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS) which has a lock-in period of 3 years. But investors should keep in mind if there is any exit load applicable on investments which is the charge deducted by AMCs to discourage investors from withdrawing the money prematurely. Which is better MF or SIP?   There are two types of investments in a mutual fund- Lump sum and SIP. Lump sum investments are best suited in ELSS, where they draw higher returns when the market is steady. SIPs usually perform better in a volatile market. DisclaimerThe data in this presentation are meant for general reading purposes only and are not meant to serve as a professional guide/investment advice for the readers. This presentation has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable.Whilst no action has been suggested or offered based upon the information provided herein, due care has been taken to endeavor that the facts are accurate and reasonable as of date. The information placed on the presentation is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or buy a security.The Company reserves the right to make modifications and alterations to the content available on the presentation. Readers are advised to seek independent professional advice and arrive at an informed investment decision before making any investment. Investment in the securities market is subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. Past performance of securities/instruments is not indicative of their future performance. The valuation of securities may increase or decrease depending on the factors affecting the securities market.
L&T Mutual Fund: Invest in High-Performing Funds

L&T Mutual Fund: Invest in High-Performing Funds

L&T Mutual Fund is the 12th largest mutual fund house by asset size in India. The fund house manages assets worth (AUM) INR 72, 873.58 crore AUM as of March 31, 2021. As of January 31, 2021, their AUM was INR 68,476.08, which had gone up by  INR 5919.09 Cr from its INR 63057.2 Cr in September 2020. L&T Mutual Fund is a wholly-owned subsidiary of L&T Finance Holdings Limited, a renowned listed company registered with RBI as an NBFC. Its stress has been on delivering superior long-term risk-adjusted performance. L&T Mutual Fund follows a disciplined approach to investment and risk management known as GEM: Generation of new ideas for both equity and fixed-income funds, Evaluation of companies based on various filters & parameters and, monitoring of portfolios, and choosing those that have the most potential. L&T Mutual Fund holds over 2, 534,445 live folios and 42 Investor Service Centres ( April 16, 2021) L&T Mutual Fund offers a wide variety of schemes to investors. It offers Equity Funds, Fixed Income Funds, Hybrid Funds, FMPs & Closed-Ended Funds, and Smart SIP combos. Some well-known equity schemes from its stable are L&T Midcap Fund, L&T Emerging Businesses Fund, etc. L&T Mutual Fund also offers some good debt funds. Some prominent debt schemes are L&T Short-Term Bond Fund, L&T Credit Risk Fund, L&T Liquid Fund, etc., L&T Hybrid Equity Fund, and L&T Arbitrage Opportunities Fund, which are well-known names in the hybrid schemes category.  L&T Mutual Fund has some of the best fund managers. The CEO is Kailash Kulkarni, the Head of Equity Investments is Venugopal Manghat, and the Head of Fixed-Income Investments is Shriram Ramanathan. Vihang Naik manages L&T Midcap Fund and L&T Emerging Businesses Fund. Jalpan Shah is specialized in managing various debt schemes of the fund house. Praveen Ayathan manages hybrid schemes like L&T Balanced Advantage Fund and L&T Arbitrage Opportunities Fund.  The vision of the fund house is to be an admirable, inspirational, and sustainable financial institution in the country.  Important information about L&T Mutual Fund  Name of the AMCL&T Investment Management LimitedIncorporation Date30 April 1996SponsorsL&T Finance Holdings Limited TrusteeL&T Mutual Fund Trustee LimitedTrustees' NameMr. Hemant Yeshwant Joshi, (Independent Director) Mr. Shailesh Vishnubhai Haribhakti, (Associate Director) Mr. Shriniwas Yeshwant Joshi (Independent Director) and Mr. Jayant Gokhale (Independent Director)  Chief Executive Mr. Kailash KulkarniCompliance OfficerL&T Investment Management Ltd.,  Brindavan, Plot No. 177, C.S.T Road, Kalina,  Mumbai 400 098 Contact No.: 022-66554115 complianceofficer@lntmf.co.inInvestor Relations Officer Mr. Ankur Banthiya  Registrar and Transfer agentM/s. Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd.  Address for correspondence C-101, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai 400 083 Tel.No. +91 22 49186000 Fax No. +91 22 49186060 Email: ltfinbuyback@linkintime.co.in Toll-Free No. 1800 2208 78Toll-free Number 1800 2000 400Email Addressinvestor.line@lntmf.co.inRegistered AddressL&T Investment Management Ltd, 6th Floor, Brindavan Plot No 177, CST Road, Kalina, Santacruz (E) Mumbai - 400098 Maharashtra, India. 10 top-performing L&T Mutual Fund Schemes  L&T Mutual Fund caters to investors with multiple needs, risk profiles as well as the horizon of investment. The funds' performance is calculated based on various parameters such as historic performance, the fund manager's track record, return consistency, and the AUM growth of the mutual fund. Investors can choose from over 140 L&T Mutual Fund schemes across different categories.  1. L&T India Large Cap Fund (Category-Equity: Large Cap; Regular, Growth) L&T India Large Cap Fund is considered suitable to generate long-term capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities, including equity derivatives, in the Indian markets. The scheme predominantly invests in large-cap stocks. The scheme could also additionally invest in Foreign Securities. L&T India Large Cap Fund is an Equity - Large Cap fund that was launched on Oct 23, 2007. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 10% since its launch. Ranked 56 in the Large Cap category, its NAV is INR 34.0990 (April 15, 2021). The fund has been giving 7.92% average annual returns since inception. The benchmark for this scheme is S&P BSE 100 TRI Index. The Annual Recurring Expenses of the L&T India Large Cap Fund -Regular Plan- is 2.25% (As of 31st March 2021) and on Direct Plan is 1.41% (As on 31st March 2021.) This product is suitable for investors who are seeking long-term capital appreciation, investment in equity and equity-related securities, including equity derivatives in the Indian markets and foreign securities; with predominant investments in large-cap stocks. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadIf the units redeemed or switched out are up to 10% of the units purchased or switched in (“the limit”) within 1 year from the date of allotment: Nil. If units redeemed or switched out are over and above the limit within 1 year from the date of allotment: 1% of applicable NAV. If units are redeemed or switched out on or after 1 year from the date of allotment: Nil. No Exit load/CDSC will be chargeable in case of switches made between different options of the Scheme.  No Exit load will be chargeable in case of (i) Units allotted on account of dividend reinvestments, and (ii) Units issued by way of the bonus if any.Fund sizeINR 605.57 Cr (on April 15, 2021) Annual Recurring Expenses (Regular Plan) Annual Recurring Expenses (Direct Plan)  2.25% (As of 31st March 2021)1.41% (As of 31st March 2021) 2. L&T Triple Ace Bond Fund (Category-Debt: Corporate Bond; Regular, Growth) L& T Triple Ace Bond fund is suitable to generate regular and stable income for the unitholder of the Scheme. The fund is invested predominantly in AA+ and above-rated debt and money market instruments. The corpus of the scheme would be invested primarily in debt market securities such as nonconvertible debentures, bonds issued by corporations, banks, and governments, commercial paper, certificates of deposits, and other money market instruments. The scheme would invest predominantly in securities rated by the Credit Rating and Information Services of India Limited (CRISIL) or any other rating agency.  L&T Triple Ace Bond Fund is a Debt - Corporate Bond fund that was launched on Jun 9, 1997. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 7.5% since its launch. Ranked 39 in the Corporate Bond category, it has a NAV of INR 57.0549 (April 15, 2021). The benchmark for this scheme is CRISIL Composite Credit Risk Index. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 10,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadIf the amount sought to be redeemed or switched out is invested for a period of up to 30 days from the date of allotment. : 0.5% of applicable NAV If the amount sought to be redeemed or switched out is invested for a period of more than 30 days from the date of allotment. : NILFund sizeINR 6,294.85Cr (on April 15, 2021) Annual Recurring Expenses (Regular Plan) Annual Recurring Expenses (Direct Plan)  0.63% (As of 31st March 2021)0.27% (As of 31st March 2021) 3. L&T Hybrid Equity Fund (Category-Hybrid: Aggressive; Regular-Growth) L&T Hybrid Equity Fund seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities and to generate reasonable returns through a portfolio of debt and money market instruments. L&T Hybrid Equity Fund is a Hybrid Equity fund that was launched on Feb 7, 2011. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 12.6% since its launch. This fund is ranked 5 in the Hybrid Equity category. The benchmark for this fund is CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index. It has a NAV of INR 32.3750 ( April 15, 2021). Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadIf the units redeemed or switched out are up to 10% of the units purchased or switched in ("the limit") within 1 year from the date of allotment: Nil. If units redeemed or switched out are over and above the limit within 1 year from the date of allotment: 1 % of Applicable NAV. If units are redeemed or switched out on or after 1 year from the date of allotment: NIL. A switch-out or a withdrawal under SWP may also attract an Exit Load like any Redemption. No Exit Load/CDSC will be chargeable in case of switches made between different options of the Scheme. No Exit Load will be chargeable in respect of redemption/switch out of (i) Units allotted on account of dividend re-investments; and (ii) Units issued by way of the bonus if any.Fund sizeINR 5,732.90 Cr (on April 15, 2021) Annual Recurring Expenses (Regular Plan) Annual Recurring Expenses (Direct Plan)  1.76% (As of 31st March 2021)0.80% (As of 31st March 2021) 4. L&T Balanced Advantage Fund (Formerly Known As L&T Dynamic Equity Fund)  (Category-Hybrid: Dynamic Asset Allocation; Regular, Growth) L&T Dynamic Equity Fund seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation from a diverse portfolio of equity and equity-related securities and to generate reasonable returns by investing in a portfolio of debt and money market instruments and arbitrage opportunities in the cash and derivative segments of the equity markets. L&T Dynamic Equity Fund is a Hybrid - Dynamic Allocation fund that was launched on Feb 7, 2011. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 11.1% since its launch. Ranked 28 in the Dynamic Allocation category, it has a NAV of INR 28.9420 (April 15, 2021). The benchmark for this fund is 50% - S&P BSE-200 TRI Index and 50% CRISIL Short-Term Bond Fund Index. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadIf the units redeemed or switched out are up to 10% of the units purchased or switched in ("the limit") within 1 year from the date of allotment: Nil. If units redeemed or switched out are over and above the limit within 1 year from the date of allotment: Nil. A switch out or withdrawal under SWP or transfer under STP (Except a transfer under STP (except a switch out or transfer under STP into any of the equity schemes or Fund of Fund schemes) may also attract an exit load/CDC like any redemption. No Exit Load/CDSC will be chargeable in case of switches made between different options of the Scheme. No Exit Load will be chargeable in respect of redemption / switch out of redemption of; (i) Units allotted on account of dividend. In case of units switched out/systematically transferred to another option/plan within the same plan/Scheme and if subsequently redeemed, for the purpose of determining the Exit Load, the date when such units were first allotted in the respective plan/Scheme will be considered as the purchase/allotment date.Fund sizeINR  1,014.10  Cr (on April 15, 2021) Annual Recurring Expenses (Regular Plan) Annual Recurring Expenses (Direct Plan)  1.95% (As of 31st March 2021)0.70%  (As of 31st March 2021) 5. L&T Banking and PSU Debt Fund (Category-Debt: Growth; Regular, Growth) L&T Banking and PSU Debt Fund are to generate reasonable returns by primarily investing in debt and money market securities that are issued by Banks, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and Public Financial Institutions (PFIs) in India. L&T Banking and PSU Debt Fund is a Debt - Banking & PSU Debt fund that was launched on Sep 12, 2012. It is a fund with Moderately Low risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 5% since its launch. It is ranked 39 in the Banking & PSU Debt category. Its NAV is INR 19.4495 (April 15, 2021). The benchmark for this fund is NIFTY Banking & PSU Debt Index. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 10,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadNILFund sizeINR  6,060.61Cr (on April 15, 2021) 0.61% (As of 31st March 2021)0.21% (As of 31st March 2021) 6. L&T Gilt Fund Regular (Category-Debt: Growth; Regular, Growth) L&T Gilt Fund seeks to generate returns from a portfolio of investments in Government Securities. L&T Gilt Fund is a Debt - Government Bond fund that was launched on Mar 29, 2000. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 8.3% since its launch. Ranked 10 in the Government Bond category, it has a NAV of INR 53.5978 (April 15, 2021). The benchmark for this fund is CRISIL Corporate Bond Composite Index. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 10,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadNILFund sizeINR  282.82 Cr (on April 15, 2021) Annual Recurring Expenses (Regular Plan) Annual Recurring Expenses (Direct Plan)  1.70% (As of 31st March 2021)0. 45% (As of 31st March 2021) 7. L&T Short Term Bond Fund (Category-Debt: Short Duration Fund; Regular, Growth) The investment aim of the scheme is to generate returns for investors with a short-term investment horizon by investing in fixed-income securities of shorter-term maturity. It aims to generate regular returns and capital appreciation by investing in debt, government, and money market securities. L&T Short-Term Bond Fund is a Debt - Short-term Bond fund that was launched on Dec 27, 2011. It is a fund with Moderately Low risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 8.3% since its launch. It is ranked 50 in the Short-Term Bond category. Its NAV is INR 20.8765 (April 15, 2021). The benchmark for this fund is NIFTY Short Duration Debt Index. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 10,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadNILFund sizeINR  4,515.41 Cr (on April 15, 2021) Annual Recurring Expenses (Regular Plan) Annual Recurring Expenses (Direct Plan)  0.75% (As of 31st March 2021)0.25% (As of 31st March 2021) 8. L&T Flexicap Fund (Formerly known as L&T Equity Fund) (Category-Equity: Multi-Cap; Regular, Growth) L&T Equity Fund seeks to generate long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities. This is an Equity - Multi-Cap fund that was launched on May 16, 2005. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 15.9% since its launch. Ranked 25 in the Multi-Cap category, its NAV is INR  100.3870 (April 15, 2021). The benchmark for this fund is S&P BSE-500 TRI Index. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadNILFund sizeINR  2,564.96 Cr (on April 15, 2021) Annual Recurring Expenses (Regular Plan) Annual Recurring Expenses (Direct Plan)  1.88% (As on 31st March 2021)1.24% (As on 31st March 2021)   9. L&T India Value Fund (Category-Equity: High Risk; Regular, Growth) L&T India Value Fund aims to generate long-term capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities in the Indian markets with a higher focus on undervalued securities. The scheme could also additionally invest in Foreign Securities in international markets. This is an Equity - Value fund that was launched on Jan 8, 2010. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 14.9% since its launch. It is ranked 4 in the Value category. Its NAV is INR 45.6410 (April 15, 2021). The benchmark for this fund is S&P BSE 200 TRI Index. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadIf the units redeemed or switched out are up to 10% of the units purchased or switched in (“the limit”) within 1 year from the date of allotment: Nil. If units redeemed or switched out are over and above the limit within 1 year from the date of allotment: 1% of applicable NAV. If units are redeemed or switched out on or after 1 year from the date of allotment: NilFund sizeINR  6,613.11Cr (on April 15, 2021) Annual Recurring Expenses (Regular Plan) Annual Recurring Expenses (Direct Plan)  1.71% (As of 31st March 2021)0.82% (As of 31st March 2021) 10. L&T Resurgent India Bond Fund (Formerly Known As L&T Resurgent India Corporate Bond Fund) (Category-Debt: Moderate Risk) This fund seeks to generate income by investing primarily in debt and money market securities of fundamentally strong corporate/companies in growth sectors that are closely associated with the resurgence of the domestic economy, with the flexibility to follow a more conservative investment approach during economic downturns. L&T Resurgent India Bond Fund is a Debt - Medium-term Bond fund that was launched on Feb 2, 2015. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 7.7% since its launch. Its NAV is INR 15.8417 (April 15, 2021).  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1,000Minimum Amount/ Number of Units for RedemptionINR 500 or 50 UnitExit LoadOn or before 1 year from the date of allotment or Purchase applying First in First Out basis - 1% of applicable NAV. After 1 year - NILFund sizeINR  806.95 Cr (on April 15, 2021) Annual Recurring Expenses (Regular Plan) Annual Recurring Expenses (Direct Plan)  1.50%  (As of 31st March 2021)0.60% (As of 31st March 2021) How can you invest in L&T Mutual Fund Via EduFund? Investing in L&T mutual fund via Edufund is a simple, four-step process.  Step 1 - Download the EduFund App from Google Play Store or Apple App Store and create an online account. Step 2 - Select a scheme - Browse a wide range of L&T mutual fund schemes and choose the right scheme to suit your financial goals. You may invest in a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) or a lump sum. The inbuilt recommendation engine suggests the best scheme for your financial objectives. Step 3 - View and Track Your Transaction(s) - The amount you have invested will reflect in your EduFund account within four working days. You can track the L&T mutual fund NAV, account balance, statement, and other information in the app. Also, you can purchase, redeem, or switch L&T mutual fund units. Step 4 - Speak with a Mutual Fund Counsellor - You can connect with a mutual fund consultant to discuss your goals and avail personalized advice.  EduFund uses top-class authentication and encryption technologies to ensure bank-like secured transactions and safeguard your investments.   Top 6 best performing Fund Managers At L&T Mutual Fund The fund manager plays a critical role in driving value and generating growth for your investments. The following are the best-performing fund manager in L&T AMC whose funds have been consistently bringing some of the best returns.  1. Mr. Venugopal Manghat- Head - Equities Mr. Venugopal Manghat is Head - Of Equities at L&T Investment Management Limited. He manages the L&T India Value Fund, L&T Business Cycles Fund, L&T India Large Cap Fund, and L&T Arbitrage Opportunities Fund. He also manages the equity component of the L&T Equity Savings Fund and L&T Monthly Income Plan.  Mr. Manghat has an experience of 25 years in equity markets in India. Before joining L&T Investment Management, he was Co-head of Equities at Tata Asset Management. He has worked for more than 16 years with Tata Asset Management Limited, having joined as a Management Trainee and has worked in various capacities, including as a dealer for equity & debt, as a research analyst for equity & credit, as Head of Research and managing some key equity and hybrid schemes for the company. He started his career as a research analyst on the sell side before joining Tata Asset Management. He holds a Bachelor of Mathematics degree and an MBA in Finance. The major funds he handles include L&T India Large Cap Fund, L&T India Value Fund, L&T Conservative Hybrid Fund (Equity Component), L&T Equity Savings Fund (Equity Component), L&T Arbitrage Opportunities Fund, L&T Business Cycles Fund, L&T Equity Fund (Co-FM), L&T Large and Midcap Fund (Co-FM), L&T Tax Advantage Fund (Co-FM), L&T Balanced Advantage Fund (Formerly known as L&T Dynamic Equity Fund), (Equity Component) (Co-FM), L&T Infrastructure Fund, L&T Hybrid Equity Fund (Equity Component), L&T Midcap Fund (Co-FM), L&T Emerging Businesses Fund, L&T Focused Equity Fund (Co-FM), L&T Emerging Opportunities Fund Series - I (Co-FM) 17 L&T Emerging Opportunities Fund Series - II (Co-FM). As of March 31, 2021, he has an AUM of INR  39,348 Cr under 35 schemes.  2. Mr. Shriram Ramanathan - Head - Fixed Income Mr. Shriram Ramanathan oversees the management of more than INR 30,000 crore in assets across different fixed-income funds. He has been with the Investment Management business since June 2012 and has over 20 years of experience in fixed-income markets. Before joining the Investment Management business, he was Portfolio Manager at Fidelity (FIL) Fund Management. In his previous roles, Shriram was managing the Global Emerging Market Debt (Asia) at ING Investment Management Asia Pacific in Hong Kong for about 5 years. His earlier assignments were with Zurich Asset Management Company in fixed income research and with the Treasury department of ICICI Bank, where he started his career in investments in 2000. Mr. Ramanathan is a Chartered Financial Analyst and holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management from XLRI Jamshedpur and an Engineering degree from the University of Mumbai. The mutual funds he manages at L&T include L&T Liquid Fund, L&T Low Duration Fund, L&T Credit Risk Fund, Fixed Maturity Plans (Co-FM), L&T Triple Ace Bond Fund, L&T Resurgent India Bond Fund, L&T Hybrid Equity Fund (Debt Component), L&T Short-Term Bond Fund, L&T Flexi Bond Fund, L&T Overnight Fund (Formerly known as L&T Cash Fund) (Co-FM), L&T Banking and PSU Debt Fund (Co-FM), L&T Gilt Fund (Co-FM), L&T Ultra Short Term Fund (Co-FM) and L&T Money Market Fund (Co-FM). He manages an AUM of INR 36,962 Cr under 12 schemes as of March 31, 2021. 3. Mr Praveen Ayathan He has 28 years of experience and has been with L&T for the past eight years. Before joining L&T, he was with Kotak Asset Management Company as Manager-Equity Dealing. He is a mathematics graduate.   The funds he handles at L&T mutual funds include Arbitrage Opportunities Fund (Co-FM), L&T Equity Savings Fund (Co-FM), L&T Balanced Advantage Fund (Formerly known as L&T Dynamic Equity Fund) (Co-FM), L&T Nifty 50 Index Fund and L&T Nifty Next 50 Index Fund. He manages an AUM of INR 3,581 Cr under 7 schemes as of March 31, 2021. 4. Mr. Vihang Naik Mr. Vihang Naik is currently a Fund Manager at L&T Investment Management Ltd. Since 2012, he has been managing an AUM INR ₹31,947 Cr invested in 26 schemes as of March 31, 2021. He has 14 years of experience.  Mr. Naik was initially a Research Analyst at SBICAP Securities back in 2006. He joined Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. in 2008 as a Research Analyst. In 2010, he moved to MF Global as a Research Analyst. He holds a BMS degree from the University of Mumbai. Mr. Naik is also a Chartered Financial Analyst from the CFA Institute. The funds he manages include L&T Equity Fund, L&T Large and Midcap Fund, L&T Tax Advantage Fund, L&T Balanced Advantage Fund (Formerly known as L&T Dynamic Equity Fund) (Equity Component), L&T Infrastructure Fund (Co-FM), L&T Hybrid Equity Fund (Equity Component) (Co-FM), L&T Midcap Fund, L&T Emerging Businesses Fund (Co-FM), L&T Focused Equity Fund, L&T India Large Cap Fund (Co-FM), L&T Emerging Opportunities Fund Series – I, L&T Emerging Opportunities Fund Series – II, L&T India Value Fund (Co-FM), L&T Business Cycles Fund (Co-FM), L&T Equity Savings Fund (Equity Component) (Co-FM) and L&T Conservative Hybrid Fund (Equity Component) (Co-FM). 5. Mr. Jalpan Shah Mr. Jalpan Shah is currently the Portfolio Manager of Fixed Income at L&T Investment Management Ltd. He manages an AUM of INR 36,755 Cr under 51 schemes (March 31, 2021).  He was a Research Analyst at UTI Mutual Fund in 2004. In 2007, he joined Fidelity International as an Associate Trader of Fixed Income. Mr. Shah has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sardar Patel University. He is an MBA in Finance from T. A. Pai Management Institute. 16 years of experience.  The funds he manages include L&T Liquid Fund (Co-FM), L&T Ultra Short Term Fund, L&T Short-Term Bond Fund (Co-FM), L&T Flexi Bond Fund (Co-FM), L&T Gilt Fund, L&T Banking and PSU Debt Fund, L&T Overnight Fund (Formerly known as L&T Cash Fund), Fixed Maturity Plans, L&T Conservative Hybrid Fund (Debt Component), L&T Balanced Advantage Fund (Formerly known as L&T Dynamic Equity Fund) (Debt Portion), L&T Equity Savings Fund (Debt Portion), L&T Triple Ace Bond Fund (Co-FM), L&T Money Market Fund, L&T Arbitrage Opportunities Fund (Debt Portion), L&T Low Duration Fund (Co-FM), L&T Credit Risk Fund (Co-FM), L&T Resurgent India Bond Fund (Co-FM). 6. Mr. Alok Ranjan Mr. Alok Ranjan is an investment professional with L&T Investment Management. He is an MBA from IIM Calcutta and is a graduate of NIT Warangal where he graduated with an Institute Rank and a Gold Medal. He has over 8 years of domain experience, and his Sector coverage includes Auto and Auto Ancillaries, Infra, Cement, Capital Goods, Chemicals, Agri related, and Oil and Gas.  He manages L&T Equity Fund, L&T India Large Cap Fund, L&T Large and Midcap Fund, L&T India Value Fund, L&T Hybrid Equity Fund, L&T Emerging Businesses Fund, L&T Arbitrage Opportunities Fund, and L&T Business Cycles Fund. He manages an AUM of INR 26,641 Cr under 12 schemes as on March 31, 2021.    Why invest in L&T MF Schemes?  L&T Mutual Fund is one of the leading AMCs in India that offers a diverse range of schemes to cater to the specific requirements of individuals based on their expected returns, risk appetite, and other related factors. Individuals can purchase and redeem their funds at their convenience with little hassle, either through online or offline mode. L&T Mutual Fund evaluates companies by considering several parameters such as liquidity, business attractiveness, management track record, and much more. Investors can choose from options like Equity Funds, Fixed Income Funds, Hybrid Funds, and Fixed Maturity Plans offered by the AMC. L&T offers nearly 146 funds to choose from. The fund house manages assets worth (AUM) INR 72, 873.58 crore AUM as of March 31, 2021.  The fund house is known for its disciplined approach to investment and risk management and it has 42 investor service centers (as on April 15, 2021) to cater to all categories of investors. The distinguished fund house is reputed for its sound investment management practices and knowledgeable fund management team. Select EduFund for investing in L&T Mutual Fund EduFund makes the process of investing in L&T mutual funds convenient. EduFund's experienced consultants give you customized solutions for all your financial goals. You can start investing from a lowly INR 5,000 and grow your capital comfortably. With EduFund, you get the following benefits: Customized Research-Based Financial Plan - EduFund's scientific fund tracker screens over 1 lakh data points and 400 financial scenarios to recommend you the best mutual funds.  Customer-Friendly Counsellors Help You Create a Financial Plan - EduFund's counselors are trained to handle all kinds of queries from customers. They spend as much time with you as you need and resolve all your issues to help you create a robust financial plan. Invest Less, Earn More - Not only the best Indian mutual funds, but EduFund also offers you the facility to invest in US Dollar ETFs and international mutual funds. Use Free Tools - EduFund offers various free tools for its customers, including College Savings Calculator, SIP calculator, etc.  No Technical Expertise Required - You do not need to be a finance expert to understand which mutual fund is the best for you. EduFund does it for you. Value-Added Benefits - You may get value-added benefits like no commission, free advisory, and nil-hidden charges. Secure Transactions - EduFund is RIA-registered and uses top-class 128-SSL security to enable safe transactions. Special Support for Children's Education - EduFund has a dedicated team of experts who help you fulfill your children's educational goals.  FAQs What are some best L&T mutual fund schemes to invest in? Some of the top-performing L&T mutual funds for you to invest in are - L&T India Large Cap Fund, L&T Triple Ace Bond Fund, L&T Hybrid Equity Fund, etc. Can I invest in L&T mutual funds online? Yes, you can invest in L&T mutual funds online through the EduFund App. Simply download the app, register and complete your KYC, explore some of the top mutual funds and pick any to invest in. Are there any benefits to investing in L&T mutual funds? The top-performing L&T mutual funds help investors in building dual benefits, earn regular returns, build long-term wealth, etc. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund: NAV, Performance & Latest MF Schemes

Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund: NAV, Performance & Latest MF Schemes

Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund is a 100% subsidiary of Motilal Oswal Securities Limited that provides efficient and well-diversified financial services. Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited, launched in 2005, acquired two prominent companies - Motilal Oswal Venture Capital Advisors Private Limited and Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. Motilal. The acquisition also includes Peninsular Capital Markets Ltd. In 2007-08. Motilal Oswal Asset Management Co. Ltd was set up on 14 November 2009 and it manages a corpus under the management of Rs. 27993.146 crores as of 31st March 2021 its current offering of mutual fund schemes includes 20 equity,18 debt, and 7 hybrid funds. Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company is the manager for Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds’ investments. Motilal Oswal AMC was incorporated in 2008 under the Companies Act, of 1956. The AMC also conducts advisory services to financial consultancies, offshore funds, and the exchange of research on a commercial basis. Motilal Oswal AMC is one of India’s fastest-growing asset management companies with its operations in more than 600 locations across the country, with over 9 lakh registered clients and about 2400 physical office premises. The team of the AMC focuses on wholesaling through marquee distribution platforms and having strong relationships backed by a performance track record.  The vision of Motilal Oswal AMC is to ‘Buy Right, Sit Tight’ strategy for all its investments. Their plans have unique features such as “Low Churn” and “Focused” portfolios. ‘Buy Right’ means to buy quality at the most cost-effective price. ‘Sit Tight’ means to stay invested for a long time to realize the maximum potential of the stocks. Their unique objective is QGLP which means quality, growth, longevity, and price. Motilal Oswal was also recognized as one of the top 100 best companies to work for in the India & Economics Times survey. The AMC is sponsored by MOFSL - Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited. In 2010, the AMC launched its first mutual fund, and in the next year, Motilal Oswal AMC became the first to enter its entity on NASDAQ. Features of Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund AMC In 2018, according to the India & Economics Times survey, the Motilal Oswal brand was awarded as one of the top 100 best companies to work for. Motilal Oswal Financial Services is spread in over 600 cities with more than 5000 professionals and 2400 business locations across India.  The company offers a wide range of financial products in Asset Management, Institutional Broking, Private Equity, Private Retail Broking, Investment Banking, Wealth Management, and Home Finance. Its mission incorporates QGLP, ensuring quality, growth, longevity, and price for its investors. The fund managers consider the longevity of the competitive advantage, the fair price of the stocks, the quality of the business, choosing stock for a portfolio, and growth in earnings.  It consists of many funds with good CRISIL ratings.  Motilal Oswal AMC believes in the ‘Buy Right, Sit Tight’ vision to keep track of performance to ensure higher returns. Important information about Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund ParticularsDetailsSponsorMotilal Oswal Securities LimitedTrusteeThe Motilal Oswal Trustee Company LimitedTrustee Directors•Mr. Sandip Ghose (Director) •Mr. Sunil Goyal (Director) •Mr. Brij Gopal Daga (Director) •Mr. Vijay Kumar Goel (Associate Director)AMC Directors•Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal (Chairman) •Mr. Abhaya Hota (Director) •Mr. Ashok Jain (Director) •Ms. Rekha Shah (Director) •Mr. Aashish P Somaiyaa (Managing Director & CEO)Auditors•M/s. N.M. Raiji & Co. for Mutual Fund, •M/s. Premal H. Gandhi & Co. - For AMCFounded29 December 2009Set up14 November 2009Statutory DetailsRegistered with SEBI under the SEBI (MF) as a Portfolio Manager, Registration No - INP000000670Vice President-cum-Fund ManagersAbhiroop Mukherjee, Siddharth Bothra, Akash Singhania, and Niket ShahCEONavin AgarwalInvestor Relations OfficeYatin DoliaMD & CEOMr. Aashish SomaiyaaRegistrar and Transfer AgentKevin Technologies Pvt Ltd.CustodianCitibank NAQuarterly AUM24184.98Compliance OfficerMs. Aparna KarmaseAddressHead Office: Motilal Oswal Asset Management Co. Ltd Address Motilal Oswal Tower, 10th Floor, Opp Parel ST Depot, Prabhadevi, Mumbai – 400025Baroda mutual fund customer care number022-39804263, 022-30896884 (fax), or you can try their toll-free number 1800-200-6626Email mfservice@motilaloswal.comWebsitewww.motilaloswalmf.com 10 top-performing Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Schemes  Motilal Oswal has mutual funds in almost all categories permitted by the Securities and Exchange Board of India or SEBI. Here is a list of the ten best-performing Motilal Oswal mutual fund schemes in India. 1. Motilal Oswal Focused 25 Fund Direct-Growth (Category - Equity: Large Cap) The Scheme's objective is to attain long-term capital appreciation by investing in up to 25 companies with growth potential and long-term sustainable competitive benefits. Motilal Oswal Focused on 25 Fund Direct-Growth, with a NAV of 32.6685 (as of 1st May 2021), in the 'Equity: Large Cap' category. This fund was launched on 13 May 2013 and has given trailing returns of 40.40% in one year and 39.69% in 3 years (as of 30th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 50 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund managers Siddharth Bothra and Abhiroop Mukherjee Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadExit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 daysReturn Since Inception (13 May 2013):224.39% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 1618.03 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.97% (as of 31st March 2021) 2. Motilal Oswal Midcap 30 Fund Direct-Growth (Category - Equity: Midcap) The scheme aims at long-term capital appreciation by investing in a maximum of 30 quality mid-cap companies having the potential for growth and long-term competitive benefit. Motilal Oswal Midcap 30 Fund Direct-Growth, with a NAV of 35.5716 (as of 1st May 2021), in the 'Equity: Midcap’ category. This fund was launched on 24 Feb 2014 and has given trailing returns of 59.84% in one year and 28.20% in 3 years (as of 30th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY Midcap 100 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund manager Niket Shah Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadExit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 daysReturn Since Inception (24 Feb 2014):225.21% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 1895.75 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.69% (as of 31st March 2021) 3. Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Direct-Growth (Category - Equity: Multicap) The Scheme aims to attain long-term capital appreciation by primarily investing in a maximum of 35 equity & equity-related instruments across sectors and market capitalization levels. Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Direct-Growth, with a NAV of 32.9833 (as of 1st May 2021), in the 'Equity: Multicap’ category. This fund was launched on 28 Apr 2014 and has given trailing returns of 42.31% in one year and 15.37% in 3 years (as of 30th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 500 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund manager Akash Singhania. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadExit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 daysReturn Since Inception (28 Apr 2014):231.49% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 11872.55 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.92% (as of 31st March 2021) 4. Motilal Oswal Focused 25 Fund Direct-IDCW Payout (Category - Equity: Large-cap) The Scheme aims to attain long-term capital appreciation by investing in up to 25 companies with long-term sustainable competitive advantage and growth potential. Motilal Oswal Focused 25 Fund Direct-IDCW Payout, with a NAV of 19.1244 (as of 1st May 2021), in the 'Equity: Large cap’ category. This fund was launched on 13 May 2013 and has given trailing returns of 40.40% in one year and 39.69% in 3 years (as of 30th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 50 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund managers Siddharth Bothra and Abhiroop Mukherjee. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadExit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 daysReturn Since Inception (13 May 2013):224.93% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 1618.03 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.97% (as of 31st March 2021) 5. Motilal Oswal Focused 25 Fund Direct-IDCW Reinvestment (Category - Equity: Large-cap) The Scheme aims to attain long-term capital appreciation by investing in up to 25 companies with long-term sustainable competitive advantage and growth potential. Motilal Oswal Focused on 25 Fund Direct-IDCW Reinvestment, with a NAV of 19.1244 (as of 1st May 2021), in the 'Equity: Large cap’ category. This fund was launched on 13 May 2013 and has given trailing returns of 40.40% in one year and 39.69% in 3 years (as of 30th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 50 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund managers Siddharth Bothra and Abhiroop Mukherjee. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadExit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 daysReturn Since Inception (13 May 2013):224.93% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 1618.03 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.97% (as of 31st March 2021) 6. Motilal Oswal Focused 30 Fund Direct-IDCW Reinvestment (Category - Equity: Mid-cap) The scheme aims to attain long-term capital appreciation by investing in a maximum of 30 quality mid-cap companies having long-term competitive advantages and potential for growth. Motilal Oswal Focused 30 Fund Direct-IDCW, with a NAV of 20.4877 (as of 1st May 2021), in the 'Equity: Midcap’ category. This fund was launched on 24 Feb 2014 and has given trailing returns of 59.84% in one year and 28.20% in 3 years (as of 30th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY Midcap 100 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund manager Niket Shah. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadExit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 daysReturn Since Inception (24 Feb 2014):255.27% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 1895.75 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.69% (as of 31st March 2021) 7. Motilal Oswal Focused 30 Fund Direct-IDCW (Category - Equity: Mid-cap) The scheme aims to attain long-term capital appreciation by investing in a maximum of 30 quality mid-cap companies having long-term competitive advantages and potential for growth. Motilal Oswal Focused 30 Fund Direct-IDCW, with a NAV of 20.4877 (as of 1st May 2021), in the 'Equity: Midcap’ category. This fund was launched on 24 Feb 2014 and has given trailing returns of 59.84% in one year and 28.20% in 3 years (as of 30th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY Midcap 100 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund manager Niket Shah. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadExit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 daysReturn Since Inception (24 Feb 2014):255.27% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 1895.75 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.69% (as of 31st March 2021) 8. Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Direct-IDCW (Category - Equity: Multi cap) The Scheme aims to attain long-term capital appreciation by primarily investing in a maximum of 35 equity & equity-related instruments across sectors and market capitalization levels. Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Direct-IDCW, with a NAV of 23.1898 (as of 1st May 2021), in the 'Equity: Multicap’ category. This fund was launched on 28 Apr 2014 and has given trailing returns of 42.31% in one year and 15.37% in 3 years (as of 30th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 500 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund manager Akash Singhania. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadExit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 daysReturn Since Inception (28 Apr 2014):231.49% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 11872.55 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.92% (as of 31st March 2021) 8. Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Direct-IDCW Reinvestment (Category - Equity: Multi cap) The Scheme aims to attain long-term capital appreciation by primarily investing in a maximum of 35 equity & equity-related instruments across sectors and market capitalization levels. Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Direct-IDCW Reinvestment, with a NAV of 23.1898 (as of 1st May 2021), in the 'Equity: Multicap’ category. This fund was launched on 28 Apr 2014 and has given trailing returns of 42.31% in one year and 15.37% in 3 years (as of 30th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 500 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund manager Akash Singhania. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadExit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 daysReturn Since Inception (28 Apr 2014):231.49% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 11872.55 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.92% (as of 31st March 2021) 10. Motilal Oswal Long-Term Equity Fund Direct-Growth (Category - Taxsaver: ELSS) ELSS Funds enable long-term wealth accumulation along with the benefit of tax saving and come with a lock-in period of 3 years,. Investing in ELSS Funds makes the investor eligible to claim a tax deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act 1961. Motilal Oswal Long Term Equity Fund Direct-Growth, with a NAV of 24.0191 (as of 1st May 2021), in the Taxsaver: ELSS category. This fund was launched on 21 Jan 2015 and has given trailing returns of 50.03% in one year and 24.40% in 3 years (as of 30 April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 500 Total Return Index as its benchmark and is currently managed by its fund manager Aditya Khemani. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadNILReturn Since Inception (21 Jan 2015):137.87% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 2048.02 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.69% (as of 31st March 2021) Using the Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Calculator  Investments in Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds help them realize how much their current savings can generate returns in the coming years and how to approximate returns they can gauge. By using the Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Calculator, the investor can come to terms with expected profits just by entering data like income, amount to be invested, age, expected rate of returns, etc, on the calculator. The Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Calculator helps achieve long-term goals by investing in various kinds of mutual funds within the AMC.  Save Tax by investing in Tax Saving Mutual Funds from Motilal Oswal AMC (ELSS) Motilal Oswal ELSS Funds are diversified equity funds that offer tax savings under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and give the investor an opportunity for long-term wealth creation. These funds are ideal for investors who have a higher risk appetite and have a lock-in period of 3 years. NameType of FundMinimum InvestmentCategory Returns3-year returnsMotilal Oswal Long-Term Equity Fund Direct-GrowthELSSRs. 5003.10% - 22.28%  9.30Motilal Oswal Long-Term Equity Fund Direct - Dividend PayoutELSSRs. 5003.10% - 22.28%  9.30 How to invest in Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds via EduFund? To make investments in Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds online, one will be required to visit EduFund to register and invest in Mutual Funds. EduFund is a renowned portal registered with AMFI, BSE, and SEBI with zero fees to sign up. The investment logged in by the individual will reflect in his EduFund account within 3-5 business days. He can also use his Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund login on the organization's official website (www.motilaloswalmf.com) and click on the ‘Transact Online’ option on the right side of the page. Mutual fund investment can be made within minutes by following the steps below Step 1. To invest in Mutual funds, the investor needs to fill out an appropriate application form to start investing. In case the investor opts for a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), he would need to fill out two forms; the 1st one will be to open an account, and the 2nd one will mention details about the SIP, which includes details like frequency, amount of installment, tenure, whether monthly/quarterly installments to be invested, etc. Step 2. The investor must click on the button ‘start’ so that the list of investment options is displayed based on life goals. Investors can choose the mutual fund that suits them the best. Click on the “Continue” button to proceed with the mutual fund investment. Step 3. The investor may have to Sign up and Create an Account if he is a new investor and submits all his relevant KYC documents. Step 4. He will have to select the type of fund he wants to invest in and his payment mode. Step 5. He must check the Plan and Fund Allocation and then click on ‘next’ to make the payment. Step 6. He should make the payment online by submitting his Bank Details and Money Transfer or by using his debit/credit card. He must select his bank account and PAN Number and save them on the webpage. Documents required for KYC Any individual investing or planning to invest in Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund needs to have relevant KYC documents to invest. To complete the KYC and verification process, the investor must submit any one of the following documents as  Proof of identification Passport Voter’s ID Aadhaar card Driving license Any document from the Central Government with the identification number NREGA job proof Proof of Address Passport Voter’s ID Aadhaar card Driving license NREGA job proof Any document from the Central Government with the identification number Why choose Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds from EduFund? The Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company (MOAMC) is an organization sponsored by Motilal Oswal Securities Limited. It is responsible for ensuring profitable long-term investments which can generate high returns for the investors using EduFund.  Benefits are: It helps in undertaking business pursuits like providing management services and advisory features.  Organizations like research exchanges for commercial purposes, offshore funds, financial consultancies, and so on benefit by investing in Mutual Funds.  Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund is highly reputed in the market that caters to the diversified investment needs of investors.  Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund falls under the direct investment management of MOAMC, which is quite well-known among investors in India. Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund is a premier AMC with over 9 Lakh registered clients, and active operations in over 600 locations across the country. With over 2400 office premises, Motilal Oswal has a diversified portfolio of financial services. Top Fund managers Top Fund Managers at Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company (MOAMC) Equity Fund Managers Mr. Akash Singhania Mr. Siddharth Bothra Mr. Swapnil Mayekar Mr. Niket Shah Mr. Abhiroop Mukherjee Mr. Herin Visaria Mr. Aditya Khemani 1. Akash Singhania - Senior Vice-President and Fund Manager at Motilal Oswal AMC He successfully navigates the volatility related to midcap stocks and manages Motilal Oswal Mid Cap 30 Fund directly. He has huge experience in managing assets for more than 11 years. Mr. Singhania is a qualified Company Secretary – Corporate Laws & Taxation from ICSI is a Chartered Accountancy in Accounting & Auditing from ICAI and has completed his PGDM (MBA) in Finance & Marketing from IIM Lucknow. 2. Siddharth Bothra – The senior Vice-President at Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company (MOAMC) Siddharth Bothra has more than 13 years of experience in research and investments, and he also manages the Motilal Oswal Equity Hybrid Fund, and the Motilal Oswal Focussed 25 Fund.  He has completed his MBA International Student Exchange at NYU Stern School of Business in New York and B. Com (Honours). He holds an honors degree in MBA - Post Graduate Program from ISB - Indian School of Business, Hyderabad). Mr. Bothra is currently the Senior VP and Fund Manager at Motilal Oswal AMC. He was previously associated with Alchemy Share & Stocks, Motilal Securities Ltd., and VCK Share & Stocks.  3. Swapnil Mayekar - Fund Manager at MOAMC He is an integral part of the product development team with his key area of expertise in model testing, creating customized indices, quantitative analysis, and building a research database. He has more than 10 years of experience in the financial services industry. For the past 5 years, he has been part of the product development team and fund management at Motilal Oswal AMC. Mr. Mayekar was associated with Business Standard Limited, and now he is also the Fund Manager of the Index Funds launched by MOAMC.  .He has done his post-graduation in Commerce in Finance Management from the University of Mumbai. He manages the ETFs and FOFs at Motilal Oswal AMC, Nifty 500 Fund, Motilal Oswal Nifty Bank Index Fund, Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Fund, Motilal Oswal Nifty Next 50 Index Fund, Nifty Midcap 150 Index Fund, and Multi-Asset Fund. 4. Niket Shah – Vice President – Associate Fund Manager at Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Niket Shah is a Fund Manager at MOAMC with 9 years of experience and looks after MO Midcap 30 Fund. He has massive experience as he was a part of Motilal Oswal Securities Limited as Head of Midcaps Research, and a Research Analyst at Edelweiss Securities Ltd. and Religare Capital Markets before he joined MOAMC.  He has done his Master’s in Business Administration in Finance from Welingkar Institute of Management studies. Mr. Shah has more than nine years of experience. 5. Mr. Akash Singhania - Executive Group Vice President and Fund Manager at Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Mr. Singhania has more than 16 years of professional experience, of which 14 years in Fund Management. Before joining the fund house, he was with PGIM AMC, Deutsche AMC, ICICI Prudential AMC, E&Y, KPMG, and PWC.  Mr. Singhania completed PGDM,  a Master’s in Business Administration in Finance & Marketing from IIM Lucknow. He has also completed his Chartered Accountancy from ICAI & Company Secretary from ICSI. Also, he holds a B. Com (Hons.) degree.  He manages mutual funds like Motilal Oswal Equity Hybrid Fund, Motilal Oswal Midcap 30 Fund, Motilal Oswal Multicap 35 Fund, and hybrid fund Motilal Oswal Dynamic Fund (Dynamic Asset Allocation). 6. Mr. Herin Visaria - Fund Manager – Foreign Securities Mr. Visaria has more than 11 years of experience in Derivatives Research, Sales Trading, and Dealing. Before joining the Motilal Oswal AMC fund house, he was associated with Bank of Baroda Capital Markets Ltd., Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd, and Religare Capital Markets Ltd. He currently manages Motilal Oswal Multicap 35 Fund and Motilal Oswal NASDAQ 100 ETF. 7. Mr. Aditya Khemani - Fund Manager at Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Mr. Khemani has more than 14 years of experience in the role of portfolio manager for the last 10 years in Indian equity markets. Before enrolling with Motilal Oswal AMC, he worked with SBI Mutual Fund, ICICI Prudential AMC, HSBC AMC, and Morgan Stanley Advantage Services. Mr. Khemani holds a PGDM from IIM, Lucknow, and B. Com (Hons.) degree. Currently, he is handling Mid-cap Fund, Motilal Oswal Large, and Motilal Oswal Long Term Equity Fund. Debt fund manager 1. Mr. Abhiroop Mukherjee - the AVP and Fund Manager – Fixed Income at Motilal Oswal AMC Mr. Mukherjee has more than six years of experience in Fixed Income Securities trading. Mr. Mukherjee has an explicit experience of over 6 years in Fixed Income Securities trading. Before joining Motilal Oswal MF, he was working with PNB Gilts Ltd. He is designated as AVP & Fund Manager at MOAMC of Motilal Oswal Most 10-year Gilt Fund and Most Ultra Short Term Fund and heads Fixed Income Securities.  Mr. Mukherjee holds a B. Com (Hons.) from Calcutta University and has a PGPBF (Finance) from the National Institute of Bank Management.  He currently manages mutual funds like Focused 25 Fund, Motilal Oswal Nasdaq 100 FOF, Ultra Short Term Fund, Motilal Oswal Equity Hybrid Fund, and Motilal Oswal Liquid Fund. Select EduFund for investing in Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund EduFund makes the process of investing in Motilal Oswal mutual funds convenient. EduFund's experienced consultants give you customized solutions for all your financial goals. You can start investing from a lowly INR 5,000 and grow your capital comfortably. With EduFund, you get the following benefits Customized Research-Based Financial Plan - EduFund’s scientific fund tracker screens over 1 lakh data points and 400 financial scenarios to recommend you the best mutual funds.  Customer-Friendly Counsellors Help You Create a Financial Plan - EduFund's counselors are trained to handle all kinds of queries from customers. They spend as much time with you as you need and resolve all your issues to help you create a robust financial plan. Invest Less, Earn More - Not only the best Indian mutual funds, but EduFund also offers you the facility to invest in US Dollar ETFs and international mutual funds. Use Free Tools - EduFund offers various free tools for its customers, including College Savings Calculator, SIP calculator, etc.  No Technical Expertise Required - You do not need to be an expert in finance to understand which mutual fund is the best for you. EduFund does it for you. Value-Added Benefits - You may get value-added benefits like no commission, free advisory, and nil-hidden charges. Secure Transactions - EduFund is RIA-registered and uses top-class 128-SSL security to enable safe transactions. Special Support for Children's Education - EduFund has a dedicated team of experts who help you fulfill your children's educational goals.  FAQs What are some top investment options in Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund? Some of the top Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund schemes include Motilal Oswal Focused 25 Fund Direct-Growth, Motilal Oswal Midcap 30 Fund Direct-Growth, Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Direct-Growth, etc. Can I start a 500rs SIP at Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund? Yes, some of the top-performing Motilal Oswal mutual fund schemes require a minimum monthly instalment of Rs 500. How can I invest in Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund? You can directly invest in Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund through the EduFund app. You simply have to download the app, register and complete your KYC verification, explore some of the top mutual fund schemes, and invest. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
Baroda Mutual Fund: NAV, Performance & Latest MF Schemes

Baroda Mutual Fund: NAV, Performance & Latest MF Schemes

Baroda Asset Management India AMC is the Baroda Mutual Fund's investment manager, which was launched in 2008. It is a completely owned subsidiary of the Bank of Baroda.  Baroda AMC was established in 1992.  Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company is a collaboration between Pioneer Investments and the Bank of Baroda.  Pioneer Global Asset Management S.p.A was the Asset Manager of an Italian Multinational Banking and Financial Services Company - UniCredit S.p.A. It was set up in 1928 in Milano, Italy. In 2008, Pioneer Global Asset Management S.p. An acquired a 51% stake in Baroda Asset Management Company Ltd and formed Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Limited. Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Limited is a Trust which is registered with SEBI as per the SEBI (MF) Regulations, vide registration number MF/018/94/2, and is also registered under the Indian Trusts Act. It received endorsement for name change BOB Mutual Fund to Baroda Pioneer Mutual Fund vide SEBI letter no. IMD/RB/134922/08, dated August 12, 2008. As of 31st March 2021, the total number of schemes under the AMC is 75 bifurcated as Balanced (9), Equity (13), Fixed Maturity Plans (2), Gilt Funds (2), Income Funds (5), Liquid Funds (13), Short Term Income Funds (6), and Ultra Short Term Funds (11). The corpus under management is Rs. 9641.0917 crores. (as of 31-Mar-2021) It serves the various management needs of its investors in India. The Company offers its service through 54 distribution centers in India in various schemes. Baroda AMC comprises a team of highly qualified fund managers who provide valuable insights into various schemes that include direct dividend plans, direct dividend plans, direct growth plans, regular growth plans, regular dividend plans, etc. The fund house has offices in 40 cities across India Bank of Baroda and Pioneer Global Asset Management SpA, which has experience of 80 years in the industry, agreed on 5th October 2007. Features Bank of Baroda, the AMC has a widely spread branch network and has a strong investor base in the country.  The AMC offers a range of equity, debt, and money market instruments to meet the financial needs and goals of investors in every segment it can be.   Baroda Pioneer AMC enhances the existing product range and focuses on the overall customer experience. It has a rich investment history and market experience. It dedicates its work to creating a unique servicing platform to meet the investment needs of existing and future customers in India and abroad.  Currently, Baroda AMC is functioning in 40 locations in India with an AUM of Rs 9130.22 Cr.   Important information about Baroda Mutual Fund ParticularsDetailsSponsorPioneer Global Asset Management S.p.A. and Bank of BarodaTrusteeBoard of TrusteesInvestment ManagerBaroda Pioneer Asset Management Company LimitedStatutory DetailsBaroda Pioneer Mutual Fund (Formerly known as BOB Mutual Fund), being a Trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act and registered with SEBI under the SEBI (MF) Regulations,Vide registration numberMF/018/94/2Endorsement for the change of its nameEndorsement for a name change to Baroda Pioneer Mutual Fund from BOB Mutual Fund vides SEBI letter no. IMD/RB/134922/08, dated August 12, 2008No of schemes75  CEOAnthony HerediaCIOSanjay ChawlaInvestor Relations OfficeKishore KumarRegistrar and Transfer AgentKFin Technologies Pvt Ltd.CustodianDeutsche BankQuarterly AUM8285.75AddressHead Office: 501 titanium, 5th floor, Western express highway, Goregaon (e), Mumbai - 400063 Service Centre201-203, Shaili Building, Opp. Madhusudhan House, Off C.G Road, Ahmedabad-380006Baroda mutual fund customer care number+91 22 6848 1000, +91 22-3074 1000, 66668819, 079-26400527/528Emailinfo@barodamf.com or info@barodapioneer.inWebsitewww.barodamf.com, www.barodapioneer.in Ten performing Baroda mutual fund schemes Baroda has mutual funds in almost all categories permitted by the Securities and Exchange Board of India or SEBI. Here is a list of the ten best-performing Baroda mutual fund schemes in India. 1. Baroda Pioneer Treasury Advantage Fund (Category - Debt - Low Duration fund) The main objective of the scheme is to provide liquidity and optimal returns and liquidity through a portfolio that consists of money market instruments and debt securities. The Baroda Pioneer Treasury Advantage Fund, with a NAV of 1560.49 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Debt - Low Duration fund, ranked 4 in the category. This open-ended fund was launched on 24 Jun 09 and has given trailing returns of 27.8% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and -8.5% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Alok Sahoo. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadNILReturn Since Inception (24 Jun 09):3.8% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 34 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.9% (as of 31st March 2021) 2. Baroda Pioneer Liquid Fund (Category - Debt - Liquid Fund) The main objective of the scheme is to produce income by investing in a portfolio of debt securities and money market with a high level of liquidity The Baroda Pioneer Liquid Fund, with a NAV of 2357.14 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Debt-Liquid Fund, ranked 22 in the category. This open-ended fund was launched on 5 Feb 09 and has given trailing returns of 3.3% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and 5.6% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Alok Sahoo. Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadNILReturn Since Inception (5 Feb 09):7.3% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 4798 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio0.22% (as of 31st March 2021) 3. Baroda Pioneer Multi-Cap Fund (Category - Equity - Multi-Cap fund) The main objective of the scheme is to create long-term capital appreciation from a well-managed portfolio of equity and related instruments. The Baroda Pioneer Multi-Cap Fund, with a NAV of 132.87 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Equity - Multi-Cap Fund, ranked 37 in the category. This fund was launched on 12 Sep 03 and has given trailing returns of 55.7% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and 9.2% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Sanjay Chawla. Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit Load0-365 Days (1%),365 Days and above (NIL).Return Since Inception (12 Sep 03):15.8% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 972 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2.54% (as of 31st March 2021) 4. Baroda Pioneer Hybrid Equity Fund (Category - Hybrid - Hybrid Equity fund) The objective of the scheme is stability through a well-balanced portfolio and long-term capital appreciation that comprises equity, money market instrument, equity-related instruments, and debt securities. The Baroda Pioneer Hybrid Equity Fund, with a NAV of Rs. 69 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Hybrid Equity fund, ranked 21 in the category. This fund was launched on 12 Sep 03 and has given trailing returns of 42.2% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and 6.2% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Sanjay Chawla. Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit Load0-12 Months (1%),12 Months and above (NIL)Return Since Inception (12 Sep 03):11.6% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 403 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2.45% (as of 31st March 2021) 5. Baroda Pioneer Short Term Bond Fund (Category - Debt - Short term Bond fund) The aim of the Scheme is to create income from a portfolio constituted of money market securities and short-term debt. The Baroda Pioneer Short-Term Bond Fund, with a NAV of Rs. 22.949 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Hybrid - Short-term Bond fund, ranked 21 in the category. This fund was launched on 30 Jun 10 and has given trailing returns of 7.3% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and 7.5% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Alok Sahoo. Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit Load0-15 Days (0.25%),15 Days and above (NIL)Return Since Inception (30 Jun 10):8% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 360 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio1.31% (as of 31st March 2021) 6. Baroda Pioneer Banking and Financial Services Fund (Category - Equity - Sectoral fund) The investment aim is to create a long-term capital appreciation for stakeholders from a portfolio invested in equity and related securities of companies invested in the Banking & Financial Services Sector. The Baroda Pioneer Banking and Financial Services Fund, with a NAV of Rs. 26.52 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Equity - Sectoral fund, ranked 32 in the category. This fund was launched on 22 Jun 12 and has given trailing returns of 43.9% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and 7.8% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Sanjay Chawla. Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit Load0-365 Days (1%),365 Days and above (NIL)Return Since Inception (22 Jun 12):11.6% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 54 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2.61% (as of 31st March 2021) 7. Baroda Pioneer Large Cap Fund (Category - Equity - Large Cap fund) The primary goal of the Scheme is to create capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity-related securities of large-cap companies. The Scheme may also invest in money market securities and debt. But, there is no guarantee that the investment aim of the Scheme will be achieved. The Baroda Pioneer Large Cap Fund, with a NAV of Rs. 18.54 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Equity - Large Cap fund, ranked 59 in the category. This fund was launched on 22 Jun 10 and has given trailing returns of 43.2% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and 10% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Sanjay Chawla. Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit Load0-365 Days (1%),365 Days and above (NIL)Return Since Inception (22 Jun 10):5.8% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 41 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2.59% (as of 31st March 2021) 8. Baroda Pioneer Conservative Hybrid Fund (Category - Hybrid - Hybrid Debt fund) The primary goal of the Scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing a portion in equity and equity-related instruments and to generate regular income through investment in debt and money market instruments. The Baroda Pioneer Conservative Hybrid Fund, with a NAV of Rs. 29.0339 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Hybrid - Hybrid Debt fund, ranked 44 in the category. This fund was launched on 8 Sep 04 and has given trailing returns of 10% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and 9.4% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Alok Sahoo. Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadNILReturn Since Inception (8 Sep 04):6.6% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 34 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2.07% (as of 31st March 2021) 9. Baroda Pioneer Mid-Cap Fund (Category - Equity - Mid Cap) The primary goal of the Scheme is to create capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity-related securities of growth-oriented mid-cap stocks. But, there is no guarantee that the investment goal of the Scheme will be achieved. The Baroda Pioneer Mid-Cap Fund, with a NAV of Rs. 12.99 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Equity - Mid Cap fund, ranked 42 in the category. This fund was launched on 4 Oct 10 and has given trailing returns of 66.1% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and 7.6% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Sanjay Chawla. Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit Load0-365 Days (1%),365 Days and above (NIL)Return Since Inception (4 Oct 10):2.5% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 55 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2.6% (as of 31st March 2021) 10. Baroda Pioneer ELSS 96 (Category - Equity - ELSS fund) The main aim of the scheme is to provide the investor with long-term capital growth and also tax benefit under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Baroda Pioneer ELSS 96, with a NAV of Rs. 57.22 (as of 30th April 2021), belongs to the Equity - ELSS fund. This fund was launched on 2 Mar 15 and has given trailing returns of 54.3% in one year (as of 30th April 2021), and 6% in 3 years. The fund manager is Mr. Sanjay Chawla Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,00Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Exit LoadNILReturn Since Inception (2 Mar 15):6.5% (as of 30th April 2021)AssetsINR 187 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2 % (as of 31st March 2021) How to invest in Baroda Mutual Fund using EduFund? Investing in Bank of Baroda Mutual Fund AMC's mutual funds is a preferred and recommended way to create wealth for meeting financial goals. The procedure to invest in these funds is quite simple and convenient using the company's official website or through EduFund.  EduFund is a renowned portal registered with AMFI, BSE, and SEBI with zero fees to sign up. The investment logged in by the individual will reflect in his EduFund account within 3-5 business days. Here are a few steps that need to be followed to invest in Baroda AMC mutual funds: Step 1: The investor needs to visit the official website of Baroda AMC or use a Baroda AMC login to register at EduFund to complete his KYC & become investment-ready within minutes Step 2: On the home screen, he should search and type the name of the respective AMC in the search bar and select the relevant mutual fund he wants to invest in, Step 3: On the AMC page, after selecting the relevant Mutual Fund, he should click on ‘Invest Now’. Step 4: He should then select the mode of payment if it would be a one-time lump sum payment, or select SIP, after which he needs to click on ‘Proceed to Payment’. Step 5: He can make an online payment using his debit/credit card or use his net banking details to complete the transaction. Documents required to invest in Bank of Baroda Mutual Fund It is mandatory to have KYC details and other proofs verified to invest in mutual funds, which can be done in a fully digital and hassle-free manner. A regular investor simply needs to log in and start investing in mutual funds. For a first-time investor, the following documents are required: Application Form Photographs of the investor Identity Proof Income Proof PAN Card Details Personal Details Address Proof Bank Account Details Nominee & FATCA Declarations Baroda AMC Tax Saving Mutual Funds (ELSS) Baroda ELSS Funds are diversified equity funds that offer tax savings under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and give the investor an opportunity for long-term wealth creation. These funds are ideal for investors who have a higher risk appetite and have a lock-in period of 3 years. NameType of FundMinimum InvestmentCategory Returns3-year returnsBaroda Equity Linked Saving Scheme 96 Direct-Growth  ELSSRs. 5003.10% - 22.28%  9.30Baroda Equity Linked Saving Scheme 96 Direct-Dividend Pay-outELSSRs. 5003.10% - 22.28%  9.30 Using the Baroda Mutual Fund Calculator  Investments in Baroda Mutual Funds help achieve long-term goals by investing in various equity, debt, and liquid mutual funds within the AMC. Baroda Mutual Fund Calculator helps the investor assess the amount of his present savings and shows how the savings amount can grow over a period. To use the Baroda Mutual Fund Calculator, the investor should input data on the calculator like income, age, amount to be invested, expected rate of returns, etc. Fund Managers of Baroda Mutual Fund AMC Fund Managers are the assets of any AMC who are experts providing professional guidance to investors to manage various assets, direct the fund management decisions, and achieve their financial goals. It is one of the most crucial considerations before investing to opt for the best and most active fund manager to manage the investments. Top-performing Fund Managers of Baroda Mutual Fund Baroda AMC - Equity Fund Managers Mr. Sanjay Chawla - Chief Investment Officer at Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Mr. Chawla has over 30 years of experience in Equity Research, Fund Management, and Management Consultancy. He has contributed to the Indian Finance Industry for over 35 years, wherein he is presently employed as the Chief Investment Officer of Baroda Pioneer Mutual Funds.  Mr. Sanjay Chawla completed his MMS from BITS Pilani before he joined the financial market industry. He had worked in a foray of MNCs and other established financial companies before he ventured into Baroda AMC. He was employed as Senior Fund Manager of Equity Schemes with Birla Sunlife AMC. He has also worked as Head of Research with SBI Capital Market, then with Motilal Oswal Securities, IDBI Capital Markets, IIT Invest Trust and Lloyd Securities, and SMIFS Securities where he was making strategies and handling different equity schemes. Mr. Dipak K Acharya - Fund Manager- Equity at Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Mr. Acharya has been associated with Baroda AMC since September 2009, and it has been over 9 years now that he has been working in the investment area as a diligent Fund Manager in the asset management industry. Before he joined Baroda AMC, he was the Fund Manager at BoB Mutual Fund from August 2003. Before he became a fund manager, he was working in the Treasury Department and Credit Department for 10 years at the Bank of Baroda. Academically, Mr. Acharya is an M. Com with other additional qualifications to his academic supremacy like AICWA, CAIIB, and PGPMS. Mr. Pratish Krishnan - Equity and Senior Analyst at Baroda AMC Mr. Krishnan has over 15 years of experience in Equity Research, and currently, he is a Fund Manager and an Equity and Senior Analyst at Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company. He. Earlier, he worked with famous institutional brokerage houses like Antique Finance for two years, till 2014, and Bank of America Merrill Lynch for 6 years till 2012. Academically, Mr. Krishnan has done his MMS in Finance and is a B. Com Graduate.  Debt Fund Managers - Head of Fixed income at Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Alok Sahoo Mr. Sahoo is the Head of Fixed income at Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company and has about 13 years of experience in the asset management industry. He has relevant experience in the credit research of companies. Before working for Baroda AMC, he worked with other giants like UTI Mutual Fund and HSBC Mutual Fund as Fixed Income Fund Manager. He was also a Fund Manager at HBC Asset Management in the Employee Provident Fund department. Academically. Mr. Sahoo is a Management Graduate in Finance from Xavier’s Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar, with a Bachelor of Engineering Degree from NIT Rourkela. He has also done FRM - Financial Risk Management conducted by the Global Association of Risk Professionals. Additionally, he has passed three levels of CFA, which was conducted by the CFA Institute (AIMR). Ms. Hetal P. Shah - Fund Manager- Debt at Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Ms. Shah has been associated with the Company since December 2006 and has about 14 years of experience in treasury and fund management. She has been working at Baroda AMC for 10 years now, and earlier, she worked in the Treasury Department of Bank of India from May 1999. Academically, Ms. Shah has done her B.Com., MBA in Finance and JAIIB. Mr. Karn Kumar - Fund Manager-Debt and Senior Credit Analyst at Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Mr. Kumar has over 13 years of experience in Credit Research, Fixed Income, and Corporate Finance. Before joining Baroda AMC, he was associated with CRISIL Limited and ICICI Bank in credit research and structure finance. He has also worked with Sterlite Industries Limited in the Corporate Finance Team. Academically, Mr. Kumar is a qualified Chartered Accountant and is also a B. Com (Hons) Graduate. Why should you Invest in Baroda Mutual Fund using EduFund? Baroda Mutual Funds AMC is a SEBI-regulated investment securities organization that helps investors earn financial gains over an extended period. Most of the Open-Ended Schemes provide easy liquidation. Baroda Pioneer Mutual Funds further provides easy investing and redemption in a mutual fund. Through EduFund, it aims at increasing returns, minimizing risk, and offering the best-diversified portfolio in the interest of the investor.  The Baroda AMC fund house also gives investors access to opt for SIPs - Systematic Investment Plans through which they can invest a part of their monthly income. Baroda Mutual funds AMC keeps updating the latest NAV and portfolio and offers complete transparency to its investors, and is one of the largest platforms to invest in. Select EduFund for investing in Baroda Mutual Fund EduFund's experienced consultants give you customized solutions for all your financial goals. You can start investing from a lowly INR 5,000 and grow your capital comfortably. With EduFund, you get the following benefits: Customized Research-Based Financial Plan -  EduFund's scientific fund tracker screen over 1 lakh data points and 400 financial scenarios to recommend you the best mutual funds.  Customer-Friendly Counsellors Help You Create a Financial Plan - EduFund's counselors are trained to handle all kinds of queries from customers. They spend as much time with you as you need and resolve all your issues to help you create a robust financial plan. Invest Less, Earn More - Not only the best Indian mutual funds, but EduFund also offers you the facility to invest in US Dollar ETFs and international mutual funds. Use Free Tools - EduFund offers various free tools for its customers, including College Savings Calculator, SIP calculator, etc.  No Technical Expertise Required - You do not need to be an expert in finance to understand which mutual fund is the best for you. EduFund does it for you. Value-Added Benefits - You may get value-added benefits like no commission, free advisory, and nil-hidden charges. Secure Transactions - EduFund is RIA-registered and uses top-class 128-SSL security to enable safe transactions. Special Support for Children's Education - EduFund has a dedicated team of experts who help you fulfill your children's educational goals. 
Union Mutual Funds.

Union Mutual Funds.

For over a decade, the Union Mutual Fund has been the Union Bank of India's investment wing. It has been striving to make its mark and has successfully boosted the economy through investment ventures and achieved sustainable investment in capital markets. The Union Mutual Fund was set up on December 30 and had access to the client base of the bank and worked on it. The AMC was known as Union KBC Mutual Fund. Because it was set up in collaboration with the KBC Asset Management NV, set in Belgium. KBC had a stake of 49%, but Union Bank always had a majority stake. In the year 2016, when the Bank held the entire share, KBC pulled out shortly thereafter. Eventually, in 2017, Dai-ichi life, a company from Japan, acquired an almost 39.62% stake in the AMC. Though it did not change the structure of the AMC yet, Dai-ichi appointed a nominee to the Board of Directors. Now the Union Mutual Fund is co-sponsored by the bank and Dai-ichi Life. Regarding the bank, Union Bank of India will complete a hundred years of existence in the year 2019. It was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1919. In the regime of Indira Gandhi, it was nationalized and since then grew in leaps and bounds. Presently, the bank has 240 branches all over India. The bank also has a global presence, with its office in Abu Dhabi opened in 2007. It also has a branch in Sydney, Hong Kong, and Antwerp. With an asset value of Rs 4 lakh crore and 4300 branches all over the country and beyond, it is listed in the Forbes 2000 list with 35000 employees. In 2019-20, Union AMC's total income rose to INR 48.36 Crore from 48.30 Crore in the previous financial year.  Important information about union mutual fund Name of the Mutual FundUnion Mutual FundEstablished23rd March 2011Date of Incorporation30th December 2009SponsorsUnion Bank of India Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.TrusteeUnion Trustee Company Private Limited ChairmanRajkiran Rai G.CEO and MDG. PradeepkumarCIOVinay PahariaInvestor Service Officer  Joseph IdichandyCompliance OfficerPadmaja ShirkeAuditorsFor Trustee Company - M/s. Chaitanya C Dalal & Co   For Mutual Fund Schemes - M/s. Deloitte Haskins and Sells LLP For AMC - M/s. Jain Chowdhary & CoRegistrarsComputer Age Management Services Ltd. Address: 7th Floor, Tower II, Rayala Towers, 158, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600002 Phone: 1800-3010-6767 / 1800-419-7676 Fax: 044-30407101 Email: enq_h@camsonline.com Website: www.camsonline.comAddress, AMC      Unit No. 503, 5th Floor, Leela Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai – 400059Phone 022-67483300 / 1800-200-2268Fax022-67483400/3401/3402Emailinvestorcare@unionmf.comWebsite  http://www.unionmf.com Ten top-performing union mutual fund schemes 1. Union Small Cap Fund The Union Small Cap Fund, with a NAV of 21.2600 (Regular Growth) (as on 13th April 2021), is the top-performing fund in the 'Equity: Small Cap' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 10th June 2014 and has given trailing returns of 85.56% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY Smallcap 100 TRI as its benchmark.  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 2,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 15 daysReturn Since Inception (10th June 2014):11.65% (as on 13th April 2021)AssetsINR 425 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.38% (as of 28th February 2021) 2. Union Value Discovery Fund The Union Value Discovery Fund, with a NAV of 13.3900 (Regular Growth) (as on 13th April 2021), is the top-performing fund in the 'Equity: Value Oriented category. This open-ended fund was launched on 5th December 2018 and has given trailing returns of 58.41% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the S&P BSE 500 TRI as its benchmark.  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 2,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 15 daysReturn Since Inception (5th December 2018):13.19% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 116 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.56% (as of 28th February, 2021) 3. Union-Focused Fund The Union Focused Fund, with a NAV of 14.4400 (Regular Growth) (as on 13th April 2021), is the top-performing fund in the 'Equity: Flexi Cap' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 5th August 2019 and has given trailing returns of 57.72% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the S&P BSE 500 TRI as its benchmark.  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 2,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 15 daysReturn Since Inception (5th August 2019):13.19% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 190 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.52% (as of 28th February, 2021) 4. Union Long-Term Equity Fund The Union Long Term Equity Fund, with a NAV of 32.7700 (Regular Growth) (as on 13th April 2021), is the top-performing fund in the 'Equity: ELSS' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 23rd December 2011 and has given trailing returns of 58.43% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the S&P BSE 500 TRI as its benchmark.  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Minimum WithdrawalINR 500Exit LoadNil (Lock-in period - 3 years)Return Since Inception (23rd December 2011):13.59% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 335 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.33% (as of 28th February, 2021) 5. Union Flexi Cap Fund The Union Flexi Cap Fund, with a NAV of 26.4100 (Regular Growth) (as on 13th April 2021), is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Flexi Cap' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 10th June 2011 and has given trailing returns of 58.68% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the S&P BSE 500 TRI as its benchmark.  Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 2,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 15 daysReturn Since Inception (10th June 2011):10.36% (as on 13th April 2021)AssetsINR 482 Crore (as of 31st March 2021)Expense Ratio2.38% (as of 28th February 2021) 6. Union Large & Midcap Fund The Union Large & Midcap Fund, with a NAV of 12.8500 (Regular Growth) (as on 13th April 2021), is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Large & Midcap' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 6th December 2019 and has given trailing returns of 56.89% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the S&P BSE 250 Large MidCap TRI as its benchmark.  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 2,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 15 daysReturn Since Inception (10th June 2011):20.36% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 190 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.63% (as of 28th February, 2021) 7. Union Largecap Fund The Union Largecap Fund, with a NAV of 13.8000 (Regular Growth) (as on 13th April 2021), is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Large Cap' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 11th May 2017 and has given trailing returns of 52.62% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the S&P BSE 100 TRI as its benchmark.  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 2,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 15 daysReturn Since Inception (11th May 2017):8.55% (as on 13th April 2021)AssetsINR 185 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.14% (as of 28th February, 2021) 8. Union Balanced Advantage Fund The Union Balanced Advantage Fund, with a NAV of 13.8900 (Regular Growth) (as on 13th April 2021), is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Hybrid: Dynamic Asset Allocation' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 29th December 2017 and has given trailing returns of 37.72% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the S&P BSE Sensex 50 TRI and CRISIL Composite Bond TRI as its benchmark.  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 2,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 15 daysReturn Since Inception (29th December 2017):10.50% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 842 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.49% (as of 28th February, 2021) 9. Union Equity Savings Fund The Union Equity Savings Fund, with a NAV of 12.3600 (Regular Growth) (as on 13th April 2021), is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Equity Savings category. This open-ended fund was launched on 9th August 2018 and has given trailing returns of 20.34% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the CRISIL Short-Term Debt Hybrid 75+25 TRI as its benchmark.  Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 2,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 15 daysReturn Since Inception (9th August 2018):9.08% (as of 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 169 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.07% (as of 28th February, 2021) 10. Union Corporate Bond Fund The Union Corporate Bond Fund, with a NAV of 12.0392 (Regular Growth) (as of 12th April 2021), is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Debt: Corporate Bond' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 25th May 2018 and has given trailing returns of 9.53% in one year (as of 12th April 2021). The fund considers the CRISIL Corporate Bond Fund as its benchmark.  Key information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1,000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 2,000Minimum WithdrawalINR 1,000Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 15 daysReturn Since Inception (25th May 2018):6.64% (as of 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 378 Crore (as of 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio1.04% (as of 28th February, 2021) How can you invest in Union mutual fund via EduFund? Investing in Union mutual fund via Edufund is a simple, four-step process. Step 1 - Install the EduFund App from Google Play Store or Apple App Store and sign in to create an account online. Step 2 - Select a plan - Browse through a wide range of Union mutual fund schemes and pick the perfect scheme for your financial aims. You may invest in a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) or a large sum. The EduFund app has an inbuilt recommendation engine that suggests the scheme that serves your financial objectives the best. Step 3 - Keep track of your transaction(s) - The amount you invest in a specific scheme will reflect in your EduFund account in four working days. You can keep track of the Union mutual fund NAV, statement, account balance, and other things in the app. The EduFund app gives you the option to redeem, purchase, or switch Union mutual fund units. Step 4 - Take the advice of a Mutual Fund Counsellor - You can get in touch with a consultant to discuss your financial aims and get customized advice. EduFund uses state-of-art encryption and authentication technologies to safeguard your transactions and secure your investments. Best performing fund managers at union mutual fund Mr. Vinay Paharia Mr. Vinay Paharia functions as the Chief Investment Officer at KBC Union Bank Mutual Fund. Mr. Paharia has over 16 years of experience in the sector of financial services. He ventured into the financial domain as an Equity Research Analyst at First Global Stockbroking Pvt. Ltd. He held the same designation at his following two organizations, DBS Cholamandalam AMC and K R Choskey Shares and Securities Pvt. Ltd. Just before joining Union Mutual Fund; he worked with Invesco Asset Management (India) Pvt. Ltd. for over 11 years. Mr. Paharia has earned the degree of MMS in Finance from Welingkar Institute of Management. He also qualified as a CFA from the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India. His years of experience and acumen in business have been a great asset for the Union Mutual Fund investment team, where he handles 9 UMF plans. Some of the important funds under his leadership are Union Multi-Cap Fund, Union Small-cap Fund, and Union Equity Savings Fund. Mr. Parijat Agrawal Mr. Parijat Agrawal is a PGBM from IIM Bangalore. He heads the portfolio of Fixed Income at Union KBC Mutual Funds. He has a career that spans over two decades. Mr. Agrawal has an in-depth knowledge of the financial market in India. His years of experience in finances make him the troubleshooter for financial glitches. Mr. Agrawal associated himself with the Union Mutual Fund from its initial days and has been there for 9 years hence. Before that, he headed the Fixed Income portfolio at SBI Mutual Fund. He was also the Head of Treasury at the State Bank of Mauritius. Mr. Agrawal is at the helm of affairs in the portfolio of Fixed Income At Union Mutual Fund. He is in charge of 12 schemes which amounts to a net AuM in excess of INR 2,009 Crore. Among several others, Mr. Agrawal oversees the Union Balanced Advantage Fund, the Union Equity Savings Fund, and Union Dynamic Bond Fund. Mr. Anshul Mishra Mr. Anshul Mishra is among the most versatile Fund Managers at Union Bank KBC Mutual Fund. With experience spanning over a decade in the field, he has steadily given towering returns on all the funds he oversees. Before joining the Union Mutual Fund, Mr. Mishra worked as the Fund Manager at IDBI Asset Management Ltd. for 3 years. He was associated with the ING Mutual Fund, where he was in charge of Equity and Tax Saving Funds for 5 years. At the Union Mutual Fund, Mr. Anshul Mishra manages 9 schemes with a total AuM of over INR 1031 Crore. Some of his largest-grossing funds are the Union balanced Advantage Fund and the Union Large Cap Fund. Mr. Agrawal holds an MBA and a CFA, as well as a B.E degree in Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Anindya Sarkar Mr. Anindya Sarkar has earned a double MBA in Finance and Risk Management from St. John’s University- School of Risk Management and Savitribai Phule Pune University, respectively. He brings twenty years of experience with him, which makes him one of the most sought Fund Managers at Union Mutual Fund. Mr. Sarkar has been working with Union Bank KBC Mutual Fund since its initiation. He joined the Union Bank KBC Mutual Fund as its Vice President in Risk Management, a designation that he held for over eight years, before becoming a Fund Manager in the company. Before joining Union Mutual Fund, Mr. Sarkar worked with several firms both in the country and abroad. He worked as a Broker at the ICAP India Pvt. Ltd and the DVF Ltd. Then he joined as a Risk Manager at The Navigators Group, Inc. in New York., Mr. Sarkaris in charge of 3 funds at the Union Mutual Fund with a net AuM of more than INR 346 Crore. Why should you invest in a union mutual fund? It is one of India's largest AMCs and has many benchmark-beating funds to offer to its customers. It has an asset value of INR 3623.49 Crore and an extensive network of distributors providing its schemes to investors. The AMC has around 4300 branches across the length and breadth of India. The Union Mutual Fund caters to the needs of all types of investors. Select EduFund for investing in Union mutual fund The process of investing in Union mutual funds through EduFund is straightforward and convenient. The consultants at EduFund are very experienced and give you personalized solutions for the financial ambitions that you aspire to achieve. A meager investment starting from INR 5,000 through EduFund can open avenues for you to increase your capital quickly. Unique Support for Children's Education: Education has become expensive, but with EduFund, which has a dedicated team of experts to cater to your children's needs, it is easy.  Secure Transactions: The security used in EduFund is 128-SSL, the safest and RIA-registered. No Expertise Needed: All you need to do is rely on the process of EduFund. They will do all the needful without you being an expert in the field. Extra Value-Added Benefits: A free advisory and no-commission scheme is also available without any extra charges. Free Tools: You can use free tools like College Savings Calculator and SIP calculator to calculate the amount you will need in the future and save the appropriate amount. Earn More by Investing Less: Not only in Indian capital markets, but Edufund also helps you invest in US Dollars and other international mutual funds. Customized Research-Based Financial Plan: Before suggesting any investment to you, the team in Edufund scans almost a lakh data points and nearly 400 financial scenarios. So the reliability is huge, and the job is hassle-free. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT FAQs Which Union mutual fund is the best? One of the top-performing Union mutual funds is Union Small Cap Fund. With a NAV of ₹29.45 as of 21st Dec 2022, this is the top-performing fund in the ‘Equity: Small Cap’ category. What is the minimum SIP amount I can invest in top-performing Union mutual funds? You can start Union bank's top-performing SIPs at as low as INR 500. Is Union mutual fund safe? Under any scheme of Union mutual fund, investors aren't offered any kind of assurance or guarantee for the safety of these schemes. However, the schemes provide benefits like dividend reinvestment, advanced portfolio, fair pricing, risk reduction, convenience, etc.
BNP Paribas Mutual Fund

BNP Paribas Mutual Fund

About BNP Paribas Mutual Fund The BNP Paribas Mutual Fund is a small-sized mutual fund that was incorporated in 2003 and commenced operations in 2004. It offers several different funds that have had stable yields ever since their inception. The BNP Paribas Mutual Fund, although relatively new, offers a wide variety of options for people who are looking to invest for the long term. The total value of the assets under the management of the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund is 7,707 crore as of 1 March 2021. The fund offers debt and equity options for people who wish to go the traditional high or low-risk way in mutual fund investment and hybrid schemes for those looking for the middle path. This helps the fund cover a wide range of consumer choices and risk profiles. The BNP Paribas Mutual Fund is sponsored by BNP Paribas Asset Management Asia Limited, which was previously known as BNP Paribas Investment Partners Asia Limited. BNP Paribas is a banking group based in France and is the eighth largest bank in the world, purely based on the total value of assets. BNP Paribas has operations in 72 countries on six continents. The bank itself was formed by the merger of two French banks, Banque Nationale de Paris (BNP) and Paribas, in 2000. Both these banks are counted among the oldest banks in the world. In 2020, BNP Paribas was the top-performing bank in the Eurozone and one of the top-performing banks in the world. It has over 2 lakh employees worldwide, and the value of its assets is more than 2 trillion EUR. The BNP Paribas Mutual Fund offers a total of 17 schemes. Among these, 6 are equity schemes, 7 are debt schemes, and 4 are hybrid schemes. Sharad Sharma served as the CEO of the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund, and it has 4 people on its board of directors. Important information Name of the AMCBNP Paribas Mutual FundIncorporation Date4 November 2003SponsorsBNP Paribas Asset Management Asia Limited (BNP Paribas Investment Partners Asia Limited)TrusteeBNP Paribas Trustee India Private LimitedBoard of DirectorsChandan Bhattacharya Sanjay Sachdev Sharad Sharma Rakesh VengayilMD/CEOSharad SharmaCIOChockalingam NarayananAAUMRs. 7707 Cr as of 1 March 2021AuditorsPrice Waterhouse Chartered Accountants LLPCustodiansThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedAddressBNP Paribas House, 3/1 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai 400051Contact Number022-33704000Emailcustomer.care@bnpparibasmf.in Best BNP Paribas Mutual Fund Schemes The BNP Paribas Mutual FUnd might not be as large as many other funds in the market but does have a number of successful schemes. Ten of these are listed below. 1. BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund Direct The BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund has been among the most successful funds of the last five years. It has a Value Research rating of 4, and investors have realized returns of over 49% in the past year and almost 16% in the last five years, as of 1 March 2021. Minimum InvestmentINR 5000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 300Minimum WithdrawalINR 1000Exit Load1% for redemption within 365 days for units more than 10% of investment; Nil for redemption after 365 daysReturn Since Inception:15.12%AssetsINR 1027 CroreExpense Ratio1.04%*All values as of 1 March 2021 2. BNP Paribas Long Term Equity Direct The BNP Paribas Long Term Equity Fund is among the best-performing equity funds in the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund. It has an AUM of 495 Crore as of 1 March 2021 and has returned 49.42% over the last year and nearly 16% over the last five years. Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum Additional Investment INR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Minimum WithdrawalINR 500Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception:14.96%AssetsINR 495 CroreExpense Ratio1.09%*All values as of 1 March 2021 3. BNP Paribas Conservative Hybrid Fund Direct The BNP Paribas Conservative Hybrid Fund is an equity fund that has an AUM of 320 Crore as of 1 March 2021. It has returned more than 10% in the last five years, including nearly 15% in the last year. Minimum InvestmentINR 1000Minimum Additional Investment INR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 300Minimum WithdrawalINR 1000Exit Load1% for redemption within 180 days; Nil for redemption after 180 daysReturn Since Inception:9.94%AssetsINR 320 CroreExpense Ratio0.45%*All values as of 1 March 2021 4. BNP Paribas Short Term Fund Direct The BNP Paribas Short Term Fund Fund has been an extremely successful fund, and though it is a comparatively small debt fund with an AUM of 342 crore, it has returned nearly 8% in the last five years as of 1 March 2021. Minimum InvestmentINR 5000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 300Minimum WithdrawalINR 1000Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception:8.52%AssetsINR 342 CroreExpense Ratio0.35%*All values as of 1 March 2021 5. BNP Paribas Low Duration Fund Direct The BNP Paribas Low Duration Fund is a high-performance debt fund that has among the highest returns for any debt fund in the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund. Since its inception, it has returned over 8% and has accumulated an AUM of over 314 crores as of 1 March 2021. Minimum InvestmentINR 5000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 300Minimum WithdrawalINR 1000Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception:8.27%AssetsINR 314 CroreExpense Ratio0.14%*All values as of 1 March 2021 6. BNP Paribas Multi Cap Fund The BNP Paribas Multi Cap Fund is an equity product and has been able to return nearly 15% in the last five years as of 1 March 2021, including over 59% in the last year. Minimum InvestmentINR 5000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 300Minimum WithdrawalINR 1000Exit Load1% for redemption within 90 days; Nil for redemption after 90 daysReturn Since Inception:15.47%AssetsINR 520 CroreExpense Ratio1.04%*All values as of 1 March 2021 7. BNP Paribas Midcap Fund The BNP Paribas Midcap Fund is another equity fund that has performed rather well since its inception and has had a constant rate of return of over 15% a year over the last 5 years, as of 1 March 2021. Minimum InvestmentINR 5000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 300Minimum WithdrawalINR 1000Exit Load1% for redemption within 365 days for units more than 10% of investment; Nil for redemption after 365 daysReturn Since Inception:18.94%AssetsINR 860 CroreExpense Ratio0.80%*All values as of 1 March 2021 8. BNP Paribas Focused 25 Equity Fund The BNP Paribas Focused 25 Equity Fund has an AUM of nearly 183 Crore as of 1 March 2021. It has had a constant annual rate of return that has been over 9% since its inception. Minimum InvestmentINR 5000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 300Minimum WithdrawalINR 1000Exit Load1% for redemption within 365 days for units more than 10% of investment; Nil for redemption after 365 daysReturn Since Inception:7.31%AssetsINR 183 CroreExpense Ratio0.82%*All values as of 1 March 2021 9. BNP Paribas India Consumption Fund The BNP Paribas India Consumption Fund is a market-indexed fund with an AUM of nearly 699 crores as of 1 March 2021. Its rate of return has been over 49% over the past year, being a relatively new fund. Minimum InvestmentINR 5000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 300Minimum WithdrawalINR 1000Exit Load1% for redemption within 365 days for units more than 10% of investment; Nil for redemption after 365 daysReturn Since Inception:21.72%AssetsINR 699 CroreExpense Ratio0.85%*All values as of 1 March 2021 10. BNP Paribas Substantial Equity Hybrid Fund The BNP Paribas Substantial Equity Hybrid Fund invests mostly in equity stocks in the Indian market and has provided a handsome rate of return of over 14% since its inception as of 1 March 2021. It has an AUM of over 537 crores. Minimum InvestmentINR 5000Minimum Additional Investment INR 1000Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 300Minimum WithdrawalINR 1000Exit Load1% for redemption within 365 days for units more than 10% of investment; Nil for redemption after 365 daysReturn Since Inception:14.13%AssetsINR 537 CroreExpense Ratio0.62%*All values as of 1 March 2021 How can you invest in BNP Paribas Mutual Fund Via EduFund? The BNP Paribas Mutual Fund can be an efficient tool to ensure that your child gets to study abroad without hassle. Among the many ways that you can invest in the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund, EduFund offers you great insights into the performance of the fund over time. It also puts you in contact with experts in the funding of education abroad, so you can get your doubts resolved and make the best decisions for your child. Here are the steps to follow if you are looking to invest in the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund using EduFund. Download the EduFund app from the App Store or the Google Play Store. Create an account on EduFund. You will be greeted with a page that requires you to entire your ambitions for the education of your children. You can choose to enter the country that you want to send your children to, the level of education that you want your children to pursue abroad, and the major that you want them to undertake while studying abroad. Once you have submitted this information, you can also enter the range of ranks that you want your children's college to fall in and the type of city you want your children to undertake their education in. Once you have entered and submitted this information, you will receive a list of colleges that match your criteria. This list will also include the mean tuition fees of the target programs in these colleges. Once you have gained an insight into the kind of tuition fees your children's education will entail, you may choose the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund scheme that you wish to invest in. Every scheme page will also provide you with an insight into the length of time it is likely to take for you to accumulate the target tuition fees using the scheme. Through EduFund, it is also very easy to track the historical performance of the mutual fund scheme that you are targeting. You gain a deep insight into the working of the fund, including risk profile, fund manager, and yields. You can also get your doubts about higher education resolved by expert counselors that EduFund provides. These counselors have years of experience in the costs involved in sending students to study abroad and can provide great advice regarding the right fund for you. Leading Fund Managers at BNP Paribas Mutual Fund With the education of your children abroad being so important to you, it is evident that you would want the money you invest to be handled by experts in the field of finance and investment. In a mutual fund, the key to the success of your investment lies with the fund manager of your scheme. The fund manager determines the allocation of your money across different domains, aiming to minimize risk while maximizing returns. Being a fund manager is one of the most important positions a mutual fund employee can attain and comes with great responsibility. The fund managers of BNP Paribas Mutual Fund are extremely competent individuals who have years of cumulative experience in researching, analyzing, and investing in different markets and domains. Here are the top find managers of BNP Paribas Mutual Fund. Chockalingam Narayanan Mr. Chockalingam Narayanan is one of the most experienced fund managers in any similar-sized mutual fund in India. He has over 15 years of experience and has not just managed funds but has also been a research analyst. He continues to play a really important role in the research team of BNP Paribas Mutual Fund, alongside heading the equities team. Mr. Narayanan earned his Post Graduate Diploma in Management from T. A. Pai Management Institute at Manipal. He gained vast experience in the fields of investment research and market analysis working at firms such as Deutsche Equities India Pvt. Ltd. He has also previously worked at Batlivala & Karani Securities. The total AUM of the schemes managed by Mr. Narayanan is Rs. 832 Cr as of 1 March 2021. he manages the BNP Paribas Arbitrage Fund Direct. This scheme has yielded a CAGR of over 6% between 2018 and 2021 and has still managed to retain a low-risk profile. Abhijeet Dey Mr. Abhijeet Dey is yet another fund manager at BNP Paribas Mutual Fund with rich experience in both investment research and market analysis. He brings to the table almost 20 years of experience in these fields, having worked with several large companies before joining BNP Paribas. Mr. Dey completed his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering before moving on to Sydenham Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship Education at Mumbai University for a master's degree in management studies. He went on to work for India Infoline as an equity research analyst. He then moved to Frost & Sullivan, India, where he was an automotive industry analyst and also served as a part of the Equity Research team at Pioneer Intermediaries. He then went on to become the Vice President of Research at Kotak Asset Management Company, where he tracked the Automotive, Cement, and Capital Goods Sectors. In 2011, Mr Dey joined BNP Paribas. Mr. Dey has an AUM of over Rs. 4000 Cr as of 1 March 2021, and manages the BNP Paribas Multi Cap Fund Direct, which yielded a CAGR of over 50% in 2020. Between 2018 and 2021, the CAGR has been 11.48%, while it has been 15.78% between 2016 and 2021. This is among the top multi-cap schemes across all mutual funds in terms of five-year returns. Karthikraj Lakshmanan Mr. Karthikraj Lakshmanan has great experience in fund management and research, having previously worked for some of the market leaders in the world of finance. He has an experience of more than fifteen years and continues to leverage this experience at BNP Paribas Mutual Fund while managing the largest value of assets. Mr. Lakshmanan completed his graduation in commerce before pursuing a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management from the S.P. Jain Institute of Management Research in Mumbai. He has also Level 3 of CFA from the CFA Institute in the U.S.A. He initially joined ICICI Bank as a management trainee before moving on to Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd. as a Business Analyst. he served here for one year and was then a Senior Research Analyst at ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company. He joined BNP Paribas in 2008 and has been there ever since. Mr. Karthikraj Lakshmanan manages assets worth a total of more than Rs. 5400 Cr as of 1 March 2021. He is the manager of the BNP Paribas Substantial Equity Hybrid Fund Direct, which has returned more than 16% CAGR between 2018 and 2021. This fund has been given the top rating by both CRISIL and Value Research. He also manages the BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund Direct, with annual returns of over 15% between 2018 and 2021. This scheme is also highly rated by multiple rating agencies. Mayank Prakash Mr. Mayank Prakash serves as a fund manager at BNP Paribas Mutual Fund. He has more than ten years of experience and manages a significant proportion of the AAUM of the mutual fund.  Mr. Prakash completed his Associate Chartered Accountant qualification from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He also holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the Institute of Business Management in Kolkata. Mr. Mayank Prakash has previously worked at Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company, where he was a fixed-income trader for five years. After this, he was a fund manager in fixed income at the Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund, in which capacity he served for ten years. Since 2015, Mr. Prakash has been a part of the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund. Mr. Mayank Prakash has a total AUM of over Rs. 4600 Cr as of 1 March 2021. He manages the BNP Paribas Substantial Equity Hybrid Fund Direct, which has returned a CAGR of nearly 16.5% between 2018 and 2021 and over 40% in 2020. Additionally, he is also a fund manager of the BNP Paribas Arbitrage Fund Direct and the BNP Paribas Liquid Fund Direct. Vikram Pamnani Mr. Vikram Pamnani has developed rich experience in financial research and management through his professional endeavors. He has more than a decade's worth of experience and uses this experience to manage multiple schemes at BNP Paribas Mutual Fund. Mr. Vikram Pamnani completed his bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management from SIES College Of Commerce & Economics in Mumbai. He then went on to earn a Master of Business Administration Degree from SIES College of Management Studies. He worked as an Executive at Deutsche Bank for two years before becoming a dealer in fixed income at Canara Robeco Asset Management Company Ltd. He was then a fund manager at Essel Finance Asset Management Company Ltd, before joining BNP Paribas in 2017. Mr. Pamnani manages a total AUM of over Rs. 2200 Cr as of 1 March 2021. He is the manager of the BNP Paribas Liquid Fund Direct, which has returned over 6% CAGR between 2016 and 2021. He also manages the BNP Paribas Overnight Fund Direct, which is one of the latest schemes launched by the AMC. This scheme returned over 3% in 2020 while retaining a low-risk profile. This is one of the best-performing overnight schemes across mutual funds. Why should you invest in BNP Paribas Mutual Fund? Saving up for the education of your children is one of the most important decisions you take in your life. Substantial portions of your income can go into ensuring that your kids study at the best educational institutions in the world. The tuition fees of these institutions are often extremely high and have only been rising in the past years. Running into thousands of dollars annually, the costs involved when you add tuition and living expenses can often be beyond reach through common savings. This is why it is extremely important to start saving for your kids' future early on in life. The BNP Paribas Mutual Fund, despite not being the largest fund in the market, is extremely stable and capable of providing great returns over the long term. The fund is sponsored by BNP Paribas, which is one of the largest banks in the world. With a total asset value of over 2 trillion EUR, BNP Paribas is extremely stable and serves millions of customers, with millions more being added by the year. With a presence in more than 70 countries and on every continent except Antarctica, BNP Paribas is a name recognized worldwide for its commitment to its customers. The roots of BNP Paribas lie in banks that are more than 125 years old - the fact that it has lasted this long is a testament to its consistency. There are various factors thanks to which the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund is trusted by thousands of Indians. Over the past few years, this mutual fund has shown incredible consistency in returns. Whether over the short term or the long term, an investment in the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund has meant a promise of decent returns. When you invest in a mutual fund for the education of your children, the least you expect is that there will be decent returns, enough to accumulate the exorbitant tuition fees required. Investing in the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund can ensure such returns and a bright future for your children. The fund managers aren't the only employees of the mutual fund that investors need to worry about. The first contact with prospective customers happens with fund advisors in local BNP Paribas branches. These fund advisors are extremely competent and capable of providing you with the right advice for your target returns. Once you have communicated the motive of your investment to the advisors, they will make sure they come up with the scheme that best matches your needs. You can rely on BNP Paribas Mutual Fund advisors to recommend the right scheme for you. Just as you want to ensure the best education for your children, you must expect the best of services from your mutual fund. BNP Paribas has built a global reputation for providing rich returns to its customers, and its India operations are no exception. Through an investment in the BNP Paribas Mutual Fund, you can compound your wealth manifold in the shortest of time periods, collecting enough to send your children to the college of their choice. While investing in mutual funds, be wary of the risks they carry and the market situation, and you shall reap rich benefits in no time! Invest in BNP Paribas Mutual Fund using EduFund There are several reasons that thousands of people choose to invest in mutual funds when it comes to the education of their children. When you choose the right mutual fund with a target in mind, you ensure constant yields over a sustained period of time. If you start investing early, by the time your child is of age, you can potentially have enough money to ensure that education abroad is no longer a far-off dream. When you invest in mutual funds, you also ensure that your money is in the hands of competent professionals who have years of investing experience. They are best placed to ensure that your money yields a significant return over a period of time. EduFund provides you access to customer-friendly counselors with years of experience in education financing. Additionally, you need no technical expertise to invest using EduFund and the process of investment takes no more than a few minutes. Transactions are completely safe and secure, following international standards.
Indiabulls Mutual Fund: NAV, Performance & Latest MF Schemes

Indiabulls Mutual Fund: NAV, Performance & Latest MF Schemes

Indiabulls Mutual Fund (Regn. No. MF/068/11/03) has been operating since 24th March 2011. This fund's sponsor is Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited, and the trustee is Indiabulls Trustee Company Ltd. The fund house is headed by Mr. Ashok Kacker.  The sponsor of the fund house, Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited, is one of the fastest-growing financial institutions in India. The company has received AA by CRISIL, CARE, ICRA, and AA+ by Brickwork Ratings. As on March 2020, the company's total loan book was INR 69,676 Crore, PAT was INR 2,200 Crore, and RoE, was 17.60%. They provide services in various segments, such as Consumer Finance, Commercial Loans, Housing Finance, Advisory Services, and Asset Management. The total client base of the company exceeds 9,20,000 customers. The company has an extensive branch and distributor network, enabling it to access a vast section of investors. Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited figures prominently in the list of top Indian private financial services companies regarding net worth.  Besides Indiabulls Asset Management Company, the Indiabulls group's other famous businesses include Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited (IBHFL), Indiabulls Real Estate (IBREL), and Indiabulls Ventures Limited.  Indiabulls Asset Management Company's (AMC) net assets increased to INR 20,290.51 lacs in the financial year 2019-20, as compared to INR 18,311.70 lacs in the financial year 2018-19. Its revenue from operations increased to INR 4,744.30 lacs from INR 3,792.49 lacs. The total income grew to INR 6,479.84 lacs from INR 4,781.91 lacs. And, in the financial year 2019-20, AMC's net profit increased to INR 2,098.45 lacs from INR 305.11 lacs. The company also witnessed a healthy jump in the basic EPS, from INR 0.18 in the financial year 2018-19 to 1.23 in 2019-20.   Important information about Indiabulls Mutual Fund Mutual Fund NameIndiabulls Mutual FundEstablished 24th March 2011Date of Incorporation10th April 2008SponsorIndiabulls Housing Finance Limited M-62 & 63, First Floor,Connaught Place,,New DelhiDelhi110001 Tel: 011-30252900Fax: 011-30156901Email: helpdesk@indiabulls.comWebsite: http://www.indiabullshomeloans.comTrusteeIndiabulls Trustee Company Limited M - 62 & 63, First Floor Connaught Place New Delhi Central Delhi 110001 IndiaDirectors, Trustee CompanyMr Gorinka Jaganmohan Rao, Independent Director Mr K. Vasudevan, Independent Director Mr Ajit Mittal, Associate DirectorChairmanMr Ashok KackerWhole Time Director and Chief Executive OfficerMr Ambar MaheshwariNon-Executive DirectorMs Preetinder Virk Head - Compliance and Risk ManagementMr Uday DiwaleInvestor Relations OfficerMr Vaibhav Sadanand PatilPrincipal OfficerMr Abhishek Garg Registered Address, AMC11th Floor, Tower-1, IndiabullsFinance Centre, Senapati Bapat Road,Mumbai-400013 Phone: 022-61891300 / 1800-2666-002 Email: customercare@indiabullsamc.com Website: http://www.indiabullsamc.comInternal AuditorM.P. Chitale & Co. Chartered Accountants 11, Prabhadevi Industrial Estate, Veer Savarkar Marg, Opp. Siddhivinayak Temple, Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400025 Registrar and Transfer Agent KFin Technologies Pvt Ltd. Address: 303, Vamsee Estates, Opp. Big Bazaar, Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500016 Phone: 040-44857874 Email: mfshyderabad@karvy.com Website: www.karvymfs.comFund Accountant and Custodian HDFC Bank Ltd. HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013 Six Top-Performing Indiabulls Mutual Fund Schemes  Indiabulls Nifty 50 Exchange Traded Fund The Indiabulls Nifty 50 Exchange Traded Fund, with a NAV of 149.3135 (Regular Growth) (as on 12th April, 2021), is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Large Cap' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 26th April 2019 and has given trailing returns of 60.22% in one year (as on 12th April, 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 50 TRI as its benchmark.  Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 5,000Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 1Minimum SIP Investment-Minimum Withdrawal-Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception (26th April 2019):13.05% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 16 Crore (as on 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio0.12% (as on 28th February, 2021) 2. Indiabulls Value Fund The Indiabulls Value Fund, with a NAV of 13.9395 (Regular Growth) (as on 12th April, 2021), is the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: Value Oriented' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 8th September 2015 and has given trailing returns of 50.22% in one year (as on 12th April, 2021). The fund considers the S&P BSE 500 TRI as its benchmark.  Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Minimum WithdrawalINR 500Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 3655 daysReturn Since Inception (8th September 2015):6.11% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 14 Crore (as on 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.30% (as on 28th February, 2021) 3. Indiabulls Tax Savings Fund  The Indiabulls Tax Savings Fund, with a NAV of 11.2200 (Regular Growth) (as on 12th April, 2021), is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Equity: ELSS' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 28th December 2017 and has given trailing returns of 44.01% in one year (as on 12th April, 2021). The fund considers the S&P BSE 500 TRI as its benchmark.  Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Minimum WithdrawalINR 500Exit LoadNil (Lock-in period - 3 years)Return Since Inception (28th December 2017):3.56% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 54 Crore (as on 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.25% (as on 28th February, 2021) 4. Indiabulls Bluechip Fund The Indiabulls Bluechip Fund, with a NAV of 24.4500 (Regular Growth) (as on 12th April, 2021), is one of the best-performing funds in the 'Equity: Large Cap' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 10th February 2012 and has given trailing returns of 43.76% in one year (as on 12th April, 2021). The fund considers the NIFTY 50 TRId as its benchmark.  Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Minimum WithdrawalINR 500Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 7 daysReturn Since Inception (10th February 2012):10.23% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 113 Crore (as on 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.43% (as on 28th February, 2021) 5. Indiabulls Equity Hybrid Fund The Indiabulls Equity Hybrid Fund, with a NAV of 12.8501 (Regular Growth) (as on 12th April, 2021), is one of the top-performing funds in the 'Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 13 December 2018 and has given trailing returns of 41.75% in one year (as on 12th April, 2021). The fund considers the CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 Aggressive TRI as its benchmark.  Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Minimum WithdrawalINR 500Exit Load1% for withdrawals before 7 daysReturn Since Inception (13 December 2018):11.34% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 33 Crore (as on 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.36% (as on 28th February, 2021) 6. Indiabulls Savings Income Fund The Indiabulls Savings Income Fund, with a NAV of 15.1926 (Regular Growth) (as on 12th April, 2021), is the best-performing funds in the 'Hybrid: Conservative Hybrid' category. This open-ended fund was launched on 2nd December 2015 and has given trailing returns of 12.91% in one year (as on 12th April, 2021). The fund considers the CRISIL Hybrid 75+25 Conservative TRI as its benchmark.  Key Information Minimum InvestmentINR 500Minimum Additional InvestmentINR 500Minimum SIP InvestmentINR 500Minimum WithdrawalINR 500Exit LoadNilReturn Since Inception (2nd December 2015):8.11% (as on 13th April, 2021)AssetsINR 12 Crore (as on 31st March, 2021)Expense Ratio2.00% (as on 28th February, 2021)   How Can You Invest in Indiabulls Mutual Fund Via EduFund? EduFund is simple to understand mobile app that simplifies investing in Indiabulls Mutual Fund. You can conveniently install the app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store and create an account. The next thing you need to do is browse the various Indiabulls Mutual Fund schemes and select the right one for your financial goals.  EduFund displays every information, ranging from NAV to returns and the expense ratio, making it easier for you to choose the best Indiabulls Mutual Fund scheme. You can choose the amount as per your convenience and invest. Investments in Indiabulls mutual fund starts from INR 500 (for SIP) and INR 5,000 (for a lump sum). EduFund app is your all-in-one store for getting information about your investments. You can purchase units, switch your investment to a better scheme, and redeem partial or all units. EduFund transfers the proceeds to your registered bank account within 24 hours of receiving the redemption proceeds from the mutual fund house.  You can consult with expert mutual fund advisors who can guide you to find the best plans at any stage. EduFund uses top-class authentication and encryption parameters to secure the transactions.  Three Best Performing Fund Managers at Indiabulls Mutual Fund Indiabulls Mutual Fund managers have extensive experience in driving value and generating growth for customers. The following are the top three fund managers at Indiabulls AMC: 1. Mr Malay Shah Mr Malay Shah, Head of Fixed income, Indiabulls Asset Management, joined the company in August 2014. Before joining Indiabulls AMC, he was the Head of Fixed Income at Peerless Mutual Fund, Dealer of Fixed Income at Derivium Capital and Securities Private Limited, and Dealer of Fixed Income at Parag Parikh Financial Advisory Services Limited. He has experience of 17 years in the Indian fixed income markets. His specialities include structured credit and fundraising. His educational qualifications include Bachelor in Commerce and MBA in Finance. Mr Shah manages funds like the Indiabulls Liquid Fund, Indiabulls Gilt Fund, Indiabulls Ultra Short Term Fund, Indiabulls Short Term Fund, and Indiabulls Income Fund.  2. Mr Saurabh Sharma Mr Saurabh Sharma, Associate Fund Manager(AFM), Indiabulls Asset Management, joined the company in December 2012, as the Dealer of Fixed Income. He was promoted to his current position in January 2019. Before joining Indiabulls AMC, he worked as an Article Trainee at D.R. Mehta & Associates. His specialities include Fixed income, Portfolio Management, Investments, Asset Management, Trading, Securitisation, Audit, Risk, and Valuation. He has a B.Com degree from Mumbai University. Mr Sharma manages funds like the Indiabulls Ultra Short Term Fund, Indiabulls Savings Fund, and Indiabulls Liquid Fund.  3. Mr Karan Singh Mr Karan Singh, Head of Fixed Income Research, Indiabulls Asset Management, joined the company in May 2018. Before joining Indiabulls AMC, he has served many renowned organisations like Taurus Corporate Advisory Services Limited (Strategist for Fixed Income), DIOS Capital (Director/Strategist), Escorts Asset Management Company (Analyst), ICRA Limited (Senior Analyst), Religare Aegon AMC (Analyst), and Fidelity Investments (Associate for Fixed Income). He has more than 16 years of experience in managing fixed income funds. Mr Singh holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics (Delhi University) and CFA Level-1 (CFA Institute, USA). He manages funds like Indiabulls Short Term Fund, Indiabulls Liquid Fund, Indiabulls Value Fund, Indiabulls Savings Income Fund, Indiabulls Arbitrage Fund, and Indiabulls Tax Savings Fund.  Why Should You Invest in Indiabulls Mutual Fund? Indiabulls mutual fund is sponsored by the second-largest privately-run housing finance company in India. The AMC's net profit and assets grew considerably in the financial year 2019-20. With the stock market recovering from its pandemic-driven fall, the chances are high that Indiabulls mutual fund's stellar performance will continue unabated.  The AMC offers mutual fund schemes in many categories like equity, debt, hybrid, etc. Select EduFund For Investing in Indiabulls Mutual Fund  EduFund offers you a simple to install the app for investing in Indiabulls Mutual Fund. It tracks 400 financial scenarios and over 1 lakh data points to help you find a suitable mutual fund scheme for your financial needs. You can use several free calculators, such as the SIP calculator, College Savings Calculator, etc., to figure out the amount you need to save every month. In case you need more help, EduFund's expert mutual fund counsellor can help you get on the right track.  Alongside Indian funds, you can also invest in international mutual funds and US Dollar ETFs to benefit from the upswings.  EduFund is RIA-registered and uses world-class 128-SSL security parameters to safeguard your investments.  Download the EduFund app now and start investing for a golden future.