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Lumpsum vs SIP: Which is better?

Lumpsum vs SIP: Which is better?

Mutual funds are gaining popularity in India, with over 8% of the Indian population investing their hard-earned money. Mutual funds are a great way to invest because they offer valuable returns, are professionally monitored and managed and can beat prevailing inflation smartly. There are two ways to invest in mutual funds - Lumpsum vs SIP. Let's look at which way of investing is perfect for the modern-day investors living in India. Let’s get to know about Lumpsum and SIP: which is better and when to choose?  What’s Lumpsum Investing?  Investing in a mutual fund as lumpsum refers to investing a big sum of money to get locked up into a one-time investment. This is a one-time investment rather than spreading it out over time, like in SIP (Systematic Investment Plans).   Lumpsum investments are usually preferred by big players or investors who are actually dependent on company stocks for capital creation. For an investor with a massive funding quantity and a high-chance capacity, a lump sum mutual fund funding may be an amazing opportunity.  Suppose you get the whopping bonus at the end of the year and after settling all the expenses, you still have around Rs. 50,000 - 75,000 left! In this scenario, you can invest the money as a lump sum investment wisely as a lumpsum order in a fund of your choice. A lumpsum investment is a one-time, significant sum of money invested into a financial instrument, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. It's a strategy often used by individuals or institutions to invest a large amount of money at once. How Lumpsum Works? The process of making a lumpsum investment is relatively straightforward: Identify Investment Goals: Determine your financial objectives, such as retirement savings, buying a property, or building wealth. Choose Investment Instrument: Select the financial instrument that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. Allocate Funds: Invest a lump sum of money into the chosen instrument. Monitor and Rebalance: Regularly track the performance of your investment and rebalance your portfolio as needed to maintain your desired asset allocation. Advantages of Lumpsum Investment Potential for Higher Returns: If invested at the right time, a lumpsum investment can benefit from market upswings, potentially leading to higher returns compared to dollar-cost averaging. Immediate Market Exposure: By investing a lump sum, you gain immediate exposure to the market, which can be advantageous during periods of growth. Disadvantages of Lumpsum Investment Risk of Market Timing: Investing a lump sum at the wrong time, such as near a market peak, can lead to significant losses. Lack of Flexibility: Once the funds are invested, it may be difficult to make changes or withdraw the money without incurring penalties or fees. Note: While lumpsum investments can be a powerful strategy, it's essential to consider your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals before making a decision. Consulting with a financial advisor can provide personalized guidance and help you make informed investment choices. Benefits of Lumpsum  With the lumpsum investment method, people can invest a large amount in one go. As a result, when the market shows a growth period, then the value which you have invested also increases.   Lumpsum investments are great for those who wanted to invest for the long term and have a bulk amount ready.   Lumpsum investments are great for the long term. If you are interested in a time horizon of nearly 10 years or more.  Investing in a long-term investment can be risky but still, it gives better returns.  While investing in long-term investment, gives the money more time to grow potentially. When to choose lumpsum investment?  If you have got a whopping bonus and after settling your expenses you can opt for lumpsum investment. If you are a freelancer and you’ve got a big amount after completing a big project then you can opt for a lumpsum investment. What’s SIP?  A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), popularly called SIP, is a facility provided with the aid of using mutual funds range to the buyers to spend money in a disciplined way. SIP scheme allows investors to invest money at defined intervals in a selected mutual fund.  The starting Investment can be as low as Rs 500 and the defined interval can be weekly/monthly/yearly. It’s convenient as you can give instructions to debit the price every month.  SIP has been gaining a reputation amongst Indian Mutual Fund investors because it enables them in making an investment in a disciplined way without annoying marketplace volatility and timing of marketplace. Systematic Investment Plans presented by Mutual Funds are effortlessly an excellent manner to go into the arena of investments. A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a disciplined investment approach where a fixed amount of money is invested regularly, typically on a monthly basis, into a mutual fund or other investment instrument. This method helps individuals create a systematic savings and investment habit. How SIP Works The process of investing through SIP involves the following steps: Choose an Investment Plan: Select a mutual fund or other investment instrument that aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Set a SIP Amount: Determine the fixed amount you want to invest regularly. Schedule the Investment: Decide on a frequency, usually monthly, to make your SIP payments. Automatic Investment: Set up automatic withdrawals from your bank account to ensure consistent investments. Advantages of SIP Disciplined Saving: SIPs encourage a disciplined approach to saving, making it easier to stick to your investment goals. Rupee Cost Averaging: By investing a fixed amount regularly, you buy more units of the investment when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high, potentially reducing the average cost of your investment over time. Reduced Impact of Market Volatility: SIPs can help mitigate the impact of market fluctuations. Since you're investing regularly, you're buying units at different price points, potentially averaging out the cost. Disadvantages of SIP Potential for Lower Returns: In a rising market, SIPs may not capture the full potential of price appreciation compared to a lump sum investment. Longer Investment Horizon: SIPs are generally suitable for long-term investors as they may require a significant amount of time to achieve substantial returns. Note: While SIPs offer several advantages, it's essential to consider your individual financial situation and investment goals before making a decision. Consulting with a financial advisor can provide personalized guidance and help you choose the most appropriate investment strategy. Benefits of SIP  With SIP, you can even invest as low as Rs 500 each month and let it grow. SIP is super easy, easy to track, and also lets you save more.  The best feature of SIP is rupee cost averaging, where you can buy more, when the market is not at a peak point and buy less when the market is at a peak point. This is because of the built-in feature of SIP, where whenever the market is low, you can buy more which reduces your cost and gains more.  SIP provides amazing flexibility. Long-term investments are not that flexible. You can withdraw whenever you want to at your convenience. You can either withdraw the whole amount or half of it.  As compared to other investments, SIP provides you with better and higher returns.  SIP operates at the percept of receiving compound interest on your investments. In different words, a small quantity invested for the long term collects higher returns than a one-time investment.  When to choose a SIP?  If you are a person who earns every month or you are a salaried person then it can be suitable for you that you can save and invest every month. Or, if you earn very little then you don’t need to wait for a big sum of money, you can just start investing a little amount every month.  If you can’t opt for long-term investment or can’t invest a large sum of money then you can definitely go for SIP to start your investing journey. SIP vs Lumpsum Now that you know what is the lump sum vs SIP investment route, it's time to analyze which is better for you.  Investment as lumpsum or SIP has its own set of benefits and advantages. It’s hard to choose just one because both are good ways of investing.   The biggest difference between the two depends on how you are investing. In lumpsum, you need to invest in one go while in SIP, you can invest monthly.  Many investors choose SIP as it’s more convenient and more flexible. It is also a good choice for small investors who are just starting off and do not have a huge income. As a SIP investor, you can start saving with as little as Rs. 100 with certain mutual funds. SIP vs Lumpsum: A Comparison Investment Timing Lumpsum: Requires accurate market timing. Investing a large sum at a market peak can lead to significant losses, while investing at a trough can result in substantial gains. SIP: Reduces the impact of market timing. By investing regularly, you're less likely to be heavily impacted by short-term market fluctuations. Investment Amounts Lumpsum: Requires a significant upfront investment, which may not be feasible for everyone. SIP: Allows for smaller, more manageable investments, making it accessible to a wider range of investors. Risk Exposure Lumpsum: Involves immediate market exposure, which can be both advantageous and risky. If the market declines shortly after the investment, you could experience significant losses. SIP: Reduces immediate market exposure through rupee cost averaging. By investing regularly, you're buying more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high, potentially lowering your average cost. Type of Investor Lumpsum: Suitable for investors with a significant amount of capital available upfront and a high-risk tolerance. They are confident in their ability to time the market and are willing to accept the potential for significant gains or losses. SIP: Ideal for investors who prefer a disciplined approach to saving and investing, have a long-term investment horizon, and are risk-averse. SIPs are suitable for those who want to gradually build wealth over time without being heavily impacted by short-term market fluctuations. Ease of Investing Lumpsum: Relatively simple to execute, as it involves a one-time investment. SIP: Requires consistent discipline to make regular investments. However, many investment platforms offer automatic investment options, making it easier to stick to the plan. Cost Averaging Lumpsum: Does not involve cost averaging, as the entire investment is made at once. SIP: Benefits from rupee cost averaging. By investing a fixed amount regularly, you buy more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high, potentially reducing the average cost of your investment over time. Power of Compounding Lumpsum: Can benefit from the power of compounding if the investment performs well over the long term. However, the initial investment amount plays a crucial role in determining the potential for compound growth. SIP: Also benefits from the power of compounding. As your investment grows over time, the returns on the reinvested earnings can add to your overall wealth. Long-Term Wealth Building Lumpsum: Can be a powerful tool for long-term wealth building if the investment performs well. However, the risk of market timing and potential for significant losses should be carefully considered. SIP: A consistent and disciplined approach to investing can help you build wealth over the long term, even in volatile market conditions. SIPs can be particularly effective for retirement savings and other long-term financial goals. Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Lumpsum vs SIP Financial Goals Short-Term Goals: If you have a specific short-term goal, such as buying a house or a car within the next few years, a lumpsum investment might be suitable. You can invest a larger amount upfront to accelerate your savings. Long-Term Goals: For long-term goals like retirement or wealth accumulation, a SIP can be a more disciplined and consistent approach. It helps you build wealth gradually over time, even in volatile market conditions. Risk Appetite High-Risk Tolerance: If you're comfortable taking on higher risks, a lumpsum investment can offer the potential for significant returns. However, it also exposes you to the risk of substantial losses if the market declines. Low-Risk Tolerance: A SIP is generally a more conservative option, as it reduces the impact of market volatility. It's suitable for investors who prefer a steady and less risky approach to investing. Market Conditions Bull Market: If you believe the market is in a bull phase and is likely to continue rising, a lumpsum investment might be advantageous. You can potentially benefit from higher returns. Bear Market: During a bear market, a SIP can be a more prudent approach. It allows you to average down the cost of your investment as prices decline. Uncertain Market: If the market is uncertain or volatile, a SIP can help you avoid the risk of investing a large sum at a market peak. Read Now: Factors Your Mutual Fund Investments Conclusion  You can never say that SIP is better than lumpsum or vice versa. There will be something in both of them which will be better than the others. An investor can never choose only one.   Both have similar benefits and differences. That’s the reason why it’s important to start investing early so that you can learn while investing in your journey.  It’s advised you to choose one which is better for you and suitable for you.  TALK TO AN EXPERT
How to Select Mutual Funds for SIPs

How to Select Mutual Funds for SIPs

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way India invests. It allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly, irrespective of market conditions. This disciplined approach to investing has helped millions achieve their financial goals.  With over 8.99 crore SIP accounts in India, it's clear that SIPs have become a preferred investment avenue. But with countless mutual funds available, choosing the right ones can be overwhelming. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to select mutual funds that align with your financial aspirations and risk tolerance.  Let's embark on this journey together to make informed investment decisions.  Importance of selecting the right mutual funds for SIP Choosing the right mutual fund for your SIP is crucial for achieving your financial goals. A well-selected fund can significantly impact your returns over the long term.  Wealth Creation: Investing in the right mutual funds can help you grow your wealth steadily through the power of compounding.  Risk Management: Different funds have varying risk profiles. Selecting a fund that aligns with your risk tolerance is essential to avoid unnecessary losses.  Goal Achievement: Whether it's retirement, child's education, or a home purchase, the right fund can help you stay on track towards your financial objectives.  Diversification: Mutual funds invest in a basket of securities, reducing the impact of individual stock or bond performance. However, choosing funds that complement each other can enhance diversification benefits.  Remember, a poorly chosen fund can hinder your investment journey, emphasizing the importance of diligent selection.  Understanding an SIP A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is an investment strategy where a fixed amount is invested in a mutual fund scheme at regular intervals, typically monthly. This disciplined approach offers several advantages:  Affordability: SIPs allow you to start investing with small amounts, making it accessible to everyone.  Rupee Cost Averaging: By investing regularly, you buy more units when the market is low and fewer when it's high, reducing your average cost per unit over time.  Power of Compounding: SIPs harness the power of compounding, where returns earned are reinvested to generate further returns, leading to substantial wealth growth over the long term.  Discipline: SIPs inculcate financial discipline by automating investments.  Regular Investments  The key to SIP success lies in consistency. Regular investments, regardless of market fluctuations, help build a substantial corpus over time. For instance, investing Rs. 5,000 per month for 10 years in a mutual fund with a 12% annualized return can grow to approximately Rs. 10.5 lakh (assuming compounded growth).  Rupee Cost Averaging  Rupee cost averaging is a significant benefit of SIPs. By investing a fixed amount regularly, you buy more units when the market is down and fewer when it's up. This strategy helps reduce the overall cost of your investment.  Compounding Benefits  Compounding is the eighth wonder of the world, as Albert Einstein famously said. SIPs allow you to leverage the power of compounding by reinvesting returns. The longer you stay invested, the more significant the impact of compounding on your wealth.  Assess Your Financial Goals Understanding your financial goals is the cornerstone of selecting the right mutual funds for your SIP. Let's break down the essential factors to consider:  Short-term vs. Long-term Goals  Short-term goals: Typically achieved within 3-5 years, such as buying a car, vacation, or emergency fund. These goals require less risk and often prefer debt funds or hybrid funds.  Long-term goals: Spanning over 5 years or more, including retirement, child's education, or buying a house. These goals can accommodate higher risk and often benefit from equity funds.  Risk Tolerance and Investment Horizon  Your ability to withstand market fluctuations determines your risk tolerance. A longer investment horizon allows you to ride out market cycles, enabling you to consider equity-oriented funds.  Conservative investors: Prefer low-risk options like debt funds or hybrid funds.  Moderate investors: Can balance risk and return with a mix of equity and debt funds.  Aggressive investors: Have a higher appetite for risk and can consider equity funds with a long-term perspective.  Financial Planning and Goal Setting  A clear financial plan outlines your goals, income, expenses, and savings. Tools like online financial calculators can help you determine the required investment amount and expected returns.  Goal-setting clarity: Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals enhance your chances of success.  Regular review: Life circumstances change, so periodically review your financial plan to make necessary adjustments.  By carefully assessing these factors, you can align your mutual fund selection with your financial aspirations. Remember, professional financial advice can provide valuable insights for complex financial situations. Types of Mutual Funds Mutual funds are broadly classified into three categories: equity funds, debt funds, and hybrid funds. Let’s understand them in detail.  Equity Funds  Equity funds primarily invest in stocks of companies. They are known for their potential to generate higher returns over the long term but also carry higher risk compared to other fund types.  Large-Cap Funds: These funds invest in stocks of large, established companies with a substantial market capitalization. They are generally considered less volatile than mid-cap and small-cap funds.   Mid-Cap Funds: These funds invest in stocks of medium-sized companies. They offer the potential for higher returns than large-cap funds but also come with increased risk. Mid-cap funds have historically outperformed large-cap funds over longer time horizons.  Small-Cap Funds: These funds invest in stocks of small-sized companies. They are known for their high growth potential but also carry the highest risk among equity funds. Small-cap funds have the potential to deliver exceptional returns, but they can also be highly volatile.   Debt Funds  Debt funds primarily invest in fixed-income securities such as government bonds, corporate bonds, and money market instruments. They generally offer lower returns compared to equity funds but also carry lower risk.     Short-Term Debt Funds: These funds invest in debt securities with a maturity of less than one year. They are considered relatively safe and offer moderate returns. Short-term debt funds are suitable for investors with a low-risk appetite and a short-term investment horizon.   Long-Term Debt Funds: These funds invest in debt securities with a maturity of more than one year. They offer the potential for higher returns than short-term debt funds but also carry higher interest rate risk. Long-term debt funds are suitable for investors with a moderate to high-risk appetite and a long-term investment horizon.   Liquid Funds: These funds invest in highly liquid debt securities with a maturity of less than 91 days. They are considered among the safest debt fund categories and offer easy liquidity. Liquid funds are often used as a parking ground for surplus funds.   Hybrid Funds  Hybrid funds invest in a mix of both equity and debt securities. They offer a balance of growth and income potential.  Balanced Funds: These funds maintain a balanced allocation between equity and debt securities. They are suitable for investors seeking a moderate level of risk and return. Balanced funds are often considered a good option for retirement planning.   Aggressive Hybrid Funds: These funds invest a higher proportion of their assets in equity securities compared to balanced funds. They offer higher growth potential but also come with higher risk. Aggressive hybrid funds are suitable for investors with a higher risk appetite and a long-term investment horizon.   Understanding these different types of mutual funds is essential for making informed investment decisions based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.  Note: The provided data and statistics are for illustrative purposes only and may vary. It's recommended to refer to the latest data from the respective sources.  How to Evaluate a Mutual Fund's Performance  Evaluating a mutual fund's performance is crucial for making informed investment decisions. Consider these key factors:  Past Performance: While past performance is not indicative of future results, it can provide insights. Look at the fund's returns over different timeframes (1, 3, 5 years). However, remember that market conditions fluctuate.  Benchmark Comparison: Compare the fund's performance against its benchmark index. A fund consistently outperforming its benchmark indicates strong performance.  Expense Ratio: This is the annual fee charged by the fund manager. Lower expense ratios generally translate to higher returns for investors.   Risk Profile: Assess the fund's risk profile to ensure it aligns with your risk tolerance. Funds with higher returns typically come with higher risks.  Remember, diversification is key. Investing in a mix of funds across different asset classes can help manage risk.  Selecting the right mutual funds for Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) can be a daunting task, but EduFund makes it straightforward and stress-free. With EduFund, you gain access to expertly curated mutual fund options tailored to your financial goals and risk appetite. The platform provides comprehensive tools and resources to analyze fund performance, compare different schemes, and make informed decisions. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting, EduFund's user-friendly interface and expert guidance ensure you choose the best mutual funds for your SIPs, helping you build wealth systematically and securely.
How to raise a child and how much money do you need?

How to raise a child and how much money do you need?

Although nothing compares to the delight of having a child, raising a child, and giving him or her, it comes at a high cost. Parenting involves a significant financial commitment and emotional and physical investment. Raising a child in India is challenging and expensive. If you are wondering how much money does it take to raise a child in India? List of major expenses for child education plans 1. School expenses  Children's schooling and extracurricular activities take up a huge chunk of a parent’s annual income. Over 65% of parents spend at least half of their annual income on schooling. Every parent wants the best education for their child, even if it means that they occasionally struggle to make ends meet owing to escalating school costs.   A private school charges between 50,000 to 2 lakh rupees annually. In the 12 years between Classes I to XII, there would be an outlay of between 11 to 43 lakh rupees, assuming a 10% annual inflation rate for schooling. This fee is in addition to any tuition or extracurricular activities the child will enroll in.  2. College expenses  College expenses are a big part of how much money it takes to raise a child in India. Indian parents are most concerned about rising college costs, which constitute a major expense. The average cost of an engineering degree ranges from ₹12 to ₹15 lacs today; it will cost about ₹42 lacs to ₹50 lacs in around 15 years. In the same vein, it is reasonable to predict that in 15 years, a medical degree will cost more than one crore if it costs ₹30 to ₹40 lacs today. Although parents may choose to use student loans to pay for more expensive studies, the interest rate still remains high even after-tax exemptions. Top best child investment plans in India Read More 3. Miscellaneous expenses Miscellaneous expenses are important to consider when estimating exactly how much money it takes to raise a child in India. Up to the age of 18 are food, housing, and child care, but these are not the only costs to take into account. It can be expensive to purchase other basics like clothing, education, and healthcare. When calculating the costs of having and raising a kid, all of these categories should be taken into account as well.   According to a 2011 report by the Economic Times, the average cost of raising a child in India was ₹ 2.1 lacs. Healthcare costs are also increasing quite swiftly. The price of healthcare has increased steadily since that time by more than twice its previous level. Therefore, the typical health care expenses for raising a child will be between ₹ 4 to ₹ 5 lacs.  Food and other related costs, such as eating out, can range from ₹ 5000 to ₹ 6000 per person on average. Therefore, this could result in an additional ₹70,000 in expenses each year. As food prices rise, this will rise as well, therefore over the next 20 years, food may cost you ₹15 to ₹20 lacs.  Although this is changeable depending on your needs, an ordinary middle-class household that goes to the movies once a week and sometimes to a play or a weekend getaway should expect to pay roughly ₹ 4000 per person. A domestic holiday can run you roughly ₹ 30,000 per person, so your average annual entertainment price is between ₹70,000 to ₹ 80,000. All of these costs are based on current prices and do not account for inflation, so you will need to adjust your budget to account for inflation as you raise your child annually. When it comes to how much money does it take to raise a child in India? Then it can cost you from ₹65 to ₹80 lacs to raise a kid in India today. Join our robust WhatsApp Community that helps parents invest! FAQ How much does a parent spend on a child in India?  Tier 1 city households may spend up to ₹43,000 on their children, but Tier 2 families spend nearly 23% less, Tier 3 families spend more than 22% less, and Tier 4 city parents spend roughly 32% less than Tier 1 city families. So, on an annual basis, Indian parents spend ₹32,000 on their children's education.  How much do you need to have a baby in India?  Given that infants are vulnerable to infections in their first few years of life, children need intensive medical care. Therefore, keeping that in mind, according to the reports of Aditya Birla Capital, the average cost of raising an infant would range from 5 to 6 lacks rupees which would include all the expenses from monthly pediatrician visits to accessories for a child.
Margin Money in Education Loans

Margin Money in Education Loans

Ever heard of the term Margin Money in Education Loans? How does it affect the average student? Do all students need to pay margin money? Find out in this article what margin money is, why it is important for students to know of it, and if it’s a compulsory fee or not!  What is the best time to apply for an education loan? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y0V6Z0lcJs&t=2s What is Margin Money?  In the context of education loans in India, margin money refers to the portion of the total educational expenses that the borrower (student or their parents/guardians) needs to fund from their own resources. In other words, it is the borrower's contribution toward the overall cost of education, and the remaining amount is covered by the education loan.  The concept of margin money is prevalent in the education loan process to ensure that students and their families have a financial stake in the education expenses. The margin money requirement helps in sharing the financial burden between the borrower and the lender. The margin money percentage can vary depending on the loan amount and the policies of the lending institution.  For example, if the total cost of education is ₹10,00,000 and the margin money requirement is 5%, the borrower would be required to contribute ₹50,000 from their own funds, and the education loan would cover the remaining ₹9,50,000.  It's important for students and their families to be aware of the margin money requirement when applying for education loans, as it influences the amount that needs to be arranged independently to meet the educational expenses. The terms and conditions, including margin money requirements, can vary among different banks and financial institutions offering education loans. Follow us on Instagram! The Role of Margin Money in Loan Disbursement  Margin money plays a significant role in the disbursement of education loans in India. Here's how it typically works:   1. Calculation of Total Cost:  Before applying for an education loan, the borrower needs to determine the total cost of the educational program. This includes tuition fees, accommodation, books, and other related expenses.  2. Determination of Margin Money:  The lending institution specifies a margin money percentage that the borrower must contribute from their own funds. For instance, if the margin money requirement is 10%, and the total cost of education is ₹5,00,000, the borrower needs to provide ₹50,000 as margin money.  3. Loan Amount Calculation:  The loan amount is calculated by subtracting the margin money from the total cost of education. Using the example above, if the total cost is ₹5,00,000 and the margin money is ₹50,000, the loan amount would be ₹4,50,000.  4. Disbursement Process:  The education loan is disbursed based on the approved loan amount. The lending institution releases funds directly to the educational institution or provides the borrower with the necessary funds, depending on the terms of the loan.  5. Use of Margin Money:  The margin money contributed by the borrower is typically used to cover initial expenses or as a security deposit, depending on the requirements of the educational institution.  6. Repayment Structure:  The repayment structure of the education loan is based on the disbursed loan amount. The borrower is required to repay the loan amount along with applicable interest over the agreed-upon repayment period.  Understanding and fulfilling the margin money requirement is essential for students and their families when seeking education loans. It ensures a shared financial responsibility and helps in the smooth disbursement and repayment of the loan. The terms and conditions, including the margin money percentage, may vary among different banks and financial institutions  7. Margin Money Calculation Formula  The formula for calculating margin money is straightforward. It is given by:  Margin Money = Total Cost of Education × (Margin Money Percentage/100)   Let's go through an example to illustrate this:  Suppose the total cost of education is ₹3,00,000, and the lending institution requires a margin money contribution of 15%.  Margin Money = ₹3,00,000 × (15/100)  Margin Money = ₹3,00,000 × 0.15  Margin Money = ₹45,000  Margin Money=₹45,000  So, in this example, the margin money required would be ₹45,000. The borrower would need to provide this amount from their own funds, and the education loan would cover the remaining ₹2,55,000 (₹3,00,000 - ₹45,000) based on the margin money percentage and total cost of education.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbYbP-HKAd8 Margin Money Requirements by Major Banks and NBFCs  When comparing margin money requirements, consider factors such as:  1. Loan Amount vs. Margin Money Percentage:  Evaluate how the margin money percentage influences the loan amount. Different institutions may have varying percentages.  2. Total Cost of Education:  Check if there are any restrictions on the types of expenses considered in the total cost of education.  3. Flexibility and Terms:  Assess the flexibility offered by each institution in terms of margin money payment and any variations based on the course or program.  4. Interest Rates and Repayment Terms:  Consider the overall terms of the education loan, including interest rates and repayment periods, in addition to the margin money requirement.  5. Eligibility Criteria:  Understand any specific eligibility criteria associated with margin money, such as the applicant's income, credit history, or collateral requirements.  To obtain specific and accurate information, reach out to the education loan departments of different financial institutions, and inquire about their current policies and margin money requirements.  Public Sector Banks vs. Private Sector Banks  The margin money policies of public sector banks (PSBs) and private sector banks differ based on their respective approaches, ownership structures, and government regulations. Here's a general comparison:  Public Sector Banks (PSBs) 1. Government Influence:  PSBs often have margin money policies influenced by government guidelines and regulatory frameworks.  Margin money requirements may vary based on the type of educational course and loan amount.  2. Flexible for Social Objectives:  Some PSBs may have more flexibility in margin money requirements for courses that align with national priorities or social objectives.  3. Government-Sponsored Schemes:  PSBs may participate in government-sponsored education loan schemes with reduced or no margin money for economically disadvantaged students.  4. Interest Rate Subsidies:  In some cases, PSBs may offer interest rate subsidies or concessions to certain categories of students, impacting the overall financial burden.  Private Sector Banks  1. Market-Driven Approach:  Private sector banks often adopt a market-driven approach, setting margin money policies based on their assessment of risk and profitability.  2. Varied Margin Requirements:  Margin money requirements in private banks may vary widely based on factors such as the loan amount, course type, and the creditworthiness of the borrower.  3. Focus on Risk Management:  Private banks may emphasize risk management, adjusting margin money requirements to mitigate potential loan default risks.  4. Customer-Centric Solutions:  Some private banks may offer customized margin money solutions, considering the unique circumstances and financial capabilities of individual borrowers.  General Considerations Regulatory Guidelines: Both public and private sector banks must adhere to regulatory guidelines set by authorities, impacting their margin money policies.  Negotiation Possibilities: While public sector banks may have more standardized policies, private sector banks may allow more room for negotiation based on individual cases and creditworthiness.  Loan Amount and Course Type: The margin money requirements often depend on the total loan amount and the type of educational course. Professional courses might have different requirements than undergraduate or postgraduate programs.  It's crucial for students to directly inquire with specific banks, whether public or private, to obtain accurate and up-to-date information on their margin money policies. Policies can vary not only between public and private banks but also among individual banks within each sector.  Zero Margin Money Options  Some banks and NBFCs in India may offer education loans with no margin money requirement or minimal margin. Keep in mind that these policies can vary based on factors like the course, loan amount, and the lender's discretion. Here are a few institutions that, in the past, have been known for flexible margin money requirements:  1. Avanse Financial Services:  Avanse is an NBFC that has been recognized for providing education loans with flexible terms, including competitive interest rates and customized repayment plans.  2. Axis Bank:  Axis Bank has been known to offer education loans with no margin money requirement for certain loan amounts. Their policies, however, may vary, so it's advisable to check with the bank directly.  3. IDBI Bank:  IDBI Bank has, in some cases, provided education loans with no margin money requirement, especially for specific courses or loan amounts. It's recommended to verify this information with the bank.  4. Canara Bank:  Canara Bank has offered education loans with minimal or no margin money requirement for certain categories of loans. Always check with the bank for the latest policies.  5. Bank of Baroda:  Bank of Baroda may offer education loans with a reduced margin or no margin money requirement for certain courses and loan amounts. Verify the current policies directly with the bank.  The Relationship Between Margin Money and Overall Expenses  The amount of margin money in education loans is often influenced by the total expenses of education. Generally, as the total educational expenses increase, the percentage of margin money required may decrease. Lenders may adjust the margin to accommodate higher overall costs, making education financing more accessible for students. However, specific margin money requirements can vary among lenders and institutions, and regulatory guidelines may also play a role in determining the relationship between margin money and total expenses. It's crucial for students to review the policies of individual lenders and educational institutions to understand how margin money is influenced in the context of the total cost of education.  Impact of Lower Overall Expenses on Margin Money  The inverse relationship between overall expenses and margin money lies in the fact that as overall educational expenses increase, the proportion of margin money required decreases. Higher expenses often lead to more substantial loans, and lenders may be willing to lower the margin percentage to accommodate larger loan amounts.  Strategies for Minimizing Margin Money  To minimize margin money, students can explore scholarships, grants, and part-time work opportunities to cover educational expenses. Negotiate with lenders for flexible repayment plans and consider community college or online courses for cost savings. Efficient financial planning can reduce the burden significantly.  FAQs What is margin money in the context of education loans?  Margin money refers to the portion of the total educational expenses that the student is required to fund from their own resources. It is the percentage of the total cost that is not covered by the education loan, and students are expected to contribute this amount.  Why do lenders require margin money for education loans? Lenders require margin money to mitigate risk and encourage financial responsibility. When students contribute their own funds, it reduces the likelihood of default, and it signals to lenders that the student is financially committed to their education. How is the margin money percentage determined? The margin money percentage is often influenced by regulatory guidelines, institution policies, and the total cost of the educational program. It varies among lenders and educational institutions. Always check with the specific lender or educational institution for their policies.  Can the margin money be borrowed from another source or does it have to be from personal savings? Generally, lenders prefer that margin money comes from the student's personal savings or contributions from family. Some lenders may not allow borrowing the margin money from another loan source. It's important to clarify this with the lender.  How does providing margin money benefit students?  Providing margin money benefits students by instilling financial responsibility, reducing the overall loan burden, enhancing creditworthiness, and fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to their education.  TALK TO AN EXPERT
How do you need to save to send your child to Cambridge?

How do you need to save to send your child to Cambridge?

Did you know that international students have to pay college fees on top of tuition fees to study at Cambridge University? This is why you need to save to send your child to Cambridge University. UK’s oldest and top institute with the lowest acceptance rate and skyrocketing tuition fees – getting admission at this college is not enough. From expensive tuition costs to living expenses costing £12,400 on average (11-12 lakhs yearly), the need to invest and save is urgent! Suppose, if your child goes for an MBA in this university, he or she will have to pay Rs 58 to 59 lakhs per year for tuition fees. Similarly, if your child is going for BTech or MBBS here, he or she will have to pay somewhere around Rs 33 – 58 lakhs per year for tuition fees. How do you need to save to send your child to Cambridge?  1. Preparing an education fund  Preparing an education fund helps in growing your financial corpus. You can do this by investing in financial assets which have a longer-term plan. These plans include mutual funds, ETFs, and so on. Start by deciding your monthly budget. Choose an investment plan which suits your need and budget. Make sure that you do not invest in a plan which offers low returns. ULIPs are a really good option if you are saving up for your child’s education at the University of Cambridge.   Public Provident Fund is another great option that you can go for. Parents prefer going for PPF because it provides a specific interest rate and is extremely secure. Apart from this, you must always prepare a long-term investment option.   Start Investing in Mutual Funds 2. Balanced investment options  Fixed deposits are great ways to invest but do not beat inflation. You cannot rely on them for the long term since they provide fixed returns of 5-6% while inflation in the current economy averages around 7-8%. The chances are that as an investor, you will lose the opportunity to gain from the markets.   Equity funds will be a good option for you if you start early as a parent. Around eight to ten years are required for you to build the right amount of corpus. You can go for SIPs in equity funds because they have a good return value and do not require heavy sums of money in one go.   Equity exposure until five years to the date of maturity can prove to be extremely beneficial. In the last decade, equity mutual funds have delivered an average return of 15%.   If you consider yourself a moderate-risk investor, you can still invest 60% to 70% of your total investment amount in equities. Make sure that you have a sufficiently long investing horizon so that you can counter crashes and volatility. Remember investing is risky but a good plan and a great advisor can help you manage your money better even in the worst climate.    Start Investing in US Market 3. Aggressive investment options  Equity investment leads to higher risk but also good returns. If you want to add more options to your portfolio, you can go for aggressive investments. In such a type of investment option, the investor takes on more risk to that he or she can achieve a higher potential return. Investing in stocks is a way of doing so. Although it is quite volatile and requires daily inspection, it has the potential to offer a chance for greater gains when compared to other types of investment.   Some other types of aggressive investment options are stock mutual funds, real estate investment trusts, hedge funds, emerging markets, small-cap stock funds, private equity, foreign stocks, global funds, and so on.  There are many ways to save to send your child to Cambridge but all start with smart planning for the right cost with the right experts. If you want the best for your child’s education, connect with us!  FAQs What are the fees of the University of Cambridge in Indian rupees? Tuition fees - 21.57 - 56.31 lakhs. Is Cambridge expensive for students? Ans. Yes, the University of Cambridge is generally considered expensive for students due to tuition fees, living costs, and other associated expenses. However, scholarships, grants, and financial aid options are available to help mitigate the costs for eligible students. How much does it cost to go to Cambridge for 4 years? Ans. The expected four-year cost of tuition for members of the class of 2026 who were admitted in the fall of 2022 is $71,364. The anticipated four-year cost of enrollment, including living expenses and personal fees, is $132,625. Talk to Our Experts
How to save for child's gadgets?

How to save for child's gadgets?

Wish to save for child's gadgets? Do you want to know how to start? We have an easy solution for it! Electronics have evolved into a vital component of our day-to-day lives. It's crucial to teach your kids how to use technology responsibly in today's digitally driven world and to develop the knowledge and behaviors that will help them succeed as digital citizens. The latest gadgets for youngsters are rarely inexpensive and often appear out of reach. Are you looking for methods to save money on your child's gadgets? This article will assist you in planning your desired gadget without trying to empty your bank account. Follow these simple recommendations to keep your child's new tech costs low. Fun Fact: 27% of parents with children aged between 9 and 13 years reported that their kids had access to access to both desktops and smartphones for the entire day outside of in-person classes at school. Ways to save for child's gadgets 1. Start a SIP  Start a SIP plan to meet your short-term and medium-term goals. SIP allows an investor to invest a certain amount of money in a mutual fund scheme at predetermined intervals. SIP allows you to acquire units on a set date each month in order to create a savings strategy for yourself. EduFund assists parents in budgeting for electronic gadget purchases. It has a separate section dedicated to saving children’s electronic gadgets. The app also shows you different gadget options and provides you with savings plans to start saving for the gadgets on the app.  Electronic device prices have been skyrocketing, and with the Covid-19 outbreak, electronic prices are rising even further. EduFund addresses the financial needs of parents since electronic gadgets have become essential for children’s education in today's society. Start SIP with EduFund 2. Do your research Before actually buying electronic gadgets, it is essential to research. It is a good practice to look around at wide varieties and brands. Examine both offline and online retailers to gain a comprehensive analysis.  If you wait until your old equipment cracks, you'll feel compelled to purchase a brand-new one without looking around or looking for a good deal. When you browse online, you can instantly comprehend the pricing and position yourself for a good deal when it arises. Track the progress of the valuations of the gadgets you want to buy to save money on electronics. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/N6RKPu_zoY8 Source: EduFund 3. Return old gadgets The need for reconditioned technology has increased exponentially in recent years. In addition to global supply chain disruptions, customers have been convinced to buy used technology owing to price considerations, environmental considerations, and the accessibility of lifetime management solutions. While purchasing new gadgets, parents should look to return their old gadgets and concentrate on a buyback offer. They can exchange old products with the purchase of new products. Useful Gadgets for Students Read More 4. Request a price match or a discount Many retailers meet their competitors' electronics market prices on the same product. If you're loyal to a favorite retailer, find out if they can fit the competition's offer. You can also participate in a membership program that will earn you points or discounted rates once you connect.  If the seller fits a competitor's offer, you could use that membership program to get electronics at a cheaper rate. If you can't obtain a comparable object for a reduced price, it Is better to negotiate.  Most traditional retailers might not provide the same benefit; however, they might be more willing to cooperate with you to make a deal and discuss electronic purchases. 5. Warranties aren't worth it Numerous parents fear their child's new phone will end up in a pool of water or, even worse. Purchase extended warranties for their electronic gadgets. Read the fine print to avoid paying extra for something you don't need - or paying large amounts for a product that doesn't even protect against water damage.  A void warranty is a waste of money and certainly cause for concern. Choose a standard complimentary warranty over an extended warranty. Fun Fact: 18% of parents reported that their children had access to a combination of desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Advantages of gadget use Children of all ages can benefit from technology, which offers tools that encourage learning via play, let them express their creativity, and keep them socially linked. For kids under the age of five, it serves as stimulation. It can be applied to speech as well as to encourage learning. The young ones' visual representation may help them develop their senses. The use of technology to play games fosters cognitive development and analytical abilities. This encourages the child to think more creatively, strategically, and generally to be more productive. Tech-savvy children will also be more equipped for a workforce that will be largely digital. A few fundamental parenting principles will assist you in establishing ground rules and preserving technological harmony at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJblBYWNxLo Conclusion Students nowadays rely heavily on technology. These devices are critical for children as they are required to boost their learning abilities and knowledge. Nowadays, independent learning is supported since children can study without the aid of teachers. Students use the internet for research and online libraries to complete their homework. As a result, technological devices have become unavoidable in the current world. Invest for their Gadgets here! FAQs Is it good to give gadgets to children? Yes, some gadgets are good for your children. However, you should have a time limit on how long they can use the gadgets in a day. Too much usage can affect your kid's attention span and even strain their eyes. How to save for your kid's gadgets? The best way to save for your child's gadgets is to start a goal and a SIP for it. Rather than buying or taking an EMI, you can start a SIP and save for the amount. You can do all this on the EduFund App. It helps you save for your kid's education expenses like buying a phone or a laptop. How can gadgets help children? Some gadgets are known for helping kids with motor skills, learning languages, and even sharpening their spatial knowledge.
Investment options for beginners. You never knew

Investment options for beginners. You never knew

Mutual funds, the stock market, and bank deposits are India's best beginner investment options. The majority of novice investors are young and just starting their careers. They will therefore be investing for the long term. Beginner investors should aim to maximize their investments as they have experience and time on their side. In this article, we will be discussing the following topics: Why should you begin investing right away? You may take full advantage of the benefits of a long-term investing horizon by starting to invest when you are young. You might use an aggressive approach to your investment methods because of your age. Even if something went wrong, you would still have ample time to recover and go on to make a profit. Therefore, the key to maximizing investment prospects is to start investing early. Investment options for beginners in India Here are some investment options for people with no background or experience in investing. These options have lower, moderate, and higher risks, and an investor can choose to invest in different investment vehicles based on their needs. 1. Bank deposits People who don't like taking risks should put money in a bank. Minimal-risk investments have equity runs, though. You should consider investing in fixed deposits assuming you have a lump sum available. The interest rates on fixed deposits are rather decent and, if invested for a long time, can return a large sum. You may invest in a recurring deposit if you can put aside a set amount regularly, such as monthly or quarterly. One thing to keep in mind is that the potential profits provided by mutual funds and the stock market never match those provided by bank deposits. 2. Stock markets Among all investment options, investing in stocks gives you the possibility to get the best returns. You may invest with a long-term investing horizon because time is on your side. By doing this, you will combat market volatility and gain long-term advantages. To invest in the stock market, you must have some market understanding, though. If not, you should avoid the stock market. Without market expertise investing in stocks is equivalent to gambling. Your investment would be worth Rs 4.75 crore now if you had invested Rs 55,000 in shares of Eicher Motors, the company that makes Enfield motorcycles, in the year 2001 ($17.50 per share). The stock market has that kind of power. Additional read: What is foreign direct investment? 3. Mutual funds If you have a long-term investment plan, you can invest in mutual funds and take advantage of the power of compounding. Additionally, you do not need to be market-savvy. Mutual funds are run by expert fund managers with a proven track record of running successful investment portfolios. You may invest in equity funds given that you are a young investor and that these are recognized for providing outstanding long-term returns. Although investing in hybrid and debt funds might reduce your profits, they are still attractive options. You can invest in an equity-linked savings plan to reduce your taxes (ELSS). With this money, you can defer up to Rs 46,800 in taxes each year as per Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961. No other tax-saving investment provides the twin advantage of tax deductions and wealth building like ELSS mutual funds do. 4. Government schemes A few government programs are available for investment. The Public Provident Fund is the most well-liked government savings program (PPF). It has a 15-year lock-in period with returns of between 7% and 9% annually. Additionally, you can put money into a Voluntary Provident Fund (VPF) or National Savings Certificate (NSC) (VPF). Starting to invest early in life is the secret to being wealthy. This will provide you with the chance to build a significant amount over time, and you can rely on this to achieve different goals. 5. Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit (CDs): Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit offer low risk and are ideal for short-term goals or emergency funds.  6. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Real Estate Investment Trusts invest in real estate without owning physical property.  7. Robo-Advisors: Robo-advisors are automated platforms that create a diversified portfolio based on your risk tolerance. Starting your investment journey can help you build wealth, achieve financial goals, and beat inflation over time.  Important Considerations for New Investors:  Set Clear Goals: Establish your financial objectives and investment horizon.  Determine your level of comfort with risk by evaluating your risk tolerance.  Spread your investments among various asset types to lower risk through diversification.  Research: Learn about the investments you're considering and the market trends.  Costs: Be aware of fees, including management fees, commissions, and taxes.  Taking the long view: Investing is a marathon, not a race. Avoid reacting to short-term market fluctuations.  Emergency Fund: Have an emergency fund in place before investing to cover unexpected expenses.  Stay Informed: Keep up with financial news to regularly review your portfolio.  How Much Money is Needed to Begin Investing:  The amount of money needed to begin investing can vary widely depending on the investment option you choose and your financial goals. Here's a general overview of how much you might need to start investing in different asset classes in Indian Rupees (INR):  Stock Market: You can begin investing in stocks with as little as INR 500 to INR 1,000 if you choose to buy shares of individual companies. However, it's recommended to have a diversified portfolio, so having INR 5,000 to INR 10,000 or more is a better starting point. A lot of brokerage firms have no minimum investment requirements.  Mutual Funds: The minimum investment amount can vary depending on the fund and the fund house. It typically ranges from INR 500 to INR 5,000 or more. Some mutual funds offer systematic investment plans (SIPs), where you can invest smaller amounts regularly, often as low as INR 500 per month.  Index Funds: Like mutual funds, the minimum investment for index funds varies but is usually in the range of INR 1,000 to INR 5,000.  Savings Accounts and CDs: You can open a savings account with a minimal deposit, often as low as INR 1,000 or even less. Certificates of Deposit (CDs) may require larger amounts, typically starting at INR 10,000 or more.  Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Investing in REITs often requires purchasing shares through a stock exchange, so the minimum investment amount would be like that of the stock market, varying from 500 to 5,000 or more Indian rupees.  Robo-Advisors: Robo-advisors typically have lower minimum investment requirements compared to traditional financial advisors. You might be able to start with as little as INR 5,000 or less.  Keep in mind that while these are general guidelines, the specific minimum investment requirements can vary among different providers and investment options. It is critical to conduct research and select assets that are compatible with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. Additionally, it's advisable to consult with a financial advisor before making any significant investment decisions to ensure they are suitable for your individual circumstances.  When deciding how much to invest, consider the following factors:    Your Financial Situation: Ensure you have an emergency fund and pay off high-interest debts before investing.  Investment Goals: Determine what you're investing in and your time horizon.  Risk Tolerance: Consider how much risk you're comfortable with; this can influence your initial investment amount.  Regular Contributions: Even if you start small, commit to regular contributions to your investments to benefit from compounding over time.  Costs and Fees: Be aware of any fees associated with your chosen investments; these can eat into your returns.  Starting with a small amount and gradually increasing your investments as your financial situation improves is a prudent approach. The key is to begin investing early, stay committed to your goals, and continuously educate yourself about investment options and strategies. Over a period of time, even small contributions can grow into a substantial portfolio.  FAQsWhat should I invest in as a beginner?  As a beginner, start with low-risk options like index funds or ETFs, offering diversification. These require minimal knowledge and provide exposure to the broader market.  How do I start investing if I don't know anything?   Start by educating yourself through books, online courses, or consulting a financial advisor. Then, open a brokerage account, begin with a small amount, and gradually increase your investments.  What is the simplest investment?   A savings account is the simplest investment. You deposit money, earn interest, and can withdraw it at any time without risk to the principal.  What is the smartest way to start investing?  The smartest way is to begin with a clear financial goal, assess your risk tolerance, diversify your investments, keep costs low, and invest consistently over time. Consider low-cost index funds or seek professional advice.  Conclusion There are various types of investment options in the market but only a few for people who don’t have enough knowledge to study their investments. Hence, you should compare the options available to know and find out the risks involved and whether they suit you. In any case, whenever you need advice or information regarding investment plans, reach out to a financial expert. TALK TO AN EXPERT
How to save for MBA in New Zealand for your child?

How to save for MBA in New Zealand for your child?

New Zealand is one of the ideal educational destinations for students pursuing their MBA degree as it offers a wide range of academic choices, MBA specializations, high-quality education, affordable fee structure, and sustainable job prospects.  An MBA in New Zealand is a wise career move as the globally recognized degree can get students the desired job in any part of the world. Moreover, graduating with an MBA from New Zealand may get your child a considerably higher income than their peers in other countries. Getting an education loan for MBA in New Zealand is easier than you think! Apply wth EduFund today Overview of MBA course structure and fees in New Zealand New Zealand is home to some of the finest educational institutions in the world for MBA courses. A full-time MBA requires 180 credits over 12 - 16 months or 60 credits every semester. Students can choose an MBA degree with or without specialization.  Average tuition fees for an MBA in New Zealand are between $26,000 - $37,000 with the highest course fee of $51,396 levied by the University of Canterbury and the lowest tuition fee of $36,800 levied by Manukau Institute of Technology.  The fee structure for an Indian student is between INR 11.4 lakhs to INR 31.3 Lakhs per year, depending upon the university one chooses.  The living expenses of the students depend upon their lifestyle. How to save for an MBA in New Zealand? Although studying for an MBA in New Zealand is affordable compared to the study cost in countries like the UK and the USA, parents do need to save and invest money so that their child can get the desired degree without the burden of an education loan.  Take the following steps to save for an MBA degree - 1. Research Remember the first step of any plan is the most difficult one as it requires thorough research. Gathering information is necessary so that you can create a foolproof plan that will prove fruitful in the long run.  you can also use the College Cost Calculator on the EduFund App to find out how much you will have to pay for your child’s MBA. This will help cut your research time.  Reasons to Study in New Zealand Read More 2. Create a financial plan Create a financial plan that will give direction to your ideas and encourage you to take the necessary steps toward your goal.  How to send your child to study in New Zealand debt-free? Read More 3. Take the help of professionals If you are a new investor, it might become a tad difficult or confusing to make the right decisions. Take the help of professionals because they have the necessary tools and resources to compile the required data and make the correct choices.  The saving experts on the Edufund App are adept at creating a customized financial plan and selecting the best investment opportunities through mutual funds, US ETFs, US stocks, and Digital gold. These experts, along with the Edufund investment calculators, will act as a guiding force and be with you every step of the way.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYlrsx9_yog&t=4s Top Universities in New Zealand Read More 4. Create a diversified portfolio Do not be dependent upon only one type of scheme. Instead, create a diversified portfolio that includes managed funds, savings accounts, term deposits, mutual funds, etc. The high-accuracy fund tracker on the Edufund App can monitor over one lakh data points and 400 financial situations to make solid suggestions about the most profitable investment schemes. a) Managed funds According to available data, one of the most common reasons for setting up a managed fund is to save money for a child’s higher education. It is feasible to put some money aside in a growth-oriented managed fund as early as possible. By the time the child is of age to study for an MBA in New Zealand, the parents will have saved a good chunk of the required money.  b) Savings accounts and term deposits If you cannot deal with the volatility of the growth fund or have started late and have a considerably shorter period for saving and investing, do not worry. The safest and the best possible mode of saving is by investing in a savings account and term deposits. It is better to add to the term deposits whenever they come up for renewal so that after a few years you can have a good amount of the money for your child’s MBA degree in New Zealand. c) Mutual funds The best investment scheme in the current market is investing through mutual funds. Take the help of SIP for regular investments as the estimated returns are between 12% to 15% in large-cap equity funds and 14% to 17% in mid-cap equities. The SIP calculator on the Edufund App can prove useful in determining the available returns from the chosen funds.  Conclusion International students, especially Indian students consider an MBA in New Zealand a good move as it gives them global exposure to cash in excellent career opportunities in any business sector.  Parents who have the necessary funds through saving and investing can easily send their child abroad and fulfill their dreams of better education, as compared to the parents who have to look at other means to fund their child's education. 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Bursting Myths Associated with SIP Investments!

Bursting Myths Associated with SIP Investments!

What is SIP? Before we get into SIP investment myths in India, let's look at what is SIP.? SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is a disciplined way of investing. In this, the investor makes periodical payments to create a corpus at the end of the investment horizon. SIP mode is one of the effective ways for retail investors to generate wealth over a long period. SIP has become a prevalent mode of investment as you can start as low as Rs.100 depending on the fund. Some advantages of investing via SIP They offer your portfolio the power of compounding. In this, the returns you earn with your existing sip investments get reinvested, and you generate returns on that too. SIPs have a low initial cost; you do not have to start with high amounts and are the best option for retail investors. It offers you the advantage of rupee cost averaging. It is a concept where you acquire more units of the investment when the fund's NAV – Net Asset Value is low. It creates a disciplined way of investing in every investor. This helps the individual to achieve their investment goals and objectives. Start Investing Busting the common SIP investments myths 1. SIP is an investment instrument The common misconception that people have when they start their investment journey is that SIP in itself is an investment product. The common question is, how much will the SIP generate? But one thing to remember is that SIP is not an investment instrument. It is an investment mode through which you can invest in mutual funds. 2. Only small investors should take the SIP route SIP is the best way for a retail investor to start with smaller amounts, but it is not confined to just too small investors. Even investors with higher periodical investments can use SIP to generate wealth. For example, an investor can invest through SIP mode with Rs. 500 or even Rs. 20000 depending on their savings. 3. SIP amount or tenure cannot be modified Investments are meant to be flexible to help smooth an individual's investment journey. People often assume that the SIP tenure and amount cannot be changed, which adds pressure on the investor. This is not the case. SIP tenure and amount can be modified with some conditions involved. In the case of equity funds, there is an exit load if the fund is exited before the one-year tenure is complete. Moreover, ELSS or tax saving schemes have a lock-in of 3 years. But other than this, SIP investments are very flexible to fit the investor’s requirements. Additional read: Is SIP a good way to save for your child’s college? 4. SIP is only for Equity funds SIP investments are recommended more in equity funds as such funds are more exposed to market volatility. However, investing in debt-based mutual funds via SIP mode is equally beneficial. They almost replicate the way recurring deposits (RDs) work but with the potential of better returns. Moreover, you have a variety of debt funds to choose from while making your investment. Understanding SIP investment Read More 5. SIP investments should not be made when the market is booming During a bull run, when the markets are continuously rising, people always think it is not the right time to invest. But this is not correct in the case of SIP investments. When you invest in a SIP mode, the number of units purchased will be less due to the high Net Asset Value (NAV), but SIP is a long-term process. The markets will change and not stay the same due to fluctuations and volatility. When the market falls, SIP investment acquires more units at a discounted NAV, averaging out the overall NAV of the Mutual fund holding in the portfolio. 6. SIP means guaranteed returns SIP investments help you invest in any fund at periodic intervals. They're considered a safer option as you don't have to time the market as in the case of lumpsum investments. But still, Mutual funds are also subjected to market risks and volatility. In the short term, SIPs do not generate guaranteed returns. Instead, SIP helps an investor with long-term capital appreciation. Therefore, every investor should be prepared for market volatility and have a risk appetite before investing. If you are looking to invest in a Mutual fund through the SIP route, be prepared to be invested for a long time with a wealth creation perspective. 7. SIP is a Product SIP is not a product. It is an investment tool. As an investor, you can use it to invest via SIP in stocks, mutual funds, index funds, and even in recurring deposits or PPF. SIP is an excellent investment tool that helps one become a disciplined and consistent investor for the long haul. FAQs Is it worth investing in SIP? Yes, investing in SIP is worth it. SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is a disciplined way of investing. The investor makes periodical payments to create a corpus at the end of the investment horizon. Is there any chance of loss in SIP? Yes, there can be losses in SIP. SIP is a means of investing in mutual funds, stocks and other investment products. These products are subject to market risk and can fall & rise as a result of market changes. Is investing in SIP profitable? Yes, SIP is profitable. It allows you to invest small sums of money for a long duration and grow it into a sizable corpus. Does SIP have market risk? Yes, SIP does carry market risk especially if you are investing in mutual funds. This is because the latter is subject to market risks. SIPs guarantee profits. Is that true? No, SIPs don't guarantee profits. They're subject to market fluctuations; returns depend on the performance of the underlying investments. SIPs are only for the wealthy. Can anyone invest in SIPs? SIPs are affordable, allowing people with modest incomes to start investing and benefit from compounding over time. SIPs are only for stocks. Can I use SIPs for other assets? Yes, SIPs can be used for various assets like mutual funds, gold, bonds, and more, not just stocks. How to start a SIP? You can start a SIP on the EduFund App to save for your kid's college, school fees, education expenses like uniform, laptop and much more. All you need is a bank account, PAN card and your adhar card to get started. Download the App today and start investing in over 5000 funds from all the top mutual fund companies in India.
What are the types of investment available in India?

What are the types of investment available in India?

Allocating funds to assets to improve your future is known as investing. Investments are undertaken to produce returns, which increase the initial amount invested. Top 7 types of investment options available in India There are many different investment options available to you. However, you must be sure that you are only investing in options that match your risk tolerance and fulfill your needs. 1. Direct Equity The most successful investment vehicle is probably direct equity, sometimes known as stock investing. Purchasing stock in a firm entitles you to a part of that business. The expansion and improvement of the business are directly financed by you. To profit from your investment, you must have enough time and market understanding. Stocks are made available by publicly traded firms through recognized stock exchanges. The best investments for the long run are stocks. Due to the impact of various economic and commercial factors on equities, you must actively manage your investments. Additionally, you must be aware that the returns are not ensured and be prepared to accept the risks involved. Benefits and Types of Equity Mutual Funds Read More 2. Mutual Funds The last few decades have seen the development of mutual funds. A mutual fund pools investments from different institutional and individual participants who share the same investment goal. A financial expert known as the fund manager oversees the pooled funds and makes investments in securities and other assets to maximize returns for investors. Equity, debt, and hybrid funds are the three main categories of mutual funds. Debt mutual funds invest in bonds and papers, whereas equity mutual funds invest in stocks and instruments relating to the stock market. Equities and debt instruments are both invested in by hybrid funds. Mutual funds are adjustable investment products that allow you to start and stop investing whenever you like. Since the fund manager takes care of everything, investing in mutual funds doesn't require much time or expertise. To invest in mutual funds, all you need to do is invest and the fund manager will take care of the portfolio construction. However, it is advised to only invest in funds whose risk profiles and goals align with your own. Returns are not guaranteed because they are based on market fluctuations. Please take note that a fund's previous performance does not guarantee future results. Start Investing in Mutual Funds 3. Recurring Deposits Recurring Deposit (RD) enables investors to make a fixed monthly investment and receive a fixed rate of interest. RDs are available through bank and post office branches. An RD enables investors to make small monthly investments to build capital over a predetermined time. RDs provide total capital protection in addition to returns that are ensured. 4. Fixed Deposits FDs are a type of investment that banks and other financial institutions offer. You deposit a sum of money for a set period and receive a fixed rate of interest. Fixed deposits, as opposed to mutual funds and stocks, provide total capital protection and guaranteed returns. However, since the returns stay the same, you make a compromise. The interest rate on fixed deposits varies based on the state of the economy and is set by the banks per the RBI's policy review decisions. Although fixed deposits are traditionally locked-in investments, investors are frequently permitted to use them as collateral for loans or overdraft facilities. There is also a fixed deposit with tax benefits that has a 5-year lock-in. 5. Employee Provident Fund One of the retirement-focused investment vehicles is the EPF, which enables salaried people to benefit from a tax credit under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961. EPF deductions are normally made as a percentage of an employee's monthly pay, and the employer also contributes an equal amount. The EPF withdrawal corpus is completely tax-free once it matures. Each quarter, the Indian government also sets the EPF rates and offers a guarantee on your EPF deposits. You should be aware that your EPF account matures only after you reach retirement and that you may only access your assets in the EPF if you meet certain requirements. 6. Public Provident Fund PPF is a 15-year lock-in investment vehicle that offers long-term tax savings. The Indian government is the one who is offering it, and the government guarantees back your money. The Indian government reviews the PPF interest rate every three months. After 15 years, the investor can withdraw the full corpus completely tax-free. PPF permits partial withdrawals and loans as well, provided a few requirements are satisfied. If certain requirements are met, premature withdrawals are allowed, and when your investment reaches maturity, you can prolong it for an additional 5 years. 7. National Pension System A relatively recent investment option for reducing taxes is the National Pension System (NPS). Investors who subscribe to the NPS plan must remain locked in until retirement and can expect larger returns than those from PPF or EPF. This is so because the NPS provides plan options that also invest in stocks. A portion of the NPS maturity corpus, which is not tax-free, must be used to buy an annuity that will provide the investor with a regular pension. Only 40% of the total accumulated corpus may be withdrawn as a lump sum; the remainder is invested in an annuity plan. There are some government personnel who must subscribe to NPS. FAQs What are the 3 main types of investments? Stocks, bonds, and real estate are the three basic types of investments. Stocks represent ownership in a company, bonds are debt securities, and real estate involves owning property for potential income or capital appreciation. What are the six types of investments? The six types of investments encompass stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, commodities (e.g., gold or oil), and alternative investments (e.g., hedge funds or cryptocurrencies). Each type offers varying levels of risk and potential returns, catering to different investment goals and preferences. What is investment and its types? Investment refers to the allocation of capital with the expectation of generating a return or profit over time. Types of investments include financial assets like stocks and bonds, tangible assets like real estate, and alternative investments like commodities or cryptocurrencies. Conclusion You should carefully select investments after conducting a thorough study. Avoid falling into schemes that promise big profits quickly, and always periodically evaluate your mutual fund and stock investments. Take into account the tax consequences of the investment returns you receive. Maintain simplicity and stay away from complex assets that you are unfamiliar with. If you have any questions or need any advice, our team of expert financial advisors is always available to you.
Is SIP a good way to save for your child’s college?

Is SIP a good way to save for your child’s college?

Introduction The rising cost of education is a cause of concern for parents as everyone can't afford the hefty fee structure.  Parents should look to start saving for their child’s education, especially for college and higher studies from an early age. It helps to lower the monetary burden considerably. Education fees are like any other necessary expenses that last for a considerable time, hence, parents have to prepare for them with a proper plan. College education expenses are going to be massive and the sooner a parent starts planning, saving, and investing the chance of a better future becomes more feasible. One of the best ways to do so is through regular SIPs as it will help reduce any monetary hassles during college. What is a SIP? SIP or the Systematic Investment Plan refers to the investment tool associated with various mutual funds. SIP allows investors to invest money periodically for a long period.  Additional read: How SIP Calculator Works? What should parents do for their child’s college? Parents can explore the SIP option as it is a tried and tested method of saving for a child’s college. Financial independence will help your child to get a college education without the hassle of arranging for appropriate funds. Research the funds that are performing well for a longer time and shortlist the names that show good potential. It is important to start investing in SIP as early as possible as it will give you a longer window to save more. When parents start investing early then they have a long time in hand. For example, if Mr. Sharma has been investing in his child's education for 10 years then his investment amount will be lower with greater returns as compared to Mr. Pascal who may have invested for only six years. A more extended period means less investment and more returns. Create a rough layout of the child’s future regarding education, especially college fees as it is very expensive. Invest in mutual funds that have a diversified portfolio to reduce the risk of losing money all at once. Take the help of experts in the EduFund App to make wiser and safer investment decisions.  Consider the additional expenses the child will need besides the tuition fees and save accordingly. Tax-saving benefits are attached to several mutual fund schemes that can help parents save a considerable amount through tax exemptions. Why is SIP beneficial for saving for your child’s college and future? SIPs are based on the compounding theory and prove more advantageous at the end of a specific period. The interest rates are calculated and added based on compound interest which brings forth a better investment return than simple interest.  SIPs help parents become disciplined and regular investors who are fully involved in their child’s future. In this era, where everyone is so busy, SIPs are very easy to handle. Investors are allotted units every month based on the NAV at the time of their SIP. The amount is automatically deducted from the account of the investor. SIP helps to gain control of the finances as it is possible to start or stop a SIP at a time. It helps investors to earn greater returns compared to other investment opportunities like fixed deposits. It is possible to start an SIP investment with as low as INR 100 per month, hence anyone willing to invest in their child’s future can do so easily.  Some SIPs like ELSS funds have tax benefits, hence it is doubly advantageous for the investors to invest in such schemes. Numerous asset management houses offer SIP options to meet even the minimum criteria of an investor. The most important benefit of a SIP for regular investors is that they can buy mutual fund units at different prices. The average investment premium is much lower compared to other investments. Best SIP Mutual Funds to Invest in Read More FAQsIs SIP good for college students?  Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) can be a good investment option for college students who want to start building wealth and saving for future goals. SIPs let you invest small amounts regularly, which can help inculcate a savings habit.  How much should I invest in a SIP for my child's education?  The amount you should invest in a SIP for your child's education depends on several factors, including the future cost of education, the time horizon until your child starts college and your financial capacity. It's wise to consult a financial advisor to determine an appropriate investment amount.  Is SIP safe for students?  SIPs are considered a relatively safe investment option, especially when investing in mutual funds. However, like all investments, they come with some level of risk. It's essential to choose SIPs that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals. The risk might be reduced by varying your investments.  What is the best investment for child education?  The best investment for child education varies depending on your financial goals and risk tolerance. Common options include SIPs in mutual funds, education savings accounts, fixed deposits, and dedicated education plans. It's crucial to consider factors like the time horizon, expected returns, and risk before choosing an investment option. Diversifying your investments can also be a prudent strategy. Consulting a financial advisor is recommended for personalised guidance.  Conclusion Doesn’t SIP sound like a good investment tool to save for your child’s education? It is one of the best and the most preferred options by parents all over the world.  The Edufund App helps Indian parents plan and save for their children’s education easily and effectively. Parents can calculate the future costs of college and save towards their goals in mutual funds with the help of the SIP Calculator available. The SEBI registered investment advisor also has financial experts to guide parents in choosing suitable savings plans. Investors can choose from 4000+ mutual funds, US stocks, and digital gold, speak to experts, and enjoy tax benefits while saving for their child’s education. TALK TO AN EXPERT
How to send your child to New Zealand debt-free?

How to send your child to New Zealand debt-free?

New Zealand is a popular educational destination for studying a host of subjects from Business and Management to Tourism. As per NZ immigration info, there are over 1 lakh international students studying in New Zealand. Yet, sending your child to a foreign country is not cheap. Here are some tips on how to send your child to New Zealand debt-free. Why choose New Zealand for your child’s higher education?  Top 8 universities rank in World University Ranking Top 500 Affordable cost of studying as compared to the US, Canada, and the UK It hosts a plethora of opportunities for experimental and theoretical learning Around 97% of students get placed right after the degree completion; Students on scholarships may work 20 hours as a part-time Reasons to Study in New Zealand for Child Education Read More How to send your child to New Zealand? 1. Check education eligibility criteria  New Zealand requires Indian students to have the following requirements to study at their top universities:  Relevant 12th certificate / undergraduate degree from a recognized school/ university IELTS/ TOEFL score qualifications Statement of Purpose GRE OR GMAT scores Valid passport Bank statement as proof of financial coverage 2. Apply for Student Visa  International students wishing to study in New Zealand for more than 3 months must hold a relevant VISA. Indian students can opt for Fee Paying Student VISA. Having this VISA, an international Indian Student can learn, stay, and work part-time in the country for up to 4 years. On the flip side, students planning to land with guardians can opt for a generic Student VISA. Students must apply for the VISA 6 months earlier. Student Visa Qualification Requirements Valid passport, which must be valid for at least 6 months Age - 17-25 Student Visa Application Form and Fees ( ₹14,791) Proof of funds to cover your expenses, study, and accommodation costs Acceptance letter from the University, your child enrolled to confirm the eligibility for the particular course  Evidence of guarantor and their relationship to the child Evidence of tuition fee Duly signed and attested certificates for Health and Character IELTS Score Requirement - 6.0 Top Affordable Universities in NewZealand Read More 3. Explore the government-funded scholarships  The primary criterion to qualify for a New Zealand scholarship is MERIT. However, the cost of education depends on the location, course, university, and educational level. Some universities in New Zealand consider extra-curricular activities and volunteering experience as the base for providing scholarships. Always check the eligibility criteria before applying for New Zealand Government Scholarships. Some scholarships waive 100% of the tuition fee while others may waive a part.  Apply for Scholarship with EduFund Government Funded Scholarships:  NZIDRS (New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarship) for Ph.D. courses. (₹12,48,178.25) for a living stipend New Zealand Development Scholarships  New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarships for master’s degrees and PhDs (₹1,49,827.16 as Allowance) NZIUFS (New Zealand International Undergraduate Fees Scholarship).  Agatha Harrison Memorial Fellowship i) University-funded scholarships for Indian students Victoria Doctoral Scholarships It is provided to all the Doctorates studying at Victoria University of Wellington ($23000 (₹11,48,827) stipend + Fees)  Bamforth Postgraduate Scholarships Post-graduate students studying at the University of Otago are eligible for the scholarship. It waives tuition fees and provides $13000 (₹6,49,172.68.) University of Waikato International Scholarships The scholarship is for all Undergraduates and Postgraduate Indian Students. It waives off $5000 (₹2,49,704.09) tuition fees. University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships International Students pursuing a Doctoral in the University of Auckland are eligible for it. Waives off $27,300 ((₹11,48,827) plus other compulsory costs. ii) Studentships provided by New Zealand This funding type is usually provided for a specific project, covering the cost of tuition fees and research material. It also offers stipends to students. Check for the eligibility requirement from the respective university or educational institution. Universities of Auckland, Otago, and Waikato University provide such studentships to Ph.D. students.  These are some ways to help your child study in New Zealand Debt-free. Scholarships are the best way to send your child to a foreign country without any financial stress. If you are someone who is planning to send your child to a foreign country in a few years then investing and saving early for your child’s higher education is a must! FAQsHow can I send my child to New Zealand for education without incurring debt?  To send your child to New Zealand debt-free, consider applying for scholarships and grants, researching low-cost educational institutions, and saving money in advance. Explore part-time work opportunities for your child and create a budget to manage expenses effectively.  Are there specific scholarships available for international students in New Zealand?  Yes, New Zealand offers several scholarships for international students. These scholarships may be provided by the New Zealand government, universities, or private organizations. Research and apply for scholarships that align with your child's field of study and qualifications.  What strategies can my child use to cover living expenses while studying in New Zealand?  Your child can cover living expenses by working part-time during their studies, choosing affordable accommodation options, and creating a realistic budget. Encourage them to explore on-campus employment opportunities and manage their finances responsibly.  How can I start saving early to fund my child's education in New Zealand?  Begin saving for your child's education in New Zealand by setting up a dedicated savings account or investment plan as soon as possible. Consider options like mutual funds, US ETFs or any investment vehicle that can beat education inflation. Regularly contribute to this fund and take advantage of compound interest to grow your savings over time.  TALK TO AN EXPERT
How to protect portfolio fund in falling market?

How to protect portfolio fund in falling market?

Market volatility is a hard fact and investors must be aware of ways to protect portfolio funds in a falling market. It is possible to limit loss, lock in profits and provide stability to your investments in adverse conditions with help of viable strategies.  Stock gains are steady over time but declines are often unexpected, freefall, and sudden.  Investors must ensure that their portfolio is well-positioned at all times so that it does not hamper overall growth. Making the right investment decisions is as important as protecting the portfolio fund during turbulent market conditions. 8 ways to protect portfolio fund in falling market An economic meltdown is a fact of the investment market that can wipe out hard-earned returns, savings, and retirement funds in hours. Investors must take appropriate steps early on to safeguard their portfolio fund in a falling market, market crash, or an economic depression through preplanned steps.  Some important ways to protect portfolio fund in a falling market are discussed below- 1. Diversification of portfolio funds Diversification of portfolio funds and spreading your money across different investment categories is one of the surest measures for shielding the portfolio fund in a bear market. Investors often invest in mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and individual stocks expecting good returns. They must have a proper plan in place to move a good chunk of the investment into safer options at short notices Sometimes, the market fall is sudden and it does not give the investor enough chance to move high-risk funds to safe horizons. Individuals should invest in a wide range of investment schemes with different levels of risk. These include stocks, real estate, precious metals, cash value life insurance, bonds, derivatives, annuities, alternative holdings, cash, etc. Additional read: Questions cosigners should ask before taking an education loan 2. Fine-tune the portfolio funds Reassess the asset allocation to determine whether the current portfolio matches your specific risk tolerance. Do not take on more risks than your capacity as it might trigger panic selling during adverse conditions and result in heavy losses. Investors should always be prepared to face a bear market hence they must fine-tune their funds to create a portfolio mix that will match both financial needs and risk tolerance. 3. Take the help of financial advisors Financial advisors often have a better understanding of the market trends than investors. They go through the available data and related information to make better predictions of both good and bad times in the market.  Use the financial consultants at the EduFund App as an effective tool for knowing about the market and for an ideal fund allocation. The app will help to meet your risk appetite by minimizing the risk profile eloquently. 4. Do not liquidate all the stocks In a falling market, it is easy to panic and liquidate all the stocks. It is a wrong move as doing so will lock the losses and prevent earnings when the market recovers. Maintain a portion of the funds in the stocks even in a falling market to take advantage of the subsequent recovery whenever it occurs.  5. Rebalance and reinvest Stock market returns vary on a yearly basis but in the long term, it tends to offer positive returns. Investors whose risk tolerance is high or who have a long period before retirement have the option of investing heavily in stocks but people close to retirement must consider gradual transferring of funds to short-term or cash bonds with less risk.  Consider risk-based rebalancing through the EduFund App to minimize losses and by reinvesting in mutual funds, REITs ETFs, etc.  6. Consider defensive picks Consider market volatility as an opportunity to buy REITs with stable dividends and strong cash flows. One viable option is the EduFund REIT+ portfolio that includes quality REITs 7. Sell call options Financial advisors recommend selling call options to protect portfolio funds and soften the blow of a falling market.  8. Stay the course Investors must realize that the bull market will always follow the bear market. The falling market is a concern no doubt but the slump will pass. This is not the time for panic selling instead stay the course and stick to your investment plan.  Consider speaking to the wealth advisors on our platform to create a recession-proof strategy that will make your investment portfolio resilient to the upcoming falling market. FAQsHow do I protect my portfolio from a market downturn?   To safeguard your portfolio during a market downturn:  Diversify your investments across different asset classes.  Consider holding defensive stocks, like utilities and consumer staples.  Keep a long-term view and abstain from rash choices.  Utilise stop-loss orders or put options for downside protection.  Investing and your emergency fund should not be combined.  How do you prepare a portfolio for a market crash?   Prepare for a market crash by:  Reducing exposure to high-risk assets before a crash.  Increasing allocation to safer investments, such as bonds or cash.  Ensuring your portfolio is well-diversified.  Continuously monitoring and rebalancing your portfolio.  Having a well-thought-out exit strategy and sticking to it.  What is the safest fund during a market crash?  The safest fund during a market crash is typically a money market fund or a short-term bond fund. These investments are known for stability and liquidity, making them less susceptible to significant value declines during turbulent market periods.  What to do with a falling portfolio?   When your portfolio is falling:  Avoid panic selling; stick to your long-term investment plan.  Reassess your portfolio's asset allocation and risk tolerance.  Consider buying more assets at lower prices (dollar-cost averaging).  Take a look at your investment plan and make any required adjustments.  Seek advice from a financial advisor if you're uncertain about your next steps.  Conclusion Ups and downs are an integral part of markets that investors must be prepared for at all costs. Seasoned investors try to keep strengthening their portfolio fund to make it more robust for an upcoming recession.  In this article, you have come to know about the various ways to protect portfolio funds in a falling market. These are tried and tested strategies that provide ample protection against market volatility so that investors can preserve and protect their investments. Consult an expert advisor to get the right plan TALK TO AN EXPERT