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Investment strategies during the market boom

Investment strategies during the market boom

We are always prepared for when the markets are correct. As rational investors, we know we should invest more in equity-based investments when the markets are low. But, do you know the right action to take when the markets are at a high? Traditional investor mentality Whenever the markets witness sharp extremes of high or low, investors become cautious about their next move. However, being extra cautious can often reduce the potential of the investments and make the investors take decisions that do not serve their best interests. Traditional investors usually see the market high as the perfect moment to stop their ongoing investments and sell their holdings. They then wait for market corrections to re-invest this money. This can be the right decision for investors who require money at that point in time. But liquidating your assets can create a huge speed breaker in your wealth creation journey. Investment strategies during the market boom 1. Review your portfolio This is the first step before you take any decisions related to your investments during extreme market movements. Do a thorough analysis and review of your portfolio. In this review, make sure you go fund by fund to check the performance. A detailed portfolio review will help you know what has changed in your investments from the time you invested in those market conditions. 2. Rebalance your portfolio The market volatility directly impacts your portfolio's asset allocation. E.g., when you would have begun your investment journey, your portfolio's equity: debt ratio would have been, let's take, 50:50. But when the markets boomed, the equity: debt would have increased to 70:30. This causes over-exposure to equity, which thereby increases the risk component of your portfolio. As an investor, you should periodically rebalance your portfolio or as and when the market demands so that your portfolio still performs optimally and you are way ahead of the market curve. 3. Invest in dynamic asset allocation funds A DAAF follows an intelligent asset allocation strategy depending on the market conditions. It works this way – When the markets are overvalued, this fund cuts down on its equity exposure and increases the debt allocation. In contrast, when the market is undervalued and has the potential to grow, this fund increases its asset allocation towards equity and reduces the debt exposure in its portfolio. Such funds provide the investors with the best of both worlds, that is, equity and debt, and generate steady returns regardless of market movements. This balanced fund investment is best for investors with a low to moderate risk appetite. Additional read: Importance of starting investment early 4. Give importance to value investing Even when the markets hit record highs, some stocks or shares are valued way below what they are worth. Value investing is an investment strategy that invests in stocks that are trading way below their intrinsic value and have a much higher potential for growth in the future. Investing in such stocks or funds providing exposure to such stocks helps the investor gain growth opportunities in their portfolios. 5. Avoid lump sum investments in equities The worst time to make lumpsum investments in equities is when the market is already booming and has a high P/E ratio. This means that the markets are already overvalued, and a correction is coming soon. The market movements follow a wave pattern, where every time the market goes up, it corrects to a certain level. Instead, you could make SIP investments in equities, which captures all market movements and also gives you an additional benefit of rupee cost averaging. 6. Goal-based investing Make a detailed investment plan to efficiently and effectively allocate your income. Make a set of objectives that you want to achieve with your investments. It may include buying a house, purchasing a car, planning an international holiday, or your child’s higher education abroad. When you know what you are investing for, you know what corpus you want to end up with. This helps you make your investment journey as smooth and straightforward as possible. The bottom line is, that when the markets are at a high, do not sell your investments hurriedly and re-invest entirely in the debt market. Also, putting your investments on hold can hurt your long-term goals and objectives. Follow the proper steps into rebalancing and diversifying your portfolio to ensure you are always in a comfortable position regarding your investments. Moreover, short-term volatility is not harmful to long-term investors. Always keep your goals in mind and invest systematically. FAQs What investment strategies are advisable during a market boom? The best strategy is to maintain a diversified portfolio, regularly rebalance your investments, and focus on long-term goals rather than short-term market fluctuations. Is it wise to invest aggressively during a market upswing? While it's tempting, avoid excessive risk. Stick to your risk tolerance, and consider gradual increases in equity exposure rather than abrupt shifts. How can I protect my investments during a market boom? Review and update your asset allocation, set realistic profit-taking goals, and stay informed about market trends to make informed decisions during periods of growth.
Budgeting tips for parents.

Budgeting tips for parents.

Millions of students from all over the world enroll in colleges abroad to broaden their horizons, develop their cross-cultural skills, and sharpen their language abilities. The majority of parents are devoted to paying for their child's overseas education and are ready to make personal sacrifices; this is true not only for primary and secondary school but also for postgraduate study. Even though this attitude is commendable, many parents are unaware of the costs associated with sending their children to an international university in the future. Countless students and their parents struggle to make their study abroad dream a reality due to poor or late planning and a relative lack of knowledge. Here are some financial planning strategies that parents may use to make their children's study abroad experience a little less stressful and a little more productive. With the help of these suggestions, you can assist your child in realizing their dreams while simultaneously preserving your long-term financial security. 1. Include cost forecasting in your plan Tuition is not the only cost of studying abroad. Your initial budget may increase significantly as a result of additional expenses such as student health insurance, academic materials, cost of living (housing, food, transportation), and entertainment. When creating your strategy, be sure to take these costs into account. Planning and budgeting are likely to go more smoothly if you anticipate increased prices and make additional savings as opposed to making smaller savings now in the hopes that they would be sufficient later. Adopting a pessimistic outlook will increase your prospects of building a future capital that is more than the real costs at that point. And the less you have to borrow at interest (like an education loan) when the time comes, the more you may give from your own savings or investments. This would not only reduce your overall debt load but also speed up your repayment process. 2. Consider long-term financial planning Planning is extremely important. As soon as you can, begin making plans for your child's international education. You may need to make certain personal sacrifices as a parent right now, so start looking at your spending patterns and reducing non-essential spending. Set aside money for your child's education, and do it regularly. Additionally, look at other options for saving and investing. Also, explore the places you might want to send your child as part of your financial planning in advance. Highly developed nations like the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, and others are the most sought-after locations for higher education. The higher cost of living must be taken into account, and you must therefore include these aspects in your plan from the very beginning. 3. Consider inflation & exchange rates The US dollar has been among the strongest currencies in the world for many years, with practically all other currencies slowly losing value against it. You should anticipate that this will continue in the future for your currency as well. Therefore, regardless of when you intend to send your child abroad to study, you must account for inflation in your nation and potential depreciation of your currency in your study abroad budget. EduFund’s College Cost Calculator can help you figure out the average total amount you will require when you send your child to study abroad, factoring in inflation and exchange rates. Longer time frames provide you greater freedom to invest in high-risk assets like equity, which can assist you in the long term to fend off the impacts of inflation and currency rate fluctuations. 4. Find the best investment strategies Even though your child's international trip is years away, simply setting up an education fund with your current regular salary might not be sufficient to cover your child’s future needs. The living costs will probably increase from where it is today in the future. You need to start looking for extra sources of money right away that are separate from your (and your partner's) salary income if you want to lessen the impact of these potentially increased costs. As a result, you should look into medium- and long-term investment opportunities that you may begin making as soon as possible. Recognize your investment capacity and risk tolerance, and make investments accordingly. Our financial advisors can assist you in your search for mutual fund-based Systematic Investment Plans (SIP), education investment, or savings plans specifically designed for education. 5. Consult an expert investment advisor Most people find the process of preparing for an international study abroad to be intimidating. You can still feel completely unprepared with your action plan and strategy even if you start early, set a budget and a costing plan, and examine the many investment possibilities. Talking to a professional may be a good option if you feel stuck. You can explore your possibilities and create a more thorough and practical strategy with the assistance of our investment advisors and study abroad experts. You might even discover new choices that you hadn't previously known about or hadn't considered. Conclusion A study abroad plan for your child can include confusing aspects of financial considerations, but with systematic planning and a practical mindset, you and your child can both benefit in the long run from pursuing this desirable goal. FAQs What is the 50-30-20 rule? The 50-30-20 rule is the best budgeting hack. It means you use 50% of your income for expenses, 30% of your income for luxuries, and 20% for savings and investing. This is a disciplined way of investing and saving for your family's future as parents. What are the 5 tips for budgeting for parents? Create a monthly budget Invest a certain amount every month for future goals like a child's education or a home. Use calculators to set a goal. Use the SIP calculator to know how much to save, use the College Cost Calculator to know the future cost of education with inflation, etc Use new investment techniques like the 50-30-20 rule, the SIP method, or the lumpsum method! Create an emergency fund so your savings are not exhausted in any unfortunate event How to manage investments in 1 lakh salary? You can use the 50-30-20 rule to invest in your family's future. You can invest 20% of your income towards investments and savings like Mutual funds via SIPs or Lumpsum.
Complete guide: Organizational structure of mutual funds in India

Complete guide: Organizational structure of mutual funds in India

What is a mutual fund? A mutual fund is an investment vehicle or a trust wherein investors pool their savings and share a financial goal. The collected money is invested in shares, debentures, and other mutual funds. Do you want to know how mutual funds actually work and what the parties involved in it are? Continue reading to know more. The organizational structure of mutual funds in India? The structure of mutual funds in India has three tiers with few other significant components. Banks or AMCs don't just create these investment vehicles. Three main entities are involved: the Sponsor (creator of the fund), Trustees, and Asset Management Company (AMC). All the mutual funds are regulated by SEBI – Securities Exchange Board of India, and the investors who purchase or invest in these funds are termed "Unitholders". 1. A sponsor Is a person or an entity that has the right to set up a mutual fund scheme to generate returns or income through common fund management. They are for the first part of the mutual funds' structure in India. The Sponsor has to get the mutual fund scheme approved by SEBI first. The Sponsor needs to create a Public Trust under the Indian Trust Act 1882 as they cannot work alone. A Sponsor's role is crucial for a mutual fund and should have high credibility. The eligibility criteria to become a sponsor are The Sponsor must have made a profit in 3 out of the last five years, including the immediately preceding year. The Sponsor must have five years of experience in financial services. The net worth of the Sponsor must be positive for all the preceding five years. Out of the total net worth of the AMC, 40% must be participated in by the Sponsor. 2. Trust and Trustees The Trust and the Trustees form the second central part of the mutual fund structure. Trustees are also the "protectors of the fund" appointed by the Sponsor. The role of the trustees, as the name suggests, is to maintain the investors' trust and work on the fund's growth. According to the SEBI regulations, Trustees are supposed to provide a report on the fund and the functioning of the AMC on a semi-yearly basis. The Trustee is responsible for supervising the entire functioning of the AMC and regulating the mutual funds' operations. Due to the rule of transparency, the AMC cannot float a new mutual fund scheme without the permission and approval of the Trust. The Trustees are required to be registered under SEBI. SEBI further regulates their registration by either suspending or revoking the registration if found breaching any conditions. Additional read: How to choose the best mutual fund scheme? 3. Asset Management Companies (AMC) The AMC is the third part of the mutual fund structure. An AMC is responsible for floating various schemes of mutual funds in the market, keeping in mind the investors' needs and the market's nature. They take help from bankers, brokers, RTAs, auditors, etc., and get into an agreement with them while creating a new scheme. The AMC creates mutual funds, which also oversee its development along with the Trust and the Sponsor. The AMC is responsible to manage funds and provide services to the investor. 4. Custodian A Custodian is an entity responsible for the safekeeping of Securities. They are registered with SEBI and are responsible for transferring and delivering units and securities. They manage the account of investment of the Mutual Fund, wherein investors can also track their investments and update their holdings. Along with safekeeping, custodians also facilitate the collection of corporate benefits such as bonus issues, interest, dividends, etc. 5. Registered Transfer Agents RTAs act as the bridge between Fund Managers and Investors. RTAs are SEBI-registered entities that process mutual fund applications, assist with investor KYC, manage and deliver periodic investment statements or reports, update records of investors, and process investor requests. 6. Other Participants Some other typical participants in the mutual fund structure are bankers, auditors, brokers, mutual fund distributors, etc. Brokers and distributors usually sell mutual fund units to prospective investors. Brokers also provide financial and investment advice after a thorough analysis, study, and prediction of market movements. Auditors are independent internal watchdogs who audit and scrutinize account records and annual reports of various schemes. Bankers play an essential role in collecting agents on behalf of the Fund Managers. Overall, India's mutual fund's structure is very well organized and highly regulated by SEBI. Moreover, the rule of transparency boosts the safeguarding of Investors' money. Nobody in the structure of mutual funds in India can misuse investors' money and utilize it for anything other than what is specified in the investment objective of that fund. FAQs What role does SEBI play in the structure of mutual funds in India? SEBI, or the Securities and Exchange Board of India, regulates, formulates, and supervises mutual fund policies in India to protect investors' interests. What part do AMCs play in mutual fund structure? AMCs, or Asset Management Companies, pool money from various investors and invest them in different securities like bonds, stock, commodities, govt. securities, etc. How do I invest in mutual funds online? You can simply download the EduFund App ➡️ sign up ➡️ explore saving options based on your goal, risk levels, time horizon, etc. ➡️ pick a plan ➡️ start investing. What is a mutual fund? A mutual fund is an investment vehicle or a trust wherein investors pool their savings and share a financial goal. The collected money is invested in shares, debentures, and other mutual funds. What are some ways to invest in a mutual fund? There are two ways to invest in a mutual fund - Lumpsum and SIP. Lumpsum is one-time investment while SIP is a recurring investment strategy where the user pays a set amount every month. Both are effective ways to invest and create wealth for your family's welfare. What is the organizational structure of the mutual fund? The structure of mutual funds in India has three tiers with few other significant components. Banks or AMCs don’t just create these investment vehicles. Three main entities are involved: the Sponsor (creator of the fund), Trustees, and Asset Management Company (AMC). All the mutual funds are regulated by SEBI – Securities Exchange Board of India, and the investors who purchase or invest in these funds are termed “Unitholders”.
Everything about teaching your parents about the investment scenario in India

Everything about teaching your parents about the investment scenario in India

Did you know that only 0.18% of people in India invest in equities? Our parents, grandparents, and grand grandparents have been taught to invest in FDs, real estate, gold, LIC, and PPFs. This tradition of investing in safe assets is hard to break. Ways to educate your parents about the investment scenario in India 1. Tell them about the benefits  The biggest benefit of investing is the opportunity of growing your wealth. Investing in a disciplined manner can help investors grow their savings and reach financial goals. You might not be able to duplicate the net worth and investment of growth of stalwarts like Rakesh Jhunjhunwala but investing small amounts of money in equity-based markets can yield significant returns over the years. It can help your parents build a retirement fund and beat the inflationary prices of general goods and services.   Other benefits of investing in stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs are liquidity (which means you can withdraw your money anytime you want), diversify your wealth (you can invest in a number of stocks that belong to different industries), opportunity to get dividends (some stocks and companies give dividends to their long-term investors) and interests that beat inflation. Another benefit is that you can start with a small sum and scale up after gaining a better understanding. Markets have enough space for small and big investors to meet their financial goals!  2. Spread awareness about Inflation   Inflation has broken the projections given by RBI at the beginning of 2022! It has remained uncomfortably high across the globe and pushing the prices of goods and services to an all-time high. The only way to protect your purchasing power is to start investing and making your money work for you. Consider this, money in your bank account gets an average interest rate of 2-3%, FDs have an interest rate of 5-6% while inflation is raging at the rate of 6-7% in India alone.   Inflation attacks your money in savings and FDs, which is why exploring newer investments is a smart way to beat inflation and protect your money in the long run.     3. Accessibility to investing and tracking   Investing is becoming easier and easier due to the bloom of fintech start-ups and financial influencers in India. The wealth of knowledge about investing, saving, and financial planning can be overwhelming but is a great way to educate a country that has traditionally shied away from investing. There are thousands of apps that help Indians invest in a number of financial instruments. As investors in India, all you need is a PAN card, an Aadhar card, and a banking account to get started on any investment app.   From investing in Mutual funds, and digital gold to US stocks and ETFs, the opportunities are endless! You can track your investment with no brokerage fees, and absolute transparency and get professional guidance from experts on how to start investing based on your financial goals.   However, it's important to be aware of where you are investing your money and to check that the App or platform is SEBI registered. Make sure to take all the precautions and understand the risks that are associated with investing.    4. Encourage them to secure their savings   While money in your bank account or FD is safe, it is not enough to keep up with the growing prices. The cost of products like oil, vegetables, transport, and education is growing at a higher rate than the average income across India. To bridge the gap, you can start exploring the investment market and diversify your funds. The market has enough opportunities for risk-averse investors, retired individuals, and newcomers! With proper guidance and an abundance of information, you can protect your savings via investing.   These are some ways to educate your parents about the investment scenario in India. Over the years, millions of Indians have entered the investment market of India. You and your parents could also benefit from the market if you start investing properly and in a disciplined manner. Don’t start randomly, study the market, do your research, and consult a professional to minimize risks and protect your savings!  FAQs What are some of the most preferred investment options in India? Gold, Real Estate, and Fixed deposits are the three most preferred investment options in India. How much does an average Indian invest? The average India invests nearly INR 5000 monthly according to a survey by AMFI. At what age can Indians start investing? Indians can start investing by the age of 18 years.
How do I start investing in mutual funds? Complete guide

How do I start investing in mutual funds? Complete guide

Once you have a clear understanding of the benefits of mutual funds and have decided to begin investing, you may look for the appropriate mutual fund schemes to help in your financial growth. Various mutual fund categories are suitable for different investment horizons, assume multiple amounts of risk, and seek different rates of return. So, the first thing you should do is decide clearly on specifics like how long you would like to invest, how much risk you would be able to face, and what type of profits you want. When you are certain of these basic points, it will be easier for you to choose the category of mutual fund scheme that is best for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYlrsx9_yog&pp=ygUHZWR1ZnVuZA%3D%3D 1. Your mutual fund KYC According to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (2002), the Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure is required for all financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, and mutual fund firms. Simply put, the KYC procedure involves checking the background of anyone who wants to sign up as a client of these financial organizations. Establishing authenticity and making sure that the investments or deposits are made by a real person with valid identification is important. KYC can also assist in tracing any fraudulent transactions. 2. Start investing in mutual funds You can begin investing in any mutual fund company's schemes after your KYC is complete. You don't need to do many KYCs for various mutual fund companies. You can invest using either the offline mode or the online option Start Investing in Mutual Funds 3. Investing in mutual funds offline The majority of options for investing in mutual funds in offline mode only offer regular plans of the schemes. A portion of your gains is removed from your investments in a mutual fund’s Regular Plan and paid to the agent. However, there is no broker engaged if you invest in a mutual fund scheme's Direct Plans. As a result, there is no commission to pay, which lowers the expense ratio. The difference between an equity fund's Direct Plan and Regular Plan returns often stays at or below 1%. Over time, this 1% difference may add up to a significant sum. You can invest in mutual funds offline through distributors, banks, and NBFCs by going to the offices of RTAs like CAMS and Fintech, mutual fund companies, etc. Details are as follows: Registered Investment Advisors: To invest in mutual funds offline, you can also get in touch with SEBI-registered financial advisors in your area. You can invest in Direct Plans with them. However, there will be a price. This fee may be up to 2.5% of your capital investment or a predetermined sum of up to Rs. 1.25 lakh. Banks & NBFCs: Mutual fund programs are also offered offline by several banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). To begin your investment journey, you must go to their office and speak with a representative, often known as a Relationship Manager (RM). They do, however, place your money in a Regular Plan so they can profit from your investments for the rest of your life. Therefore, even if the mutual fund schemes are not right for you, the RMs and agents may try to convince you to invest in them so they may earn a bigger fee. Mutual funds Distributors: Reaching out to a specific distributor of mutual funds is an additional offline option for investing in mutual funds. However, your money will be placed in a Regular Plan. Mutual Fund Companies: You could also invest offline by visiting the office of the mutual fund company and investing in the schemes there. The difficulty is that you must complete all the paperwork by yourself. Additionally, you have to go to each company's offices separately if you would like to invest in a few of the best plans offered by various mutual fund businesses. RTA Offices: By visiting the offices of SEBI-registered RTAs like CAMS and Fintech, you can invest in mutual funds in the offline form as well. A group of fund houses is served by CAMS and Fintech alike. As a result, if you go to the CAMS office, you can only invest in the fund firms they work with. How to Track the Performance of Mutual Funds? Read More 4. Investing in mutual funds online Online investing will be significantly quicker and less laborious than offline investing. You can choose a mutual fund that suits your goals by visiting the website of your chosen fund house. Enter the required information and wait for the OTP to arrive on your registered mobile number. After that, you may enter the amount and choose whether you wish to invest via SIP or lump sum. You have two options for making the transaction: using your UPI ID or online banking. For most fund houses, this is standard procedure. However, you will need to sign up to each fund house's website separately if you would want to invest in a few of their plans. However, the EduFund app has a number of mutual fund schemes offered by different asset management companies all in one app. You can choose the option that suits you and begin investing. To go with it, you can also talk to financial experts on the app who will guide you to invest in the right schemes that suit your risk profile and investment strategy. Conclusion The mutual fund market has been working hard to attract additional investors ever since it began. Earlier, completing the documentation for mutual fund investments used to be a laborious process, and completing your KYC required you to travel to an AMC or RTA office. But thanks to the introduction of technology, all of these inconveniences are now gone. It can still be tough to choose the right plan for you. FAQs What are mutual funds, and how do they work for beginners? Mutual funds are investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors to buy a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets. To start, research, choose a fund, and invest through a brokerage or directly with the fund company. How much money do I need to start investing in mutual funds? Many mutual funds have low minimum investment requirements, some as low as $100. However, the minimum amount can vary, so check with the fund company for specific details. Where can I buy mutual funds? You can buy mutual funds through brokerage accounts, online platforms, or directly from the fund company. Consider factors like fees and convenience when choosing where to invest. What should I consider when selecting a mutual fund to invest in? Consider factors like your financial goals, risk tolerance, fees, historical performance, and the fund's investment strategy when choosing a mutual fund. Are there tax implications when investing in mutual funds? Yes, there can be tax implications, such as capital gains and dividends. It's important to be aware of tax consequences and consult with a tax advisor for guidance.
How you need to save to send your child to King’s College London

How you need to save to send your child to King’s College London

Kings College London is one of the most reputed colleges in the whole world. The cost of attendance varies significantly based on your child’s course and can go up to 48 - 50 lakhs in total. Let’s find out how you need to save to send your child to King’s College London.   Tuition fees for courses in King's College, London  The tuition fees for the courses offered at Kings College London are quite high compared to the adjacent colleges. Let’s look at some of the popular courses chosen by students and their corresponding tuition fees.  MBBS: Rs 41 to Rs 43 lakhs per annum  MIM: Rs 23 Rs 36 lakhs per annum  BE: Rs 27 to Rs 29 lakhs per annum  MA: Rs 19 to Rs 28 lakhs per annum  BBA: Rs 21 to Rs 28 lakhs per annum  With the data mentioned above, we can conclude that getting a degree from Kings College London can be heavy on your pocket. Hence, if you would want your child to get admission here, you must start preparing for it early on.  Saving and Investment Options for a Child’s College Education  1. Find out the Cost of Attendance  Suppose you want to buy a house in 10 years, what is the first thing you do? You will find the house you like and the cost of buying it. Similarly, before you start saving to send your child to King’s College London, you need to figure out what will be the cost of attendance in the next 10 years of your child’s course and figure out the solution.   You can look at the past and data to estimate the average tuition fees or simply use the College Cost Calculator to find out how much you need to save after putting in just a few details. The calculator tells you precisely how much it can cost to send your child to a college anywhere in the world.   On average, it costs Rs. 48-50 lakhs to study master's while the cost of attendance for a bachelor is Rs.70-80 lakhs in total.   2. Mutual Funds  Mutual funds are considered to be one of the best options to invest in if you have a child who is still quite young.  You can start a SIP for Rs. 1000 or more and scale your child’s education fund by the time they are ready to fly off to college. Mutual funds offer professional investment management, diversification, and liquidity. At a nominal price, you get access to different industries, companies as well as different markets. Always check with a professional financial advisor before pooling your money in any investments and read the fine print to stay updated.   Start Investing in Mutual Funds 3. Public Provident Fund  Public Provident Fund is a tried and tested way to save to send your child to Kings College London. PPF is one of the most reliable savings schemes opted for by parents for their child’s education. This scheme requires a 15-year-long commitment for the corpus. As of now, the interest rate offered here is 7.1% which is more than what is offered by banks. Presently, banks offer an interest rate of around 5% per annum. Parents can choose to increase the tenure of investment in blocks of five years. After the extension of the PPF account, the subscriber is allowed to make one partial withdrawal every year. However, a restriction is imposed here which says that the total withdrawals during those particular five years should not be more than 60% of the total account balance.  4. Gold Savings  Gold savings is one such option that has existed for so long now. Gold is said to have an ever-increasing value. While investing in gold savings, you should make sure that you do not invest in physical gold. As a parent, it would be best if you invest in Gold ETFs and Digital Gold.   You can follow a strategy where you can buy a small amount of gold every month. Once you have collected enough, you can build up a sizeable one with those small amounts. It has been observed that investing in gold has provided much better returns when compared to other assets.   Gold is a hedge against inflation and works with it. In times when the prices of all goods rise due to high inflation, gold also rises, making your investments diversified and inflation-proof!   Additional read: Why should you consider the UK for your child's higher education? 5. US Stocks  Investing in US stocks to send your child to King’s College London is an underutilized tool! Saving in dollars has dual benefits, you not only benefit from your initial investment as the US market grows but also when the rupee falls against the dollar. Investing in US stocks also increases your purchasing power abroad, it helps you tackle the increasing costs and not lose out more money in currency exchange.    6. Unit Linked Insurance Plan  The Unit Linked Insurance Plan is said to be the best fit for individuals who are looking for both investment returns and insurance protection. It has been observed that ULIPs have been able to provide better returns than many traditional investment options. It helps to beat education inflation and save up effectively for your child’s college education. In this scenario, the chance of getting better returns is higher because a portion of the premium that is being paid is invested in the funds operated in the capital market.   These are some ways to save to send your child to King’s College London. TALK TO AN EXPERT FAQs What are the estimated tuition fees for courses at King's College London? Tuition fees vary based on the course, ranging from approximately Rs 19 lakhs to Rs 43 lakhs per annum. The total cost of attendance can be substantial. How can I estimate the future cost of my child's education at King's College London? You can use a College Cost Calculator or refer to historical data to estimate the average tuition fees for the next 10 years. On average, it costs Rs. 48-50 lakhs for a master's degree and Rs. 70-80 lakhs for a bachelor's degree. What are some investment options for saving for a child's education? Investment options include Mutual Funds, Public Provident Funds (PPF), Gold Savings (Gold ETFs and Digital Gold), US Stocks, and Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs). Each option offers unique benefits and should be considered based on your financial goals and risk tolerance. Are there any recommended investment strategies for saving for education at King's College London? Starting a SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) in Mutual Funds is a popular strategy for long-term savings. Diversification, professional management, and liquidity are some advantages. Additionally, consider PPF for a reliable and tax-efficient savings option. How can investing in US stocks benefit saving for education abroad? Investing in US stocks can offer dual benefits. As the US market grows, you can benefit from investment returns. Additionally, when the rupee falls against the dollar, your investments gain value. This strategy can help you manage increasing costs and currency exchange risks when sending your child to King's College London.
What are offshore funds? Advantages and Disadvantages

What are offshore funds? Advantages and Disadvantages

The simplest and straightforward answer to that question would be that offshore Funds are open-ended investment schemes that invest in mutual funds, stocks, real estate assets, equities, fixed-income securities, etc. in the overseas market.  Understanding Offshore funds Offshore funds are often referred to as international funds or foreign funds as they are based on offshore locations and have non-residents as investors. These types of funds provide investment exposure to global markets but they have to comply with the rules and regulations of that country. In India, both Indian residents and NRIs can invest in offshore funds either directly or through other funds under the purview of SEBI and RBI guidelines. The fund house has to comply with the set provisions and guidelines of the foreign country where they are registered. The Indian resident can invest only in Indian currency just like any other investment scheme.  You can: Select the offshore fund, Write a cheque for the amount due, Submit the cheque along with the application form to the fund house or online app you are applying through. Types of Offshore Funds “What are offshore funds?” is one of the most common queries of investors. In simple terms, it refers to investments that exist and operate abroad.  The different types of offshore fund schemes are -  Theme-based (real estate, power, energy, agriculture, etc.)  Region-specific (Asia, Europe, etc.), and  Country-specific funds (USA, India, UK, Australia etc.). Additional read: What are international funds? Advantages of Investing in Offshore Funds Investors can diversify their funds across geographical boundaries and choose the best available location for investing purposes. It is a golden opportunity to invest in global brands and business houses. The exchange rate difference will yield higher returns. Sometimes, the home economy is not so great but another country might be facing an economic boom. Investing in offshore funds will garner higher returns on investments at such times. Offshore funds are globally incorporated with lower regulation levels. As the income is tax-free it is profitable to reinvest the investment gains.  The operating costs and management fees associated with offshore funds are comparatively lower and financially beneficial. Offshore funds can safeguard the capital from the burden of high taxes in the home country Disadvantages of Investing in Offshore Funds Offshore funds require higher investments, which every investor cannot afford. If the offshore currency is facing a downward trend then it will lead to lower returns. The risk factor associated is greater compared to domestic investments. Investors have to trust the foreign fund houses to explain the terms and conditions. In case of any discrepancy or fraud, it can result in a loss of capital. Tax laws, economic policies, and market fluctuations of both the home country and the foreign country will harm the returns. Things to consider before investing in Offshore funds Research the economic and political conditions of the foreign country where you want to invest. Start with a small investment and gradually increase the investment.  Opt for financially stable investment funds at the onset. Check the fund's reputation, the background of the fund house, and historical returns thoroughly. Choose funds that will help to cash in global opportunities. Consider the currency risk while dealing with international funds. Any currency fluctuation will impact the Net Asset Value of the fund directly because if the value of the rupee depreciates against the dollar NAV will be higher and in case it appreciates earnings will become less. Invest in developed and emerging markets only. Choose long-term investment as it is considered best for minimizing the impact of inflation. Foreign funds are treated under debt thus taxes are levied as per the tax rules in the home country. In India, residents have to pay tax on overall income even if it was generated in a foreign country.  Invest in funds with utmost security and transparency in the transaction process. Challenges associated with Offshore funds in India The RBI and SEBI guidelines do not allow fund managers based in India to manage offshore funds. The investment inflows to India are now managed by offshore authorities and this poses a serious challenge to the growth of offshore funds in India. According to new guidelines REITs and AIFs are allowed to receive investments from foreign investors.  Conclusion By now the concept of what are offshore funds will be clear and you must have realized that these funds follow a different path in terms of rules and regulations compared to the standard investment journey.  It is imperative to sound a word of caution for investors of offshore funds as these are prone to fraud and high risk quite often because of relaxed regulations. Beware and take the help of reputed platforms like EduFund App which will act as a guiding tool in securing safe transactions in overseas markets. FAQs What are offshore funds? Offshore funds are open-ended investment schemes that invest in overseas markets, including mutual funds, stocks, real estate, equities, and fixed-income securities. Who can invest in offshore funds in India? Indian residents and NRIs can invest in offshore funds, complying with SEBI and RBI guidelines. Investments are made in Indian currency. What are the advantages of investing in offshore funds? Benefits include global diversification, investing in global brands, potential for higher returns, tax advantages, and lower operating costs. What are the disadvantages of investing in offshore funds? Disadvantages include higher initial investments, currency risk, increased risk compared to domestic investments, reliance on foreign fund houses, and exposure to changing tax laws and market fluctuations. What should investors consider before investing in offshore funds? Factors to consider include economic and political conditions of the foreign country, starting with small investments, choosing reputable funds, understanding currency risk, and ensuring transparency in transactions. TALK TO AN EXPERT
Understanding International Funds: Benefits

Understanding International Funds: Benefits

As the name suggests, the fund invests in the international market except in the country the investor is residing. International funds invest in foreign companies not listed in the investor’s country. Like we have different funds based on market cap, i.e. large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. Similarly, international funds invest in different sizes of companies. Types of International Funds International funds are available for Indian investors to invest in. And these funds could have a different approach to investing in the international market. Let’s see the categories: 1. Regional fund These funds invest in the stock market of a specific country or region. Some funds may offer investment in the US market only, and others may offer investment in Asian markets only. The main objective is to gain the maximum benefit from investments in the developing stock market of a specific county or region. 2. Thematic funds These funds invest in a specific theme around the global stock market like artificial intelligence, infrastructure, semi-conductor, etc. The companies in these funds are foreign companies. 3. Global sector funds These funds invest in the focused sector foreign companies to benefit from its development. 4. Global funds Though the international and global funds sound similar, they are not. International funds invest in the world stock market except for the country the investor is residing. On the other hand, global funds invest around the world stock market, including the country the investor resides. Invest in US Market Advantages of International funds 1. Geographical Diversification By investing in these funds, your portfolio can benefit from geographical diversification. There are chances that some countries may outperform other countries. If such a scenario happens, your portfolio will benefit from it. 2. Currency benefit International funds give you the benefit of currency depreciation. Over the period currency, INR has depreciated against the USD. For instance, in 2008, USD to INR was at Rs.40 against $1, but in 2022, USD to INR is at Rs.80 against $1. If you had invested $1 in 2008, you could have only gained 100% on currency depreciation. That’s how currency depreciation helps your portfolio to grow. 3. Global Opportunity The opportunity worldwide is immense, and some world-leading companies have products and services in almost every country. Companies like Apple, Google (Alphabet), Facebook (Meta), etc. International funds provide the opportunity to invest in these companies. Invest in Mutual Funds Factors to consider before investing in international funds There are some essential points that you need to consider before investing: 1. Global exposure  If you want your portfolio to get global exposure, you can consider investing in these funds.  2. Risk International funds are exposed to high-risk factors like currency risk, policy risk, trade risk, etc. All these factors could increase the volatility of the portfolio.  3. Expense ratio International funds could have a higher expense ratio which funds can charge for maintaining the fund. 4. Economy risk Each country’s economy works differently, and all the macroeconomic factors could impact your portfolio returns in both ways, positively and negatively. Who should invest? Investors with a high-risk appetite looking for an opportunity with extra returns and who want to hedge their portfolio against the currency risk should consider investing in these funds. Example of International Fund Name: iShares Core S&P 500 ETF Launch Date: May 15, 2000 Ticker: IVV Index Tracked: S&P 500 Index Performance:  IVVETF Database Category Average1 Month Return11.09%11.05%3 Month Return5.21%5.37%YTD Return-9.26%-14.58%1 Year Return-1.20%-9.01%3 Year Return55.85%34.96%5 Year Return92.84%44.48%Source: etfbd.com Top 5 sectors SectorWeightageTechnology17.70%Electronic Technology15.42%Finance13.21%Health Technology10.44%Retail Trade7.54% Top 10 holdings Holdings% AssetsApple Inc.7.32Microsoft Corporation6.04Amazon.com Inc.3.48Tesla2.09Alphabet Inc Class A2.03Alphabet Inc Class X1.87Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B1.51UnitedHealth Group Incorporated1.41NVIDIA Corporation1.30Johnson & Johnson1.20 How can one invest in these funds? The process has become effortless with the EduFund app. Download the app for Android and iOS. And do the KYC process. Add funds and select the fund in which you want to invest.  And place the order. If not sure where to invest, connect with the EduFund team FAQs What are international funds? International funds invest in foreign companies outside the investor's home country, providing exposure to global markets. What types of international funds are available for Indian investors? Indian investors can choose from regional funds, thematic funds, global sector funds, and global funds, each with a unique investment focus. What are the advantages of investing in international funds? Advantages include geographical diversification, currency benefits from depreciation, and the opportunity to invest in world-leading global companies. What factors should investors consider before investing in international funds? Consider factors such as global exposure, risk (including currency and policy risk), expense ratios, and the impact of different economies on portfolio returns. Who should consider investing in international funds? Investors with a high-risk appetite seeking extra returns and looking to hedge against currency risk can benefit from investing in international funds. DisclaimerThis is not recommendation advice, use it for educational purposes only
How to find out if you are investing in the right mutual fund?

How to find out if you are investing in the right mutual fund?

The mutual fund industry has seen immense growth in recent years. According to numerous statistics, there has been a 5 ½ fold increase in the last ten years. This is simply because seasoned investors have realized the potential of mutual funds and have now started investing in them through SIP or Systematic Investment Plans. The vast universe of mutual funds often seems daunting to new investors because of the large investment horizon and involved risk profile. As such an investor needs to know whether he is investing in the right mutual fund or not and whether the investments can meet his set targets and achieve desired goals. There are normally two ways to go assuming you are interested in investing in the best mutual funds. The first is by yourself and the second is through a financial advisor.  An all-important question at such times is whether an investor has the required know-how to conduct a proper mutual fund analysis and determine whether he is on the right path.  For that, you can take the help of a reputed financial advisor or financial expert. This service is available on the EduFund app where both new and seasoned investors can opt for the services of the SEBI registered investment advisors and experts in investment management for investing in the right fund. The app also helps to stay updated on the mutual fund investment market. Start Investing in Mutual Funds Parameters that help to analyze whether you are investing in the right mutual fund 1. Expense ratio The expense ratio is charged annually by the mutual fund for managing the investor’s money as a percentage of total assets. The expense ratio at the end of the day will reduce the available returns hence the investor must look for mutual funds that have a low expense ratio. Minimize the expense ratio by opting for direct mutual funds as it does not charge broker commission or intermediary fees. Also, compare the expense ratios of preferred mutual funds as it will help to decide whether the investment is the right one or not.  Download App and Start Investing 2. Performance of mutual fund against a set benchmark Each mutual fund scheme has a set benchmark that it tries to outperform. The investor must check for the benchmark to understand the percentage return that is considered a good performance. Compare both benchmark and actual performance to identify whether you have been investing in the right mutual fund. If a mutual fund consistently generates more returns and outperforms the benchmark index then the investor can know that he is doing right by his investment portfolio. SIP Plans for Child Education Read More 3. Level of risk Mutual funds are subject to risk and checking the level of the risk factor for every scheme is as important as checking for the expected returns. The risk is often defined in terms like low, high, moderate, moderately high, and moderately low.  Generally, the schemes disclose the level of risk to make the investor aware of the involved risk factor. Investors must ensure that the higher the risk higher is the return on the investment commensurate with the risk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYlrsx9_yog 4. Fund’s history Look at the fund’s history to know whether you are investing in the right mutual fund. Knowing about the long-term previous performance of mutual funds is the right step in determining whether the fund has generated good returns over the last few years.  If the fund has seen one or two down cycles over the last five years and has regrouped once again to give solid returns then investors must believe that their investment is at par. Calculate Returns Generated 5. Portfolio turnover ratio The higher the Portfolio Turnover Ratio, the higher the buying and selling of the assets. This leads to higher transaction charges or brokerage fees. The portfolio turnover ratio helps to minimize the net returns from the investment. Investors must calculate the net return and compare funds so that they can know whether their investments are on the right path. 6. Fund manager The mutual fund manager can help in carrying out the necessary due diligence that will boost the chance of better gains. The investor must look at the performance history of the manager to know about his experience in handling mutual fund schemes.  A good reputation of the fund manager increases the investor’s confidence in the related schemes and helps him to know he is investing in the right funds. Conclusion An investor can determine whether he is investing in the right mutual fund if he can achieve higher returns at comparatively less risk. Selecting the right fund might seem a daunting task at the onset but a little research and understanding go a long way in finding the best mutual fund investments. FAQs How do I know which mutual fund is best for me? To determine the best mutual fund for you, consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial situation. Research fund performance, categories, and managers' expertise. Consulting a financial advisor can provide personalized guidance based on your needs and preferences. What type of mutual fund should I invest in? The type of mutual fund you should invest in depends on your goals and risk tolerance. Equity funds offer growth potential but involve higher risk, while debt funds focus on stability. Hybrid funds combine both. Consider your needs and consult a financial advisor for personalized advice. How do you know whether you should invest in a mutual fund? Evaluate your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Research the fund's performance, expenses, and manager's expertise.
5 financial things to consider before child planning.

5 financial things to consider before child planning.

Both life and wallet will never be the same once you decide to have a baby. No event in your life will signify financial change quite the way this one does, from the first prenatal appointment to the day of college graduation (and beyond). 5 financial things to consider before child planning 1. Create a budget Before you start child planning, you need to have a budget in place. You and your partner may need to create a realistic budget based on your expenses and your streams of income. Once you know how much you can afford to spend, you will be able to tackle the costs easily. A new child is a new family member that needs space! So if you need extra space once the baby is born, figure out what kind of home you can afford, whether it's a slightly larger apartment, a warm cottage, or a pricey house. Will you want the latest baby things or your sister’s passed-on ones? Think about what sort of child care would you require and get candid with your expenses before you start making any purchases. Money Management Tips for Homemakers Read More 2. Costs associated with birth As new parents, you need prenatal vitamins, alternative therapies, labor and delivery alternatives, and screening tests. Give yourself enough time to change or upgrade insurance plans should you need more comprehensive coverage. Good health insurance is vital in this economy. Hospital bills, medical fees, and maternity costs can be high. According to estimates from the industry, a straightforward delivery could cost between Rs 50,000 and Rs 70,000, but a private specialty hospital could charge up to Rs 2-3 lakh. A cesarean delivery could result in a cost rise of up to Rs 4-5 lakh. Before having a kid, you should make financial arrangements for the costs associated with the delivery and child care. 3. Consider maternity leave The vast majority of Indian employees are not entitled to paid family leave. If the mother is employed, you might need to think about taking a lengthier (unpaid) maternity leave or a sabbatical for a year or two. This can be a huge financial loss for families that rely on both streams of income. Paid parental leave is not always an option. Find out if your workplace offers paid leave for new parents and if there are any policies in your favor that you can utilize. Determine the number of weeks covered and the proportion of your salary that is used. Do you have to use your sick and vacation days first? If you don't have access to paid time off or you're going to take more unpaid time off, you might want to cut costs or rely on your savings. 4. Purchase life and health insurance You'll want your child to be stable financially if something were to happen to you or your partner. A life insurance policy can assist in paying for things like child care, housekeeping, cooking, and more. Purchasing maternity insurance is the first action you can take to cover maternity costs. When purchasing health insurance, (even for a couple), it is important to confirm that the policy includes coverage for maternity costs and, if applicable, any applicable waiting periods. Additionally, by paying a larger rate, you might add pregnancy coverage to a current insurance policy. Buying health insurance is most important when considering having a child. Get your health covered in your plan so that you are not financially burdened in case of a health emergency. 5. Plan for the child’s education Just like the prices of lemons and oranges are growing, the cost of education is skyrocketing. Saving for your child’s college is a necessity. When it comes to saving money for college, time and compound interest are your best friends. Even while inflation is an unavoidable fact, keep in mind that education inflation is far higher. Utilizing the force of compounding is one approach to combat this, but it will only be effective if you have a long-term strategy in place. You indeed have no idea what career path your child will take, but you still need to put aside a portion of capital that can be utilized when the time comes. Right now, you need to think about the type of education you would like to offer because the practical costs of studying engineering in India vs. the US would be very different. From giving birth to seeing them off to college, watching your child grow and thrive is every parent’s dream! So give those dreams wings by planning ahead and investing for their bright future!  TALK TO AN EXPERT
How much do I need to save to send my child to Harvard university?

How much do I need to save to send my child to Harvard university?

How much I need to save to send my child to Harvard University is one of the top queries of a parent who wants to send his child abroad. Harvard is considered one of the best universities in the world, offering varied graduate and undergraduate programs like business administration, business management, bioengineering, law, economics, arts and science, sociology, etc.  Students dream of studying at this university but only a few with academic excellence are given the chance to step onto the campus to study and fulfill their heart’s desire.  Imagine if your child is one of the selected few who have managed to gain entrance to this top university. But what happens if they are unable to enroll just because they do not have the required funds?  At such times the first thought that crosses the mind of a parent is that it is necessary to plan and save to send my child to Harvard University from an early age. Start Investing in Mutual Funds Steps required to plan and save for sending a child to Harvard University How much I need to save to send my child to Harvard University is a question that can be answered by following the subsequent steps: Know about the current cost of education at Harvard University When your child starts showing an affinity for a specific course it is the right time to start planning and saving for his further studies. Be aware of the cost of studying at Harvard University, for example, on average the fee structure of most of the 3-year and four-year academic courses varies between $50,000 - $70,000 (Rs. 40 to 55 lakhs). Factor in the expected expenses  Tuition Fees:  Identify the tuition fees and the other mandatory fees  Room and board: Most of the students prefer to live on campus as it is less expensive compared to outside accommodations. It also offers easy access to meals, classes, and extracurricular activities which is a blessing for students who have traveled from different parts of the world to this esteemed university Transportation costs: If the student is living out of campus then the transportation cost should also be added to the total cost Food expenses: Factor in the food expense for both on-campus and off-campus scenarios Education inflation: You need to add the inflation rate (minimum 7%) to the total cost. You don’t need to guess - you can calculate this cost by using the College Cost Calculator for Free!  Calculate Cost of studying in College Calculate the average costs Calculate the average costs of studying at Harvard and identify how much money you need to save to send (\your child to Harvard University.  Go through all the expected costs and identify an average amount that you need to shelve out for instance 60,000 dollars (Rs. 47 to 48 lakhs). Now calculate how much time you have before sending your child abroad. Get a rough estimate about the amount you need to save every year, for instance, 60,000 dollars/8 years which amounts to 7500 dollars per year (Rs. 5- 6 lakhs) Effect of compounding Make the most of the compounding as it will reduce the principal amount to a great extent and magnify your returns. If a parent wants to save 60,000+ dollars, she will have to shelve only an average of an estimated 5,500 dollars instead of 7,500 dollars @ 5% interest per annum for eight years. Research the best available saving option that will help to save with better interest rates. Or you can talk to an expert to understand how much I need to save to send my child to Harvard University. It is a step in the right direction as it helps parents to plan and save effectively within their budget with the help of India’s first college cost calculator and with a curated plan to achieve that target.  Plan and start investing Parents who start planning for their child’s future from the very beginning have an additional advantage over parents who realize the importance of saving at a later stage. If you are one of the late investors do not panic, you can still make some well-advised investments that can help you make up for the lost time and get the required help in the planning and saving process for the child’s brighter future at Harvard University. Start Investing in US Market FAQs How much does it cost to send your kid to Harvard? The total annual cost to attend Harvard University, including tuition, fees, room, and board, was approximately $76,000. How much do you need to donate to get into Harvard? Donations to Harvard University, while they can have an impact on the institution, are not a direct means of securing admission. Harvard, like other reputable universities, has a competitive admissions process based on academic excellence, personal achievements, and other factors. Admission cannot be guaranteed solely through donations. Is Harvard expensive for Indian students? Yes, Harvard University's tuition and living expenses can be relatively expensive for Indian students due to currency exchange rates and the overall cost of living in the United States. However, Harvard does offer financial aid and scholarships to international students, which can significantly offset the costs for those who qualify. How do I raise my child to go to Harvard? Raising a child with a strong foundation for potential admission to Harvard involves fostering a love of learning, encouraging curiosity, developing leadership and community involvement, and maintaining excellent academic performance. Focus on their interests, extracurriculars, and character development while also allowing them to explore and pursue their passions.
Education Savings Tips for Big Savings

Education Savings Tips for Big Savings

If you consider Tier 1 cities, then families of these cities spend almost an average of Rs 43,000 annually on the school education of their children. Tier 4 cities spend nearly Rs. 29,000 annually on children's education. In after-school education, an average parent spends 16,000 a year.   If you want to send your child to a quality university, you need to save money regularly for this goal for at least 8 years. Parents have to consider the rising education costs of education, and a suitable university, whether it is foreign or local. You also have to start saving towards living expenses like accommodation, food, transport, etc.  Applying for an education loan is the first option many parents consider when their child is ready for college. While you can opt for an education loan, it is advisable that you start saving money early in different investment schemes so that after 15-20 years, when your child is ready for college, the loan amount is reduced.  Ways to save for child education:  1. PPF Public Provident Fund is considered one of the safe investment options while investing for the long term where the funds are locked for at least 15 years. You can create a PPF account with any bank or post office and start saving your income for a good future return in the coming years. It has the ability to grow your money. The rate of interest of PPF in 2012 was 8.80 % which is now 7.60% in the year 2022.   2. Mutual Fund The fund grows when the market rises. The overall return after a long period comes through stocks, equity, debt, and even from money market funds. You can invest in a (systematic investment plan) SIP for both the short-term and long-term, and it is an efficient tool to save money.  Equity and debt are some securities where investors’ money is invested in mutual funds.  3. Fixed deposit A fixed Deposit is considered a safe investment option though the returns are comparatively low. If you invest a lumpsum amount through FD, you will get a fixed percentage on the amount. The interest rate ranges from 5.75% for regular investors and 7% for senior citizens for 1 year.  4. NPS National Pension System is a government-based savings option. The fund invests in government securities, bonds, and even equity. It provides investors with two options to invest in active and a default auto. In the auto option, the funds are invested in an automatic way. In the active option, the investor invests in the assets of their choice. It matures when the investor turns 60 years. The overall pension withdrawal amount is tax-free as per the scheme.  5. RBI bonds Taxable RBI bonds have a tenure of almost 6 years, and it gives an interest rate of 7.75% per year. It is available in the Demat mode, and it gets credited in the BLA( Bond Ledger Account) of the investor. For proof of investment, the bond is issued at Rs. 1000, and investors even get certificates of holding.  6. Direct equity Direct equity is another investment option to consider while investing in the long term. Though investors find it a risky option, the return is much higher compared to other investments. For 1, 3, and 5 years of investment, the return is 8,13, and 12.5 percent, respectively. source: pexels Hire a financial advisor  If you are still confused about the best savings option for your child’s education, then you can consider talking to the best financial advisors on the EduFund app. The financial advisor will guide you as per your financial needs and risk profile.    The upside is that all this can happen in a matter of minutes and a few taps without any hassle. Parents can take the expert's suggestion and invest the money accordingly to minimize risk and find a way to get a better return on investment. The financial advisors help you rebalance your portfolio on a regular basis to give your funds a better chance of growth when the market sees drastic changes.    Conclusion  As a parent, it is very important to start saving for your child’s education as early as possible to fight the rising costs of education. While applying for a loan is an option, it is wise to reduce the loan amount and save for most of the cost through investment to minimize or avoid the financial burden. FAQs How much do families spend on school education in Tier 1 and Tier 4 cities? Families in Tier 1 cities spend around ₹43,000 annually on school education, while Tier 4 cities spend about ₹29,000 per year. What's the importance of saving for education if you want to send your child to a quality university? To send your child to a quality university, regular savings for at least 8 years are crucial. Rising education costs and living expenses need to be considered. Should parents rely solely on education loans for college funding? While education loans are an option, it's advisable to start saving early through investment schemes. This approach reduces the need for larger loans in the future. Disclaimer:Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme-related documents carefully.
How can women start their investment journey?

How can women start their investment journey?

There are many roadblocks to investing as a woman – unequal pay, lack of financial knowledge, lack of personal finance help, the burden of the pink tax, feelings of intimidation and confusion, etc.   But the winds are changing, and more and more women are taking charge of investing their money in personal goals, family, and their child’s education.   The conversation about money, wealth generation and the need to start investing early is finally brewing – let’s see how women can start their investment journey.  Why should women start investing?  Investments are the key to a brighter and financially independent future – whether it's early retirement or financing your child’s Oxford education in 10 years. Investment can help you attain these goals.   In India, the percentage of women investors is very low. According to Financial Express, only 14% of women are investing in mutual funds and 10% in stocks.  Women in India make the mistake of only investing in Gold or Fixed Deposits. The rationale that these investments are safe and secure prevents them from taking risks and aiming for wealth generation.   With the inflation soaring high, women investors who are earning can start investing as low as Rs. 100 every month. This small amount can benefit from the power of compounding and help them save for different goals like a holiday, a degree, a car, or an emergency fund!  Homemakers who have saved up some money can also invest! Starting an SIP for a mutual fund can help you save for different financial needs and get a greater interest rate than any savings account or FD investment. This can go towards their child’s education or a home. The great thing about starting a SIP is that you can pause as well as increase the base sum based on your income and savings! Create Goals before Investing Source: pexels When should women start investing?  ‘Right now,’- is the best time to start. Whether you are 18 or 40, investing can start at any time. Starting early does have its set of benefits but that should not stop you from saving right now. Most young investors enter the market in their 20s and 30s.    If you are new to investing, consult a financial advisor. Talk money with your accountant and understand what are your future goals and what is the best route to achieving them. They can help you invest in a bunch of tools that will not any diversify your wealth generation but also make it less risk-prone.   Consult an expert advisr before investing What kind of investments work better for women and why?  Investments are not gendered; anyone can invest in any investment tool. What matters is your risk profile, investment capacity, and goals. Here are some investments that women can explore:  1. Mutual funds   Mutual funds are a great way to start investing. You can simply begin with a SIP in your favorite fund. This allows you to invest a certain amount of savings every month, this amount is auto-debited from your account every month without the stress of manually investing the sum. Mutual funds are easier to manage than stocks because there is a fund manager to help protect your savings and investments.  2. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)  An ETF is primarily a basket of assets and securities such as equity, debt, stocks, bonds, commodities, or currencies. You can purchase a unit of these securities, just like buying shares of a company. ETFs are like a cross between stocks and mutual funds, they are traded on the stock exchange and offer the diversification benefits of mutual funds.  3. Stocks  Stocks, known as equities, allow you to own a part of a company. There are shares for TATA, Reliance, Unilever, Nykaa, and thousands more available for investors to pool their money in. You can pick the company you believe will grow in the years to come. Buying stocks is more volatile and riskier in nature. The decision to buy and sell resides with you.     4. US Market  Investing in US Markets is possible for every investor and a great way to add geographical diversification to your portfolio. There are two ways to invest in US markets direct stocks or ETFs. This is an opportunity to make the most of the falling rupee and gain returns in dollars. US markets allow you to do rupee hedging; which means you will have more funds by allocating the same amount of money in dollars than in rupee because of the greater value of US dollars.   If you want to make wise investments then get in touch with a professional financial advisor. They can help you understand the value of choosing investments based on your goals, and risk appetite as well as how to shift your funds from one basket to another when the market fluctuates!   Invest in US Market 5. Investment mistakes to avoid   The biggest mistake a woman can make is not investing! Many women in India shy away from the market because of the fear of risk or knowledge. This decision can be detrimental in the long run and will be a huge hindrance in the face of wealth generation!   6. Fearing loss and not taking risks  Many women and men hurt their chances of wealth generation by playing it safe. They are too cautious and do not allocate enough funds to different assets and lose out on the money they could have accumulated over the years. Thus, don’t be averse to taking risks especially if you have time on your hands.    7. Allowing your partner to make an investment decision  Indian women rely on their partners to make investment decisions for them. To be truly independent, you have to manage your own wealth generation and investment portfolio. Try to be aware of the investments you make and whether they will help you achieve your goals in the future.  8. Putting their money in only physical gold   Gold is a great investment but it should not be your only investment. Indian women spend lakhs of rupees buying gold jewelry as a form of investment but they forget that there are maker charges, storage issues as well as the possibility of loss when reselling the items. Instead, if you are a gold-lover then look at Digital Gold, Gold ETFs, or Bonds to invest. It’s important to only keep some portion of your portfolio dedicated to gold.   9. Keeping cash in savings accounts or fixed deposits  Saving money in accounts or fixed deposits beyond a limit is counterproductive. Banks do not offer a great interest rate, which means your money is losing value against the rate of inflation in the country. Try keeping some money in the bank while a majority in growth-oriented investments like MFs, PPFs, ETFs, Bonds, etc.   Women in India are gradually catching up! With thousands of investment options, young women and men find it hard to remain neutral on the benefits and risks of investments. The only way to make money is to invest money. Investing can not only secure your future, but it can enable you. Enable you to send your child to the best schools or enable you to take that Europe trip. Big or small, investing can help you actualize your dreams faster than any form of wealth creation tool. FAQs Why should women start investing? Investments empower financial independence. In India, only 14% of women invest in mutual funds and 10% in stocks. Diversify from traditional investments to grow wealth. What investment mistakes to avoid? Avoid not investing out of fear. Don't rely solely on partners' decisions. Diversify beyond gold, move beyond savings accounts, and understand that caution can hinder growth. When should women start investing? Start now, regardless of age. Consult financial advisors for personalized plans aligning with goals. Begin with SIPs, mutual funds, and equities, and explore US markets. What investments work better for women? Investments aren't gender-specific. Consider mutual funds for steady growth, ETFs for diversification, stocks for ownership, and US markets for currency gains.