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How to protect portfolio fund in falling market?

How to protect portfolio fund in falling market?

Market volatility is a hard fact and investors must be aware of ways to protect portfolio funds in a falling market. It is possible to limit loss, lock in profits and provide stability to your investments in adverse conditions with help of viable strategies.  Stock gains are steady over time but declines are often unexpected, freefall, and sudden.  Investors must ensure that their portfolio is well-positioned at all times so that it does not hamper overall growth. Making the right investment decisions is as important as protecting the portfolio fund during turbulent market conditions. 8 ways to protect portfolio fund in falling market An economic meltdown is a fact of the investment market that can wipe out hard-earned returns, savings, and retirement funds in hours. Investors must take appropriate steps early on to safeguard their portfolio fund in a falling market, market crash, or an economic depression through preplanned steps.  Some important ways to protect portfolio fund in a falling market are discussed below- 1. Diversification of portfolio funds Diversification of portfolio funds and spreading your money across different investment categories is one of the surest measures for shielding the portfolio fund in a bear market. Investors often invest in mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and individual stocks expecting good returns. They must have a proper plan in place to move a good chunk of the investment into safer options at short notices Sometimes, the market fall is sudden and it does not give the investor enough chance to move high-risk funds to safe horizons. Individuals should invest in a wide range of investment schemes with different levels of risk. These include stocks, real estate, precious metals, cash value life insurance, bonds, derivatives, annuities, alternative holdings, cash, etc. Additional read: Questions cosigners should ask before taking an education loan 2. Fine-tune the portfolio funds Reassess the asset allocation to determine whether the current portfolio matches your specific risk tolerance. Do not take on more risks than your capacity as it might trigger panic selling during adverse conditions and result in heavy losses. Investors should always be prepared to face a bear market hence they must fine-tune their funds to create a portfolio mix that will match both financial needs and risk tolerance. 3. Take the help of financial advisors Financial advisors often have a better understanding of the market trends than investors. They go through the available data and related information to make better predictions of both good and bad times in the market.  Use the financial consultants at the EduFund App as an effective tool for knowing about the market and for an ideal fund allocation. The app will help to meet your risk appetite by minimizing the risk profile eloquently. 4. Do not liquidate all the stocks In a falling market, it is easy to panic and liquidate all the stocks. It is a wrong move as doing so will lock the losses and prevent earnings when the market recovers. Maintain a portion of the funds in the stocks even in a falling market to take advantage of the subsequent recovery whenever it occurs.  5. Rebalance and reinvest Stock market returns vary on a yearly basis but in the long term, it tends to offer positive returns. Investors whose risk tolerance is high or who have a long period before retirement have the option of investing heavily in stocks but people close to retirement must consider gradual transferring of funds to short-term or cash bonds with less risk.  Consider risk-based rebalancing through the EduFund App to minimize losses and by reinvesting in mutual funds, REITs ETFs, etc.  6. Consider defensive picks Consider market volatility as an opportunity to buy REITs with stable dividends and strong cash flows. One viable option is the EduFund REIT+ portfolio that includes quality REITs 7. Sell call options Financial advisors recommend selling call options to protect portfolio funds and soften the blow of a falling market.  8. Stay the course Investors must realize that the bull market will always follow the bear market. The falling market is a concern no doubt but the slump will pass. This is not the time for panic selling instead stay the course and stick to your investment plan.  Consider speaking to the wealth advisors on our platform to create a recession-proof strategy that will make your investment portfolio resilient to the upcoming falling market. FAQsHow do I protect my portfolio from a market downturn?   To safeguard your portfolio during a market downturn:  Diversify your investments across different asset classes.  Consider holding defensive stocks, like utilities and consumer staples.  Keep a long-term view and abstain from rash choices.  Utilise stop-loss orders or put options for downside protection.  Investing and your emergency fund should not be combined.  How do you prepare a portfolio for a market crash?   Prepare for a market crash by:  Reducing exposure to high-risk assets before a crash.  Increasing allocation to safer investments, such as bonds or cash.  Ensuring your portfolio is well-diversified.  Continuously monitoring and rebalancing your portfolio.  Having a well-thought-out exit strategy and sticking to it.  What is the safest fund during a market crash?  The safest fund during a market crash is typically a money market fund or a short-term bond fund. These investments are known for stability and liquidity, making them less susceptible to significant value declines during turbulent market periods.  What to do with a falling portfolio?   When your portfolio is falling:  Avoid panic selling; stick to your long-term investment plan.  Reassess your portfolio's asset allocation and risk tolerance.  Consider buying more assets at lower prices (dollar-cost averaging).  Take a look at your investment plan and make any required adjustments.  Seek advice from a financial advisor if you're uncertain about your next steps.  Conclusion Ups and downs are an integral part of markets that investors must be prepared for at all costs. Seasoned investors try to keep strengthening their portfolio fund to make it more robust for an upcoming recession.  In this article, you have come to know about the various ways to protect portfolio funds in a falling market. These are tried and tested strategies that provide ample protection against market volatility so that investors can preserve and protect their investments. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT
Money Management Tips for Kids

Money Management Tips for Kids

Many young adults’ first experience with financial management is in college. Parents must understand the value of this information, but some struggle to convey it to their children, and the majority of universities do not provide courses in this area. You can teach your children money management skills that they will need throughout their lives, and the money management habits they form in college are likely to stick with them for the rest of their lives. As parents, the lessons you teach about money management will give them the confidence to manage their finances in the future, save money, and stay out of debt by putting good money management skills into practice. Your children will be better prepared for the tension-free financial future they deserve if they learn how to manage money early. Long-term money management strategies As college students, they are always short on time as well as money and that is precisely why it is the right time to start building their financial habits. Some long-term strategies you can teach your child are- 1. Teach them how to budget Creating a budget is extremely important and it is something you should teach your child before sending them off to college. Recognizing the line between wants and needs is the key to budgeting. Make sure they fully portray their spending patterns by having them list their expected monthly costs for things like books, school supplies, laundry, eating outside, meal plans, and personal care products. Don't forget to include recreational activities. They will be on the right path to the future with better money management by establishing these limitations in advance. 2. Emergency savings fund Starting an emergency savings fund is essential for anyone's long-term financial stability, whether they are students or not. An emergency fund acts as a safety net that one can rely on for those "rainy days" when they find themselves in a financial crisis. They will be able to recover thanks to their emergency money. It is up to them how much money they save each month. No matter how tiny the amount may appear at first, they must save something each month. 3. Finding cheap housing Housing is a significant and inevitable expense in college. If you are preparing your child to manage their funds and create a budget on their own, encourage them to explore the options available on campus. The most affordable option to have the entire college experience is to live on campus. When it comes to housing, living with roommates is also a great way to save money. Your child needs to interact with the students around them who are also looking for a place to live. Who knows, maybe they'll find some of their closest friends! Money Management Tips for HomeMakers Read More Try to Save Money as Much as Possible Saving money isn't just a financial practice; it's a mindset that sets the tone for responsible adulthood. Even as a young adult, adopting a disciplined saving approach can yield substantial benefits over time. Here's how you can lay the groundwork for a successful savings journey:  Set Clear Goals: The foundation of effective saving is setting specific goals. Whether it's building an emergency fund, planning for a dream vacation, or saving for a down payment on a house, having well-defined objectives provides direction and motivation.  Automate Savings: Capitalize on automation by setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to your dedicated savings account. Treating saving as a non-negotiable expense encourages consistency.  Start Small, Think Big: It's not the initial amount but the consistency that matters. Even if you can only save a small percentage of your income initially, remember that small contributions compound over time to create substantial savings.  Embrace the 50-30-20 Rule: Divide your income into three categories: necessities (50%), discretionary spending (30%), and savings and debt repayment (20%). This balanced approach fosters responsible spending while prioritizing saving.  Build an emergency fund with enough money in it to cover three to six months' worth of expenses. This cushion safeguards you against unexpected financial shocks.  Start Investing in Mutual Funds Keep Track of Your Debts Effectively managing your debts is a pivotal aspect of financial stability. Proactively addressing your debt situation during your early adult years can avert future financial turmoil. Here's how you can navigate the complex terrain of debt management:  Catalog Your Debts: Start by creating a comprehensive list of all your debts, ranging from student loans and credit card balances to any outstanding loans. Note down interest rates and minimum payment requirements for each.  Prioritize High-Interest Debts: Tackle high-interest debts with unwavering focus. By paying off these obligations first, you're effectively minimizing the total interest you'll end up paying overtime.  Punctual Payments: Ensure that you meet at least the minimum payment requirement for each debt on time. Timely payments not only prevent late fees but also bolster your credit score.  Prudent Borrowing: Exercise discretion when considering new debt. Only borrow when it's necessary and within your means. Keep in mind that every debt you take on affects your future financial commitments.  Start Investing in US Market Stop Spending on Unnecessary Things Disciplining your spending habits is pivotal for maintaining financial equilibrium. Developing the ability to differentiate between essential needs and superfluous desires is a hallmark of fiscal prudence:  Create a Budget: Formulate a comprehensive budget that outlines your monthly income and expenditures. This provides clarity regarding your financial standing and empowers you to allocate funds judiciously.  Practice Delayed Gratification: Cultivate the habit of delaying purchases. This approach offers a cooling-off period that helps you evaluate whether a purchase is truly essential or merely impulsive.  Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: When making purchases, quality gives precedence. Investing in a few high-quality items that endure over time is more cost-effective than buying numerous lower-quality products.  Opt for Cash or Debit: Minimize reliance on credit cards. Opting for cash or debit cards makes you more mindful of your spending and curbs the tendency to overspend.  Guard Against Lifestyle Inflation: As your income increases, resist the urge to immediately inflate your lifestyle. Instead, continue living within or below your means, allowing you to save and invest more substantially.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jjXF-KC9iWI How to earn while in college? Your child will be able to cover their costs while in college and gain valuable work experience that will benefit them in the long run. They will be able to avoid future debt by making some income themselves. Students have a lot of work opportunities at universities. Your child should find out about working at the school bookstore or as a (resident assistant) RA. College students may also be eligible for additional employee benefits from several nearby businesses. Ask them to think about applying for summer jobs if work becomes a burden while studying. 1. Daily money-saving strategies You can teach your child a variety of money management techniques to help them become more frugal while they are in college. Here are a few daily financial management techniques. 2. Meal plans Ask about the college's meal plans. Teach your child to make the most of what they have by using it to the fullest. They should buy snacks they could use the next day if they have any spare cash left. 3. Student discounts A student ID card has a lot more uses than just serving as identification, including various ways your child can use it to save money. You should advise them to call ahead the next time they want to go watch a movie, get school supplies, or go for a haircut to see if the business provides any student discounts for nearby college students. They will have access to all campus facilities, including the gym, pool, library, etc., with their student ID card. 4. Cooking at home Teach them how to cook and how to utilize ingredients. Cooking their own food will help them save a lot of money that they’d be spending if they ordered or went out for meals. These are great skills they will value for life. They can also make cooking a fun activity by inviting their friends over and trying out new recipes. 5. Public transportation If your child does not live close to their college, they should take public transportation instead of driving there. They will be able to save money and avoid the stress of crowded school parking lots thanks to public transport. They will also save on the cost of car insurance, gas, and university parking passes. FAQs How do I teach my child to manage money? Start with simple concepts like saving, spending, and giving. Use clear jars for each purpose. Set an allowance, encouraging saving for goals. Involve them in budgeting decisions. Teach about needs vs. wants. As they grow, introduce bank accounts, investments, and wise spending. Be a role model for responsible money habits. What are the best money management tips? Create a budget, track spending, and prioritize saving. Pay off high-interest debt. Build an emergency fund. Invest for long-term goals. Live below your means. Avoid impulse buying. Comparison shop and look for deals. Continuously educate yourself about personal finance. Regularly review and adjust your financial plan. How do I teach my 4-year-old about money? Introduce coins and their values through play. Use a clear jar to show savings. Associate coins with small rewards. Teach basic needs vs. wants. Keep conversations simple and age-appropriate. Use stories or games to explain money concepts. Be patient, reinforce lessons, and set a positive example of smart money choices. How can a 10-year-old save money? A 10-year-old can start by setting a savings goal, like buying a toy or game. Help them create a simple budget and allocate a portion of their allowance or gifts to savings. Use a piggy bank or a savings jar to visually track progress. Encourage patience and celebrate milestones together. Conclusion The main conclusion is that although college is expensive, there are ways to lessen the financial pressure. Early financial management in college will help your child set themselves up for success in the future. Money management will make it easier for them as well as you while they’re studying in college. If they have the basic knowledge of how to handle their finances before going to college, they will be able to do it stress-free and be able to learn better with time. TALK TO AN EXPERT
Supercharge Your Wealth: Dominate with SIP Mutual Funds

Supercharge Your Wealth: Dominate with SIP Mutual Funds

Mutual funds have given exceptional performance over the period. Some investors just look for the returns irrespective of the risk and other parameters. So, here we have shortlisted the top-performing best SIP mutual funds with returns as a filter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYlrsx9_yog What is a SIP? SIP or the Systematic Investment Plan refers to the investment tool associated with various mutual funds. SIP allows investors to invest money periodically for a long period.  Start Investing in Mutual Funds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ETi60GetP8 Ignite Prosperity: Unleash the Power of SIP Mutual Funds S.No.Fund Name3-Yr Annualized Performance1Quant Small Cap Fund Growth Option Direct Plan44.30 %2PGIM India Mid-cap Opportunities Fund Direct Plan-Growth39.28 %3Canara Robeco Small Cap Fund Direct-Growth38.83 %4Bank of India Small Cap Fund Direct-Growth38.82 %5Quant Tax Plan Direct Option Growth Plan36.88 %6Quant Infrastructure Fund Growth Option Direct Plan36.47 %7Quant Mid Cap Fund-Growth Option Direct Plan35.89 %8Kotak Small Cap Fund Direct-Growth35.37 %9Quant Active Fund Growth Option Direct Plan33.28 %10Quant Flexi Cap Fund Direct Plan Growth Option32.25 %Note: Data as of July 25, 2022Source: Morningstar 1. Quant small cap fund direct plan-growth Fund analysis: The fund has delivered an exceptionally good performance. The fund is investing predominantly in small-cap companies. The fund is rated 5-star by Morningstar. The risk grade is high, and the returns grade is high. The fund follows a blended style of investing. The risk is spread across companies with the top 10 holdings consisting of 38.96%. The fund has a high risk (measured by standard deviation) than the category average. ProsConsA top performer in its category. Fund captured the market well when it was rising.Volatility is very high. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIRf2Dm1wB8 2. PGIM India mid-cap opportunities fund direct plan-growth Fund analysis: The fund has outperformed the category and the benchmark with good margins. The fund is investing predominantly in mid-cap companies. The fund is rated 5-star by Morningstar. The risk grade is above average, and the returns grade is high. The fund follows a growth style of investing. The risk is spread across companies with the top 10 holdings consisting of 35.25%. The fund has a high risk (measured by standard deviation) than the category average. ProsConsA top performer in its category. The fund captured the market well when it was rising and falling, better than the category average.The minimum monthly SIP amount is Rs 1000/- thus marginal investors may not be able to take exposure Calculate Investment Using SIP Calculator 3. Canara Robeco small cap fund direct-growth Fund analysis: The fund has outperformed the benchmark over different horizons. The risk grade is average and the returns grade is high. The fund has a well-diversified portfolio invested across market capitalization. The top 10 holdings consist of a total of 22.88%. The fund is rated 5-star by Morningstar. The fund holds a good risk-to-reward ratio. The fund has low risk (measured in standard deviation) than the category average. ProsConsFund captured the market well when it was rising. The fund captured the market well when it was falling.Less exposure to small-cap stocks. 4. Bank of India small cap fund direct growth Fund analysis: The fund is rated 5-star by Morningstar. The risk grade is below average, and the returns grade is high. The fund has a beta of 0.84 indicating that the movement of the fund is less relative to the market movement. The fund follows a growth style of investing. The fund has a low risk (measured by standard deviation) than the category average. ProsConsMy risk grade is below average. Well-diversified portfolio.The fund has a high expense ratio. 5. Quant tax plan direct option growth plan Fund analysis: The fund’s objective is to generate capital appreciation by investing predominantly in a well-diversified portfolio of equity shares with growth potential. The risk grade is high and the return grade is high. The fund has a beta of 0.99 which means that the fund movement is very much relative to the market movement. The fund has a high risk (measured by standard deviation) than the category average. ProsConsWell-diversified portfolio.Tax benefit.Highly volatile. 6. Quant infrastructure fund growth option direct plan Fund analysis: The fund’s objective is to seek to generate capital appreciation & provide long-term growth opportunities by investing in a portfolio of infrastructure-focused companies. The risk and return grade of the fund is high. The fund follows a blended style of investing, indicating the fund has both value and growth stocks. The fund has invested majorly in large-cap companies. The fund has outperformed the category average with good margins. ProsConsFund has outperformed the category average over 1-Yr, 3-Yr & 5-Yr trailing returns. Fund has outperformed the category average when the market was falling.Low Assets Under Management. 7. Quant mid-cap fund-growth option direct plan Fund analysis: The fund’s objective is to seek to generate capital appreciation & provide long-term growth opportunities by investing in a portfolio of mid-cap companies. The risk grade is below average, and the returns grade is high. The fund has a beta of 0.85 indicating that the movement of the fund is less relative to the market movement. The fund has a concentrated portfolio of 34 stocks, investing in both value & growth stocks. The fund has low risk (measured by standard deviation) than the category average. ProsConsA consistent top performer in its category. The fund captured the market well when it was rising and falling, better than the category average.Concentrated portfolio of 34 stocks. 8. Kotak small cap fund direct growth Fund analysis: The fund has outperformed the category average in terms of trailing returns over different horizons. The risk grade is above average and the returns grade is above average. The fund has a beta of 0.95 indicating that the movement of the fund is quite closely relative to the movement of the market. The fund has a well-diversified portfolio of growth stocks consisting of 72 companies spread over different sectors and market-cap companies. The fund has a high risk (measured in standard deviation) than the category average. ProsConsThe fund has a favorable expense ratio. Fund captured the market well when it was falling.Too much diversification may hamper the returns. 9. Quant active fund growth option direct plan Fund analysis: The fund’s primary objective is to generate capital appreciation & provide long-term growth opportunities by investing in a portfolio of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap companies. The risk grade is above average and the returns grade is high. The fund is rated 5-star by Morningstar. The fund has invested 59.45% in large-cap, 28.07% in mid-cap, and 12.48% in small-cap companies. The fund has outperformed the category average over 1-yr, 3-yr & 5-yr trailing returns. ProsConsThe fund has a risk grade of above average, whereas the returns grade is high. Consistent performance over the period.Fund has underperformed the category average over 5-Yr trailing returns. Source: pexels 10. Quant Flexi cap fund direct plan growth option Fund analysis: The fund’s objective is to seek to generate capital appreciation & provide long-term growth opportunities by investing in a portfolio of consumption-driven companies. The risk grade is above average high. The fund has outperformed the category average and the benchmark with good margins over the long-term period. The fund has limited holdings of 36 stocks but is well-diversified across sectors. ProsConsAttractive risk-to-reward ratio. The fund captured the market well when it was rising & falling, better than the category average.Exit load of 1.00%, if units redeem within 1 year. Benefits of SIP investments Compounding: SIPs are based on the compounding theory and prove more advantageous at the end of a specific period. The interest rates are calculated and added based on compound interest which brings forth a better investment return than simple interest.  Discipline: SIPs help parents become disciplined and regular investors who are fully involved in their child’s future. Systematic and easy to manage: In this era, where everyone is so busy, SIPs are very easy to handle. Investors are allotted units every month based on the NAV at the time of their SIP. The amount is automatically deducted from the account of the investor. Flexibility: SIP helps to gain control of the finances as it is possible to start or stop a SIP anytime. Higher returns: It helps investors to earn greater returns compared to other investment opportunities like fixed deposits. Small investments: It is possible to start a SIP investment with as low as INR 100 per month, hence anyone willing to invest in their child’s future can do so easily.  Tax benefits: Some SIPs like ELSS funds have tax benefits, hence it is doubly advantageous for investors to invest in such schemes. The abundance of options: Numerous asset management houses offer SIP options to meet even the minimum criteria of an investor. Best deals: The most important benefit of a SIP for regular investors is that they can buy mutual fund units at different prices. The average investment premium is much lower compared to other investments. How to get higher returns from SIP mutual funds? To get higher returns from SIP mutual funds, you need the help of an expert or a financial advisor. They can help you invest right, manage the funds properly and conduct market research to help you maximize your returns. Here is a helpful way to get higher returns from your SIP mutual funds: Research the funds that are performing well for a longer time and shortlist the names which show good potential. It is important to start investing in SIP as early as possible as it will give you a longer window to save more. Create a rough layout financial goal, for example, the time horizon, the amount needed, and your risk profile. Invest in mutual funds that have a diversified portfolio to reduce the risk of losing money all at once. Take the help of experts in the EduFund App to make wiser and safer investment decisions.  Consider the additional expenses and costs associated with the funds like expense ratio (the cost charged by the AMC to manage your funds). Tax-saving benefits are attached to several mutual fund schemes that can help parents to save a considerable amount through tax exemptions. How to start a SIP investment on the EduFund App? Step 1: Download and Sign up with EduFund Go online with SIP investments with EduFund. Download the application and sign up with personal details. The whole signup process takes just 3 seconds.  Step 2: Identify your goals for your child’s future  The application provides a gamut of options for your child’s education. Evaluate the goal. Whether you wish to: Save for school fees Save for higher education in India or overseas Step 3: Calculate the total cost with a FREE calculator After identifying the goals, calculate the total costs of higher education for undergraduate or postgraduate studies. You could calculate basing National or International academic education expectations. Select the specialization and the country you are seeking higher education. Step 4: Get your investment map and invest Soon after filing the details, you will get how much you could get after investing for the respective number of years. You will get a number of SIP suggestions that you could compare with yours. You could increase or decrease the sum to invest monthly as per financials. We provide an overview of your savings transitioning into returns until you get the investment sum. You could go for a lump sum payment if you are an entrepreneur with unstable finances. Place the order as a secured investment through UPI or other methods. You could start with just ₹100 in Edufund SIP investments. Step 5: Track, revisit and reset goals anytime Once you set up a SIP plan, you can edit goals according to the revised economic situation. Edufund captures the sensitivity that comes with finances. Revisit the plan and modify it as per goals and finances. You will get a new investment plan with new goals. Plan your savings accordingly. Factors to Take into Account Before Choosing the Best Mutual Funds for SIP 2023 Investing Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a popular way to invest in mutual funds by making regular, fixed investments over time. Selecting the right mutual funds for your SIP investments requires careful consideration of various factors. Here are key points to evaluate before making your investment decisions in 2023:  1. Investment Goals and Horizon: Identify your investment goals—whether it's wealth creation, retirement planning, or funding-specific goals. Determine your investment horizon, as different funds suit short, medium, or long-term goals.  2. Risk Tolerance: Assess your risk tolerance before investing. Different funds carry varying levels of risk. Choose funds aligned with your risk appetite to avoid discomfort during market fluctuations.  3. Fund Performance: Analyze the historical performance of mutual funds. Look for consistent returns over multiple market cycles rather than just short-term outperformance.  4. Fund Category: Understand the different mutual fund categories such as equity, debt, hybrid, and thematic funds. Choose categories that match your risk profile and investment goals.  5. Fund Manager Expertise: The fund manager's experience and track record play a crucial role. Research the manager's history and style to ensure their approach aligns with your investment philosophy.  6. Expense Ratio: Lower expense ratios are preferable as they directly impact your returns. Compare expense ratios among similar funds to choose cost-efficient options.  7. Fund Assets and AUM: A fund's size can influence its performance and liquidity. While larger funds might offer stability, smaller ones can be more agile in taking advantage of market opportunities.  8. Consistency of Returns: Look for funds that consistently deliver steady returns over time, even if they are not the highest performers in the short term.  9. Portfolio Holdings: Examine the fund's portfolio holdings to understand its asset allocation, sector exposure, and quality of securities. Diversification is key to managing risk.  10. SIP Period and Amount: Determine the SIP period and the amount you can comfortably invest regularly. Consistency in SIP investments is more important than the amount invested.  11. Exit Load and Lock-in Period: Check for any exit loads or lock-in periods associated with the mutual funds. These can impact your ability to withdraw funds when needed.  12. Market Conditions and Economic Outlook: Consider the current market conditions and economic outlook while selecting funds. Different sectors perform differently in various market cycles.  13. Tax Implications: Understand the tax implications of the funds you're considering. Different funds have different tax treatments for gains.  14. Regulatory and Corporate Governance: Research the fund house's reputation, regulatory compliance, and corporate governance practices to ensure a trustworthy investment.  15. Diversification: Diversify your SIP investments across different fund categories and asset classes to mitigate risks and capture potential opportunities.  Conclusion: If one selects the right mutual fund then it can fetch you good returns over the period, but the selection criteria should not be based on the returns only. One should consider other factors like risk, expense ratio, etc. FAQs Which is best for mutual fund SIP? Quant Small Cap Fund Growth Option Direct PlanPGIM India Mid-cap Opportunities Fund Direct Plan-GrowthCanara Robeco Small Cap Fund Direct-GrowthBank of India Small Cap Fund Direct-GrowthQuant Tax Plan Direct Option Growth PlanQuant Infrastructure Fund Growth Option Direct PlanQuant Mid Cap Fund-Growth Option Direct PlanKotak Small Cap Fund Direct-GrowthQuant Active Fund Growth Option Direct PlanQuant Flexi Cap Fund Direct Plan Growth Option What is SIP mutual fund? A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is an investment tool in mutual funds at regular intervals. The investor can decide the amount, and date of investment and choose to stop or pause. Is SIP better than FD? A SIP is likely to get you better returns than an FD. FD is an investment product while SIP is an investment tool - a way to invest rather than a product itself. You can start a SIP in mutual funds, direct stocks, or ETFs that have historically beaten inflation and FD rates in India. What is the difference between a SIP and a mutual fund? Mutual Fund is an investment product while SIP is an investment tool - a way to invest rather than a product itself. TALK TO AN EXPERT Disclaimer:This is not recommendation advice, use it for educational purposes only. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme-related documents carefully. The NAVs of the schemes may go up or down depending upon the factors and forces affecting the securities market including the fluctuations in the interest rates. The past performance of the mutual funds is not necessarily indicative of the future performance of the schemes.
How can single parents plan finance?

How can single parents plan finance?

Managing finances as a single parent could be challenging in today's changing environment if not appropriately planned. Things could get out of control if not managed adequately. The child/children could be deprived of basic needs like education, clothing, etc. How single parents can plan finances? 1. Get rid of debt The first step is to get rid of debt. If you have any, try to pay off all the debt to reduce liability. And there is no stress about paying the EMIs. Education planning advice for new parents Read More 2. Emergency corpus The next step is creating an emergency corpus for yourself and your child to remain protected in uncertain events like job loss. The ideal way of making an emergency corpus is to put aside 6 months of your expenses. For example: if you have monthly expenses of Rs. 30,000, then you should put Rs.1,80,000 in a liquid fund or fixed deposit. 3. Life Insurance If something wrong happens to you, how or who will care for your child's expenses? For such a situation, consider having life insurance, preferably Term insurance. Calculating the amount of life insurance can be calculated in many ways. One could be 25 times your CTC. Suppose you have a CTC of 6 Lacs. The ideal life insurance cover you should consider is 1.5 crore. How Single Women can Start Investment Journey? Read More 4. Medical insurance Anyone can face health issues at any point in time. So, it is better to be well prepared by buying medical insurance. 5. Make a budget After having all these things in place, make a monthly budget. Calculate all your inflows and outflows, and categorize them into different categories Start SIP for child education savings 6. Define short-term & long-term goals Now, you need to prioritize your goals based on their importance and the time left to achieve them. Suppose you have to buy a house and a car and pay your child higher education fees. Now, you need to define which one is a short-term goal or which one is a long-term goal. Buying a house or car can come under long-term goals, but paying for your child's education could be short-term or long-term, but it needs to be prioritized at the top of your goals. Define the goals and prioritize them so that you achieve all your goal in time.  7. Make a financial plan Create a financial plan to achieve your goals which will define the time to achieve it, your risk appetite, and how much amount will be required to achieve that goal. Draw your investment strategy to help you achieve your goals effectively and efficiently. Conclusion When you are the only person to take care of your child, you should try to plan everything well in advance to provide a quality of living for your child. Having a sound financial plan will also help you ease your financial journey during the downturn. Talk To an Expert FAQs What are some financial tips for single parents? Here are some financial tips that all single parents must follow: Get rid of debt Emergency corpus Life Insurance Medical insurance Make a budget Define short-term & long-term goals Make a financial plan How important is it to save for parents? Education inflation is the reason why every parent needs to save for their child’s future! The cost of tuition is increasing every year. The education inflation rate is 11-12 percent; double of CPI which is at 6%. This means that the costs of education are growing faster than consumer price inflation as well. Fees for prominent courses and colleges are likely to reach 1 crore in the next 15 years. Parents need to be prepared for hefty fees in the future. Why should parents save money?   Financial security for emergencies and unexpected expenses.  Funding their child’s education and future endeavors.  Building wealth and assets for retirement.  Preparing for major life events like buying a house or starting a business.  Leaving a financial legacy for their family. 
Investment Options for 10 Lakhs in India in 1 Year

Investment Options for 10 Lakhs in India in 1 Year

Investing 10 lakhs for one year can be a challenging task that requires careful consideration of various factors, such as risk appetite, investment goals, and expected returns. It's crucial to make informed investment decisions that align with your financial objectives and tolerance for risk. In this comprehensive article, we will delve deep into the world of investment options available in India and explore the best ways to invest 10 lakhs for a one-year period. By understanding the pros and cons of each option, you can make well-informed decisions that optimize your investment potential while mitigating risks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8Hyb77tkM8 INR 10 Lakhs Investment Plan | 1-Year Guide 1. Fixed Deposits (FDs) Fixed deposits are a reliable and widely popular investment option due to their safety and stability. With FDs, you can deposit a lump sum amount for a fixed tenure and earn a predetermined interest rate. The interest rates offered by banks typically range from 4% to 6%, providing a predictable return on your investment. FDs are an ideal choice for conservative investors who prioritize capital preservation and a guaranteed return on their investment. Furthermore, they offer the convenience of easy liquidity, allowing you to access your funds when needed. How to Invest INR 500 for Child Education every month? Read More 2. Recurring Deposits (RDs) Similar to fixed deposits, recurring deposits allow you to invest a fixed amount every month for a predetermined period. RDs offer similar interest rates as FDs, making them suitable for individuals who want to build a habit of regular savings. This investment option is particularly appealing to those with a steady income who prefer a disciplined approach to investment. By contributing a fixed amount regularly, you can accumulate a sizeable corpus over time while enjoying the benefits of compounded returns. 3. Public Provident Fund (PPF) The Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a long-term investment option that not only offers attractive interest rates but also provides tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Currently offering an interest rate of 7.1%, the PPF comes with a lock-in period of 15 years. It is an excellent choice for investors seeking a safe and secure investment avenue that can also help in building a retirement corpus. The PPF provides the advantages of compounding and tax-free returns, making it an appealing option for long-term wealth creation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdwqQH0xkFw 4. Equity-Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) The Equity-Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) is a tax-saving mutual fund that primarily invests in equities. ELSS offers investors the dual benefit of potential capital appreciation and tax deductions under Section 80C. However, it is important to note that ELSS comes with a lock-in period of three years, making it suitable for individuals with a higher risk appetite and a long-term investment horizon. ELSS investments expose you to the volatility of equity markets, but historically, they have delivered attractive returns over the long run. Careful selection of ELSS funds and a systematic investment approach can help you navigate market fluctuations effectively. 5. Mutual Funds Mutual funds have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their ability to provide diversification and professional management. Mutual fund investments help you gain exposure to a portfolio of stocks, other securities, and bonds, which decrease the risk associated with investing in individual assets. Mutual funds offer various categories, such as large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, debt, and hybrid funds, catering to different risk profiles and investment objectives. Mutual fund investments allow you to benefit from the expertise of professional fund managers and leverage their in-depth market research. 6. Gold Gold has long been considered a traditional safe-haven investment option, providing a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainties. Investors can choose to invest in gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs), physical gold,  or sovereign gold bonds. The returns on gold are influenced by international gold prices, making it subject to price fluctuations. Gold serves as a diversification tool in an investment portfolio and is suitable for those seeking stability and protection against market volatility. Additionally, gold investments offer the flexibility to convert your holdings into cash easily when required. 7. Real Estate Real estate investments offer the potential for long-term returns and act as tangible assets. Investing in residential or commercial properties can provide rental income and capital appreciation over time. However, real estate investments require significant capital and can be illiquid. It is essential to carefully evaluate factors such as location, market conditions, and legal compliance before venturing into real estate. Real estate can be a viable option for investors seeking a long-term investment avenue and are willing to take on the responsibilities associated with property ownership. Talk To An Expert
How you can protect your savings from inflation?

How you can protect your savings from inflation?

Inflation affects the cost of everything, from basic goods like edible oil, crude oil, and vegetables to big events like education, foreign trips, or property rates.    This year, inflation reached its all-time high at 7% and has maintained that record over the past 3 months. This means your savings need to beat the rising inflation rate before inflation beats your savings.   To protect your savings from inflation, you need to consider multiple investment instruments. Relying on fixed deposits, land or gold alone is not enough. Beating inflation requires a financial plan that distributes your money wisely across different saving and investing options. It allows your money to work in different areas – like mutual funds, bonds, PPF, Digital Gold, ETFs, and much more.   How can the average Indian investor beat inflation?  By gaining financial knowledge and opening up to investment, risk, and newer opportunities, the average Indian can beat inflation. If you are a young adult in your 20s, then saving in FDs or stashing your money in a savings account is not enough. You need to start exploring different alternatives that can benefit from the power of compounding and help you create a corpus for future needs.   Savings accounts in most banks offer a 2% annual rate while 5-6% interest rates on fixed deposits. These interest rates fail to compete with the growing inflation rate of 7%. Thus, by saving on these instruments, you are likely to reduce your purchasing power and lose money rather than gain from them!  Ways to protect your savings from inflation   1. Manage your expenses  Budgeting is the only way to ensure you don’t overspend or live paycheck to paycheck. Your cost of living should be less than your monthly income so that you can invest or save a part of your income. By budgeting, you may be able to spare a bigger portion for this cause. Tips to manage your expenses-   Follow your expenses carefully   Pay bills and EMIs on time to avoid penalties  Go for cheaper alternatives for food, clothes, and gadgets  Cutback on eating out, unnecessary subscriptions   Develop productive habits   2. Look for long-term investing options  Domestic and international stocks, bonds, and equity funds offer great returns on your initial investment. Sometimes double the returns as opposed to FDs, gold, and even property. These investments are great for those who wish to remain invested for 10-15 years, maximize their gains, and allow the market to average out the risk and loss. The beauty of the share market is that in the long run, it corrects itself and rewards its oldest members.  3. Go beyond PPFs and FDs   Beating inflation means looking past PPFs and FDs, stocks, gold, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds can help you diversify your investment and savings. This does not mean that you need to break your FD or PPF plan, it means starting a small SIP for Rs. 1000 or more for mutual funds or ETF can help you save better and reap the benefits of compounding.   4. Invest in gold and real estate  Gold is a natural deterrent against inflation; the rise of gold rises with inflation which means gold will remain an ever-green investment as long as inflation is here. But don’t restrict yourself to physical gold, invest in digital gold, gold ETFs, and sovereign gold bonds.  Similarly, in real estate, the cost of the property rises as well as rent with inflation Thus, invest in property or through real estate investment trust (REITs).  5. Mutual funds and ETFs  A SIP as low as INR 500 can help you stay financially secure in the near future. There is a good reason behind the popularity of mutual funds and ETFs, these are great instruments for beginners as well as professionals. Mutual funds are managed by a fund manager who invests on your behalf. This means you get to protect your savings from inflation without any effort.   Don’t let inflation eat at your savings. Invest wisely and remember that the cost of commodities is only going to increase so should your savings. FAQs How do you stay ahead of inflation?   To stay ahead of inflation, consider investing in assets with returns that outpace inflation, such as stocks, real estate, or commodities. Diversify your portfolio to spread risk. Focus on long-term investments, maintain a budget, and periodically reassess your financial strategy to adapt to changing economic conditions.  How do you manage inflation times?  During inflation times, manage by diversifying investments, focusing on assets with historically inflation-resistant returns, and avoiding excessive cash holdings.  Where do I put my money during inflation?   During inflation, consider allocating your money to assets that historically perform well in such conditions, like equities, real estate, commodities, and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). Diversify your investments to spread risk and preserve purchasing power. Avoid keeping excessive cash, as it may lose value during inflationary periods. 
How to fund your child’s Australian dream?

How to fund your child’s Australian dream?

Australian universities are a dream for many students aspiring to do higher education overseas. According to QS world rankings 2022, Australia’s 7 universities make it to the list.   As per Top University’s stats, “A 4-year degree in Australia costs up to $ 45000.”   The tuition fee varies between 30000 AUD - 50000 AUD a year, which is the average cost. Depending on the course and the university, tuition fees may differ. However, the tuition and living costs are comparatively high depending on individual circumstances.  As a parent, you must worry about overseas study costs. Here are the best ways to save and finance your child's Australian dream.  What are the estimated costs for studying a course in Australia? Degrees in Australia Approximate costsEnglish Language Study AUD 18,240/YearVocational Education Up to AUD 28,500/YearUG (Undergraduate Degree) Up to AUD 45,000/YearPG (Post-Graduation) Around AUD 48,000/Year Doctoral DegreeAround AUD 48,000/Year  How to plan finances for your child’s education in Australia?  So, these are some estimated costs of studying in Australia. The expenses differ according to the course chosen. Given the cost, here is how you can finance the child’s tuition fee and living expenses in Australia.  1. Applying for a scholarship  Every university aspires to nurture talents from around the world and to encourage students; universities offer scholarships based on merit. Students should keep a keen eye on such scholarships and apply for them. An eligible student may be able to cover their tuition fees throughout the course by getting the scholarship.  2. Applying for personal loans  The parent can apply for personal loans if a student does not qualify for funds, scholarships, or grants through different sources. Personal loans are easy to prepare for and have competitive interest rates. You can manage it feasibly by splitting the repayments. Such loans may be a good option for average students pursuing higher education at Australian universities.  Bachelor's for Australia Read More 3. Work while studying  In Australia, one can quickly get a part-time job that pays hourly. It will help the student financially but also help gain exposure to the different industries and how they function.  Students can work for different paid internships, apprenticeships, and as a trainee for other firms to fund their daily expenses and tuition fees.   4. Check out student loans   Student loans are high-interest loans taken for the specific purpose of funding overseas education. You can apply for these loans through lenders, the government, or financial institutions.  Eligibility criteria for student loans:  The applicant must be an Indian citizen.  The age must be 18 years, or their parents will have to take the loan on their behalf.  Admission confirmation from an Australian university is required.  The candidate must enroll in a course recognized by the funding institution, such as a job-oriented degree, diploma courses, etc.  The student/parent should keep up with the terms of the loan/loans and their tenure. They must assess the best option available. One can take student loans for a longer duration ranging from 10-20 years.  Expenses covered under the student loan include:  Tuition fees for the course.  Cost of accommodation of student.  Purchase books, laptops, and stationery as needed.  Other such expenses as required to complete the course.  Cost of study tours, project work, etc  5. Minimize the risk of investments  If you have been investing in your child's Australian dream for a long time, safeguard it. Shift these investments to a minimal-risk fund like an FD (Fixed Deposit) towards the last stages of the investment horizon. You can also switch to a savings account. It ensures safety and provides interest in your money.  How do I apply for an education loan? What documents do you need?  If you want to finance your child's education, make sure you have these documents:  Admission letter from the university  Study-related documents  Candidate's PAN number  Statements of the guarantor, borrower, or student's account  A copy of the income proof of the parent or guarantor  Proof of assets  FAQs How can I fund my studies in Australia?   You can fund your studies in Australia through various means such as scholarships, grants, part-time work, student loans, and financial aid. Research available scholarships and grants, explore part-time job opportunities, and inquire about student loan options to cover tuition fees and living expenses during your study period.  Do I need proof of funds to study in Australia?   Yes, international students typically need to show proof of sufficient funds to cover tuition and living expenses in Australia.  How many funds required for Australia?  The funds required for studying in Australia vary depending on the course, location, and duration of study. Generally, you'll need to show sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses.  Conclusion These are some ways to finance your child's Australian dream. What is the best option for you? TALK TO AN EXPERT
Decoding SIP Investment: A Beginner's Guide

Decoding SIP Investment: A Beginner's Guide

In the previous article, we discussed foreign investment. In this article, we will discuss SIP investments. SIP, also known as a Systematic Investment Plan, is a facility offered by mutual funds to investors to invest in a fund properly. With a SIP facility, investors can invest a fixed amount of money in pre-defined intervals.   Note that the fixed amount of money can be as low as INR 500. The SIP route to investment is necessary as it helps you to invest in a time-bound manner. There is no need to worry about market dynamics when you are investing via SIPs. What is SIP investment?  Currently, Indian Mutual Funds have currently about 5.5 crore SIP accounts through which investors invest in various schemes. A SIP is one of the two ways in which you can invest in a mutual fund scheme. The other way to invest in mutual funds is through a lump sum amount. In a SIP, you essentially invest a fixed amount of your money on a specific date.   Note that every mutual fund comes with its own minimum investment amount that you have to strictly adhere to. To achieve financial success in our lives, we typically tend to work harder. And it is only by working hard that we can achieve our objectives in life. But with a SIP, your success is always in progress.   SIP allows you to invest in mutual funds monthly, quarterly, and step-by-step. It is essential to note here that SIP averages out your cost of investing. Moreover, with SIPs, you can benefit from the power of compounding. What makes SIPs stand out is their ability. SIP plans for child's education Read More Top 10 mutual funds for SIP to Invest in 2023 Here are the top ten mutual funds for SIP to invest in 2023:  Name of the Fund Asset Class Category DSP Tax Saver Fund Direct Plan Growth Option Equity India Fund: ELSS DSP Flexi Cap Fund Direct Plan-Growth Equity India Fund: Flexi Cap Quant Active Fund Growth Option Direct Plan Equity Multi-cap Axis Midcap Fund Direct Plan-Growth Equity Mid-cap Navi Nifty 50 Index Fund Direct-Growth Equity Index Fund - Nifty Navi Nifty Next 50 Index Fund Direct-Growth Equity Index Fund - Nifty Next 50 Axis Small Cap Fund Direct-Growth Equity Small Cap ICICI Prudential Technology Fund - Direct Plan-Growth Equity Thematic - Technology ICICI Prudential Balanced Advantage Fund Direct Plan-Growth Hybrid Dynamic Asset Allocation Tata Hybrid Equity Fund - Direct Plan-Growth Hybrid Aggressive Hybrid     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEA3dKj7q5U How to invest in SIP?  Investing in a SIP has become pretty simple. As an investor, you can invest in SIPs right from the comfort of your home. Here are the necessary steps to follow while investing in a SIP.   1. Keep all the Necessary Documents Ready   You have to ensure that all the essential documents are ready before starting to invest. Since it is a long procedure, you can keep all the important documents handy like PAN card, ID proof, and address proof. Also, ensure that your bank account and PAN details are correct.   2. Get your KYC Done   Comply with KYC norms before investing in any financial product. For KYC registration, you can also apply online.   3. Register for a SIP   To start investing in a SIP, you need to register with financial advisors or institutions. After registering, you can choose from a large number of funds.   4. Select the Right SIP Plan for Good Returns   Selecting the right SIP plan is one of the most crucial aspects. If you fail to choose the right plan, it will be tough to get a good return on your overall investment. Before investing in a SIP, consider the below-mentioned parameters.   Risks associated with the SIP   The number of units involved in a SIP investment   The type of investor you are   Select the Amount: Select the amount you want to invest in the scheme How can you invest in SIP using EduFund?  Saving for your child’s education is easy when you have a financial partner to help you. From calculating the cost of education in different countries for different courses to saving via SIPs in 4000+ mutual funds from top AMCs like TATA, Navi, and DSP; you start at just Rs. 100!   Here is how simple it is to save with EduFund  Using the College Cost Calculator, find out how much you need to save for your child’s education   Once you know much you need, start saving via SIP or Lumpsum. You can get the monthly amount based on your budget and explore the customized funds that can help you get closer to your goal  After selecting the funds, allow the SIP mandate from your bank account or make a lump sum order. That's it! You are ready to fund your child’s dream education in no time!  SIP is a great way to reach long-term and short-term goals. You can start a SIP for saving up for your child’s college to his/her laptop by deciding how much you need to invest every month and when you need the funds for your set goal. Make the most of the financial instruments and start saving!   FAQs What does an SIP means? Systematic Investment Plans or SIPs is a popular way of investing in investment tools like Mutual Funds, ETFs and stocks. SIPs build financial discipline, help one build wealth for the future and a steady corpus for emergencies. You can start small and invest monthly in mutual funds. Is SIP better than FD? SIPs offer higher interest rates than FDs. Both are great investments to build future wealth. Which SIP is best for 1000 per month? Here are some good mutual funds to consider: DSP Tax Saver Fund Direct Plan Growth Option Equity India Fund: ELSSDSP Flexi Cap Fund Direct Plan-Growth Equity India Fund: Flexi CapQuant Active Fund Growth Option Direct Plan Equity Multi-capAxis Midcap Fund Direct Plan-Growth Equity Mid-capNavi Nifty 50 Index Fund Direct-Growth Talk To An Expert
Cheapest Investment Plans

Cheapest Investment Plans

As the middle class in India continues to thrive and make significant strides toward financial stability and prosperity, the need for reliable investment plans becomes paramount. Making wise investment choices is key to securing one's financial future and achieving long-term goals. Let's dig deeper into the details of the best investment plans tailored specifically for the middle class in India. By understanding these investment avenues, individuals can make informed decisions that pave the way for financial growth and security. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2K84ePN4IU 1. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) have gained immense popularity among middle-class investors in India. SIPs allow individuals to invest a fixed amount regularly in mutual funds, thus harnessing the power of compounding. This investment avenue provides convenience, flexibility, and the opportunity of investing in diverse asset classes such as equity, debt, or hybrid funds. By investing in SIPs, the middle class can benefit from the potential for higher returns over the long term. Moreover, SIPs also enable investors to initiate with small amounts, making it an ideal investment option for those with limited disposable income. 2, Public Provident Fund (PPF) The Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a government-backed savings scheme that has been a popular choice among the middle class for decades. PPF offers a long-term investment horizon of 15 years, ensuring that individuals can accumulate a substantial corpus over time. This scheme provides a fixed interest rate, which is often higher than that of traditional fixed deposits. Opening a PPF account is easy, as it can be done at designated banks and post offices across India. Additionally, contributions made to a PPF account are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Furthermore, the accumulated amount in a PPF account can be withdrawn tax-free at maturity, making it an attractive investment option for the middle class. 5 Investment Plan every Parent should have Read More 3. National Pension Scheme (NPS) The National Pension Scheme (NPS) is a government-regulated investment plan specifically designed to cater to retirement needs. NPS offers the middle class an opportunity to build a substantial retirement corpus through regular contributions during their working years. The scheme provides a choice of investment options and fund managers, allowing individuals to customize their investment strategy according to their risk appetite. NPS also provides tax benefits under Section 80C, wherein contributions made towards NPS are eligible for deductions. Additionally, partial withdrawals are allowed under specific circumstances, providing individuals with flexibility in managing their financial needs. It's important to note that while NPS ensures security, it may not offer returns as competitive as other investment options. 4. Equity-Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) are mutual fund schemes that combine tax benefits with the potential for higher returns. ELSS funds primarily invest in equities, which offer the opportunity for capital appreciation over the long term. Investments made in ELSS are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. ELSS funds have a mandatory lock-in period of three years, encouraging investors to stay invested for the long term. This aligns with the objective of wealth creation, as staying invested for a longer duration allows investors to benefit from the potential growth of the equity market. 5. Fixed Deposits (FD) Fixed Deposits (FDs) have been a traditional investment avenue for risk-averse individuals, including the middle class. FDs provide a secure and predictable return on investment, making them an attractive choice for conservative investors. With flexible tenures and varying interest rates, individuals have the freedom to choose an investment period that suits their needs. Although the returns from FDs may be lower compared to other investment options, they are considered a safe haven for capital preservation. FDs provide a sense of stability and security, which is appealing to middle-class people seeking to protect their hard-earned money. One must remember this is a safe investment option, but FDs hardly give inflation-beating returns. Affordable Investment Opportunities Read More 6. Direct Equity Investment Direct equity investment is an option for individuals from the middle class having a keen interest in the stock market and a willingness to take calculated risks. Investing in individual stocks needs knowledge, thorough research, and a long-term perspective. While direct equity investment can be rewarding, it is important to exercise caution and consider consulting a financial advisor to make informed investment decisions in the equity market. Diversifying investments across sectors and market capitalizations can help mitigate risk. With the potential for higher returns, direct equity investment can be a valuable addition to a well-diversified investment portfolio. Conclusion Investing wisely holds great importance for the middle class to achieve their financial goals and secure their future. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), Public Provident Funds (PPF), National Pension Schemes (NPS), Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS), Fixed Deposits (FDs), and direct equity investment are among the best investment plans in India for the middle class.  By understanding the unique features, risk-reward profiles, and tax implications of these investment options, individuals can make well-informed decisions aligned with their financial aspirations. Remember, investing is a journey that requires discipline, patience, and periodic reviews to ensure that your investments align with your evolving goals and changing market dynamics. Start early, continue to be committed, and reap the rewards of a well-planned investment strategy tailored to your needs. Consult an Expert Advisor
Parenting on a Budget: Avoiding Overspending

Parenting on a Budget: Avoiding Overspending

Being a parent comes with multiple responsibilities, and managing finances is a crucial aspect of providing for your family. It's easy to fall into the trap of overspending, especially when it comes to raising children. However, with careful planning and a few simple strategies, you can avoid overspending and maintain financial stability while still meeting your family's needs. Effective ways to avoid overspending as a parent.   1. Create a Budget   Setting up a comprehensive budget is the foundation for managing your family's finances. By allocating specific amounts to different expenses, you can track your spending and identify areas where you may be overspending. Here's how to get started:    Assess Your Income and Expenses:   Begin by evaluating your monthly income and fixed expenses, such as rent/mortgage, utilities, and loan payments. Then, calculate variable expenses, such as groceries, childcare, and entertainment.   Prioritise Essentials:   Assign a reasonable portion of your budget to essential expenses like food, housing, healthcare, and education. Ensure that these necessities are covered before allocating funds to discretionary spending.     Set Savings Goals:   Include a savings category in your budget to build an emergency fund and plan for future expenses like education or retirement. Try to set aside a certain portion of your money each month.  Early Decision vs Early Action Read More 2. Differentiate between needs and wants   One of the most effective ways to avoid overspending is to differentiate between needs and wants. Teach your children the importance of making wise financial decisions by following these steps:    Identify Necessities:   Distinguish between essential items and discretionary purchases. Discuss with your family the difference between needs (such as nutritious food and clothing) and wants (like expensive gadgets or designer clothes).   Encourage Delayed Gratification:   Teach your children the value of patience and delayed gratification. Help them understand that waiting and saving for something they want can be more rewarding than instant, impulsive purchases. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNqwEZbjEvc 3. Embrace frugal habits   Adopting frugal habits can significantly reduce unnecessary expenses and help you save money in the long run. Consider implementing the following strategies:   Plan Meals and Shop Smart:   Create weekly meal plans and make a grocery list before going shopping. Keep to your list and abstain from impulsive purchases. Keep to your list and abstain from impulsive purchases. Look for sales, use coupons, and buy in bulk whenever possible.    Choose Quality over Quantity:   Invest in durable and high-quality products for your children rather than constantly buying inexpensive, low-quality items that may need frequent replacement. Long-term financial savings are possible with this strategy.   Emphasise Experiences over Material Possessions:   Instead of spending excessively on toys and material possessions, focus on creating memorable experiences with your children. Engage in activities like picnics, nature walks, or family game nights that promote bonding without straining your budget. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKh7YxTo9yc 4. Teach financial literacy to your children   Educating your children about money management from an early age can empower them to make responsible financial decisions in the future. Consider the following steps:     Introduce the Concept of Saving:   Encourage your children to save a portion of their pocket money or earnings from chores. Help them open a savings account to witness their money grow over time.    Involve Children in Financial Discussions:   Include your children in age-appropriate discussions about budgeting, saving, and financial goals. This involvement will instill a sense of responsibility and encourage them to make thoughtful choices. Importance of Family Budgeting Read More Additional Tips to Avoid Overspending Limit Impulse Purchases: Avoid making spontaneous purchases on non-essential items. Before buying something, give yourself a cooling-off period of 24 hours to assess whether it's a necessary expense or an impulsive desire.   Comparison Shop: Take the time to compare costs and explore different options before making major purchases. Look for deals, discounts, or alternative brands that offer the same quality at a lower price. Online shopping platforms can be helpful for finding competitive prices.   Utilise Hand-Me-Downs and Borrowing: Children outgrow clothes, toys, and other items quickly. Take advantage of hand-me-downs from friends or family members, or consider borrowing items that your child may need temporarily. This can significantly reduce expenses on items that are only used for a short period.   Avoid Peer Pressure: Kids often desire things because their friends have them. Teach your children the importance of individuality and not succumbing to peer pressure. Encourage them to make choices based on personal preferences and needs rather than trying to keep up with others.   Prioritise Debt Repayment: If you have outstanding debts, allocate a portion of your budget to paying them off systematically. Reducing debt will alleviate financial stress and free up resources for other priorities.   Regularly Review and Adjust Your Budget: As your family's needs and circumstances change, it's important to revisit your budget periodically. Analyze your spending patterns and adjust your allocations accordingly. This ongoing assessment will help you identify areas where you can make further improvements and avoid unnecessary expenses.   Seek Support from Parenting Communities: Connect with other parents who share similar financial goals. Join parenting groups or online forums where you can exchange money-saving tips, advice, and support. Learning from others' experiences can provide valuable insights and motivation.   Remember, the goal is not to deprive your family but to strike a balance between meeting their needs and maintaining financial stability. By practicing mindful spending and instilling good financial habits in your children, you are setting a positive example for their future financial well-being.  Consult an Expert Advisor
Affordable Investment Opportunities for Beginners

Affordable Investment Opportunities for Beginners

For accumulating money and accomplishing long-term financial objectives, investing is a great option. However, many people believe that investing requires substantial capital, making it inaccessible for those on a limited budget. The good news is that there are affordable ways to start investing, even with limited funds. Here are some affordable ways to invest without breaking the bank!  Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs): Systematic Investment Plans, or SIPs, are an excellent option for those who want to invest in mutual funds with a small amount of money regularly. By investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, such as monthly or quarterly, you can take advantage of the power of compounding and mitigate the impact of market volatility. With SIPs, you can begin with a little contribution and progressively increase it as your financial condition improves.  Starting with a Small Lump Sum: If you have a small lump sum of money available, you can begin investing by allocating it wisely. Rather than leaving your funds idle in a savings account, consider investing them in low-cost index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These investment vehicles provide diversification across multiple stocks, bonds, or other assets, making them a suitable choice for long-term growth.  Gradually Investing Your Savings: If you've been diligently saving money, you can gradually invest those savings to generate additional returns. This approach allows you to deploy your funds strategically, ensuring you don't invest all your savings at once. By adopting a disciplined approach and investing a portion of your savings regularly, you can mitigate the risk of investing a large sum at the wrong time.  Follow a Budget and Set Goals: One of the most important aspects of affordable investing is maintaining a budget and setting realistic financial goals. By tracking your expenses, cutting down on unnecessary expenditures, and prioritizing savings, you can free up more money to invest. Additionally, setting specific investment goals, such as saving for retirement or a down payment on a house, will help you stay motivated and focused on your long-term financial objectives.  Opt for SIPs Over EMIs: Instead of opting for expensive purchases through equated monthly installments (EMIs), consider redirecting that money towards SIP investments. While EMIs may seem convenient, they often come with high-interest rates and can lead to unnecessary debt. By investing the equivalent EMI amount in SIPs, you can build wealth over time and achieve financial stability without incurring additional debt.  Manage Your Debt: Before diving into investing, it's crucial to address any existing debts. High-interest debts, such as credit card balances or personal loans, can hinder your financial progress. Prioritize paying off these debts before focusing on investing. By reducing your debt burden, you'll have more disposable income available for investments in the future.  Explore Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs): ETFs are investment funds that trade on stock exchanges and offer exposure to a diversified portfolio of assets. These funds are designed to track the performance of a particular index, sector, or commodity. ETFs often have low expense ratios and can be a cost-effective way to invest in a broad range of assets, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities. They are particularly suitable for beginners due to their simplicity and affordability.  Mutual Funds: Mutual funds pool the money of several investors to invest in a wide range of stocks, bonds, or other securities. They are managed by professional fund managers, making them an attractive option for individuals with limited investment knowledge. Mutual funds offer the advantage of diversification, allowing you to spread your investment across various assets, thereby reducing risk. Many mutual funds offer affordable initial investment requirements, making them accessible to beginner investors.  Direct Investing in US Stocks: With the rise of online brokerage platforms, it has become easier for individuals to invest directly in US stocks. Investing in individual stocks allows you to take a more hands-on approach and potentially earn higher returns. However, it is essential to thoroughly research and understand the companies you invest in to mitigate risks. Additionally, diversification is crucial, so consider investing in a mix of different stocks across various sectors.  In conclusion, starting to invest in a budget is possible. By setting goals, utilizing affordable options, and staying consistent, you can build wealth and work towards your financial objectives.  Consult an Expert Advisor
What is SIP in a mutual fund?

What is SIP in a mutual fund?

A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in Mutual Funds allows investors to invest a specified sum of money periodically, once a month, or every other quarter. Like a recurring deposit, the monthly amount can be as low as INR 500. It's practical since you can direct your bank to deduct the money monthly.  SIP has gone mainstream amongst Indian mutual fund investors because it allows them to invest in a disciplined way without dealing with economic uncertainty. Mutual Funds Systematic Investment Plans are by far the most popular way to get started in the realm of long-term investing. Starting SIP in Mutual Fund helps you stay invested for a long.   SIPs are similar to recurrent deposits in which you invest a small/fixed sum each month. In India, Mutual Fund SIP accounts totaled 5.55 crores, with a total sum generated through SIP of 12,276 crores in June 2022.  The following are the monthly amounts of SIP Contributions received from FY 2016-17 onwards: The following are the details of new SIPs registered and canceled during FY 22-23 How long should a SIP last?  Staying invested as long as possible is key to good returns. If you participate in a SIP for four years, your chance of loss is minimal. It's also important to keep in mind that short time periods have more chances of loss and outside profit. In overextended historical periods, the good and terrible times balance out.  The asset allocation of SIP investment  Asset allocation is a critical component of SIP investment. The stock market performance determines the returns earned by equity-associated mutual funds. Therefore, if the market is not providing an attractive yield, your fund will deliver modest returns. For good returns, try to dynamically distribute your assets - ideally combine long-term, mid-term, and short-term investments. You can diversify your SIP investments based on your risk tolerance and investment objectives, and not restrict your investments to just one kind of investment.   When to withdraw?  This has been the most frequently posed question among investors. The appropriate response is entirely dependent on the success of your fund. Monitor the mutual fund performance in which you have invested. If the fund has a poor performance for even less than a year, it could be subject to market swings, but if the commission has been poor for much more than eighteen months, explore different investments.  Nevertheless, this is not the only criterion to consider when evaluating a fund's performance; you need also to consider the mix of firms in which the fund has invested and their potential profitability. Another effective method is to compare the performance of your mutual fund to that of identical mutual fund schemes.  Benefits of Investing through SIP  Simple Investment: You may begin investing as little as Rs 500 per month through SIP and see it increase. A SIP is not only easy to track, but it also allows you to save more money.  Average Rupee Cost: The Rupee Cost Averaging component of SIP is unique because you buy more units when the market is low and more negligible when the demand is high. Hence you can buy more during every market downturn, lowering your investment cost and increasing your returns.  Higher returns: SIP delivers twice the returns of regular investments or recurring deposits. This might assist you in avoiding excessive prices.  Compound growth: SIPs work on the theory of getting a compound rate of return on your investments a moderate amount spent over time yields higher returns than a sizeable one-time commitment.  Flexibility: SIP allows you to avoid long-term obligations such as building a portfolio such as Public Provident Funds or Unit Linked Insurance Plans.  Why SIP is the best investment? Read More The best SIP funds  Investing with a SIP allows you to spread your investments over time and benefits from rupee cost averaging. If you opt to invest in mutual funds through a SIP, you do not have to pace the markets. As per ICICI Direct below list is suitable for investments. Top 10 equity mutual funds  As per data from Clear tax (https://cleartax.in/s/best-equity-mutual-funds) table below displays the top-performing equities mutual funds over the previous three and five years. Who should make SIP investments?  Everyone, from students to salaried workers, can start a SIP and invest in their chosen Mutual Funds with as little as Rs. 100 by using this strategy. This is ideal for those with a consistent income stream. Individuals can invest a portion of their regular income in mutual funds by initiating a SIP.  Each mutual fund is designed to attain a certain goal. Select the fund that best meets your objectives and risk tolerance brings you closer to your financial goals. As a note to the investors, before initiating a SIP into a fund, examine the needs and align them with the fund's objectives. Do a thorough analysis of the funds to make the most of your investments! FAQs Is SIP better than a mutual fund?  Ans. SIP may offer a more effective means of achieving budgetary and investment objectives. An investor who uses mutual funds has the choice of reinvested returns or earnings. Investors can benefit from the power of compounding if they reinvest in the same plan rather than withdrawing their money.  Is SIP a good investment?  Ans. One of the greatest methods for disciplined investing is the systematic investment plan (SIP), which should be followed regularly throughout time. By beginning a SIP with two or more funds, an investor can diversify their portfolio.  Can I withdraw SIP anytime?  Ans. The amount and procedure for early withdrawal from a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) depend on the type of mutual fund, the length of the investment, and the fund house's policies. Most funds have a minimum lock-in period and violating it may incur fees.  Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan for you TALK TO AN EXPERT
Best 5 ways early saving can help a child's future

Best 5 ways early saving can help a child's future

If you are planning to send your child overseas for higher studies, here are 5 ways early saving will help your child’s future career. Depending on the career your child decides to pursue and the country where your child wishes to travel, you will require a corpus of anywhere from Rs. 25 lakhs to up to Rs. 1 crore. And as you can imagine, these funds need to be planned for and accumulated over time.   Here is why early saving will help your child’s future career  1. Start saving early to build a larger corpus It is difficult to assess the career your child will ultimately pursue almost 15 years from now, it is best for you to go big and work with a higher target. This way your child will have the freedom to choose whichever career appeals to him/her, without you stressing out about how you are going to fund it.   2. You will not need an education loan While education loans are quite commonplace these days, if you plan well in advance, your child will not need to apply for education loans. No matter how easy they are to get, you must remember that most students end up having to commit a substantial portion of their 7-9 years’ earnings in the initial years towards settling these loans. If you plan well and start saving early, you can spare your child the stress of this loan.   3. Zero hassle of getting education loans While education loans are many today, the competition for these loans is going up as more and more students aspire to go overseas. This means by the time your child is ready to travel for higher studies, these loans will be harder to get and will definitely be more expensive than they are today. Also, loans that are easily available are provided against high-value collateral. If you do not have the necessary collateral with all the required documentation, the loan will not be sanctioned. Further, if your loan application is rejected for any reason by even one loan provider, it will create a lot of hurdles for you when you apply to other lenders. All of this stress can be avoided if you have your own funds to put your child through college with your funds.   Source: pixabay 4. No fear of repayment Different lenders have different repayment terms. Some need the student to start repayment even during the study period. Others, once the course of over and the student starts working. In both cases, this becomes an additional area of concern for the student. Managing a job while studying overseas is not an easy task. Even if the repayment schedule starts to post the course completion, it implies the student will be forced to take up a job even if he/she prefers to study further. As you can see, there is no need to put your child through all these challenges. All you have to do is create and follow an effective savings plan that will help you save your funds and grow them through compounding over an extended period of time.   5. Builds healthy financial habits We all know that our children usually follow what we do when it comes to financial behavior. By saving early on, your child will be able to pursue the career of his / her choice and will be free to start work when he/she feels ready. Most children, having experienced the ease of access to their own funds, realize early on that saving for a bigger goal in the future is important. Your decisions today will encourage your child to put away their own funds for their future career and personal goals.   It may seem like an obvious adage to start saving for your child’s higher education. But most parents make the big mistake of waiting for their child to go off to college. Saving diligently, can be the game-changer that your family needs to shift to a whole new level of success in just one generation. So, ensure you start your savings today! FAQs What are the advantages of saving early?   Start saving early to build a large corpus. It is difficult to assess the career your child will ultimately pursue almost 15 years from now; it is best for you to go big and work with a higher target.   This way, your child will have the freedom to choose whichever career appeals to them without stressing out about how you will fund it.    Should you save money for your children?   We all know that our children usually follow what we do when it comes to financial behavior. By saving early on, your child will be able to pursue the career of their choice and will be free to start work when they feel ready.  What are the 4 advantages of saving money?   Saving money has several advantages. A few of the main advantages include:   Protects you in the event of a financial emergency   You can avoid debt   Provides you with financial freedom   Helps you pay for your child’s education without stress   Why is saving important for kids?   Depending on the career your child decides to pursue and the country where your child wishes to travel, you will require a corpus of anywhere from Rs. 25 lakhs to up to Rs. 1 crore. And as you can imagine, these funds need to be planned for and accumulated over time.   Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan for you TALK TO AN EXPERT